Update for changes in Blender's API
[blender-addons.git] / io_mesh_ply / import_ply.py
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
19 # <pep8 compliant>
21 import re
22 import struct
25 class element_spec(object):
26 __slots__ = ("name",
27 "count",
28 "properties",
31 def __init__(self, name, count):
32 self.name = name
33 self.count = count
34 self.properties = []
36 def load(self, format, stream):
37 if format == b'ascii':
38 stream = stream.readline().split()
39 return [x.load(format, stream) for x in self.properties]
41 def index(self, name):
42 for i, p in enumerate(self.properties):
43 if p.name == name:
44 return i
45 return -1
48 class property_spec(object):
49 __slots__ = ("name",
50 "list_type",
51 "numeric_type",
54 def __init__(self, name, list_type, numeric_type):
55 self.name = name
56 self.list_type = list_type
57 self.numeric_type = numeric_type
59 def read_format(self, format, count, num_type, stream):
60 if format == b'ascii':
61 if num_type == 's':
62 ans = []
63 for i in range(count):
64 s = stream[i]
65 if len(s) < 2 or s[0] != '"' or s[-1] != '"':
66 print('Invalid string', s)
67 print('Note: ply_import.py does not handle whitespace in strings')
68 return None
69 ans.append(s[1:-1])
70 stream[:count] = []
71 return ans
72 if num_type == 'f' or num_type == 'd':
73 mapper = float
74 else:
75 mapper = int
76 ans = [mapper(x) for x in stream[:count]]
77 stream[:count] = []
78 return ans
79 else:
80 if num_type == 's':
81 ans = []
82 for i in range(count):
83 fmt = format + 'i'
84 data = stream.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))
85 length = struct.unpack(fmt, data)[0]
86 fmt = '%s%is' % (format, length)
87 data = stream.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))
88 s = struct.unpack(fmt, data)[0]
89 ans.append(s[:-1]) # strip the NULL
90 return ans
91 else:
92 fmt = '%s%i%s' % (format, count, num_type)
93 data = stream.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))
94 return struct.unpack(fmt, data)
96 def load(self, format, stream):
97 if self.list_type is not None:
98 count = int(self.read_format(format, 1, self.list_type, stream)[0])
99 return self.read_format(format, count, self.numeric_type, stream)
100 else:
101 return self.read_format(format, 1, self.numeric_type, stream)[0]
104 class object_spec(object):
105 __slots__ = ("specs",
107 'A list of element_specs'
108 def __init__(self):
109 self.specs = []
111 def load(self, format, stream):
112 return dict([(i.name, [i.load(format, stream) for j in range(i.count)]) for i in self.specs])
115 # Longhand for above LC
116 answer = {}
117 for i in self.specs:
118 answer[i.name] = []
119 for j in range(i.count):
120 if not j % 100 and meshtools.show_progress:
121 Blender.Window.DrawProgressBar(float(j) / i.count, 'Loading ' + i.name)
122 answer[i.name].append(i.load(format, stream))
123 return answer
127 def read(filepath):
128 format = b''
129 texture = b''
130 version = b'1.0'
131 format_specs = {b'binary_little_endian': '<',
132 b'binary_big_endian': '>',
133 b'ascii': b'ascii'}
134 type_specs = {b'char': 'b',
135 b'uchar': 'B',
136 b'int8': 'b',
137 b'uint8': 'B',
138 b'int16': 'h',
139 b'uint16': 'H',
140 b'short': 'h',
141 b'ushort': 'H',
142 b'int': 'i',
143 b'int32': 'i',
144 b'uint': 'I',
145 b'uint32': 'I',
146 b'float': 'f',
147 b'float32': 'f',
148 b'float64': 'd',
149 b'double': 'd',
150 b'string': 's'}
151 obj_spec = object_spec()
152 invalid_ply = (None, None, None)
154 with open(filepath, 'rb') as plyf:
155 signature = plyf.readline()
157 if not signature.startswith(b'ply'):
158 print('Signature line was invalid')
159 return invalid_ply
161 valid_header = False
