Update for API change: scene.cursor_location -> scene.cursor.location
[blender-addons.git] / io_scene_obj / import_obj.py
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
19 # <pep8 compliant>
21 # Script copyright (C) Campbell Barton
22 # Contributors: Campbell Barton, Jiri Hnidek, Paolo Ciccone
24 """
25 This script imports a Wavefront OBJ files to Blender.
27 Usage:
28 Run this script from "File->Import" menu and then load the desired OBJ file.
29 Note, This loads mesh objects and materials only, nurbs and curves are not supported.
31 http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Import/wavefront_obj
32 """
34 import array
35 import os
36 import time
37 import bpy
38 import mathutils
40 from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_list
41 from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image
42 from bpy_extras.wm_utils.progress_report import ProgressReport
45 def line_value(line_split):
46 """
47 Returns 1 string representing the value for this line
48 None will be returned if there's only 1 word
49 """
50 length = len(line_split)
51 if length == 1:
52 return None
54 elif length == 2:
55 return line_split[1]
57 elif length > 2:
58 return b' '.join(line_split[1:])
61 def obj_image_load(context_imagepath_map, line, DIR, recursive, relpath):
62 """
63 Mainly uses comprehensiveImageLoad
64 But we try all space-separated items from current line when file is not found with last one
65 (users keep generating/using image files with spaces in a format that does not support them, sigh...)
66 Also tries to replace '_' with ' ' for Max's exporter replaces spaces with underscores.
67 """
68 filepath_parts = line.split(b' ')
69 image = None
70 for i in range(-1, -len(filepath_parts), -1):
71 imagepath = os.fsdecode(b" ".join(filepath_parts[i:]))
72 image = context_imagepath_map.get(imagepath, ...)
73 if image is ...:
74 image = load_image(imagepath, DIR, recursive=recursive, relpath=relpath)
75 if image is None and "_" in imagepath:
76 image = load_image(imagepath.replace("_", " "), DIR, recursive=recursive, relpath=relpath)
77 if image is not None:
78 context_imagepath_map[imagepath] = image
79 break;
81 if image is None:
82 imagepath = os.fsdecode(filepath_parts[-1])
83 image = load_image(imagepath, DIR, recursive=recursive, place_holder=True, relpath=relpath)
84 context_imagepath_map[imagepath] = image
86 return image
89 def create_materials(filepath, relpath,
90 material_libs, unique_materials,
91 use_image_search, float_func):
92 """
93 Create all the used materials in this obj,
94 assign colors and images to the materials from all referenced material libs
95 """
96 from math import sqrt
97 from bpy_extras import node_shader_utils
99 DIR = os.path.dirname(filepath)
100 context_material_vars = set()
102 # Don't load the same image multiple times
103 context_imagepath_map = {}
105 nodal_material_wrap_map = {}
107 def load_material_image(blender_material, mat_wrap, context_material_name, img_data, line, type):
109 Set textures defined in .mtl file.
111 map_options = {}
113 curr_token = []
114 for token in img_data[:-1]:
115 if token.startswith(b'-') and token[1:].isalpha():
116 if curr_token:
117 map_options[curr_token[0]] = curr_token[1:]
118 curr_token[:] = []
119 curr_token.append(token)
120 if curr_token:
121 map_options[curr_token[0]] = curr_token[1:]
123 # Absolute path - c:\.. etc would work here
124 image = obj_image_load(context_imagepath_map, line, DIR, use_image_search, relpath)
126 map_offset = map_options.get(b'-o')
127 map_scale = map_options.get(b'-s')
128 if map_offset is not None:
129 map_offset = tuple(map(float_func, map_offset))
130 if map_scale is not None:
131 map_scale = tuple(map(float_func, map_scale))
133 def _generic_tex_set(nodetex, image, texcoords, translation, scale):
134 nodetex.image = image
135 nodetex.texcoords = texcoords
136 if translation is not None:
137 nodetex.translation = translation
138 if scale is not None:
139 nodetex.scale = scale
141 # Adds textures for materials (rendering)
142 if type == 'Kd':
143 _generic_tex_set(mat_wrap.base_color_texture, image, 'UV', map_offset, map_scale)
145 elif type == 'Ka':
146 # XXX Not supported?
147 print("WARNING, currently unsupported ambient texture, skipped.")
149 elif type == 'Ks':
150 _generic_tex_set(mat_wrap.specular_texture, image, 'UV', map_offset, map_scale)
152 elif type == 'Ke':
153 # XXX Not supported?
154 print("WARNING, currently unsupported emit texture, skipped.")
156 elif type == 'Bump':
157 bump_mult = map_options.get(b'-bm')
158 bump_mult = float(bump_mult[0]) if (bump_mult and len(bump_mult[0]) > 1) else 1.0
159 mat_wrap.normalmap_strength_set(bump_mult)
161 _generic_tex_set(mat_wrap.normalmap_texture, image, 'UV', map_offset, map_scale)
163 elif type == 'D':
164 _generic_tex_set(mat_wrap.transmission_texture, image, 'UV', map_offset, map_scale)
166 elif type == 'disp':
167 # XXX Not supported?
168 print("WARNING, currently unsupported displacement texture, skipped.")
169 # ~ mat_wrap.bump_image_set(image)
170 # ~ mat_wrap.bump_mapping_set(coords='UV', translation=map_offset, scale=map_scale)
172 elif type == 'refl':
173 map_type = map_options.get(b'-type')
174 if map_type and map_type != [b'sphere']:
175 print("WARNING, unsupported reflection type '%s', defaulting to 'sphere'"
176 "" % ' '.join(i.decode() for i in map_type))
178 _generic_tex_set(mat_wrap.base_color_texture, image, 'Reflection', map_offset, map_scale)
179 mat_wrap.base_color_texture.projection = 'SPHERE'
181 else:
182 raise Exception("invalid type %r" % type)
184 def finalize_material(context_material, context_material_vars, spec_colors, emit_colors,
185 do_highlight, do_reflection, do_transparency, do_glass):
186 # Finalize previous mat, if any.
