Cleanup: camera_turnaround remove unnecessary lookup
[blender-addons.git] / mesh_inset /
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
19 # <pep8 compliant>
21 """Creating offset polygons inside faces."""
23 __author__ = ""
25 import math
26 from . import triquad
27 from . import geom
28 from .triquad import Sub2, Add2, Angle, Ccw, Normalized2, Perp2, Length2, \
29 LinInterp2, TOL
30 from .geom import Points
32 AREATOL = 1e-4
35 class Spoke(object):
36 """A Spoke is a line growing from an outer vertex to an inner one.
38 A Spoke is contained in an Offset (see below).
40 Attributes:
41 origin: int - index of origin point in a Points
42 dest: int - index of dest point
43 is_reflex: bool - True if spoke grows from a reflex angle
44 dir: (float, float, float) - direction vector (normalized)
45 speed: float - at time t, other end of spoke is
46 origin + t*dir. Speed is such that the wavefront
47 from the face edges moves at speed 1.
48 face: int - index of face containing this Spoke, in Offset
49 index: int - index of this Spoke in its face
50 destindex: int - index of Spoke dest in its face
51 """
53 def __init__(self, v, prev, next, face, index, points):
54 """Set attribute of spoke from points making up initial angle.
56 The spoke grows from an angle inside a face along the bisector
57 of that angle. Its speed is 1/sin(.5a), where a is the angle
58 formed by (prev, v, next). That speed means that the perpendicular
59 from the end of the spoke to either of the prev->v or v->prev
60 edges will grow at speed 1.
62 Args:
63 v: int - index of point spoke grows from
64 prev: int - index of point before v on boundary (in CCW order)
65 next: int - index of point after v on boundary (in CCW order)
66 face: int - index of face containing this spoke, in containing offset
67 index: int - index of this spoke in its face
68 points: geom.Points - maps vertex indices to 3d coords
69 """
71 self.origin = v
72 self.dest = v
73 self.face = face
74 self.index = index
75 self.destindex = -1
76 vmap = points.pos
77 vp = vmap[v]
78 prevp = vmap[prev]
79 nextp = vmap[next]
80 uin = Normalized2(Sub2(vp, prevp))
81 uout = Normalized2(Sub2(nextp, vp))
82 uavg = Normalized2((0.5 * (uin[0] + uout[0]), \
83 0.5 * (uin[1] + uout[1])))
84 if abs(Length2(uavg)) < TOL:
85 # in and out vectors are reverse of each other
86 self.dir = (uout[0], uout[1], 0.0)
87 self.is_reflex = False
88 self.speed = 1e7
89 else:
90 # bisector direction is 90 degree CCW rotation of
91 # average incoming/outgoing
92 self.dir = (-uavg[1], uavg[0], 0.0)
93 self.is_reflex = Ccw(next, v, prev, points)
94 ang = Angle(prev, v, next, points) # in range [0, 180)
95 sin_half_ang = math.sin(math.pi * ang / 360.0)
96 if abs(sin_half_ang) < TOL:
97 self.speed = 1e7
98 else:
99 self.speed = 1.0 / sin_half_ang
101 def __repr__(self):
102 """Printing representation of a Spoke."""
104 return "@%d+%gt%s <%d,%d>" % (self.origin, \
105 self.speed, str(self.dir), \
106 self.face, self.index)
108 def EndPoint(self, t, points, vspeed):
109 """Return the coordinates of the non-origin point at time t.
111 Args:
112 t: float - time to end of spoke
113 points: geom.Points - coordinate map
114 vspeed: float - speed in z direction
115 Returns:
116 (float, float, float) - coords of spoke's endpoint at time t
119 p = points.pos[self.origin]
120 d = self.dir
121 v = self.speed
122 return (p[0] + v * t * d[0], p[1] + v * t * d[1], p[2] + vspeed * t)
124 def VertexEvent(self, other, points):
125 """Intersect self with other spoke, and return the OffsetEvent, if any.
127 A vertex event is with one advancing spoke intersects an adjacent
128 adavancing spoke, forming a new vertex.
