Avoid creating matrix on load
[blender-addons.git] / uv_texture_atlas.py
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 bl_info = {
21 "name": "Texture Atlas",
22 "author": "Andreas Esau, Paul Geraskin, Campbell Barton",
23 "version": (0, 2, 1),
24 "blender": (2, 67, 0),
25 "location": "Properties > Render",
26 "description": "A simple Texture Atlas for unwrapping many objects. It creates additional UV",
27 "wiki_url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/Py/"
28 "Scripts/UV/TextureAtlas",
29 "category": "UV",
32 import bpy
33 from bpy.types import (
34 Operator,
35 Panel,
36 PropertyGroup,
38 from bpy.props import (
39 BoolProperty,
40 CollectionProperty,
41 EnumProperty,
42 FloatProperty,
43 IntProperty,
44 StringProperty,
46 import mathutils
49 def check_all_objects_visible(self, context):
50 scene = context.scene
51 group = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index]
52 isAllObjectsVisible = True
53 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
54 for thisObject in bpy.data.groups[group.name].objects:
55 isThisObjectVisible = False
56 # scene.objects.active = thisObject
57 for thisLayerNumb in range(20):
58 if thisObject.layers[thisLayerNumb] is True and scene.layers[thisLayerNumb] is True:
59 isThisObjectVisible = True
60 break
61 # If Object is on an invisible Layer
62 if isThisObjectVisible is False:
63 isAllObjectsVisible = False
64 return isAllObjectsVisible
67 def check_group_exist(self, context, use_report=True):
68 scene = context.scene
69 group = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index]
71 if group.name in bpy.data.groups:
72 return True
73 else:
74 if use_report:
75 self.report({'INFO'}, "No Such Group %r!" % group.name)
76 return False
79 class TexAtl_Main(Panel):
80 bl_label = "Texture Atlas"
81 bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
82 bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
83 bl_context = "render"
84 bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
86 def draw(self, context):
87 scene = context.scene
88 ob = context.object
90 col = self.layout.column()
91 row = self.layout.row()
92 split = self.layout.split()
94 row.template_list("UI_UL_list", "template_list_controls", scene,
95 "ms_lightmap_groups", scene, "ms_lightmap_groups_index", rows=2, maxrows=5)
96 col = row.column(align=True)
97 col.operator("scene.ms_add_lightmap_group", icon='ZOOMIN', text="")
98 col.operator("scene.ms_del_lightmap_group", icon='ZOOMOUT', text="")
100 row = self.layout.row(align=True)
102 # Resolution and Unwrap types (only if Lightmap group is added)
103 if context.scene.ms_lightmap_groups:
104 group = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index]
105 row.label(text="Resolutiom:")
106 row.prop(group, 'resolutionX', text='')
107 row.prop(group, 'resolutionY', text='')
108 row = self.layout.row()
109 #self.layout.separator()
111 row = self.layout.row()
112 row.operator("scene.ms_remove_other_uv",
113 text="RemoveOtherUVs", icon="GROUP")
114 row.operator("scene.ms_remove_selected",
115 text="RemoveSelected", icon="GROUP")
116 #self.layout.separator()
118 row = self.layout.row()
119 row.operator("scene.ms_add_selected_to_group",
120 text="AddSelected", icon="GROUP")
121 row.operator("scene.ms_select_group",
122 text="SelectGroup", icon="GROUP")
124 #self.layout.separator()
125 self.layout.label(text="Auto Unwrap:")
126 self.layout.prop(group, 'unwrap_type', text='Lightmap', expand=True)
127 row = self.layout.row()
128 row.operator(
129 "object.ms_auto", text="Auto Unwrap", icon="LAMP_SPOT")
130 row.prop(group, 'autoUnwrapPrecision', text='')
132 self.layout.label(text="Manual Unwrap:")
133 row = self.layout.row()
134 row.operator(
135 "object.ms_run", text="StartManualUnwrap", icon="LAMP_SPOT")
136 row.operator(
137 "object.ms_run_remove", text="FinishManualUnwrap", icon="LAMP_SPOT")
140 class TexAtl_RunAuto(Operator):
141 bl_idname = "object.ms_auto"
142 bl_label = "Auto Unwrapping"
143 bl_description = "Auto Unwrapping"
145 def execute(self, context):
146 scene = context.scene
147 old_context = context.area.type
149 # Check if group exists
150 if check_group_exist(self, context) is False:
151 return {'CANCELLED'}
153 group = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index]
154 context.area.type = 'VIEW_3D'
156 if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
157 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
159 if group.bake is True and bpy.data.groups[group.name].objects:
161 # Check if objects are all on the visible Layers.