187 if context_material:
188 if "specular" in context_material_vars:
189 # XXX This is highly approximated, not sure whether we can do better...
190 # TODO: Find a way to guesstimate best value from diffuse color...
191 # IDEA: Use standard deviation of both spec and diff colors (i.e. how far away they are
192 # from some grey), and apply the the proportion between those two as tint factor?
193 spec = sum(spec_colors) / 3.0
194 # ~ spec_var = math.sqrt(sum((c - spec) ** 2 for c in spec_color) / 3.0)
195 # ~ diff = sum(context_mat_wrap.base_color) / 3.0
196 # ~ diff_var = math.sqrt(sum((c - diff) ** 2 for c in context_mat_wrap.base_color) / 3.0)
197 # ~ tint = min(1.0, spec_var / diff_var)
198 context_mat_wrap.specular = spec
199 context_mat_wrap.specular_tint = 0.0
200 if "roughness" not in context_material_vars:
201 context_mat_wrap.roughness = 0.0
204 emit_value = sum(emit_colors) / 3.0
205 if emit_value > 1e-6:
206 print("WARNING, emit value unsupported by Principled BSDF shader, skipped.")
207 # We have to adapt it to diffuse color too...
208 emit_value /= sum(tuple(context_material.diffuse_color)[:3]) / 3.0
209 # ~ context_material.emit = emit_value
211 # FIXME, how else to use this?
212 if do_highlight:
213 if "specular" not in context_material_vars:
214 context_mat_wrap.specular = 1.0
215 if "roughness" not in context_material_vars:
216 context_mat_wrap.roughness = 0.0
217 else:
218 if "specular" not in context_material_vars:
219 context_mat_wrap.specular = 0.0
220 if "roughness" not in context_material_vars:
221 context_mat_wrap.roughness = 1.0
223 if do_reflection:
224 if "metallic" not in context_material_vars:
225 context_mat_wrap.metallic = 1.0
226 else:
227 # since we are (ab)using ambient term for metallic (which can be non-zero)
228 context_mat_wrap.metallic = 0.0
230 if do_transparency:
231 if "ior" not in context_material_vars:
232 context_mat_wrap.ior = 1.0
233 if "transmission" not in context_material_vars:
234 context_mat_wrap.transmission = 1.0
235 # EEVEE only
236 context_material.blend_method = 'BLEND'
238 if do_glass:
239 if "ior" not in context_material_vars:
240 context_mat_wrap.ior = 1.5
242 # Try to find a MTL with the same name as the OBJ if no MTLs are specified.
243 temp_mtl = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(filepath)))[0] + ".mtl"
244 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(DIR, temp_mtl)):
245 material_libs.add(temp_mtl)
246 del temp_mtl
248 # Create new materials
249 for name in unique_materials: # .keys()
250 ma_name = "Default OBJ" if name is None else name.decode('utf-8', "replace")
251 ma = unique_materials[name] = bpy.data.materials.new(ma_name)
252 ma_wrap = node_shader_utils.PrincipledBSDFWrapper(ma, is_readonly=False)
253 nodal_material_wrap_map[ma] = ma_wrap
254 ma_wrap.use_nodes = True
256 for libname in sorted(material_libs):
257 # print(libname)
258 mtlpath = os.path.join(DIR, libname)
259 if not os.path.exists(mtlpath):
260 print("\tMaterial not found MTL: %r" % mtlpath)
261 else:
262 # Note: with modern Principled BSDF shader, things like ambient, raytrace or fresnel are always 'ON'
263 # (i.e. automatically controlled by other parameters).
264 do_highlight = False
265 do_reflection = False
266 do_transparency = False
267 do_glass = False
268 spec_colors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
269 emit_colors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
271 # print('\t\tloading mtl: %e' % mtlpath)
272 context_material = None
273 context_mat_wrap = None
274 mtl = open(mtlpath, 'rb')
275 for line in mtl: # .readlines():
276 line = line.strip()
277 if not line or line.startswith(b'#'):
278 continue
280 line_split = line.split()
281 line_id = line_split[0].lower()
283 if line_id == b'newmtl':
284 # Finalize previous mat, if any.
285 finalize_material(context_material, context_material_vars, spec_colors, emit_colors,
286 do_highlight, do_reflection, do_transparency, do_glass)
288 context_material_name = line_value(line_split)
289 context_material = unique_materials.get(context_material_name)
290 if context_material is not None:
291 context_mat_wrap = nodal_material_wrap_map[context_material]
292 context_material_vars.clear()
294 spec_colors = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
295 emit_colors[:] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
296 do_highlight = False
297 do_reflection = False
298 do_transparency = False
299 do_glass = False
302 elif context_material:
303 # we need to make a material to assign properties to it.
304 if line_id == b'ka':
305 refl = (float_func(line_split[1]) + float_func(line_split[2]) + float_func(line_split[3])) / 3.0
306 context_mat_wrap.metallic = refl
307 context_material_vars.add("metallic")
308 elif line_id == b'kd':
309 col = (float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3]))
310 context_mat_wrap.base_color = col
311 elif line_id == b'ks':
312 spec_colors[:] = [
313 float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3])]
314 context_material_vars.add("specular")
315 elif line_id == b'ke':
316 # We cannot set context_material.emit right now, we need final diffuse color as well for this.
317 # XXX Unsupported currently
318 emit_colors[:] = [
319 float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2]), float_func(line_split[3])]
320 elif line_id == b'ns':
321 # XXX Totally empirical conversion, trying to adapt it
322 # (from 0.0 - 900.0 OBJ specular exponent range to 1.0 - 0.0 Principled BSDF range)...