130 Args:
131 other: Spoke - other spoke to intersect with
132 points: Geom.points
133 Returns:
134 None or OffsetEvent - if there's an intersection in the growing
135 directions of the spokes, will return the OffsetEvent for
136 the intersection;
137 if lines are collinear or parallel, return None
140 vmap = points.pos
141 a = vmap[self.origin]
142 b = Add2(a, self.dir)
143 c = vmap[other.origin]
144 d = Add2(c, other.dir)
145 # find intersection of line ab with line cd
146 u = Sub2(b, a)
147 v = Sub2(d, c)
148 w = Sub2(a, c)
149 pp = Perp2(u, v)
150 if abs(pp) > TOL:
151 # lines or neither parallel nor collinear
152 si = Perp2(v, w) / pp
153 ti = Perp2(u, w) / pp
154 if si >= 0 and ti >= 0:
155 p = LinInterp2(a, b, si)
156 dist_ab = si * Length2(u)
157 dist_cd = ti * Length2(v)
158 time_ab = dist_ab / self.speed
159 time_cd = dist_cd / other.speed
160 time = max(time_ab, time_cd)
161 return OffsetEvent(True, time, p, self, other)
162 return None
164 def EdgeEvent(self, other, offset):
165 """Intersect self with advancing edge and return OffsetEvent, if any.
167 An edge event is when one advancing spoke intersects an advancing
168 edge. Advancing edges start out as face edges and move perpendicular
169 to them, at a rate of 1. The endpoints of the edge are the advancing
170 spokes on either end of the edge (so the edge shrinks or grows as
171 it advances). At some time, the edge may shrink to nothing and there
172 will be no EdgeEvent after that time.
174 We represent an advancing edge by the first spoke (in CCW order
175 of face) of the pair of defining spokes.
177 At time t, end of this spoke is at
178 o + d*s*t
179 where o=self.origin, d=self.dir, s= self.speed.
180 The advancing edge line has this equation:
181 oo + od*os*t + p*a
182 where oo, od, os are o, d, s for other spoke, and p is direction
183 vector parallel to advancing edge, and a is a real parameter.
184 Equating x and y of intersection point:
186 o.x + d.x*s*t = oo.x + od.x*os*t + p.x*w
187 o.y + d.y*s*t = oo.y + od.y*os*t + p.y*w
189 which can be rearranged into the form
191 a = bt + cw
192 d = et + fw
194 and solved for t, w.
196 Args:
197 other: Spoke - the edge out of this spoke's origin is the advancing
198 edge to be checked for intersection
199 offset: Offset - the containing Offset
200 Returns:
201 None or OffsetEvent - with data about the intersection, if any
204 vmap = offset.polyarea.points.pos
205 o = vmap[self.origin]
206 oo = vmap[other.origin]
207 otherface = offset.facespokes[other.face]
208 othernext = otherface[(other.index + 1) % len(otherface)]
209 oonext = vmap[othernext.origin]
210 p = Normalized2(Sub2(oonext, oo))
211 a = o[0] - oo[0]
212 d = o[1] - oo[1]
213 b = other.dir[0] * other.speed - self.dir[0] * self.speed
214 e = other.dir[1] * other.speed - self.dir[1] * self.speed
215 c = p[0]
216 f = p[1]
217 if abs(c) > TOL:
218 dem = e - f * b / c
219 if abs(dem) > TOL:
220 t = (d - f * a / c) / dem
221 w = (a - b * t) / c
222 else:
223 return None
224 elif abs(f) > TOL:
225 dem = b - c * e / f
226 if abs(dem) > TOL:
227 t = (a - c * d / f) / dem
228 w = (d - e * t) / f
229 else:
230 return None
231 else:
232 return None
233 if t < 0.0:
234 # intersection is in backward direction along self spoke
235 return None
236 if w < 0.0:
237 # intersection on wrong side of first end of advancing line segment
238 return None
239 # calculate the equivalent of w for the other end
240 aa = o[0] - oonext[0]
241 dd = o[1] - oonext[1]
242 bb = othernext.dir[0] * othernext.speed - self.dir[0] * self.speed
243 ee = othernext.dir[1] * othernext.speed - self.dir[1] * self.speed
244 cc = -p[0]
245 ff = -p[1]
246 if abs(cc) > TOL:
247 ww = (aa - bb * t) / cc
248 elif abs(ff) > TOL:
249 ww = (dd - ee * t) / ff
250 else:
251 return None
252 if ww < 0.0:
253 return None
254 evertex = (o[0] + self.dir[0] * self.speed * t, \
255 o[1] + self.dir[1] * self.speed * t)
256 return OffsetEvent(False, t, evertex, self, other)
259 class OffsetEvent(object):
260 """An event involving a spoke during offset computation.
