Update for 2.8
[blender-addons.git] / mesh_extra_tools / __init__.py
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
19 # Contributed to by:
20 # meta-androcto, Hidesato Ikeya, zmj100, Gert De Roost, TrumanBlending, PKHG, #
21 # Oscurart, Greg, Stanislav Blinov, komi3D, BlenderLab, Paul Marshall (brikbot), #
22 # metalliandy, macouno, CoDEmanX, dustractor, Liero, lijenstina, Germano Cavalcante #
23 # Pistiwique, Jimmy Hazevoet #
25 bl_info = {
26 "name": "Edit Tools 2",
27 "author": "meta-androcto",
28 "version": (0, 3, 4),
29 "blender": (2, 78, 0),
30 "location": "View3D > Toolshelf > Tools and Specials (W-key)",
31 "description": "Extra mesh edit tools - modifying meshes and selection",
32 "warning": "",
33 "wiki_url": "https://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Extensions:2.6/"
34 "Py/Scripts/Modeling/Extra_Tools",
35 "category": "Mesh"}
38 # Import From Files
39 if "bpy" in locals():
40 import importlib
41 importlib.reload(face_inset_fillet)
42 importlib.reload(mesh_filletplus)
43 importlib.reload(mesh_vertex_chamfer)
44 importlib.reload(mesh_mextrude_plus)
45 importlib.reload(mesh_offset_edges)
46 importlib.reload(pkhg_faces)
47 importlib.reload(mesh_edge_roundifier)
48 importlib.reload(mesh_cut_faces)
49 importlib.reload(split_solidify)
50 importlib.reload(mesh_edges_floor_plan)
51 importlib.reload(mesh_edges_length)
52 importlib.reload(random_vertices)
53 importlib.reload(mesh_fastloop)
54 importlib.reload(mesh_edgetools)
55 importlib.reload(mesh_pen_tool)
56 importlib.reload(vfe_specials)
57 importlib.reload(mesh_help)
58 importlib.reload(mesh_select_by_direction)
59 importlib.reload(mesh_select_by_edge_length)
60 importlib.reload(mesh_select_by_pi)
61 importlib.reload(mesh_select_by_type)
62 importlib.reload(mesh_select_connected_faces)
63 importlib.reload(mesh_index_select)
64 importlib.reload(mesh_selection_topokit)
65 importlib.reload(mesh_info_select)
66 importlib.reload(mesh_extrude_and_reshape)
67 importlib.reload(mesh_check)
68 importlib.reload(vertex_align)
70 else:
71 from . import face_inset_fillet
72 from . import mesh_filletplus
73 from . import mesh_vertex_chamfer
74 from . import mesh_mextrude_plus
75 from . import mesh_offset_edges
76 from . import pkhg_faces
77 from . import mesh_edge_roundifier
78 from . import mesh_cut_faces
79 from . import split_solidify
80 from . import mesh_edges_floor_plan
81 from . import mesh_edges_length
82 from . import random_vertices
83 from . import mesh_fastloop
84 from . import mesh_edgetools
85 from . import mesh_pen_tool
86 from . import vfe_specials
87 from . import mesh_help
88 from . import mesh_extrude_and_reshape
89 from . import mesh_check
90 from . import vertex_align
92 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_select_by_direction
93 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_select_by_edge_length
94 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_select_by_pi
95 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_select_by_type
96 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_select_connected_faces
97 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_index_select
98 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_selection_topokit
99 from .mesh_select_tools import mesh_info_select
101 from . icons.icons import load_icons
103 import bpy
104 import bpy_extras.keyconfig_utils
105 from bpy.types import (
106 Menu,
107 Panel,
108 PropertyGroup,
109 AddonPreferences,
111 from bpy.props import (
112 BoolProperty,
113 BoolVectorProperty,
114 EnumProperty,
115 FloatProperty,
116 FloatVectorProperty,
117 IntVectorProperty,
118 PointerProperty,
122 # ------ MENUS ------ #
124 # Define the "Extras" menu
125 class VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_extras(Menu):
126 bl_idname = "VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_extras"
127 bl_label = "Edit Tools"
129 def draw(self, context):
130 layout = self.layout
131 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
132 mode = context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode
134 if mode[0]:
135 split = layout.split()
136 col = split.column()
138 col.label(text="Vertex", icon="VERTEXSEL")
139 col.separator()
141 col.operator("mesh.vertex_chamfer", text="Vertex Chamfer")
142 col.operator("mesh.random_vertices", text="Random Vertices")
144 col = split.column()
145 col.label(text="Utilities", icon="SCRIPTWIN")
146 col.separator()
148 col.operator("object_ot.fastloop", text="Fast loop")
149 col.operator("mesh.flip_normals", text="Normals Flip")
150 col.operator("mesh.remove_doubles", text="Remove Doubles")
151 col.operator("mesh.subdivide", text="Subdivide")
152 col.operator("mesh.dissolve_limited", text="Dissolve Limited")
154 elif mode[1]:
155 split = layout.split()
156 col = split.column()
157 col.label(text="Edge", icon="EDGESEL")
158 col.separator()
160 col.operator("mesh.fillet_plus", text="Edge Fillet Plus")
161 col.operator("mesh.offset_edges", text="Offset Edges")
162 col.operator("mesh.edge_roundifier", text="Edge Roundify")
