Import_3ds: Improved distance cue node setup
[blender-addons.git] / add_curve_extra_objects /
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012-2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 bl_info = {
6 "name": "Extra Objects",
7 "author": "Multiple Authors",
8 "version": (0, 1, 5),
9 "blender": (2, 93, 0),
10 "location": "View3D > Add > Curve > Extra Objects",
11 "description": "Add extra curve object types",
12 "warning": "",
13 "doc_url": "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}/addons/add_curve/extra_objects.html",
14 "category": "Add Curve",
17 if "bpy" in locals():
18 import importlib
19 importlib.reload(add_curve_aceous_galore)
20 importlib.reload(add_curve_spirals)
21 importlib.reload(add_curve_torus_knots)
22 importlib.reload(add_surface_plane_cone)
23 importlib.reload(add_curve_curly)
24 importlib.reload(beveltaper_curve)
25 importlib.reload(add_curve_celtic_links)
26 importlib.reload(add_curve_braid)
27 importlib.reload(add_curve_simple)
28 importlib.reload(add_curve_spirofit_bouncespline)
30 else:
31 from . import add_curve_aceous_galore
32 from . import add_curve_spirals
33 from . import add_curve_torus_knots
34 from . import add_surface_plane_cone
35 from . import add_curve_curly
36 from . import beveltaper_curve
37 from . import add_curve_celtic_links
38 from . import add_curve_braid
39 from . import add_curve_simple
40 from . import add_curve_spirofit_bouncespline
42 import bpy
43 from bpy.types import (
44 Menu,
45 AddonPreferences,
47 from bpy.props import (
48 StringProperty,
49 BoolProperty,
53 def convert_old_presets(data_path, msg_data_path, old_preset_subdir,
54 new_preset_subdir, fixdic={}, ext=".py"):
55 """
56 convert old presets
57 """
59 def convert_presets(self, context):
60 if not getattr(self, data_path, False):
61 return None
62 import os
64 target_path = os.path.join("presets", old_preset_subdir)
65 target_path = bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS', path=target_path)
67 # created an anytype op to run against preset
68 op = type('', (), {})()
70 files = [f for f in os.listdir(target_path) if f.endswith(ext)]
71 if not files:
72 print("No old presets in %s" % target_path)
73 setattr(self, msg_data_path, "No old presets")
74 return None
76 new_target_path = os.path.join("presets", new_preset_subdir)
77 new_target_path = bpy.utils.user_resource('SCRIPTS', path=new_target_path, create=True)
78 for f in files:
79 file = open(os.path.join(target_path, f))
80 for line in file:
81 if line.startswith("op."):
82 exec(line)
83 file.close()
84 for key, items in fixdic.items():
85 if hasattr(op, key) and isinstance(getattr(op, key), int):
86 setattr(op, key, items[getattr(op, key)])
87 # create a new one
88 new_file_path = os.path.join(new_target_path, f)
89 if os.path.isfile(new_file_path):
90 # do nothing
91 print("Preset %s already exists, passing..." % f)
92 continue
93 file_preset = open(new_file_path, 'w')
94 file_preset.write("import bpy\n")
95 file_preset.write("op = bpy.context.active_operator\n")
97 for prop, value in vars(op).items():
98 if isinstance(value, str):
99 file_preset.write("op.%s = '%s'\n" % (prop, str(value)))
100 else:
101 file_preset.write("op.%s = %s\n" % (prop, str(value)))
102 file_preset.close()
103 print("Writing new preset to %s" % new_file_path)
105 setattr(self, msg_data_path, "Converted %d old presets" % len(files))
106 return None
108 return convert_presets
111 # Addons Preferences
113 class CurveExtraObjectsAddonPreferences(AddonPreferences):
114 bl_idname = __name__
116 spiral_fixdic = {
117 "spiral_type": ['ARCH', 'ARCH', 'LOG', 'SPHERE', 'TORUS'],
118 "curve_type": ['POLY', 'NURBS'],
119 "spiral_direction": ['COUNTER_CLOCKWISE', 'CLOCKWISE']
121 update_spiral_presets_msg : StringProperty(
122 default="Nothing to do"
124 update_spiral_presets : BoolProperty(
125 name="Update Old Presets",
126 description="Update presets to reflect data changes",
127 default=False,
128 update=convert_old_presets(
129 "update_spiral_presets", # this props name
130 "update_spiral_presets_msg", # message prop
131 "operator/curve.spirals",
132 "curve_extras/curve.spirals",
133 fixdic=spiral_fixdic
136 show_menu_list : BoolProperty(
137 name="Menu List",
138 description="Show/Hide the Add Menu items",
139 default=False
142 def draw(self, context):
143 layout = self.layout
144 box =
145 box.label(text="Spirals:")
147 if self.update_spiral_presets:
148 box.label(text=self.update_spiral_presets_msg, icon="FILE_TICK")
149 else:
150 box.prop(self, "update_spiral_presets")
152 icon_1 = "TRIA_RIGHT" if not self.show_menu_list else "TRIA_DOWN"
153 box =
154 box.prop(self, "show_menu_list", emboss=False, icon=icon_1)
156 if self.show_menu_list:
157 box.label(text="Items located in the Add Menu > Curve (default shortcut Ctrl + A):",
158 icon="LAYER_USED")
159 box.label(text="2D Objects:", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
160 box.label(text="Angle, Arc, Circle, Distance, Ellipse, Line, Point, Polygon,",
161 icon="LAYER_USED")