262 The events kinds are:
263 vertex event: the spoke intersects an adjacent spoke and makes a new
264 vertex
265 edge event: the spoke hits an advancing edge and splits it
267 Attributes:
268 is_vertex_event: True if this is a vertex event (else it is edge event)
269 time: float - time at which it happens (edges advance at speed 1)
270 event_vertex: (float, float) - intersection point of event
271 spoke: Spoke - the spoke that this event is for
272 other: Spoke - other spoke involved in event; if vertex event, this will
273 be an adjacent spoke that intersects; if an edge event, this is the
274 spoke whose origin's outgoing edge grows to hit this event's spoke
277 def __init__(self, isv, time, evertex, spoke, other):
278 """Creates and initializes attributes of an OffsetEvent."""
280 self.is_vertex_event = isv
281 self.time = time
282 self.event_vertex = evertex
283 self.spoke = spoke
284 self.other = other
286 def __repr__(self):
287 """Printing representation of an event."""
289 if self.is_vertex_event:
290 c = "V"
291 else:
292 c = "E"
293 return "%s t=%5f %s %s %s" % (c, self.time, str(self.event_vertex), \
294 repr(self.spoke), repr(self.other))
297 class Offset(object):
298 """Represents an offset polygonal area, and used to construct one.
300 Currently, the polygonal area must lie approximately in the XY plane.
301 As well as growing inwards in that plane, the advancing lines also
302 move in the Z direction at the rate of vspeed.
304 Attributes:
305 polyarea: geom.PolyArea - the area we are offsetting from.
306 We share the polyarea.points, and add to it as points in
307 the offset polygonal area are computed.
308 facespokes: list of list of Spoke - each sublist is a closed face
309 (oriented CCW); the faces may mutually interfere.
310 These lists are spokes for polyarea.poly + polyarea.holes.
311 endtime: float - time when this offset hits its first
312 event (relative to beginning of this offset), or the amount
313 that takes this offset to the end of the total Build time
314 timesofar: float - sum of times taken by all containing Offsets
315 vspeed: float - speed that edges move perpendicular to offset plane
316 inneroffsets: list of Offset - the offsets that take over after this
317 (inside it)
320 def __init__(self, polyarea, time, vspeed):
321 """Set up initial state of Offset from a polyarea.
323 Args:
324 polyarea: geom.PolyArea
325 time: float - time so far
328 self.polyarea = polyarea
329 self.facespokes = []
330 self.endtime = 0.0
331 self.timesofar = time
332 self.vspeed = vspeed
333 self.inneroffsets = []
334 self.InitFaceSpokes(polyarea.poly)
335 for f in polyarea.holes:
336 self.InitFaceSpokes(f)
338 def __repr__(self):
339 ans = ["Offset: endtime=%g" % self.endtime]
340 for i, face in enumerate(self.facespokes):
341 ans.append(("<%d>" % i) + str([str(spoke) for spoke in face]))
342 return '\n'.join(ans)
344 def PrintNest(self, indent_level=0):
345 indent = " " * indent_level * 4
346 print(indent + "Offset timesofar=", self.timesofar, "endtime=",
347 self.endtime)
348 print(indent + " polyarea=", self.polyarea.poly, self.polyarea.holes)
349 for o in self.inneroffsets:
350 o.PrintNest(indent_level + 1)
352 def InitFaceSpokes(self, face_vertices):
353 """Initialize the offset representation of a face from vertex list.
355 If the face has no area or too small an area, don't bother making it.
357 Args:
358 face_vertices: list of int - point indices for boundary of face
359 Side effect:
360 A new face (list of spokes) may be added to self.facespokes
363 n = len(face_vertices)
364 if n <= 2:
365 return
366 points = self.polyarea.points
367 area = abs(geom.SignedArea(face_vertices, points))
368 if area < AREATOL:
369 return
370 findex = len(self.facespokes)
371 fspokes = [Spoke(v, face_vertices[(i - 1) % n], \
372 face_vertices[(i + 1) % n], findex, i, points) \
373 for i, v in enumerate(face_vertices)]
374 self.facespokes.append(fspokes)
376 def NextSpokeEvents(self, spoke):
377 """Return the OffsetEvents that will next happen for a given spoke.