163 col.operator("object.mesh_edge_length_set", text="Set Edge Length")
164 col.operator("mesh.edges_floor_plan")
166 col = split.column()
167 col.label(text="Utilities", icon="SCRIPTWIN")
168 col.separator()
170 col.operator("object_ot.fastloop", text="Fast loop")
171 col.operator("mesh.flip_normals", text="Normals Flip")
172 col.operator("mesh.remove_doubles", text="Remove Doubles")
174 col.operator("mesh.subdivide", text="Subdivide")
175 col.operator("mesh.dissolve_limited", text="Dissolve Limited")
177 elif mode[2]:
178 split = layout.split()
179 col = split.column()
180 col.label(text="Face", icon="FACESEL")
181 col.separator()
183 col.operator("object.mextrude", text="Multi Extrude")
184 col.operator("mesh.face_inset_fillet", text="Face Inset Fillet")
185 col.operator("mesh.extrude_reshape", text="Push/Pull")
186 col.operator("mesh.add_faces_to_object", text="PKHG Faces")
187 col.operator("mesh.ext_cut_faces", text="Cut Faces")
188 col.operator("mesh.split_solidify", text="Split Solidify")
190 col = split.column()
191 col.label(text="Utilities", icon="SCRIPTWIN")
192 col.separator()
194 col.operator("object_ot.fastloop", text="Fast loop")
195 col.operator("mesh.flip_normals", text="Normals Flip")
196 col.operator("mesh.remove_doubles", text="Remove Doubles")
197 col.operator("mesh.subdivide", text="Subdivide")
198 col.operator("mesh.dissolve_limited", text="Dissolve Limited")
201 class EditToolsPanel(Panel):
202 bl_label = "Mesh Edit Tools"
203 bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D"
204 bl_region_type = "TOOLS"
205 bl_context = "mesh_edit"
206 bl_category = "Tools"
207 bl_options = {"DEFAULT_CLOSED"}
209 def draw(self, context):
210 scene = context.scene
211 VERTDROP = scene.mesh_extra_tools.UiTabDrop[0]
212 EDGEDROP = scene.mesh_extra_tools.UiTabDrop[1]
213 FACEDROP = scene.mesh_extra_tools.UiTabDrop[2]
214 UTILSDROP = scene.mesh_extra_tools.UiTabDrop[3]
215 # Change icons depending on the bool state (complient with the rest of the UI)
216 icon_active_0 = "TRIA_RIGHT" if not VERTDROP else "TRIA_DOWN"
217 icon_active_1 = "TRIA_RIGHT" if not EDGEDROP else "TRIA_DOWN"
218 icon_active_2 = "TRIA_RIGHT" if not FACEDROP else "TRIA_DOWN"
219 icon_active_3 = "TRIA_RIGHT" if not UTILSDROP else "TRIA_DOWN"
221 layout = self.layout
223 # Vert options
224 box1 = self.layout.box()
225 col = box1.column(align=True)
226 row = col.row(align=True)
227 row.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "UiTabDrop", text="Vertex", index=0, icon=icon_active_0)
228 if not VERTDROP:
229 row.menu("mesh.vert_select_tools", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF", text="")
230 row.menu("VIEW3D_MT_Select_Vert", icon="VERTEXSEL", text="")
231 else:
232 layout = self.layout
234 row = layout.row()
235 row.label(text="Vertex Tools:", icon="VERTEXSEL")
237 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
238 row.operator("mesh.vertex_chamfer", text="Chamfer")
239 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
240 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_vertex_chamfer"
242 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
243 row.operator("mesh.random_vertices", text="Random Vertices")
244 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
245 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "random_vertices"
247 # Vertex Align Properties And Menu
248 cen0 = scene.mesh_extra_tools.vert_align_to
250 layout = self.layout
251 layout.label(text="Vertex Align:", icon="UV_VERTEXSEL")
253 # Draw the menu with 2 options
254 layout.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "vert_align_to", expand=False)
255 if cen0 == 'vertex':
256 row = layout.row(align=True)
257 row.operator("vertex_align.store_id", text="Store Selected Vertex")
259 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
260 row.operator("vertex_align.align_original", text="Align to Axis")
261 props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
262 props.help_ids = "vertex_align"
263 props.popup_size = 400
264 elif cen0 == "coordinates":
265 layout.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "vert_align_use_stored", toggle=True)
267 if scene.mesh_extra_tools.vert_align_use_stored:
268 col = layout.column(align=True)
269 col.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "vert_align_store_axis", expand=True)
271 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
272 row.operator("vertex_align.coord_list_id", text="Align Coordinates")
273 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
274 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "vertex_align"
276 # Edge options
277 box1 = self.layout.box()
278 col = box1.column(align=True)
279 row = col.row(align=True)
280 row.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "UiTabDrop", text="Edge", index=1, icon=icon_active_1)
282 if not EDGEDROP:
283 row.menu("mesh.edge_select_tools", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF", text="")
284 row.menu("VIEW3D_MT_Select_Edge", icon="EDGESEL", text="")
285 else:
286 layout = self.layout
288 row = layout.row()
289 row.label(text="Edge Tools:", icon="EDGESEL")