162 isAllObjVisible = check_all_objects_visible(self, context)
164 if isAllObjVisible is True:
165 resX = int(group.resolutionX)
166 resY = int(group.resolutionY)
167 bpy.ops.object.ms_create_lightmap(
168 group_name=group.name, resolutionX=resX, resolutionY=resY)
169 bpy.ops.object.ms_merge_objects(
170 group_name=group.name, unwrap=True)
171 bpy.ops.object.ms_separate_objects(group_name=group.name)
172 else:
173 self.report({'INFO'}, "Not All Objects Are Visible!!!")
175 context.area.type = old_context
177 return{'FINISHED'}
180 class TexAtl_RunStart(Operator):
181 bl_idname = "object.ms_run"
182 bl_label = "Make Manual Unwrapping Object"
183 bl_description = "Makes Manual Unwrapping Object"
185 def execute(self, context):
186 scene = context.scene
187 old_context = context.area.type
189 # Check if group exists
190 if check_group_exist(self, context) is False:
191 return {'CANCELLED'}
193 context.area.type = 'VIEW_3D'
194 group = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index]
196 if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
197 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
199 if group.bake is True and bpy.data.groups[group.name].objects:
201 # Check if objects are all on the visible Layers.
202 isAllObjVisible = check_all_objects_visible(self, context)
204 if bpy.data.objects.get(group.name + "_mergedObject") is not None:
205 self.report({'INFO'}, "Old Merged Object Exists!!!")
206 elif isAllObjVisible is False:
207 self.report({'INFO'}, "Not All Objects Are Visible!!!")
208 else:
209 resX = int(group.resolutionX)
210 resY = int(group.resolutionY)
211 bpy.ops.object.ms_create_lightmap(
212 group_name=group.name, resolutionX=resX, resolutionY=resY)
213 bpy.ops.object.ms_merge_objects(
214 group_name=group.name, unwrap=False)
216 context.area.type = old_context
218 return{'FINISHED'}
221 class TexAtl_RunFinish(Operator):
222 bl_idname = "object.ms_run_remove"
223 bl_label = "Remove Manual Unwrapping Object"
224 bl_description = "Removes Manual Unwrapping Object"
226 def execute(self, context):
227 scene = context.scene
228 old_context = context.area.type
230 # Check if group exists
231 if check_group_exist(self, context) is False:
232 return {'CANCELLED'}
234 group = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index]
235 context.area.type = 'VIEW_3D'
237 if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
238 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
240 if group.bake is True and bpy.data.groups[group.name].objects:
242 # Check if objects are all on the visible Layers.
243 isAllObjVisible = check_all_objects_visible(self, context)
245 if isAllObjVisible is True:
246 bpy.ops.object.ms_separate_objects(group_name=group.name)
247 else:
248 self.report({'INFO'}, "Not All Objects Are Visible!!!")
