io_scene_fbx: Fix incorrect identity use
[blender-addons.git] /
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 # ***** END GPL LICENCE BLOCK *****
19 bl_info = {
20 "name": "Object Color Rules",
21 "author": "Campbell Barton",
22 "version": (0, 0, 2),
23 "blender": (2, 80, 0),
24 "location": "Properties > Object Buttons",
25 "description": "Rules for assigning object color (for object & wireframe colors).",
26 "wiki_url": ""
27 "object/color_rules.html",
28 "category": "Object",
32 def test_name(rule, needle, haystack, cache):
33 if rule.use_match_regex:
34 if not cache:
35 import re
36 re_needle = re.compile(needle)
37 cache[:] = [re_needle]
38 else:
39 re_needle = cache[0]
40 return (re_needle.match(haystack) is not None)
41 else:
42 return (needle in haystack)
45 class rule_test:
46 __slots__ = ()
48 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
49 raise RuntimeError("%s should not be instantiated" % cls)
51 @staticmethod
52 def NAME(obj, rule, cache):
53 match_name = rule.match_name
54 return test_name(rule, match_name,, cache)
56 def DATA(obj, rule, cache):
57 match_name = rule.match_name
58 obj_data =
59 if obj_data is not None:
60 return test_name(rule, match_name,, cache)
61 else:
62 return False
64 @staticmethod
65 def COLLECTION(obj, rule, cache):
66 if not cache:
67 match_name = rule.match_name
68 objects = {o for g in if test_name(rule, match_name,, cache) for o in g.objects}
69 cache["objects"] = objects
70 else:
71 objects = cache["objects"]
73 return obj in objects
75 @staticmethod
76 def MATERIAL(obj, rule, cache):
77 match_name = rule.match_name
78 materials = getattr(, "materials", None)
80 return ((materials is not None) and
81 (any((test_name(rule, match_name, for m in materials if m is not None))))
83 @staticmethod
84 def TYPE(obj, rule, cache):
85 return (obj.type == rule.match_object_type)
87 @staticmethod
88 def EXPR(obj, rule, cache):
89 if not cache:
90 match_expr = rule.match_expr
91 expr = compile(match_expr,, 'eval')
93 namespace = {}
94 namespace.update(__import__("math").__dict__)
96 cache["expr"] = expr
97 cache["namespace"] = namespace
98 else:
99 expr = cache["expr"]
100 namespace = cache["namespace"]
102 try:
103 return bool(eval(expr, {}, {"self": obj}))
104 except:
105 import traceback
106 traceback.print_exc()
107 return False
110 class rule_draw:
111 __slots__ = ()
113 def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
114 raise RuntimeError("%s should not be instantiated" % cls)
116 @staticmethod
117 def _generic_match_name(layout, rule):
118 layout.label(text="Match Name:")
119 row = layout.row(align=True)
120 row.prop(rule, "match_name", text="")
121 row.prop(rule, "use_match_regex", text="", icon='SORTALPHA')
123 @staticmethod
124 def NAME(layout, rule):
125 rule_draw._generic_match_name(layout, rule)
127 @staticmethod
128 def DATA(layout, rule):
129 rule_draw._generic_match_name(layout, rule)
131 @staticmethod
132 def COLLECTION(layout, rule):
133 rule_draw._generic_match_name(layout, rule)
135 @staticmethod
136 def MATERIAL(layout, rule):
137 rule_draw._generic_match_name(layout, rule)
139 @staticmethod
140 def TYPE(layout, rule):
141 row = layout.row()
142 row.prop(rule, "match_object_type")
144 @staticmethod
145 def EXPR(layout, rule):
146 col = layout.column()
147 col.label(text="Scripted Expression:")
148 col.prop(rule, "match_expr", text="")
151 def object_colors_calc(rules, objects):
152 from mathutils import Color
154 rules_cb = [getattr(rule_test, rule.type) for rule in rules]
155 rules_blend = [(1.0 - rule.factor, rule.factor) for rule in rules]
156 rules_color = [Color(rule.color) for rule in rules]
157 rules_cache = [{} for i in range(len(rules))]
158 rules_inv = [rule.use_invert for rule in rules]
159 changed_count = 0
161 for obj in objects:
162 is_set = False
163 obj_color = Color(obj.color[0:3])
165 for (rule, test_cb, color, blend, cache, use_invert) \
166 in zip(rules, rules_cb, rules_color, rules_blend, rules_cache, rules_inv):
168 if test_cb(obj, rule, cache) is not use_invert:
169 if is_set is False:
170 obj_color = color
171 else:
172 # prevent mixing colors losing saturation
173 obj_color_s = obj_color.s