323 context_mat_wrap.roughness = 1.0 - (sqrt(float_func(line_split[1])) / 30)
324 context_material_vars.add("roughness")
325 elif line_id == b'ni': # Refraction index (between 0.001 and 10).
326 context_mat_wrap.ior = float_func(line_split[1])
327 context_material_vars.add("ior")
328 elif line_id == b'd': # dissolve (transparency)
329 context_mat_wrap.transmission = 1.0 - float_func(line_split[1])
330 context_material_vars.add("transmission")
331 elif line_id == b'tr': # translucency
332 print("WARNING, currently unsupported 'tr' translucency option, skipped.")
333 elif line_id == b'tf':
334 # rgb, filter color, blender has no support for this.
335 print("WARNING, currently unsupported 'tf' filter color option, skipped.")
336 elif line_id == b'illum':
337 # Some MTL files incorrectly use a float for this value, see T60135.
338 illum = any_number_as_int(line_split[1])
340 # inline comments are from the spec, v4.2
341 if illum == 0:
342 # Color on and Ambient off
343 print("WARNING, Principled BSDF shader does not support illumination 0 mode "
344 "(colors with no ambient), skipped.")
345 elif illum == 1:
346 # Color on and Ambient on
347 pass
348 elif illum == 2:
349 # Highlight on
350 do_highlight = True
351 elif illum == 3:
352 # Reflection on and Ray trace on
353 do_reflection = True
354 elif illum == 4:
355 # Transparency: Glass on
356 # Reflection: Ray trace on
357 do_transparency = True
358 do_reflection = True
359 do_glass = True
360 elif illum == 5:
361 # Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on
362 do_reflection = True
363 elif illum == 6:
364 # Transparency: Refraction on
365 # Reflection: Fresnel off and Ray trace on
366 do_transparency = True
367 do_reflection = True
368 elif illum == 7:
369 # Transparency: Refraction on
370 # Reflection: Fresnel on and Ray trace on
371 do_transparency = True
372 do_reflection = True
373 elif illum == 8:
374 # Reflection on and Ray trace off
375 do_reflection = True
376 elif illum == 9:
377 # Transparency: Glass on
378 # Reflection: Ray trace off
379 do_transparency = True
380 do_reflection = False
381 do_glass = True
382 elif illum == 10:
383 # Casts shadows onto invisible surfaces
384 print("WARNING, Principled BSDF shader does not support illumination 10 mode "
385 "(cast shadows on invisible surfaces), skipped.")
386 pass
388 elif line_id == b'map_ka':
389 img_data = line.split()[1:]
390 if img_data:
391 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
392 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ka')
393 elif line_id == b'map_ks':
394 img_data = line.split()[1:]
395 if img_data:
396 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
397 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ks')
398 elif line_id == b'map_kd':
399 img_data = line.split()[1:]
400 if img_data:
401 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
402 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Kd')
403 elif line_id == b'map_ke':
404 img_data = line.split()[1:]
405 if img_data:
406 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
407 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Ke')
408 elif line_id in {b'map_bump', b'bump'}: # 'bump' is incorrect but some files use it.
409 img_data = line.split()[1:]
410 if img_data:
411 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
412 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'Bump')
413 elif line_id in {b'map_d', b'map_tr'}: # Alpha map - Dissolve
414 img_data = line.split()[1:]
415 if img_data:
416 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
417 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'D')
419 elif line_id in {b'map_disp', b'disp'}: # displacementmap
420 img_data = line.split()[1:]
421 if img_data:
422 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
423 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'disp')
425 elif line_id in {b'map_refl', b'refl'}: # reflectionmap
426 img_data = line.split()[1:]
427 if img_data:
428 load_material_image(context_material, context_mat_wrap,
429 context_material_name, img_data, line, 'refl')
430 else:
431 print("WARNING: %r:%r (ignored)" % (filepath, line))
433 # Finalize last mat, if any.
434 finalize_material(context_material, context_material_vars, spec_colors, emit_colors,
435 do_highlight, do_reflection, do_transparency, do_glass)
436 mtl.close()
439 def split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP):
441 Takes vert_loc and faces, and separates into multiple sets of
442 (verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, dataname)
445 filename = os.path.splitext((os.path.basename(filepath)))[0]
447 if not SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP or not faces:
448 use_verts_nor = any(f[1] for f in faces)
449 use_verts_tex = any(f[2] for f in faces)
450 # use the filename for the object name since we aren't chopping up the mesh.
451 return [(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filename, use_verts_nor, use_verts_tex)]
453 def key_to_name(key):
454 # if the key is a tuple, join it to make a string
455 if not key:
456 return filename # assume its a string. make sure this is true if the splitting code is changed
457 elif isinstance(key, bytes):
458 return key.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
459 else:
460 return "_".join(k.decode('utf-8', 'replace') for k in key)
462 # Return a key that makes the faces unique.
463 face_split_dict = {}
465 oldkey = -1 # initialize to a value that will never match the key
467 for face in faces:
468 (face_vert_loc_indices,
469 face_vert_nor_indices,
470 face_vert_tex_indices,
471 context_material,
472 context_smooth_group,
473 context_object_key,
474 face_invalid_blenpoly,
475 ) = face
476 key = context_object_key
478 if oldkey != key:
479 # Check the key has changed.
