Magic UV: Get nodes with their types instead of names
[blender-addons.git] /
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 bl_info = {
4 "name": "Node Arrange",
5 "author": "JuhaW",
6 "version": (0, 2, 2),
7 "blender": (2, 80, 4),
8 "location": "Node Editor > Properties > Trees",
9 "description": "Node Tree Arrangement Tools",
10 "warning": "",
11 "doc_url": "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}/addons/node/node_arrange.html",
12 "tracker_url": "",
13 "category": "Node"
17 import sys
18 import bpy
19 from collections import OrderedDict
20 from itertools import repeat
21 import pprint
22 import pdb
23 from bpy.types import Operator, Panel
24 from bpy.props import (
25 IntProperty,
27 from copy import copy
30 #From Node Wrangler
31 def get_nodes_linked(context):
32 tree = context.space_data.node_tree
34 # Get nodes from currently edited tree.
35 # If user is editing a group, space_data.node_tree is still the base level (outside group).
36 # context.active_node is in the group though, so if is not
37 # the same as context.active_node, the user is in a group.
38 # Check recursively until we find the real active node_tree:
39 if
40 while != context.active_node:
41 tree =
43 return tree.nodes, tree.links
45 class NA_OT_AlignNodes(Operator):
46 '''Align the selected nodes/Tidy loose nodes'''
47 bl_idname = "node.na_align_nodes"
48 bl_label = "Align Nodes"
49 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
50 margin: IntProperty(name='Margin', default=50, description='The amount of space between nodes')
52 def execute(self, context):
53 nodes, links = get_nodes_linked(context)
54 margin = self.margin
56 selection = []
57 for node in nodes:
58 if and node.type != 'FRAME':
59 selection.append(node)
61 # If no nodes are selected, align all nodes
62 active_loc = None
63 if not selection:
64 selection = nodes
65 elif in selection:
66 active_loc = copy( # make a copy, not a reference
68 # Check if nodes should be laid out horizontally or vertically
69 x_locs = [n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2) for n in selection] # use dimension to get center of node, not corner
70 y_locs = [n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2) for n in selection]
71 x_range = max(x_locs) - min(x_locs)
72 y_range = max(y_locs) - min(y_locs)
73 mid_x = (max(x_locs) + min(x_locs)) / 2
74 mid_y = (max(y_locs) + min(y_locs)) / 2
75 horizontal = x_range > y_range
77 # Sort selection by location of node mid-point
78 if horizontal:
79 selection = sorted(selection, key=lambda n: n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2))
80 else:
81 selection = sorted(selection, key=lambda n: n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2), reverse=True)
83 # Alignment
84 current_pos = 0
85 for node in selection:
86 current_margin = margin
87 current_margin = current_margin * 0.5 if node.hide else current_margin # use a smaller margin for hidden nodes
89 if horizontal:
90 node.location.x = current_pos
91 current_pos += current_margin + node.dimensions.x
92 node.location.y = mid_y + (node.dimensions.y / 2)
93 else:
94 node.location.y = current_pos
95 current_pos -= (current_margin * 0.3) + node.dimensions.y # use half-margin for vertical alignment
96 node.location.x = mid_x - (node.dimensions.x / 2)
98 # If active node is selected, center nodes around it
99 if active_loc is not None:
100 active_loc_diff = active_loc -
101 for node in selection:
102 node.location += active_loc_diff
103 else: # Position nodes centered around where they used to be
104 locs = ([n.location.x + (n.dimensions.x / 2) for n in selection]) if horizontal else ([n.location.y - (n.dimensions.y / 2) for n in selection])
105 new_mid = (max(locs) + min(locs)) / 2
106 for node in selection:
107 if horizontal:
108 node.location.x += (mid_x - new_mid)
109 else:
110 node.location.y += (mid_y - new_mid)
112 return {'FINISHED'}
114 class values():
115 average_y = 0
116 x_last = 0
117 margin_x = 100
118 mat_name = ""
119 margin_y = 20
122 class NA_PT_NodePanel(Panel):
123 bl_label = "Node Arrange"
124 bl_space_type = "NODE_EDITOR"
125 bl_region_type = "UI"
126 bl_category = "Arrange"
128 def draw(self, context):
129 if context.active_node is not None:
130 layout = self.layout
131 row = layout.row()
132 col = layout.column
133 row.operator('node.button')
135 row = layout.row()
136 row.prop(bpy.context.scene, 'nodemargin_x', text="Margin x")
137 row = layout.row()
138 row.prop(bpy.context.scene, 'nodemargin_y', text="Margin y")
139 row = layout.row()
140 row.prop(context.scene, 'node_center', text="Center nodes")
142 row = layout.row()
143 row.operator('node.na_align_nodes', text="Align to Selected")
145 row = layout.row()
146 node =
147 if node and
148 row.prop(node, 'location', text = "Node X", index = 0)
149 row.prop(node, 'location', text = "Node Y", index = 1)
150 row = layout.row()
151 row.prop(node, 'width', text = "Node width")
153 row = layout.row()
154 row.operator('node.button_odd')
156 class NA_OT_NodeButton(Operator):
158 '''Arrange Connected Nodes/Arrange All Nodes'''
159 bl_idname = 'node.button'
160 bl_label = 'Arrange All Nodes'
162 def execute(self, context):
163 nodemargin(self, context)
164 bpy.context.space_data.node_tree.nodes.update()
165 bpy.ops.node.view_all()
167 return {'FINISHED'}
169 # not sure this is doing what you expect.