250 context.area.type = old_context
251 return{'FINISHED'}
254 class TexAtl_UVLayers(PropertyGroup):
255 name = StringProperty(default="")
258 class TexAtl_VertexGroups(PropertyGroup):
259 name = StringProperty(default="")
262 class TexAtl_Groups(PropertyGroup):
263 name = StringProperty(default="")
266 class TexAtl_MSLightmapGroups(PropertyGroup):
268 name = StringProperty(default="")
269 bake = BoolProperty(default=True)
271 unwrap_type = EnumProperty(
272 name="unwrap_type",
273 items=(('0', 'Smart_Unwrap', 'Smart_Unwrap'),
274 ('1', 'Lightmap', 'Lightmap'),
275 ('2', 'No_Unwrap', 'No_Unwrap'),
278 resolutionX = EnumProperty(
279 name="resolutionX",
280 items=(('256', '256', ''),
281 ('512', '512', ''),
282 ('1024', '1024', ''),
283 ('2048', '2048', ''),
284 ('4096', '4096', ''),
285 ('8192', '8192', ''),
286 ('16384', '16384', ''),
288 default='1024'
290 resolutionY = EnumProperty(
291 name="resolutionY",
292 items=(('256', '256', ''),
293 ('512', '512', ''),
294 ('1024', '1024', ''),
295 ('2048', '2048', ''),
296 ('4096', '4096', ''),
297 ('8192', '8192', ''),
298 ('16384', '16384', ''),
300 default='1024'
302 autoUnwrapPrecision = FloatProperty(
303 name="autoUnwrapPrecision",
304 default=0.01,
305 min=0.001,
306 max=10
308 template_list_controls = StringProperty(
309 default="bake",
310 options={"HIDDEN"},
314 class TexAtl_MergedObjects(PropertyGroup):
315 name = StringProperty()
316 vertex_groups = CollectionProperty(
317 type=TexAtl_VertexGroups,
319 groups = CollectionProperty(type=TexAtl_Groups)
320 uv_layers = CollectionProperty(type=TexAtl_UVLayers)
323 class TexAtl_AddSelectedToGroup(Operator):
324 bl_idname = "scene.ms_add_selected_to_group"
325 bl_label = "Add to Group"
326 bl_description = "Adds selected Objects to current Group"
328 def execute(self, context):
329 scene = context.scene
330 group_name = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[
331 scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index].name
333 # Create a New Group if it was deleted.
334 obj_group = bpy.data.groups.get(group_name)
335 if obj_group is None:
336 obj_group = bpy.data.groups.new(group_name)
338 # Add objects to a group
339 if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
340 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
342 for object in context.selected_objects:
343 if object.type == 'MESH' and object.name not in obj_group.objects:
344 obj_group.objects.link(object)
346 return {'FINISHED'}
349 class TexAtl_SelectGroup(Operator):
350 bl_idname = "scene.ms_select_group"
351 bl_label = "sel Group"
352 bl_description = "Selected Objects of current Group"
354 def execute(self, context):
355 scene = context.scene
356 group_name = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[
357 scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index].name
359 # Check if group exists
360 if check_group_exist(self, context) is False:
361 return {'CANCELLED'}
363 if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
364 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
366 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
367 obj_group = bpy.data.groups[group_name]
368 for object in obj_group.objects:
369 object.select = True
370 return {'FINISHED'}
373 class TexAtl_RemoveFromGroup(Operator):
374 bl_idname = "scene.ms_remove_selected"
375 bl_label = "del Selected"
376 bl_description = "Remove Selected Group and UVs"
378 # remove all modifiers
379 # for m in mesh.modifiers:
380 # bpy.ops.object.modifier_remove(modifier=m.name)
382 def execute(self, context):
383 scene = context.scene
385 # Check if group exists
386 if check_group_exist(self, context) is False:
387 return {'CANCELLED'}
389 if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
390 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
392 for group in scene.ms_lightmap_groups:
393 group_name = group.name
395 obj_group = bpy.data.groups[group_name]
396 for object in context.selected_objects:
397 scene.objects.active = object
399 if object.type == 'MESH' and object.name in obj_group.objects:
401 # remove UV
402 tex = object.data.uv_textures.get(group_name)