379 It might happen that some events happen essentially simultaneously,
380 and also it is convenient to separate Edge and Vertex events, so
381 we return two lists.
382 But, for vertex events, only look at the event with the next Spoke,
383 as the event with the previous spoke will be accounted for when we
384 consider that previous spoke.
386 Args:
387 spoke: Spoke - a spoke in one of the faces of this object
388 Returns:
389 (float, list of OffsetEvent, list of OffsetEvent) -
390 time of next event,
391 next Vertex event list and next Edge event list
394 facespokes = self.facespokes[spoke.face]
395 n = len(facespokes)
396 bestt = 1e100
397 bestv = []
398 beste = []
399 # First find vertex event (only the one with next spoke)
400 next_spoke = facespokes[(spoke.index + 1) % n]
401 ev = spoke.VertexEvent(next_spoke, self.polyarea.points)
402 if ev:
403 bestv = [ev]
404 bestt = ev.time
405 # Now find edge events, if this is a reflex vertex
406 if spoke.is_reflex:
407 prev_spoke = facespokes[(spoke.index - 1) % n]
408 for f in self.facespokes:
409 for other in f:
410 if other == spoke or other == prev_spoke:
411 continue
412 ev = spoke.EdgeEvent(other, self)
413 if ev:
414 if ev.time < bestt - TOL:
415 beste = []
416 bestv = []
417 bestt = ev.time
418 if abs(ev.time - bestt) < TOL:
419 beste.append(ev)
420 return (bestt, bestv, beste)
422 def Build(self, target=2e100):
423 """Build the complete Offset structure or up until target time.
425 Find the next event(s), makes the appropriate inner Offsets
426 that are inside this one, and calls Build on those Offsets to continue
427 the process until only a single point is left or time reaches target.
430 bestt = 1e100
431 bestevs = [[], []]
432 for f in self.facespokes:
433 for s in f:
434 (t, ve, ee) = self.NextSpokeEvents(s)
435 if t < bestt - TOL:
436 bestevs = [[], []]
437 bestt = t
438 if abs(t - bestt) < TOL:
439 bestevs[0].extend(ve)
440 bestevs[1].extend(ee)
441 if bestt == 1e100:
442 # could happen if polygon is oriented wrong
443 # or in other special cases
444 return
445 if abs(bestt) < TOL:
446 # seems to be in a loop, so quit
447 return
448 self.endtime = bestt
449 (ve, ee) = bestevs
450 newfaces = []
451 splitjoin = None
452 if target < self.endtime:
453 self.endtime = target
454 newfaces = self.MakeNewFaces(self.endtime)
455 elif ve and not ee:
456 # Only vertex events.
457 # Merging of successive vertices in inset face will
458 # take care of the vertex events
459 newfaces = self.MakeNewFaces(self.endtime)
460 else:
461 # Edge events too
462 # First make the new faces (handles all vertex events)
463 newfaces = self.MakeNewFaces(self.endtime)
464 # Only do one edge event (handle other simultaneous edge
465 # events in subsequent recursive Build calls)
466 if newfaces:
467 splitjoin = self.SplitJoinFaces(newfaces, ee[0])
468 nexttarget = target - self.endtime
469 if len(newfaces) > 0:
470 pa = geom.PolyArea(points=self.polyarea.points)
471 =
472 newt = self.timesofar + self.endtime
473 pa2 = None # may make another
474 if not splitjoin:
475 pa.poly = newfaces[0]
476 pa.holes = newfaces[1:]
477 elif splitjoin[0] == 'split':
478 (_, findex, newface0, newface1) = splitjoin
479 if findex == 0:
480 # Outer poly of polyarea was split.
481 # Now there will be two polyareas.
482 # If there were holes, need to allocate according to
483 # which one contains the holes.
484 pa.poly = newface0
485 pa2 = geom.PolyArea(points=self.polyarea.points)
486 =
487 pa2.poly = newface1
488 if len(newfaces) > 1:
489 # print("need to allocate holes")
490 for hf in newfaces[1:]:
491 if pa.ContainsPoly(hf, self.polyarea.points):
492 # print("add", hf, "to", pa.poly)
493 pa.holes.append(hf)
494 elif pa2.ContainsPoly(hf, self.polyarea.points):
495 # print("add", hf, "to", pa2.poly)
496 pa2.holes.append(hf)
497 else:
498 print("whoops, hole in neither poly!")