480 (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, vert_remap,
481 use_verts_nor, use_verts_tex) = face_split_dict.setdefault(key, ([], [], {}, {}, [], []))
482 oldkey = key
485 if not use_verts_nor and face_vert_nor_indices:
486 use_verts_nor.append(True)
488 if not use_verts_tex and face_vert_tex_indices:
489 use_verts_tex.append(True)
491 # Remap verts to new vert list and add where needed
492 for loop_idx, vert_idx in enumerate(face_vert_loc_indices):
493 map_index = vert_remap.get(vert_idx)
494 if map_index is None:
495 map_index = len(verts_split)
496 vert_remap[vert_idx] = map_index # set the new remapped index so we only add once and can reference next time.
497 verts_split.append(verts_loc[vert_idx]) # add the vert to the local verts
499 face_vert_loc_indices[loop_idx] = map_index # remap to the local index
501 if context_material not in unique_materials_split:
502 unique_materials_split[context_material] = unique_materials[context_material]
504 faces_split.append(face)
506 # remove one of the items and reorder
507 return [(verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, key_to_name(key), bool(use_vnor), bool(use_vtex))
508 for key, (verts_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, _, use_vnor, use_vtex)
509 in face_split_dict.items()]
512 def create_mesh(new_objects,
513 use_edges,
514 verts_loc,
515 verts_nor,
516 verts_tex,
517 faces,
518 unique_materials,
519 unique_smooth_groups,
520 vertex_groups,
521 dataname,
524 Takes all the data gathered and generates a mesh, adding the new object to new_objects
525 deals with ngons, sharp edges and assigning materials
528 if unique_smooth_groups:
529 sharp_edges = set()
530 smooth_group_users = {context_smooth_group: {} for context_smooth_group in unique_smooth_groups.keys()}
531 context_smooth_group_old = -1
533 fgon_edges = set() # Used for storing fgon keys when we need to tessellate/untessellate them (ngons with hole).
534 edges = []
535 tot_loops = 0
537 context_object_key = None
539 # reverse loop through face indices
540 for f_idx in range(len(faces) - 1, -1, -1):
541 (face_vert_loc_indices,
542 face_vert_nor_indices,
543 face_vert_tex_indices,
544 context_material,
545 context_smooth_group,
546 context_object_key,
547 face_invalid_blenpoly,
548 ) = faces[f_idx]
550 len_face_vert_loc_indices = len(face_vert_loc_indices)
552 if len_face_vert_loc_indices == 1:
553 faces.pop(f_idx) # cant add single vert faces
555 # Face with a single item in face_vert_nor_indices is actually a polyline!
556 elif len(face_vert_nor_indices) == 1 or len_face_vert_loc_indices == 2:
557 if use_edges:
558 edges.extend((face_vert_loc_indices[i], face_vert_loc_indices[i + 1])
559 for i in range(len_face_vert_loc_indices - 1))
560 faces.pop(f_idx)
562 else:
563 # Smooth Group
564 if unique_smooth_groups and context_smooth_group:
565 # Is a part of of a smooth group and is a face
566 if context_smooth_group_old is not context_smooth_group:
567 edge_dict = smooth_group_users[context_smooth_group]
568 context_smooth_group_old = context_smooth_group
570 prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[-1]
571 for vidx in face_vert_loc_indices:
572 edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx)
573 prev_vidx = vidx
574 edge_dict[edge_key] = edge_dict.get(edge_key, 0) + 1
576 # NGons into triangles
577 if face_invalid_blenpoly:
578 # ignore triangles with invalid indices
579 if len(face_vert_loc_indices) > 3:
580 from bpy_extras.mesh_utils import ngon_tessellate
581 ngon_face_indices = ngon_tessellate(verts_loc, face_vert_loc_indices, debug_print=bpy.app.debug)
582 faces.extend([([face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[0]],
583 face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[1]],
584 face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[2]],
586 [face_vert_nor_indices[ngon[0]],
587 face_vert_nor_indices[ngon[1]],
588 face_vert_nor_indices[ngon[2]],
589 ] if face_vert_nor_indices else [],
590 [face_vert_tex_indices[ngon[0]],
591 face_vert_tex_indices[ngon[1]],
592 face_vert_tex_indices[ngon[2]],
593 ] if face_vert_tex_indices else [],
594 context_material,
595 context_smooth_group,
596 context_object_key,
599 for ngon in ngon_face_indices]
601 tot_loops += 3 * len(ngon_face_indices)
603 # edges to make ngons
604 if len(ngon_face_indices) > 1:
605 edge_users = set()
606 for ngon in ngon_face_indices:
607 prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[ngon[-1]]
608 for ngidx in ngon:
609 vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[ngidx]
610 if vidx == prev_vidx:
611 continue # broken OBJ... Just skip.
612 edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx)
613 prev_vidx = vidx
614 if edge_key in edge_users:
615 fgon_edges.add(edge_key)
616 else:
617 edge_users.add(edge_key)
619 faces.pop(f_idx)
620 else:
621 tot_loops += len_face_vert_loc_indices
623 # Build sharp edges
624 if unique_smooth_groups:
625 for edge_dict in smooth_group_users.values():
626 for key, users in edge_dict.items():
627 if users == 1: # This edge is on the boundary of a group
628 sharp_edges.add(key)
630 # map the material names to an index
631 material_mapping = {name: i for i, name in enumerate(unique_materials)} # enumerate over unique_materials keys()
633 materials = [None] * len(unique_materials)
635 for name, index in material_mapping.items():
636 materials[index] = unique_materials[name]
638 me = bpy.data.meshes.new(dataname)
640 # make sure the list isnt too big
641 for material in materials:
642 me.materials.append(material)
644 me.vertices.add(len(verts_loc))
645 me.loops.add(tot_loops)
646 me.polygons.add(len(faces))
648 # verts_loc is a list of (x, y, z) tuples
649 me.vertices.foreach_set("co", unpack_list(verts_loc))
651 loops_vert_idx = tuple(vidx for (face_vert_loc_indices, _, _, _, _, _, _) in faces for vidx in face_vert_loc_indices)
652 faces_loop_start = []
653 lidx = 0
654 for f in faces:
655 face_vert_loc_indices = f[0]
656 nbr_vidx = len(face_vert_loc_indices)
657 faces_loop_start.append(lidx)
658 lidx += nbr_vidx
659 faces_loop_total = tuple(len(face_vert_loc_indices) for (face_vert_loc_indices, _, _, _, _, _, _) in faces)
661 me.loops.foreach_set("vertex_index", loops_vert_idx)
662 me.polygons.foreach_set("loop_start", faces_loop_start)
663 me.polygons.foreach_set("loop_total", faces_loop_total)
665 faces_ma_index = tuple(material_mapping[context_material] for (_, _, _, context_material, _, _, _) in faces)
666 me.polygons.foreach_set("material_index", faces_ma_index)
668 faces_use_smooth = tuple(bool(context_smooth_group) for (_, _, _, _, context_smooth_group, _, _) in faces)
669 me.polygons.foreach_set("use_smooth", faces_use_smooth)
671 if verts_nor and me.loops:
672 # Note: we store 'temp' normals in loops, since validate() may alter final mesh,
673 # we can only set custom lnors *after* calling it.
