FBX: reformat props.
[blender-addons.git] / add_mesh_extra_objects / add_mesh_supertoroid.py
1 '''
2 bl_info = {
3 "name": "Add Mesh: SuperToroid",
4 "author": "DreamPainter",
5 "version": (1, 0, 0),
6 "blender": (2, 53, 0),
7 "location": "View3D > Add > Mesh > SuperToroid",
8 "description": "Add a SuperToroid mesh",
9 "url": "http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.5/Py/" \
10 "Scripts/Add_Mesh/", # no url
11 "category": "Add Mesh"}
12 '''
13 import bpy
14 from bpy.props import FloatProperty,BoolProperty,IntProperty
15 from math import pi, cos, sin
16 from mathutils import Vector
17 from bpy_extras import object_utils
19 # Create a new mesh (object) from verts/edges/faces.
20 # verts/edges/faces ... List of vertices/edges/faces for the
21 # new mesh (as used in from_pydata).
22 # name ... Name of the new mesh (& object).
23 def create_mesh_object(context, verts, edges, faces, name):
25 # Create new mesh
26 mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name)
28 # Make a mesh from a list of verts/edges/faces.
29 mesh.from_pydata(verts, edges, faces)
31 # Update mesh geometry after adding stuff.
32 mesh.update()
34 from bpy_extras import object_utils
35 return object_utils.object_data_add(context, mesh, operator=None)
37 # A very simple "bridge" tool.
38 # Connects two equally long vertex rows with faces.
39 # Returns a list of the new faces (list of lists)
41 # vertIdx1 ... First vertex list (list of vertex indices).
42 # vertIdx2 ... Second vertex list (list of vertex indices).
43 # closed ... Creates a loop (first & last are closed).
44 # flipped ... Invert the normal of the face(s).
46 # Note: You can set vertIdx1 to a single vertex index to create
47 # a fan/star of faces.
48 # Note: If both vertex idx list are the same length they have
49 # to have at least 2 vertices.
50 def createFaces(vertIdx1, vertIdx2, closed=False, flipped=False):
51 faces = []
53 if not vertIdx1 or not vertIdx2:
54 return None
56 if len(vertIdx1) < 2 and len(vertIdx2) < 2:
57 return None
59 fan = False
60 if (len(vertIdx1) != len(vertIdx2)):
61 if (len(vertIdx1) == 1 and len(vertIdx2) > 1):
62 fan = True
63 else:
64 return None
66 total = len(vertIdx2)
68 if closed:
69 # Bridge the start with the end.
70 if flipped:
71 face = [
72 vertIdx1[0],
73 vertIdx2[0],
74 vertIdx2[total - 1]]
75 if not fan:
76 face.append(vertIdx1[total - 1])
77 faces.append(face)
79 else:
80 face = [vertIdx2[0], vertIdx1[0]]
81 if not fan:
82 face.append(vertIdx1[total - 1])
83 face.append(vertIdx2[total - 1])
84 faces.append(face)
86 # Bridge the rest of the faces.