403 if tex is not None:
404 object.data.uv_textures.remove(tex)
406 # remove from group
407 obj_group.objects.unlink(object)
408 object.hide_render = False
410 return {'FINISHED'}
413 class TexAtl_RemoveOtherUVs(Operator):
414 bl_idname = "scene.ms_remove_other_uv"
415 bl_label = "remOther"
416 bl_description = "Remove Other UVs from Selected"
418 def execute(self, context):
419 scene = context.scene
420 group_name = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[
421 scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index].name
423 # Check if group exists
424 if check_group_exist(self, context) is False:
425 return {'CANCELLED'}
427 if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll():
428 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
429 # bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
431 obj_group = bpy.data.groups[group_name]
433 # Remove other UVs of selected objects
434 for object in context.selected_objects:
435 scene.objects.active = object
436 if object.type == 'MESH' and object.name in obj_group.objects:
438 # remove UVs
439 UVLIST = []
440 for uv in object.data.uv_textures:
441 if uv.name != group_name:
442 UVLIST.append(uv.name)
444 for uvName in UVLIST:
445 tex = object.data.uv_textures[uvName]
446 object.data.uv_textures.remove(tex)
448 UVLIST.clear() # clear array
450 return {'FINISHED'}
453 class TexAtl_AddLightmapGroup(Operator):
454 bl_idname = "scene.ms_add_lightmap_group"
455 bl_label = "add Lightmap"
456 bl_description = "Adds a new Lightmap Group"
458 name = StringProperty(name="Group Name", default='TextureAtlas')
460 def execute(self, context):
461 scene = context.scene
462 obj_group = bpy.data.groups.new(self.name)
464 item = scene.ms_lightmap_groups.add()
465 item.name = obj_group.name
466 #item.resolution = '1024'
467 scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index = len(scene.ms_lightmap_groups) - 1
469 # Add selested objects to group
470 for object in context.selected_objects:
471 if object.type == 'MESH':
472 obj_group.objects.link(object)
474 return {'FINISHED'}
476 def invoke(self, context, event):
477 wm = context.window_manager
478 return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self)
481 class TexAtl_DelLightmapGroup(Operator):
482 bl_idname = "scene.ms_del_lightmap_group"
483 bl_label = "delete Lightmap"
484 bl_description = "Deletes active Lightmap Group"
486 def execute(self, context):
487 scene = context.scene
488 if len(scene.ms_lightmap_groups) > 0:
489 idx = scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index
490 group_name = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[idx].name
492 # Remove Group
493 group = bpy.data.groups.get(group_name)
494 if group is not None:
496 # Unhide Objects if they are hidden
497 for obj in group.objects:
498 obj.hide_render = False
499 obj.hide = False
501 bpy.data.groups.remove(group)
503 # Remove Lightmap Group
504 scene.ms_lightmap_groups.remove(scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index)
505 scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index -= 1
506 if scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index < 0:
507 scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index = 0
509 return {'FINISHED'}
512 class TexAtl_CreateLightmap(Operator):
513 bl_idname = "object.ms_create_lightmap"
514 bl_label = "TextureAtlas - Generate Lightmap"
515 bl_description = "Generates a Lightmap"
517 group_name = StringProperty(default='')
518 resolutionX = IntProperty(default=1024)
519 resolutionY = IntProperty(default=1024)
521 def execute(self, context):
522 scene = context.scene
524 # Create/Update Image
525 image = bpy.data.images.get(self.group_name)
526 if image is None:
527 image = bpy.data.images.new(
528 name=self.group_name, width=self.resolutionX, height=self.resolutionY)
530 image.generated_type = 'COLOR_GRID'
531 image.generated_width = self.resolutionX
532 image.generated_height = self.resolutionY
533 obj_group = bpy.data.groups[self.group_name]
535 # non MESH objects for removal list
536 NON_MESH_LIST = []
538 for object in obj_group.objects:
539 # Remove non MESH objects