174 obj_color = (obj_color * blend[0]) + (color * blend[1])
175 obj_color.s = (obj_color_s * blend[0]) + (color.s * blend[1])
177 is_set = True
179 if is_set:
180 obj.color[0:3] = obj_color
181 changed_count += 1
182 return changed_count
185 def object_colors_select(rule, objects):
186 cache = {}
188 rule_type = rule.type
189 test_cb = getattr(rule_test, rule_type)
191 for obj in objects:
192 = test_cb(obj, rule, cache)
195 def object_colors_rule_validate(rule, report):
196 rule_type = rule.type
198 if rule_type in {'NAME', 'DATA', 'COLLECTION', 'MATERIAL'}:
199 if rule.use_match_regex:
200 import re
201 try:
202 re.compile(rule.match_name)
203 except Exception as e:
204 report({'ERROR'}, "Rule %r: %s" % (, str(e)))
205 return False
207 elif rule_type == 'EXPR':
208 try:
209 compile(rule.match_expr,, 'eval')
210 except Exception as e:
211 report({'ERROR'}, "Rule %r: %s" % (, str(e)))
212 return False
214 return True
218 import bpy
219 from bpy.types import (
220 Operator,
221 Panel,
222 UIList,
224 from bpy.props import (
225 StringProperty,
226 BoolProperty,
227 IntProperty,
228 FloatProperty,
229 EnumProperty,
230 CollectionProperty,
231 BoolVectorProperty,
232 FloatVectorProperty,
236 class OBJECT_PT_color_rules(Panel):
237 bl_label = "Color Rules"
238 bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
239 bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
240 bl_context = "object"
241 bl_options = {'DEFAULT_CLOSED'}
243 def draw(self, context):
244 layout = self.layout
246 scene = context.scene
248 # Rig type list
249 row = layout.row()
250 row.template_list(
251 "OBJECT_UL_color_rule", "color_rules",
252 scene, "color_rules",
253 scene, "color_rules_active_index",
256 col = row.column()
257 colsub = col.column(align=True)
258 colsub.operator("object.color_rules_add", icon='ADD', text="")
259 colsub.operator("object.color_rules_remove", icon='REMOVE', text="")
261 colsub = col.column(align=True)
262 colsub.operator("object.color_rules_move", text="", icon='TRIA_UP').direction = -1
263 colsub.operator("object.color_rules_move", text="", icon='TRIA_DOWN').direction = 1
265 colsub = col.column(align=True)
266 colsub.operator("object.color_rules_select", text="", icon='RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF')
268 if scene.color_rules:
269 index = scene.color_rules_active_index
270 rule = scene.color_rules[index]
272 box =
273 row = box.row(align=True)
274 row.prop(rule, "name", text="")
275 row.prop(rule, "type", text="")
276 row.prop(rule, "use_invert", text="", icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT')
278 draw_cb = getattr(rule_draw, rule.type)
279 draw_cb(box, rule)
281 row = layout.split(factor=0.75, align=True)
282 props = row.operator("object.color_rules_assign", text="Assign Selected")
283 props.use_selection = True
284 props = row.operator("object.color_rules_assign", text="All")
285 props.use_selection = False
288 class OBJECT_UL_color_rule(UIList):
289 def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, rule, icon, active_data, active_propname, index):
290 # assert(isinstance(rule, bpy.types.ShapeKey))
291 # scene = active_data
292 split = layout.split(factor=0.5)
293 row = split.split(align=False)
294 row.label(text="%s (%s)" % (, rule.type.lower()))
295 split = split.split(factor=0.7)
296 split.prop(rule, "factor", text="", emboss=False)
297 split.prop(rule, "color", text="")
300 class OBJECT_OT_color_rules_assign(Operator):
301 """Assign colors to objects based on user rules"""
302 bl_idname = "object.color_rules_assign"
303 bl_label = "Assign Colors"
304 bl_options = {'UNDO'}
306 use_selection: BoolProperty(
307 name="Selected",
308 description="Apply to selected (otherwise all objects in the scene)",
309 default=True,
312 def execute(self, context):
313 scene = context.scene
315 if self.use_selection:
316 objects = context.selected_editable_objects
317 else:
318 objects = scene.objects
320 rules = scene.color_rules[:]
321 for rule in rules:
322 if not object_colors_rule_validate(rule,
323 return {'CANCELLED'}
325 changed_count = object_colors_calc(rules, objects)
326{'INFO'}, "Set colors for {} of {} objects".format(changed_count, len(objects)))