162 for line in plyf:
163 tokens = re.split(br'[ \r\n]+', line)
165 if len(tokens) == 0:
166 continue
167 if tokens[0] == b'end_header':
168 valid_header = True
169 break
170 elif tokens[0] == b'comment':
171 if len(tokens) < 2:
172 continue
173 elif tokens[1] == b'TextureFile':
174 if len(tokens) < 4:
175 print('Invalid texture line')
176 else:
177 texture = tokens[2]
178 continue
179 elif tokens[0] == b'obj_info':
180 continue
181 elif tokens[0] == b'format':
182 if len(tokens) < 3:
183 print('Invalid format line')
184 return invalid_ply
185 if tokens[1] not in format_specs:
186 print('Unknown format', tokens[1])
187 return invalid_ply
188 try:
189 version_test = float(tokens[2])
190 except Exception as ex:
191 print('Unknown version', ex)
192 version_test = None
193 if version_test != float(version):
194 print('Unknown version', tokens[2])
195 return invalid_ply
196 del version_test
197 format = tokens[1]
198 elif tokens[0] == b'element':
199 if len(tokens) < 3:
200 print(b'Invalid element line')
201 return invalid_ply
202 obj_spec.specs.append(element_spec(tokens[1], int(tokens[2])))
203 elif tokens[0] == b'property':
204 if not len(obj_spec.specs):
205 print('Property without element')
206 return invalid_ply
207 if tokens[1] == b'list':
208 obj_spec.specs[-1].properties.append(property_spec(tokens[4], type_specs[tokens[2]], type_specs[tokens[3]]))
209 else:
210 obj_spec.specs[-1].properties.append(property_spec(tokens[2], None, type_specs[tokens[1]]))
211 if not valid_header:
212 print("Invalid header ('end_header' line not found!)")
213 return invalid_ply
215 obj = obj_spec.load(format_specs[format], plyf)
217 return obj_spec, obj, texture
220 import bpy
223 def load_ply_mesh(filepath, ply_name):
224 from bpy_extras.io_utils import unpack_face_list
225 # from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image # UNUSED
227 obj_spec, obj, texture = read(filepath)
228 if obj is None:
229 print('Invalid file')
230 return
232 uvindices = colindices = None
233 colmultiply = None
235 # noindices = None # Ignore normals
237 for el in obj_spec.specs:
238 if el.name == b'vertex':
239 vindices_x, vindices_y, vindices_z = el.index(b'x'), el.index(b'y'), el.index(b'z')
240 # noindices = (el.index('nx'), el.index('ny'), el.index('nz'))
241 # if -1 in noindices: noindices = None
242 uvindices = (el.index(b's'), el.index(b't'))
243 if -1 in uvindices:
244 uvindices = None
245 colindices = el.index(b'red'), el.index(b'green'), el.index(b'blue'), el.index(b'alpha')
246 if -1 in colindices:
247 colindices = None
248 else: # if not a float assume uchar
249 colmultiply = [1.0 if el.properties[i].numeric_type in {'f', 'd'} else (1.0 / 255.0) for i in colindices]
251 elif el.name == b'face':
252 findex = el.index(b'vertex_indices')
253 elif el.name == b'tristrips':
254 trindex = el.index(b'vertex_indices')
255 elif el.name == b'edge':
256 eindex1, eindex2 = el.index(b'vertex1'), el.index(b'vertex2')
258 mesh_faces = []
259 mesh_uvs = []
260 mesh_colors = []
262 def add_face(vertices, indices, uvindices, colindices):
263 mesh_faces.append(indices)
264 if uvindices:
265 mesh_uvs.append([(vertices[index][uvindices[0]], vertices[index][uvindices[1]]) for index in indices])
266 if colindices:
267 mesh_colors.append([(vertices[index][colindices[0]] * colmultiply[0],
268 vertices[index][colindices[1]] * colmultiply[1],
269 vertices[index][colindices[2]] * colmultiply[2],
270 vertices[index][colindices[3]] * colmultiply[3],
271 ) for index in indices])
273 if uvindices or colindices:
274 # If we have Cols or UVs then we need to check the face order.
275 add_face_simple = add_face
277 # EVIL EEKADOODLE - face order annoyance.