541 if object.type != 'MESH':
542 NON_MESH_LIST.append(object)
543 elif object.type == 'MESH' and len(object.data.vertices) == 0:
544 NON_MESH_LIST.append(object)
545 else:
546 # Add Image to faces
547 if object.data.uv_textures.active is None:
548 tex = object.data.uv_textures.new()
549 tex.name = self.group_name
550 else:
551 if self.group_name not in object.data.uv_textures:
552 tex = object.data.uv_textures.new()
553 tex.name = self.group_name
554 tex.active = True
555 tex.active_render = True
556 else:
557 tex = object.data.uv_textures[self.group_name]
558 tex.active = True
559 tex.active_render = True
561 for face_tex in tex.data:
562 face_tex.image = image
564 # remove non NESH objects
565 for object in NON_MESH_LIST:
566 obj_group.objects.unlink(object)
568 NON_MESH_LIST.clear() # clear array
570 return{'FINISHED'}
573 class TexAtl_MergeObjects(Operator):
574 bl_idname = "object.ms_merge_objects"
575 bl_label = "TextureAtlas - TexAtl_MergeObjects"
576 bl_description = "Merges Objects and stores Origins"
578 group_name = StringProperty(default='')
579 unwrap = BoolProperty(default=False)
581 def execute(self, context):
582 scene = context.scene
584 # objToDelete = None
585 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
586 ob_merged_old = bpy.data.objects.get(self.group_name + "_mergedObject")
587 if ob_merged_old is not None:
588 ob_merged_old.select = True
589 scene.objects.active = ob_merged_old
590 bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=True)
592 me = bpy.data.meshes.new(self.group_name + '_mergedObject')
593 ob_merge = bpy.data.objects.new(self.group_name + '_mergedObject', me)
594 ob_merge.location = scene.cursor_location # position object at 3d-cursor
595 scene.objects.link(ob_merge) # Link object to scene
596 me.update()
597 ob_merge.select = False
599 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
601 # We do the MergeList beacuse we will duplicate grouped objects
602 mergeList = []
603 for object in bpy.data.groups[self.group_name].objects:
604 mergeList.append(object)
606 for object in mergeList:
607 # make object temporary unhidden
608 isObjHideSelect = object.hide_select
609 object.hide = False
610 object.hide_select = False
612 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
613 object.select = True
615 # activate lightmap uv if existant
616 for uv in object.data.uv_textures:
617 if uv.name == self.group_name:
618 uv.active = True
619 scene.objects.active = object
621 # Duplicate Temp Object
622 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
623 object.select = True
624 scene.objects.active = object
625 bpy.ops.object.duplicate(linked=False, mode='TRANSLATION')
626 activeNowObject = scene.objects.active
627 activeNowObject.select = True
629 # hide render of original mesh
630 object.hide_render = True
631 object.hide = True
632 object.select = False
633 object.hide_select = isObjHideSelect
635 # remove unused UV
636 # remove UVs
637 UVLIST = []
638 for uv in activeNowObject.data.uv_textures:
639 if uv.name != self.group_name:
640 UVLIST.append(uv.name)
642 for uvName in UVLIST:
643 tex = activeNowObject.data.uv_textures[uvName]
644 activeNowObject.data.uv_textures.remove(tex)
646 UVLIST.clear() # clear array
648 # create vertex groups for each selected object
649 scene.objects.active = activeNowObject
650 vgroup = activeNowObject.vertex_groups.new(name=object.name)
651 vgroup.add(
652 list(range(len(activeNowObject.data.vertices))), weight=1.0, type='ADD')
654 # save object name in merged object
655 item = ob_merge.ms_merged_objects.add()
656 item.name = object.name
658 # Add material to a tempObject if there are no materialSlots on the object
659 if not activeNowObject.data.materials:
660 matName = "zz_TextureAtlas_NO_Material"
661 mat = bpy.data.materials.get(matName)
663 if mat is None:
664 mat = bpy.data.materials.new(matName)
666 activeNowObject.data.materials.append(mat)
668 # merge objects together
669 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
670 activeNowObject.select = True
671 ob_merge.select = True
672 scene.objects.active = ob_merge
673 bpy.ops.object.join()