674 me.create_normals_split()
675 loops_nor = tuple(no for (_, face_vert_nor_indices, _, _, _, _, _) in faces for face_noidx in face_vert_nor_indices for no in verts_nor[face_noidx])
676 me.loops.foreach_set("normal", loops_nor)
678 if verts_tex and me.polygons:
679 me.uv_layers.new()
680 loops_uv = tuple(uv for (_, _, face_vert_tex_indices, _, _, _, _) in faces for face_uvidx in face_vert_tex_indices for uv in verts_tex[face_uvidx])
681 me.uv_layers[0].data.foreach_set("uv", loops_uv)
683 use_edges = use_edges and bool(edges)
684 if use_edges:
685 me.edges.add(len(edges))
686 # edges should be a list of (a, b) tuples
687 me.edges.foreach_set("vertices", unpack_list(edges))
689 me.validate(clean_customdata=False) # *Very* important to not remove lnors here!
690 me.update(calc_edges=use_edges)
692 # Un-tessellate as much as possible, in case we had to triangulate some ngons...
693 if fgon_edges:
694 import bmesh
695 bm = bmesh.new()
696 bm.from_mesh(me)
697 verts = bm.verts[:]
698 get = bm.edges.get
699 edges = [get((verts[vidx1], verts[vidx2])) for vidx1, vidx2 in fgon_edges]
700 try:
701 bmesh.ops.dissolve_edges(bm, edges=edges, use_verts=False)
702 except:
703 # Possible dissolve fails for some edges, but don't fail silently in case this is a real bug.
704 import traceback
705 traceback.print_exc()
707 bm.to_mesh(me)
708 bm.free()
710 # XXX If validate changes the geometry, this is likely to be broken...
711 if unique_smooth_groups and sharp_edges:
712 for e in me.edges:
713 if e.key in sharp_edges:
714 e.use_edge_sharp = True
716 if verts_nor:
717 clnors = array.array('f', [0.0] * (len(me.loops) * 3))
718 me.loops.foreach_get("normal", clnors)
720 if not unique_smooth_groups:
721 me.polygons.foreach_set("use_smooth", [True] * len(me.polygons))
723 me.normals_split_custom_set(tuple(zip(*(iter(clnors),) * 3)))
724 me.use_auto_smooth = True
726 ob = bpy.data.objects.new(me.name, me)
727 new_objects.append(ob)
729 # Create the vertex groups. No need to have the flag passed here since we test for the
730 # content of the vertex_groups. If the user selects to NOT have vertex groups saved then
731 # the following test will never run
732 for group_name, group_indices in vertex_groups.items():
733 group = ob.vertex_groups.new(name=group_name.decode('utf-8', "replace"))
734 group.add(group_indices, 1.0, 'REPLACE')
737 def create_nurbs(context_nurbs, vert_loc, new_objects):
739 Add nurbs object to blender, only support one type at the moment
741 deg = context_nurbs.get(b'deg', (3,))
742 curv_range = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_range')
743 curv_idx = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_idx', [])
744 parm_u = context_nurbs.get(b'parm_u', [])
745 parm_v = context_nurbs.get(b'parm_v', [])
746 name = context_nurbs.get(b'name', b'ObjNurb')
747 cstype = context_nurbs.get(b'cstype')
749 if cstype is None:
750 print('\tWarning, cstype not found')
751 return
752 if cstype != b'bspline':
753 print('\tWarning, cstype is not supported (only bspline)')
754 return
755 if not curv_idx:
756 print('\tWarning, curv argument empty or not set')
757 return
758 if len(deg) > 1 or parm_v:
759 print('\tWarning, surfaces not supported')
760 return
762 cu = bpy.data.curves.new(name.decode('utf-8', "replace"), 'CURVE')
763 cu.dimensions = '3D'
765 nu = cu.splines.new('NURBS')
766 nu.points.add(len(curv_idx) - 1) # a point is added to start with
767 nu.points.foreach_set("co", [co_axis for vt_idx in curv_idx for co_axis in (vert_loc[vt_idx] + (1.0,))])
769 nu.order_u = deg[0] + 1
771 # get for endpoint flag from the weighting
772 if curv_range and len(parm_u) > deg[0] + 1:
773 do_endpoints = True
774 for i in range(deg[0] + 1):
776 if abs(parm_u[i] - curv_range[0]) > 0.0001:
777 do_endpoints = False
778 break
780 if abs(parm_u[-(i + 1)] - curv_range[1]) > 0.0001:
781 do_endpoints = False
782 break
784 else:
785 do_endpoints = False
787 if do_endpoints:
788 nu.use_endpoint_u = True
790 # close
792 do_closed = False
793 if len(parm_u) > deg[0]+1:
794 for i in xrange(deg[0]+1):
795 #print curv_idx[i], curv_idx[-(i+1)]
797 if curv_idx[i]==curv_idx[-(i+1)]:
798 do_closed = True
799 break
801 if do_closed:
802 nu.use_cyclic_u = True
805 ob = bpy.data.objects.new(name.decode('utf-8', "replace"), cu)
807 new_objects.append(ob)
810 def strip_slash(line_split):
811 if line_split[-1][-1] == 92: # '\' char
812 if len(line_split[-1]) == 1:
813 line_split.pop() # remove the \ item
814 else:
815 line_split[-1] = line_split[-1][:-1] # remove the \ from the end last number
816 return True
817 return False
820 def get_float_func(filepath):
822 find the float function for this obj file
823 - whether to replace commas or not
825 file = open(filepath, 'rb')
826 for line in file: # .readlines():
827 line = line.lstrip()
828 if line.startswith(b'v'): # vn vt v
829 if b',' in line:
830 file.close()
831 return lambda f: float(f.replace(b',', b'.'))