170 #
171 def invoke(self, context, value):
172 values.mat_name = bpy.context.space_data.node_tree
173 nodemargin(self, context)
174 return {'FINISHED'}
177 class NA_OT_NodeButtonOdd(Operator):
179 'Show the nodes for this material'
180 bl_idname = 'node.button_odd'
181 bl_label = 'Select Unlinked'
183 def execute(self, context):
184 values.mat_name = bpy.context.space_data.node_tree
185 #mat = bpy.context.object.active_material
186 nodes_iterate(context.space_data.node_tree, False)
187 return {'FINISHED'}
190 class NA_OT_NodeButtonCenter(Operator):
192 'Show the nodes for this material'
193 bl_idname = 'node.button_center'
194 bl_label = 'Center nodes (0,0)'
196 def execute(self, context):
197 values.mat_name = "" # reset
198 mat = bpy.context.object.active_material
199 nodes_center(mat)
200 return {'FINISHED'}
203 def nodemargin(self, context):
205 values.margin_x = context.scene.nodemargin_x
206 values.margin_y = context.scene.nodemargin_y
208 ntree = context.space_data.node_tree
210 #first arrange nodegroups
211 n_groups = []
212 for i in ntree.nodes:
213 if i.type == 'GROUP':
214 n_groups.append(i)
216 while n_groups:
217 j = n_groups.pop(0)
218 nodes_iterate(j.node_tree)
219 for i in j.node_tree.nodes:
220 if i.type == 'GROUP':
221 n_groups.append(i)
223 nodes_iterate(ntree)
225 # arrange nodes + this center nodes together
226 if context.scene.node_center:
227 nodes_center(ntree)
230 class NA_OT_ArrangeNodesOp(bpy.types.Operator):
231 bl_idname = 'node.arrange_nodetree'
232 bl_label = 'Nodes Private Op'
234 mat_name : bpy.props.StringProperty()
235 margin_x : bpy.props.IntProperty(default=120)
236 margin_y : bpy.props.IntProperty(default=120)
238 def nodemargin2(self, context):
239 mat = None
240 mat_found =
241 if self.mat_name and mat_found:
242 mat = mat_found
243 #print(mat)
245 if not mat:
246 return
247 else:
248 values.mat_name = self.mat_name
249 scn = context.scene
250 scn.nodemargin_x = self.margin_x
251 scn.nodemargin_y = self.margin_y
252 nodes_iterate(mat)
253 if scn.node_center:
254 nodes_center(mat)
256 def execute(self, context):
257 self.nodemargin2(context)
258 return {'FINISHED'}
261 def outputnode_search(ntree): # return node/None
263 outputnodes = []
264 for node in ntree.nodes:
265 if not node.outputs:
266 for input in node.inputs:
267 if input.is_linked:
268 outputnodes.append(node)
269 break
271 if not outputnodes:
272 print("No output node found")
273 return None
274 return outputnodes
277 ###############################################################
278 def nodes_iterate(ntree, arrange=True):
280 nodeoutput = outputnode_search(ntree)
281 if nodeoutput is None:
282 #print ("nodeoutput is None")
283 return None
284 a = []
285 a.append([])
286 for i in nodeoutput:
287 a[0].append(i)
290 level = 0
292 while a[level]:
293 a.append([])
295 for node in a[level]:
296 inputlist = [i for i in node.inputs if i.is_linked]
298 if inputlist:
300 for input in inputlist:
301 for nlinks in input.links:
302 node1 = nlinks.from_node
303 a[level + 1].append(node1)
305 else:
306 pass
308 level += 1
310 del a[level]
311 level -= 1
313 #remove duplicate nodes at the same level, first wins
314 for x, nodes in enumerate(a):
315 a[x] = list(OrderedDict(zip(a[x], repeat(None))))
317 #remove duplicate nodes in all levels, last wins
318 top = level
319 for row1 in range(top, 1, -1):
320 for col1 in a[row1]:
321 for row2 in range(row1-1, 0, -1):
322 for col2 in a[row2]:
323 if col1 == col2:
324 a[row2].remove(col2)
325 break
328 for x, i in enumerate(a):
329 print (x)
330 for j in i:
331 print (j)
332 #print()
335 #add node frames to nodelist
336 frames = []
337 print ("Frames:")
338 print ("level:", level)
339 print ("a:",a)
340 for row in range(level, 0, -1):
342 for i, node in enumerate(a[row]):
343 if node.parent:
344 print ("Frame found:", node.parent, node)
345 #if frame already added to the list ?