87 for num in range(total - 1):
88 if flipped:
89 if fan:
90 face = [vertIdx2[num], vertIdx1[0], vertIdx2[num + 1]]
91 else:
92 face = [vertIdx2[num], vertIdx1[num],
93 vertIdx1[num + 1], vertIdx2[num + 1]]
94 faces.append(face)
95 else:
96 if fan:
97 face = [vertIdx1[0], vertIdx2[num], vertIdx2[num + 1]]
98 else:
99 face = [vertIdx1[num], vertIdx2[num],
100 vertIdx2[num + 1], vertIdx1[num + 1]]
101 faces.append(face)
103 return faces
105 def power(a,b):
106 if a < 0:
107 return -((-a)**b)
108 return a**b
110 def supertoroid(R,r,u,v,n1,n2):
112 R = big radius
113 r = small radius
114 u = lateral segmentation
115 v = radial segmentation
116 n1 = value determines the shape of the torus
117 n2 = value determines the shape of the cross-section
120 # create the necessary constants
121 a = 2*pi/u
122 b = 2*pi/v
124 verts = []
125 faces = []
127 # create each cross-section by calculating each vector on the
128 # the wannabe circle
129 # x = (cos(theta)**n1)*(R+r*(cos(phi)**n2))
130 # y = (sin(theta)**n1)*(R+r*(cos(phi)**n2))
131 # z = (r*sin(phi)**n2)
132 # with theta and phi rangeing from 0 to 2pi
133 for i in range(u):
134 s = power(sin(i*a),n1)
135 c = power(cos(i*a),n1)
136 for j in range(v):
137 c2 = R+r*power(cos(j*b),n2)
138 s2 = r*power(sin(j*b),n2)
139 verts.append(Vector((c*c2,s*c2,s2)))
140 # bridge the last circle with the previous circle
141 if i > 0: # but not for the first circle, 'cus there's no previous before the first
142 f = createFaces(range((i-1)*v,i*v),range(i*v,(i+1)*v),closed = True)
143 faces.extend(f)
144 # bridge the last circle with the first
145 f = createFaces(range((u-1)*v,u*v),range(v),closed=True)
146 faces.extend(f)
148 return verts, faces
150 class add_supertoroid(bpy.types.Operator):
151 """Add a SuperToroid"""
152 bl_idname = "mesh.primitive_supertoroid_add"
153 bl_label = "Add SuperToroid"
154 bl_description = "Create a SuperToroid"
155 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'}
157 R = FloatProperty(name = "big radius",
158 description = "The radius inside the tube",
159 default = 1.0, min = 0.01, max = 100.0)
160 r = FloatProperty(name = "small radius",
161 description = "The radius of the tube",
162 default = 0.3, min = 0.01, max = 100.0)
163 u = IntProperty(name = "U-segments",
164 description = "radial segmentation",
165 default = 16, min = 3, max = 265)
166 v = IntProperty(name = "V-segments",
167 description = "lateral segmentation",
168 default = 8, min = 3, max = 265)
169 n1 = FloatProperty(name = "Ring manipulator",
170 description = "Manipulates the shape of the Ring",
171 default = 1.0, min = 0.01, max = 100.0)
172 n2 = FloatProperty(name = "Cross manipulator",
173 description = "Manipulates the shape of the cross-section",
174 default = 1.0, min = 0.01, max = 100.0)
175 ie = BoolProperty(name = "Use Int.+Ext. radii",
176 description = "Use internal and external radii",
177 default = False)
178 edit = BoolProperty(name="",
179 description="",
180 default=False,
181 options={'HIDDEN'})
183 def execute(self,context):
184 props = self.properties
186 # check how the radii properties must be used
187 if props.ie:
188 rad1 = (props.R+props.r)/2
189 rad2 = (props.R-props.r)/2
190 # for consistency in the mesh, ie no crossing faces, make the largest of the two
191 # the outer radius
192 if rad2 > rad1:
193 [rad1,rad2] = [rad2,rad1]
194 else:
195 rad1 = props.R
196 rad2 = props.r
197 # again for consistency, make the radius in the tube,
198 # at least as big as the radius of the tube
199 if rad2 > rad1:
200 rad1 = rad2
202 # create mesh
203 verts,faces = supertoroid(rad1,
204 rad2,
205 props.u,
206 props.v,
207 props.n1,
208 props.n2)
210 # create the object
211 obj = create_mesh_object(context, verts, [], faces, "SuperToroid")
214 return {'FINISHED'}
216 menu_func = lambda self, context: self.layout.operator(add_supertoroid.bl_idname,
217 text = "SuperToroid", icon = 'PLUGIN')
219 def register():
220 bpy.types.register(add_supertoroid)
221 bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add.append(menu_func)
223 def unregister():
224 bpy.types.unregister(add_supertoroid)
225 bpy.types.INFO_MT_mesh_add.remove(menu_func)
227 if __name__ == "__main__":
228 register()