832 elif b'.' in line:
833 file.close()
834 return float
836 file.close()
837 # in case all vert values were ints
838 return float
841 def any_number_as_int(svalue):
842 if b',' in svalue:
843 svalue = svalue.replace(b',', b'.')
844 return int(float(svalue))
847 def load(context,
848 filepath,
850 global_clight_size=0.0,
851 use_smooth_groups=True,
852 use_edges=True,
853 use_split_objects=True,
854 use_split_groups=False,
855 use_image_search=True,
856 use_groups_as_vgroups=False,
857 relpath=None,
858 global_matrix=None
861 Called by the user interface or another script.
862 load_obj(path) - should give acceptable results.
863 This function passes the file and sends the data off
864 to be split into objects and then converted into mesh objects
866 def unique_name(existing_names, name_orig):
867 i = 0
868 name = name_orig
869 while name in existing_names:
870 name = b"%s.%03d" % (name_orig, i)
871 i += 1
872 existing_names.add(name)
873 return name
875 def handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split, tag, data, vec, vec_len):
876 ret_context_multi_line = tag if strip_slash(line_split) else b''
877 if line_start == tag:
878 vec[:] = [float_func(v) for v in line_split[1:]]
879 elif context_multi_line == tag:
880 vec += [float_func(v) for v in line_split]
881 if not ret_context_multi_line:
882 data.append(tuple(vec[:vec_len]))
883 return ret_context_multi_line
885 def create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object_key):
886 face_vert_loc_indices = []
887 face_vert_nor_indices = []
888 face_vert_tex_indices = []
889 return (
890 face_vert_loc_indices,
891 face_vert_nor_indices,
892 face_vert_tex_indices,
893 context_material,
894 context_smooth_group,
895 context_object_key,
896 [], # If non-empty, that face is a Blender-invalid ngon (holes...), need a mutable object for that...
899 with ProgressReport(context.window_manager) as progress:
900 progress.enter_substeps(1, "Importing OBJ %r..." % filepath)
902 if global_matrix is None:
903 global_matrix = mathutils.Matrix()
905 if use_split_objects or use_split_groups:
906 use_groups_as_vgroups = False
908 time_main = time.time()
910 verts_loc = []
911 verts_nor = []
912 verts_tex = []
913 faces = [] # tuples of the faces
914 material_libs = set() # filenames to material libs this OBJ uses
915 vertex_groups = {} # when use_groups_as_vgroups is true
917 # Get the string to float conversion func for this file- is 'float' for almost all files.
918 float_func = get_float_func(filepath)
920 # Context variables
921 context_material = None
922 context_smooth_group = None
923 context_object_key = None
924 context_object_obpart = None
925 context_vgroup = None
927 objects_names = set()
929 # Nurbs
930 context_nurbs = {}
931 nurbs = []
932 context_parm = b'' # used by nurbs too but could be used elsewhere
934 # Until we can use sets
935 use_default_material = False
936 unique_materials = {}
937 unique_smooth_groups = {}
938 # unique_obects= {} - no use for this variable since the objects are stored in the face.
940 # when there are faces that end with \
941 # it means they are multiline-
942 # since we use xreadline we cant skip to the next line
943 # so we need to know whether
944 context_multi_line = b''
946 # Per-face handling data.
947 face_vert_loc_indices = None
948 face_vert_nor_indices = None
949 face_vert_tex_indices = None
950 verts_loc_len = verts_nor_len = verts_tex_len = 0
951 face_items_usage = set()
952 face_invalid_blenpoly = None
953 prev_vidx = None
954 face = None
955 vec = []
957 quick_vert_failures = 0
958 skip_quick_vert = False
960 progress.enter_substeps(3, "Parsing OBJ file...")
961 with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
962 for line in f:
963 line_split = line.split()
965 if not line_split:
966 continue
968 line_start = line_split[0] # we compare with this a _lot_
970 # Handling vertex data are pretty similar, factorize that.
971 # Also, most OBJ files store all those on a single line, so try fast parsing for that first,
972 # and only fallback to full multi-line parsing when needed, this gives significant speed-up
973 # (~40% on affected code).