346 frame = node.parent
347 #remove node
348 del a[row][i]
349 if frame not in frames:
350 frames.append(frame)
351 #add frame to the same place than node was
352 a[row].insert(i, frame)
354 pprint.pprint(a)
356 #return None
357 ########################################
361 if not arrange:
362 nodelist = [j for i in a for j in i]
363 nodes_odd(ntree, nodelist=nodelist)
364 return None
366 ########################################
368 levelmax = level + 1
369 level = 0
370 values.x_last = 0
372 while level < levelmax:
374 values.average_y = 0
375 nodes = [x for x in a[level]]
376 #print ("level, nodes:", level, nodes)
377 nodes_arrange(nodes, level)
379 level = level + 1
381 return None
384 ###############################################################
385 def nodes_odd(ntree, nodelist):
387 nodes = ntree.nodes
388 for i in nodes:
389 = False
391 a = [x for x in nodes if x not in nodelist]
392 # print ("odd nodes:",a)
393 for i in a:
394 = True
397 def nodes_arrange(nodelist, level):
399 parents = []
400 for node in nodelist:
401 parents.append(node.parent)
402 node.parent = None
403 bpy.context.space_data.node_tree.nodes.update()
406 #print ("nodes arrange def")
407 # node x positions
409 widthmax = max([x.dimensions.x for x in nodelist])
410 xpos = values.x_last - (widthmax + values.margin_x) if level != 0 else 0
411 #print ("nodelist, xpos", nodelist,xpos)
412 values.x_last = xpos
414 # node y positions
415 x = 0
416 y = 0
418 for node in nodelist:
420 if node.hide:
421 hidey = (node.dimensions.y / 2) - 8
422 y = y - hidey
423 else:
424 hidey = 0
426 node.location.y = y
427 y = y - values.margin_y - node.dimensions.y + hidey
429 node.location.x = xpos #if node.type != "FRAME" else xpos + 1200
431 y = y + values.margin_y
433 center = (0 + y) / 2
434 values.average_y = center - values.average_y
436 #for node in nodelist:
438 #node.location.y -= values.average_y
440 for i, node in enumerate(nodelist):
441 node.parent = parents[i]
443 def nodetree_get(mat):
445 return mat.node_tree.nodes
448 def nodes_center(ntree):
450 bboxminx = []
451 bboxmaxx = []
452 bboxmaxy = []
453 bboxminy = []
455 for node in ntree.nodes:
456 if not node.parent:
457 bboxminx.append(node.location.x)
458 bboxmaxx.append(node.location.x + node.dimensions.x)
459 bboxmaxy.append(node.location.y)
460 bboxminy.append(node.location.y - node.dimensions.y)
462 # print ("bboxminy:",bboxminy)
463 bboxminx = min(bboxminx)
464 bboxmaxx = max(bboxmaxx)
465 bboxminy = min(bboxminy)
466 bboxmaxy = max(bboxmaxy)
467 center_x = (bboxminx + bboxmaxx) / 2
468 center_y = (bboxminy + bboxmaxy) / 2
470 print ("minx:",bboxminx)
471 print ("maxx:",bboxmaxx)
472 print ("miny:",bboxminy)
473 print ("maxy:",bboxmaxy)
475 print ("bboxes:", bboxminx, bboxmaxx, bboxmaxy, bboxminy)
476 print ("center x:",center_x)
477 print ("center y:",center_y)
480 x = 0
481 y = 0
483 for node in ntree.nodes:
485 if not node.parent:
486 node.location.x -= center_x
487 node.location.y += -center_y
489 classes = [
490 NA_PT_NodePanel,
491 NA_OT_NodeButton,
492 NA_OT_NodeButtonOdd,
493 NA_OT_NodeButtonCenter,
494 NA_OT_ArrangeNodesOp,
495 NA_OT_AlignNodes
498 def register():
499 for c in classes:
500 bpy.utils.register_class(c)
502 bpy.types.Scene.nodemargin_x = bpy.props.IntProperty(default=100, update=nodemargin)
503 bpy.types.Scene.nodemargin_y = bpy.props.IntProperty(default=20, update=nodemargin)
504 bpy.types.Scene.node_center = bpy.props.BoolProperty(default=True, update=nodemargin)
508 def unregister():
509 for c in classes:
510 bpy.utils.unregister_class(c)
512 del bpy.types.Scene.nodemargin_x
513 del bpy.types.Scene.nodemargin_y
514 del bpy.types.Scene.node_center
516 if __name__ == "__main__":
517 register()