675 mergeList.clear() # Clear Merge List
677 # make Unwrap
678 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
679 ob_merge.select = True
680 scene.objects.active = ob_merge
682 # Unfide all faces
683 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
684 bpy.ops.mesh.reveal()
685 bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT')
686 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
688 if self.unwrap is True:
689 groupProps = scene.ms_lightmap_groups[self.group_name]
690 unwrapType = groupProps.unwrap_type
692 if unwrapType == '0' or unwrapType == '1':
693 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
695 if unwrapType == '0':
697 bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(
698 angle_limit=72.0, island_margin=groupProps.autoUnwrapPrecision, user_area_weight=0.0)
699 elif unwrapType == '1':
700 bpy.ops.uv.lightmap_pack(
702 PREF_APPLY_IMAGE=False, PREF_IMG_PX_SIZE=1024, PREF_BOX_DIV=48, PREF_MARGIN_DIV=groupProps.autoUnwrapPrecision)
703 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
705 return{'FINISHED'}
708 class TexAtl_SeparateObjects(Operator):
709 bl_idname = "object.ms_separate_objects"
710 bl_label = "TextureAtlas - Separate Objects"
711 bl_description = "Separates Objects and restores Origin"
713 group_name = StringProperty(default='')
715 def execute(self, context):
716 scene = context.scene
718 ob_merged = bpy.data.objects.get(self.group_name + "_mergedObject")
719 if ob_merged is not None:
721 # if scene.objects.active is not None:
722 # bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
723 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
724 ob_merged.hide = False
725 ob_merged.select = True
726 groupSeparate = bpy.data.groups.new(ob_merged.name)
727 groupSeparate.objects.link(ob_merged)
728 ob_merged.select = False
730 doUnhidePolygons = False
731 for ms_obj in ob_merged.ms_merged_objects:
732 # select vertex groups and separate group from merged
733 # object
734 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
735 ob_merged.select = True
736 scene.objects.active = ob_merged
738 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
739 if doUnhidePolygons is False:
740 # Unhide Polygons only once
741 bpy.ops.mesh.reveal()
742 doUnhidePolygons = True
744 bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT')
745 ob_merged.vertex_groups.active_index = ob_merged.vertex_groups[
746 ms_obj.name].index
747 bpy.ops.object.vertex_group_select()
748 bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED')
749 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT', toggle=False)
750 # scene.objects.active.select = False
752 # find separeted object
753 ob_separeted = None
754 for obj in groupSeparate.objects:
755 if obj != ob_merged:
756 ob_separeted = obj
757 break
759 # Copy UV Coordinates to the original mesh
760 if ms_obj.name in scene.objects:
761 ob_merged.select = False
762 ob_original = scene.objects[ms_obj.name]
763 isOriginalToSelect = ob_original.hide_select
764 ob_original.hide_select = False
765 ob_original.hide = False
766 ob_original.select = True
767 scene.objects.active = ob_separeted
768 bpy.ops.object.join_uvs()
769 ob_original.hide_render = False
770 ob_original.select = False
771 ob_original.hide_select = isOriginalToSelect
772 ob_original.data.update()
774 # delete separeted object
775 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
776 ob_separeted.select = True
777 bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False)
779 # delete duplicated object
780 bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT')
781 ob_merged.select = True
782 bpy.ops.object.delete(use_global=False)
784 return{'FINISHED'}
787 def register():
788 bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
790 bpy.types.Object.ms_merged_objects = CollectionProperty(
791 type=TexAtl_MergedObjects)
793 bpy.types.Scene.ms_lightmap_groups = CollectionProperty(
794 type=TexAtl_MSLightmapGroups)
796 bpy.types.Scene.ms_lightmap_groups_index = IntProperty()
798 def unregister():
799 bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
802 if __name__ == "__main__":
803 register()