974 if line_start == b'v':
975 vdata, vdata_len, do_quick_vert = verts_loc, 3, not skip_quick_vert
976 elif line_start == b'vn':
977 vdata, vdata_len, do_quick_vert = verts_nor, 3, not skip_quick_vert
978 elif line_start == b'vt':
979 vdata, vdata_len, do_quick_vert = verts_tex, 2, not skip_quick_vert
980 elif context_multi_line == b'v':
981 vdata, vdata_len, do_quick_vert = verts_loc, 3, False
982 elif context_multi_line == b'vn':
983 vdata, vdata_len, do_quick_vert = verts_nor, 3, False
984 elif context_multi_line == b'vt':
985 vdata, vdata_len, do_quick_vert = verts_tex, 2, False
986 else:
987 vdata_len = 0
989 if vdata_len:
990 if do_quick_vert:
991 try:
992 vdata.append(tuple(map(float_func, line_split[1:vdata_len + 1])))
993 except:
994 do_quick_vert = False
995 # In case we get too many failures on quick parsing, force fallback to full multi-line one.
996 # Exception handling can become costly...
997 quick_vert_failures += 1
998 if quick_vert_failures > 10000:
999 skip_quick_vert = True
1000 if not do_quick_vert:
1001 context_multi_line = handle_vec(line_start, context_multi_line, line_split,
1002 context_multi_line or line_start, vdata, vec, vdata_len)
1004 elif line_start == b'f' or context_multi_line == b'f':
1005 if not context_multi_line:
1006 line_split = line_split[1:]
1007 # Instantiate a face
1008 face = create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object_key)
1009 (face_vert_loc_indices, face_vert_nor_indices, face_vert_tex_indices,
1010 _1, _2, _3, face_invalid_blenpoly) = face
1011 faces.append(face)
1012 face_items_usage.clear()
1013 verts_loc_len = len(verts_loc)
1014 verts_nor_len = len(verts_nor)
1015 verts_tex_len = len(verts_tex)
1016 if context_material is None:
1017 use_default_material = True
1018 # Else, use face_vert_loc_indices and face_vert_tex_indices previously defined and used the obj_face
1020 context_multi_line = b'f' if strip_slash(line_split) else b''
1022 for v in line_split:
1023 obj_vert = v.split(b'/')
1024 idx = int(obj_vert[0]) # Note that we assume here we cannot get OBJ invalid 0 index...
1025 vert_loc_index = (idx + verts_loc_len) if (idx < 1) else idx - 1
1026 # Add the vertex to the current group
1027 # *warning*, this wont work for files that have groups defined around verts
1028 if use_groups_as_vgroups and context_vgroup:
1029 vertex_groups[context_vgroup].append(vert_loc_index)
1030 # This a first round to quick-detect ngons that *may* use a same edge more than once.
1031 # Potential candidate will be re-checked once we have done parsing the whole face.
1032 if not face_invalid_blenpoly:
1033 # If we use more than once a same vertex, invalid ngon is suspected.
1034 if vert_loc_index in face_items_usage:
1035 face_invalid_blenpoly.append(True)
1036 else:
1037 face_items_usage.add(vert_loc_index)
1038 face_vert_loc_indices.append(vert_loc_index)
1040 # formatting for faces with normals and textures is
1041 # loc_index/tex_index/nor_index
1042 if len(obj_vert) > 1 and obj_vert[1] and obj_vert[1] != b'0':
1043 idx = int(obj_vert[1])
1044 face_vert_tex_indices.append((idx + verts_tex_len) if (idx < 1) else idx - 1)
1045 else:
1046 face_vert_tex_indices.append(0)
1048 if len(obj_vert) > 2 and obj_vert[2] and obj_vert[2] != b'0':
1049 idx = int(obj_vert[2])
1050 face_vert_nor_indices.append((idx + verts_nor_len) if (idx < 1) else idx - 1)
1051 else:
1052 face_vert_nor_indices.append(0)
1054 if not context_multi_line:
1055 # Means we have finished a face, we have to do final check if ngon is suspected to be blender-invalid...
1056 if face_invalid_blenpoly:
1057 face_invalid_blenpoly.clear()
1058 face_items_usage.clear()
1059 prev_vidx = face_vert_loc_indices[-1]
1060 for vidx in face_vert_loc_indices:
1061 edge_key = (prev_vidx, vidx) if (prev_vidx < vidx) else (vidx, prev_vidx)
1062 if edge_key in face_items_usage:
1063 face_invalid_blenpoly.append(True)
1064 break
1065 face_items_usage.add(edge_key)
1066 prev_vidx = vidx
1068 elif use_edges and (line_start == b'l' or context_multi_line == b'l'):
1069 # very similar to the face load function above with some parts removed
1070 if not context_multi_line:
1071 line_split = line_split[1:]
1072 # Instantiate a face
1073 face = create_face(context_material, context_smooth_group, context_object_key)
1074 face_vert_loc_indices = face[0]
1075 # XXX A bit hackish, we use special 'value' of face_vert_nor_indices (a single True item) to tag this
1076 # as a polyline, and not a regular face...