499 self.inneroffsets = [Offset(pa, newt, self.vspeed), \
500 Offset(pa2, newt, self.vspeed)]
501 else:
502 # A hole was split. New faces just replace the split one.
503 pa.poly = newfaces[0]
504 pa.holes = newfaces[0:findex] + [newface0, newface1] + \
505 newfaces[findex + 1:]
506 else:
507 # A join
508 (_, findex, othfindex, newface0) = splitjoin
509 if findex == 0 or othfindex == 0:
510 # Outer poly was joined to one hole.
511 pa.poly = newface0
512 pa.holes = [f for f in newfaces if f is not None]
513 else:
514 # Two holes were joined
515 pa.poly = newfaces[0]
516 pa.holes = [f for f in newfaces if f is not None] + \
517 [newface0]
518 self.inneroffsets = [Offset(pa, newt, self.vspeed)]
519 if pa2:
520 self.inneroffsets.append(Offset(pa2, newt, self.vspeed))
521 if nexttarget > TOL:
522 for o in self.inneroffsets:
523 o.Build(nexttarget)
525 def FaceAtSpokeEnds(self, f, t):
526 """Return a new face that is at the spoke ends of face f at time t.
528 Also merges any adjacent approximately equal vertices into one vertex,
529 so returned list may be smaller than len(f).
530 Also sets the destindex fields of the spokes to the vertex they
531 will now end at.
533 Args:
534 f: list of Spoke - one of self.faces
535 t: float - time in this offset
536 Returns:
537 list of int - indices into self.polyarea.points
538 (which has been extended with new ones)
541 newface = []
542 points = self.polyarea.points
543 for i in range(0, len(f)):
544 s = f[i]
545 vcoords = s.EndPoint(t, points, self.vspeed)
546 v = points.AddPoint(vcoords)
547 if newface:
548 if v == newface[-1]:
549 s.destindex = len(newface) - 1
550 elif i == len(f) - 1 and v == newface[0]:
551 s.destindex = 0
552 else:
553 newface.append(v)
554 s.destindex = len(newface) - 1
555 else:
556 newface.append(v)
557 s.destindex = 0
558 s.dest = v
559 return newface
561 def MakeNewFaces(self, t):
562 """For each face in this offset, make new face extending spokes
563 to time t.
565 Args:
566 t: double - time
567 Returns:
568 list of list of int - list of new faces
571 ans = []
572 for f in self.facespokes:
573 newf = self.FaceAtSpokeEnds(f, t)
574 if len(newf) > 2:
575 ans.append(newf)
576 return ans
578 def SplitJoinFaces(self, newfaces, ev):
579 """Use event ev to split or join faces.
581 Given ev, an edge event, use the ev spoke to split the
582 other spoke's inner edge.
583 If the ev spoke's face and other's face are the same, this splits the
584 face into two; if the faces are different, it joins them into one.
585 We have just made faces at the end of the spokes.
586 We have to remove the edge going from the other spoke to its
587 next spoke, and replace it with two edges, going to and from
588 the event spoke's destination.
589 General situation:
590 __ s ____
591 c\ b\ | /a /e
592 \ \|/ /
593 f----------------g
594 / d \
595 o/ \h
597 where sd is the event spoke and of is the "other spoke",
598 hg is a spoke, and cf, fg. ge, ad, and db are edges in
599 the new inside face.
600 What we are to do is to split fg into two edges, with the
601 joining point attached where b,s,a join.
602 There are a bunch of special cases:
603 - one of split fg edges might have zero length because end points
604 are already coincident or nearly coincident.