278 def add_face(vertices, indices, uvindices, colindices):
279 if len(indices) == 4:
280 if indices[2] == 0 or indices[3] == 0:
281 indices = indices[2], indices[3], indices[0], indices[1]
282 elif len(indices) == 3:
283 if indices[2] == 0:
284 indices = indices[1], indices[2], indices[0]
286 add_face_simple(vertices, indices, uvindices, colindices)
288 verts = obj[b'vertex']
290 if b'face' in obj:
291 for f in obj[b'face']:
292 ind = f[findex]
293 len_ind = len(ind)
294 if len_ind <= 4:
295 add_face(verts, ind, uvindices, colindices)
296 else:
297 # Fan fill the face
298 for j in range(len_ind - 2):
299 add_face(verts, (ind[0], ind[j + 1], ind[j + 2]), uvindices, colindices)
301 if b'tristrips' in obj:
302 for t in obj[b'tristrips']:
303 ind = t[trindex]
304 len_ind = len(ind)
305 for j in range(len_ind - 2):
306 add_face(verts, (ind[j], ind[j + 1], ind[j + 2]), uvindices, colindices)
308 mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name=ply_name)
310 mesh.vertices.add(len(obj[b'vertex']))
312 mesh.vertices.foreach_set("co", [a for v in obj[b'vertex'] for a in (v[vindices_x], v[vindices_y], v[vindices_z])])
314 if b'edge' in obj:
315 mesh.edges.add(len(obj[b'edge']))
316 mesh.edges.foreach_set("vertices", [a for e in obj[b'edge'] for a in (e[eindex1], e[eindex2])])
318 if mesh_faces:
319 mesh.tessfaces.add(len(mesh_faces))
320 mesh.tessfaces.foreach_set("vertices_raw", unpack_face_list(mesh_faces))
322 if uvindices or colindices:
323 if uvindices:
324 uvlay = mesh.tessface_uv_textures.new()
325 if colindices:
326 vcol_lay = mesh.tessface_vertex_colors.new()
328 if uvindices:
329 for i, f in enumerate(uvlay.data):
330 ply_uv = mesh_uvs[i]
331 for j, uv in enumerate(f.uv):
332 uv[0], uv[1] = ply_uv[j]
334 if colindices:
335 for i, f in enumerate(vcol_lay.data):
336 # XXX, colors dont come in right, needs further investigation.
337 ply_col = mesh_colors[i]
338 if len(ply_col) == 4:
339 f_col = f.color1, f.color2, f.color3, f.color4
340 else:
341 f_col = f.color1, f.color2, f.color3
343 for j, col in enumerate(f_col):
344 col[0] = ply_col[j][0]
345 col[1] = ply_col[j][1]
346 col[2] = ply_col[j][2]
347 col[3] = ply_col[j][3]
349 mesh.validate()
350 mesh.update()
352 if texture and uvindices:
354 import os
355 import sys
356 from bpy_extras.image_utils import load_image
358 encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
359 encoded_texture = texture.decode(encoding=encoding)
360 name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(texture)
361 image = load_image(encoded_texture, os.path.dirname(filepath), recursive=True, place_holder=True)
363 if image:
364 texture = bpy.data.textures.new(name=name, type='IMAGE')
365 texture.image = image
367 material = bpy.data.materials.new(name=name)
368 material.use_shadeless = True
370 mtex = material.texture_slots.add()
371 mtex.texture = texture
372 mtex.texture_coords = 'UV'
373 mtex.use_map_color_diffuse = True
375 mesh.materials.append(material)
376 for face in mesh.uv_textures[0].data:
377 face.image = image
379 return mesh
382 def load_ply(filepath):
383 import time
385 t = time.time()
386 ply_name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(filepath)
388 mesh = load_ply_mesh(filepath, ply_name)
389 if not mesh:
390 return {'CANCELLED'}
392 scn = bpy.context.scene
394 obj = bpy.data.objects.new(ply_name, mesh)
395 scn.objects.link(obj)
396 scn.objects.active = obj
397 obj.select = True
399 print('\nSuccessfully imported %r in %.3f sec' % (filepath, time.time() - t))
400 return {'FINISHED'}
403 def load(operator, context, filepath=""):
404 return load_ply(filepath)