1077 face[1][:] = [True]
1078 faces.append(face)
1079 # Else, use face_vert_loc_indices previously defined and used the obj_face
1081 context_multi_line = b'l' if strip_slash(line_split) else b''
1083 for v in line_split:
1084 obj_vert = v.split(b'/')
1085 idx = int(obj_vert[0]) - 1
1086 face_vert_loc_indices.append((idx + len(verts_loc) + 1) if (idx < 0) else idx)
1088 elif line_start == b's':
1089 if use_smooth_groups:
1090 context_smooth_group = line_value(line_split)
1091 if context_smooth_group == b'off':
1092 context_smooth_group = None
1093 elif context_smooth_group: # is not None
1094 unique_smooth_groups[context_smooth_group] = None
1096 elif line_start == b'o':
1097 if use_split_objects:
1098 context_object_key = unique_name(objects_names, line_value(line_split))
1099 context_object_obpart = context_object_key
1100 # unique_objects[context_object_key]= None
1102 elif line_start == b'g':
1103 if use_split_groups:
1104 grppart = line_value(line_split)
1105 context_object_key = (context_object_obpart, grppart) if context_object_obpart else grppart
1106 # print 'context_object_key', context_object_key
1107 # unique_objects[context_object_key]= None
1108 elif use_groups_as_vgroups:
1109 context_vgroup = line_value(line.split())
1110 if context_vgroup and context_vgroup != b'(null)':
1111 vertex_groups.setdefault(context_vgroup, [])
1112 else:
1113 context_vgroup = None # dont assign a vgroup
1115 elif line_start == b'usemtl':
1116 context_material = line_value(line.split())
1117 unique_materials[context_material] = None
1118 elif line_start == b'mtllib': # usemap or usemat
1119 # can have multiple mtllib filenames per line, mtllib can appear more than once,
1120 # so make sure only occurrence of material exists
1121 material_libs |= {os.fsdecode(f) for f in line.split()[1:]}
1123 # Nurbs support
1124 elif line_start == b'cstype':
1125 context_nurbs[b'cstype'] = line_value(line.split()) # 'rat bspline' / 'bspline'
1126 elif line_start == b'curv' or context_multi_line == b'curv':
1127 curv_idx = context_nurbs[b'curv_idx'] = context_nurbs.get(b'curv_idx', []) # in case were multiline
1129 if not context_multi_line:
1130 context_nurbs[b'curv_range'] = float_func(line_split[1]), float_func(line_split[2])
1131 line_split[0:3] = [] # remove first 3 items
1133 if strip_slash(line_split):
1134 context_multi_line = b'curv'
1135 else:
1136 context_multi_line = b''
1138 for i in line_split:
1139 vert_loc_index = int(i) - 1
1141 if vert_loc_index < 0:
1142 vert_loc_index = len(verts_loc) + vert_loc_index + 1
1144 curv_idx.append(vert_loc_index)
1146 elif line_start == b'parm' or context_multi_line == b'parm':
1147 if context_multi_line:
1148 context_multi_line = b''
1149 else:
1150 context_parm = line_split[1]
1151 line_split[0:2] = [] # remove first 2
1153 if strip_slash(line_split):
1154 context_multi_line = b'parm'
1155 else:
1156 context_multi_line = b''
1158 if context_parm.lower() == b'u':
1159 context_nurbs.setdefault(b'parm_u', []).extend([float_func(f) for f in line_split])
1160 elif context_parm.lower() == b'v': # surfaces not supported yet
1161 context_nurbs.setdefault(b'parm_v', []).extend([float_func(f) for f in line_split])
1162 # else: # may want to support other parm's ?
1164 elif line_start == b'deg':
1165 context_nurbs[b'deg'] = [int(i) for i in line.split()[1:]]
1166 elif line_start == b'end':
1167 # Add the nurbs curve
1168 if context_object_key:
1169 context_nurbs[b'name'] = context_object_key
1170 nurbs.append(context_nurbs)
1171 context_nurbs = {}
1172 context_parm = b''
1174 ''' # How to use usemap? deprecated?
1175 elif line_start == b'usema': # usemap or usemat
1176 context_image= line_value(line_split)
1179 progress.step("Done, loading materials and images...")
1181 if use_default_material:
1182 unique_materials[None] = None
1183 create_materials(filepath, relpath, material_libs, unique_materials,
1184 use_image_search, float_func)
1186 progress.step("Done, building geometries (verts:%i faces:%i materials: %i smoothgroups:%i) ..." %
1187 (len(verts_loc), len(faces), len(unique_materials), len(unique_smooth_groups)))
1189 # deselect all
1190 if bpy.ops.object.select_all.poll():
1191 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
1193 scene = context.scene
1194 new_objects = [] # put new objects here
1196 # Split the mesh by objects/materials, may
1197 SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP = bool(use_split_objects or use_split_groups)
1199 for data in split_mesh(verts_loc, faces, unique_materials, filepath, SPLIT_OB_OR_GROUP):
1200 verts_loc_split, faces_split, unique_materials_split, dataname, use_vnor, use_vtex = data
1201 # Create meshes from the data, warning 'vertex_groups' wont support splitting
1202 #~ print(dataname, use_vnor, use_vtex)
1203 create_mesh(new_objects,
1204 use_edges,
1205 verts_loc_split,
1206 verts_nor if use_vnor else [],
1207 verts_tex if use_vtex else [],
1208 faces_split,
1209 unique_materials_split,
1210 unique_smooth_groups,
1211 vertex_groups,
1212 dataname,
1215 # nurbs support
1216 for context_nurbs in nurbs:
1217 create_nurbs(context_nurbs, verts_loc, new_objects)
1219 view_layer = context.view_layer
1220 collection = view_layer.active_layer_collection.collection
1222 # Create new obj
1223 for obj in new_objects:
1224 collection.objects.link(obj)
1225 obj.select_set(True)
1227 # we could apply this anywhere before scaling.
1228 obj.matrix_world = global_matrix
1230 scene.update()
1232 axis_min = [1000000000] * 3
1233 axis_max = [-1000000000] * 3
1235 if global_clight_size:
1236 # Get all object bounds
1237 for ob in new_objects:
1238 for v in ob.bound_box:
1239 for axis, value in enumerate(v):
1240 if axis_min[axis] > value:
1241 axis_min[axis] = value
1242 if axis_max[axis] < value:
1243 axis_max[axis] = value
1245 # Scale objects
1246 max_axis = max(axis_max[0] - axis_min[0], axis_max[1] - axis_min[1], axis_max[2] - axis_min[2])
1247 scale = 1.0
1249 while global_clight_size < max_axis * scale:
1250 scale = scale / 10.0
1252 for obj in new_objects:
1253 obj.scale = scale, scale, scale
1255 progress.leave_substeps("Done.")
1256 progress.leave_substeps("Finished importing: %r" % filepath)
1258 return {'FINISHED'}