605 - maybe c==b or e==a
607 Args:
608 newfaces: list of list of int - the new faces
609 ev: OffsetEvent - an edge event
610 Side Effects:
611 faces in newfaces that are involved in split or join are
612 set to None
613 Returns: one of:
614 ('split', int, list of int, list of int) - int is the index in
615 newfaces of the face that was split, two lists are the
616 split faces
617 ('join', int, int, list of int) - two ints are the indices in
618 newfaces of the faces that were joined, and the list is
619 the joined face
622 # print("SplitJoinFaces", newfaces, ev)
623 spoke = ev.spoke
624 other = ev.other
625 findex = spoke.face
626 othfindex = other.face
627 newface = newfaces[findex]
628 othface = newfaces[othfindex]
629 nnf = len(newface)
630 nonf = len(othface)
631 d = spoke.destindex
632 f = other.destindex
633 c = (f - 1) % nonf
634 g = (f + 1) % nonf
635 e = (f + 2) % nonf
636 a = (d - 1) % nnf
637 b = (d + 1) % nnf
638 # print("newface=", newface)
639 # if findex != othfindex: print("othface=", othface)
640 # print("d=", d, "f=", f, "c=", c, "g=", g, "e=", e, "a=", a, "b=", b)
641 newface0 = []
642 newface1 = []
643 # The two new faces put spoke si's dest on edge between
644 # pi's dest and qi (edge after pi)'s dest in original face.
645 # These are indices in the original face; the current dest face
646 # may have fewer elements because of merging successive points
647 if findex == othfindex:
648 # Case where splitting one new face into two.
649 # The new new faces are:
650 # [d, g, e, ..., a] and [d, b, ..., c, f]
651 # (except we actually want the vertex numbers at those positions)
652 newface0 = [newface[d]]
653 i = g
654 while i != d:
655 newface0.append(newface[i])
656 i = (i + 1) % nnf
657 newface1 = [newface[d]]
658 i = b
659 while i != f:
660 newface1.append(newface[i])
661 i = (i + 1) % nnf
662 newface1.append(newface[f])
663 # print("newface0=", newface0, "newface1=", newface1)
664 # now the destindex values for the spokes are messed up
665 # but I don't think we need them again
666 newfaces[findex] = None
667 return ('split', findex, newface0, newface1)
668 else:
669 # Case where joining two faces into one.
670 # The new face is splicing d's face between
671 # f and g in other face (or the reverse of all of that).
672 newface0 = [othface[i] for i in range(0, f + 1)]
673 newface0.append(newface[d])
674 i = b
675 while i != d:
676 newface0.append(newface[i])
677 i = (i + 1) % nnf
678 newface0.append(newface[d])
679 if g != 0:
680 newface0.extend([othface[i] for i in range(g, nonf)])
681 # print("newface0=", newface0)
682 newfaces[findex] = None
683 newfaces[othfindex] = None
684 return ('join', findex, othfindex, newface0)
686 def InnerPolyAreas(self):
687 """Return the interior of the offset (and contained offsets) as
688 PolyAreas.
690 Returns:
691 geom.PolyAreas
694 ans = geom.PolyAreas()
695 ans.points = self.polyarea.points
696 _AddInnerAreas(self, ans)
697 return ans
699 def MaxAmount(self):
700 """Returns the maximum offset amount possible.
701 Returns:
702 float - maximum amount
705 # Need to do Build on a copy of points
706 # so don't add points that won't be used when
707 # really do a Build with a smaller amount
708 test_points = geom.Points()
709 test_points.AddPoints(self.polyarea.points, True)
710 save_points = self.polyarea.points
711 self.polyarea.points = test_points
712 self.Build()
713 max_amount = self._MaxTime()
714 self.polyarea.points = save_points
715 return max_amount
717 def _MaxTime(self):
718 if self.inneroffsets:
719 return max([o._MaxTime() for o in self.inneroffsets])
720 else:
721 return self.timesofar + self.endtime
724 def _AddInnerAreas(off, polyareas):
725 """Add the innermost areas of offset off to polyareas.
727 Assume that polyareas is already using the proper shared points.
729 Arguments:
730 off: Offset
731 polyareas: geom.PolyAreas
732 Side Effects:
733 Any non-zero-area faces in the very inside of off are
734 added to polyareas.
737 if off.inneroffsets:
738 for o in off.inneroffsets:
739 _AddInnerAreas(o, polyareas)
740 else:
741 newpa = geom.PolyArea(polyareas.points)
742 for i, f in enumerate(off.facespokes):
743 newface = off.FaceAtSpokeEnds(f, off.endtime)
744 area = abs(geom.SignedArea(newface, polyareas.points))
745 if area < AREATOL:
746 if i == 0:
747 break
748 else:
749 continue
750 if i == 0:
751 newpa.poly = newface
752 =
753 else:
754 newpa.holes.append(newface)
755 if newpa.poly:
756 polyareas.polyareas.append(newpa)