162 box.label(text="Polygon ab, Rectangle, Rhomb, Sector, Segment, Trapezoid",
163 icon="LAYER_USED")
164 box.label(text="Curve Profiles:", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
165 box.label(text="Arc, Arrow, Cogwheel, Cycloid, Flower, Helix (3D),",
166 icon="LAYER_USED")
167 box.label(text="Noise (3D), Nsided, Profile, Rectangle, Splat, Star",
168 icon="LAYER_USED")
169 box.label(text="Curve Spirals:", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
170 box.label(text="Archemedian, Logarithmic, Spheric, Torus",
171 icon="LAYER_USED")
172 box.label(text="Knots:", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
173 box.label(text="Torus Knots Plus, Celtic Links, Braid Knot",
174 icon="LAYER_USED")
175 box.label(text="SpiroFit, Bounce Spline, Catenary", icon="LAYER_USED")
176 box.label(text="Curly Curve", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
177 box.label(text="Bevel/Taper:", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
178 box.label(text="Add Curve as Bevel, Add Curve as Taper",
179 icon="LAYER_USED")
180 box.label(text="Simple Curve:", icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
181 box.label(text="Available if the Active Object is a Curve was created with 2D Objects",
182 icon="LAYER_USED")
184 box.label(text="Items located in the Add Menu > Surface (default shortcut Ctrl + A):",
185 icon="LAYER_USED")
186 box.label(text="Wedge, Cone, Star, Plane",
187 icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
190 class INFO_MT_curve_knots_add(Menu):
191 # Define the "Extras" menu
192 bl_idname = "INFO_MT_curve_knots_add"
193 bl_label = "Plants"
195 def draw(self, context):
196 layout = self.layout
197 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
199 layout.operator("curve.torus_knot_plus", text="Torus Knot Plus")
200 layout.operator("curve.celtic_links", text="Celtic Links")
201 layout.operator("curve.add_braid", text="Braid Knot")
202 layout.operator("object.add_spirofit_spline", icon="FORCE_MAGNETIC")
203 layout.operator("object.add_bounce_spline", icon="FORCE_HARMONIC")
204 layout.operator("object.add_catenary_curve", icon="FORCE_CURVE")
207 # Define "Extras" menus
208 def menu_func(self, context):
209 layout = self.layout
211 layout.operator_menu_enum("curve.curveaceous_galore", "ProfileType", icon='CURVE_DATA')
212 layout.operator_menu_enum("curve.spirals", "spiral_type", icon='FORCE_VORTEX')
213 layout.separator()
214 layout.operator("curve.curlycurve", text="Curly Curve", icon='GP_ONLY_SELECTED')
215 if context.mode != 'OBJECT':
216 # fix in D2142 will allow to work in EDIT_CURVE
217 return None
218 layout.separator()
219, text="Knots", icon='CURVE_DATA')
220 layout.separator()
221 layout.operator("curve.bevelcurve")
222 layout.operator("curve.tapercurve")
223 layout.operator("curve.simple")
225 def menu_surface(self, context):
226 self.layout.separator()
227 if context.mode == 'EDIT_SURFACE':
228 self.layout.operator("curve.smooth_x_times", text="Special Smooth", icon="MOD_CURVE")
229 elif context.mode == 'OBJECT':
230 self.layout.operator("object.add_surface_wedge", text="Wedge", icon="SURFACE_DATA")
231 self.layout.operator("object.add_surface_cone", text="Cone", icon="SURFACE_DATA")
232 self.layout.operator("object.add_surface_star", text="Star", icon="SURFACE_DATA")
233 self.layout.operator("object.add_surface_plane", text="Plane", icon="SURFACE_DATA")
235 # Register
236 classes = [
237 CurveExtraObjectsAddonPreferences,
238 INFO_MT_curve_knots_add
241 def register():
242 from bpy.utils import register_class
243 for cls in classes:
244 register_class(cls)
246 add_curve_simple.register()
247 add_curve_spirals.register()
248 add_curve_aceous_galore.register()
249 add_curve_torus_knots.register()
250 add_curve_braid.register()
251 add_curve_celtic_links.register()
252 add_curve_curly.register()
253 add_curve_spirofit_bouncespline.register()
254 add_surface_plane_cone.register()
255 beveltaper_curve.register()
257 # Add "Extras" menu to the "Add Curve" menu
258 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_curve_add.append(menu_func)
259 # Add "Extras" menu to the "Add Surface" menu
260 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_surface_add.append(menu_surface)
263 def unregister():
264 # Remove "Extras" menu from the "Add Curve" menu.
265 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_curve_add.remove(menu_func)
266 # Remove "Extras" menu from the "Add Surface" menu.
267 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_surface_add.remove(menu_surface)
269 add_surface_plane_cone.unregister()
270 add_curve_spirofit_bouncespline.unregister()
271 add_curve_curly.unregister()
272 add_curve_celtic_links.unregister()
273 add_curve_braid.unregister()
274 add_curve_torus_knots.unregister()
275 add_curve_aceous_galore.unregister()
276 add_curve_spirals.unregister()
277 add_curve_simple.unregister()
278 beveltaper_curve.unregister()
280 from bpy.utils import unregister_class
281 for cls in reversed(classes):
282 unregister_class(cls)
284 if __name__ == "__main__":
285 register()