327 return {'FINISHED'}
330 class OBJECT_OT_color_rules_select(Operator):
331 """Select objects matching the current rule"""
332 bl_idname = "object.color_rules_select"
333 bl_label = "Select Rule"
334 bl_options = {'UNDO'}
336 def execute(self, context):
337 scene = context.scene
338 rule = scene.color_rules[scene.color_rules_active_index]
340 if not object_colors_rule_validate(rule,
341 return {'CANCELLED'}
343 objects = context.visible_objects
344 object_colors_select(rule, objects)
345 return {'FINISHED'}
348 class OBJECT_OT_color_rules_add(Operator):
349 bl_idname = "object.color_rules_add"
350 bl_label = "Add Color Layer"
351 bl_options = {'UNDO'}
353 def execute(self, context):
354 scene = context.scene
355 rules = scene.color_rules
356 rule = rules.add()
357 = "Rule.%.3d" % len(rules)
358 scene.color_rules_active_index = len(rules) - 1
359 return {'FINISHED'}
362 class OBJECT_OT_color_rules_remove(Operator):
363 bl_idname = "object.color_rules_remove"
364 bl_label = "Remove Color Layer"
365 bl_options = {'UNDO'}
367 def execute(self, context):
368 scene = context.scene
369 rules = scene.color_rules
370 rules.remove(scene.color_rules_active_index)
371 if scene.color_rules_active_index > len(rules) - 1:
372 scene.color_rules_active_index = len(rules) - 1
373 return {'FINISHED'}
376 class OBJECT_OT_color_rules_move(Operator):
377 bl_idname = "object.color_rules_move"
378 bl_label = "Remove Color Layer"
379 bl_options = {'UNDO'}
380 direction: IntProperty()
382 def execute(self, context):
383 scene = context.scene
384 rules = scene.color_rules
385 index = scene.color_rules_active_index
386 index_new = index + self.direction
387 if index_new < len(rules) and index_new >= 0:
388 rules.move(index, index_new)
389 scene.color_rules_active_index = index_new
390 return {'FINISHED'}
391 else:
392 return {'CANCELLED'}
395 class ColorRule(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
396 name: StringProperty(
397 name="Rule Name",
399 color: FloatVectorProperty(
400 name="Color",
401 description="Color to assign",
402 subtype='COLOR', size=3, min=0, max=1, precision=3, step=0.1,
403 default=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
405 factor: FloatProperty(
406 name="Opacity",
407 description="Color to assign",
408 min=0, max=1, precision=1, step=0.1,
409 default=1.0,
411 type: EnumProperty(
412 name="Rule Type",
413 items=(
414 ('NAME', "Name", "Object name contains this text (or matches regex)"),
415 ('DATA', "Data Name", "Object data name contains this text (or matches regex)"),
416 ('COLLECTION', "Collection Name", "Object in collection that contains this text (or matches regex)"),
417 ('MATERIAL', "Material Name", "Object uses a material name that contains this text (or matches regex)"),
418 ('TYPE', "Type", "Object type"),
419 ('EXPR', "Expression", (
420 "Scripted expression (using 'self' for the object) eg:\n"
421 " self.type == 'MESH' and len( > 20"
427 use_invert: BoolProperty(
428 name="Invert",
429 description="Match when the rule isn't met",
432 # ------------------
433 # Matching Variables
435 # shared by all name matching
436 match_name: StringProperty(
437 name="Match Name",
439 use_match_regex: BoolProperty(
440 name="Regex",
441 description="Use regular expressions for pattern matching",
443 # type == 'TYPE'
444 match_object_type: EnumProperty(
445 name="Object Type",
446 items=([(i.identifier,, "")
447 for i in['type'].enum_items]
450 # type == 'EXPR'
451 match_expr: StringProperty(
452 name="Expression",
453 description="Python expression, where 'self' is the object variable"
457 classes = (
458 OBJECT_PT_color_rules,
459 OBJECT_OT_color_rules_add,
460 OBJECT_OT_color_rules_remove,
461 OBJECT_OT_color_rules_move,
462 OBJECT_OT_color_rules_assign,
463 OBJECT_OT_color_rules_select,
464 OBJECT_UL_color_rule,
465 ColorRule,
469 def register():
470 for cls in classes:
471 bpy.utils.register_class(cls)
473 bpy.types.Scene.color_rules = CollectionProperty(type=ColorRule)
474 bpy.types.Scene.color_rules_active_index = IntProperty()
477 def unregister():
478 for cls in classes:
479 bpy.utils.unregister_class(cls)
481 del bpy.types.Scene.color_rules