290 row.menu("VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_edgetools", icon="GRID")
292 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
293 row.operator("mesh.fillet_plus", text="Fillet plus")
295 props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
296 props.help_ids = "mesh_filletplus"
297 props.popup_size = 400
299 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
300 row.operator("mesh.offset_edges", text="Offset Edges")
301 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
302 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_offset_edges"
304 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
305 row.operator("mesh.edge_roundifier", text="Roundify")
306 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
307 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_edge_roundifier"
309 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
310 row.operator("object.mesh_edge_length_set", text="Set Edge Length")
311 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
312 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_edges_length"
314 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
315 row.operator("mesh.edges_floor_plan")
317 props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
318 props.help_ids = "mesh_edges_floor_plan"
319 props.popup_size = 400
321 # Face options
322 box1 = self.layout.box()
323 col = box1.column(align=True)
324 row = col.row(align=True)
325 row.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "UiTabDrop", text="Face", index=2, icon=icon_active_2)
327 if not FACEDROP:
328 row.menu("mesh.face_select_tools", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF", text="")
329 row.menu("VIEW3D_MT_Select_Face", icon="FACESEL", text="")
330 else:
331 layout = self.layout
333 row = layout.row()
334 row.label(text="Face Tools:", icon="FACESEL")
336 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
337 row.operator("object.mextrude", text="Multi Extrude")
338 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
339 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_mextrude_plus"
341 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
342 row.operator("mesh.extrude_reshape", text="Push/Pull")
343 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
344 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_extrude_and_reshape"
346 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
347 row.operator("mesh.face_inset_fillet", text="Inset Fillet")
348 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
349 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "face_inset_fillet"
351 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
352 row.operator("mesh.ext_cut_faces", text="Cut Faces")
353 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
354 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_cut_faces"
356 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
357 row.operator("mesh.split_solidify", text="Split Solidify")
358 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
359 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "split_solidify"
361 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
362 row.operator("mesh.add_faces_to_object", "Shape Extrude")
363 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help",
364 icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "pkhg_faces"
366 # Utils options
367 box1 = self.layout.box()
368 col = box1.column(align=True)
369 row = col.row(align=True)
370 row.prop(scene.mesh_extra_tools, "UiTabDrop", text="Utils", index=3, icon=icon_active_3)
372 if not UTILSDROP:
373 row.menu("mesh.utils specials", icon="SOLO_OFF", text="")
374 row.menu("VIEW3D_MT_Edit_MultiMET", icon="LOOPSEL", text="")
375 else:
376 layout = self.layout
378 row = layout.row()
379 row.label(text="Utilities:")
381 row = layout.row()
382 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
383 row.operator("object_ot.fastloop", text="Fast Loop")
385 props = row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED")
386 props.help_ids = "mesh_fastloop"
387 props.popup_size = 400
389 col = layout.column(align=True)
390 col.operator("mesh.flip_normals", text="Normals Flip")
391 col.operator("mesh.remove_doubles", text="Remove Doubles")
392 col.operator("mesh.subdivide", text="Subdivide")
393 col.operator("mesh.dissolve_limited", text="Dissolve Limited")
395 row = layout.row(align=True)
396 row.operator("mesh.select_vert_edge_face_index",
397 icon="VERTEXSEL", text="Select By Index").select_type = 'VERT'
399 # Mesh Check
400 layout = self.layout
401 icons = load_icons()
402 tris = icons.get("triangles")
403 ngons = icons.get("ngons")
405 mesh_check = context.window_manager.mesh_check
406 icon_active_4 = "TRIA_RIGHT" if not mesh_check.mesh_check_use else "TRIA_DOWN"
408 row = layout.row()
409 row = layout.split(0.8, align=True)
410 row.prop(mesh_check, "mesh_check_use", toggle=True, icon=icon_active_4)
411 row.operator("mesh.extra_tools_help", icon="LAYER_USED").help_ids = "mesh_check"
413 if mesh_check.mesh_check_use:
414 layout = self.layout
416 row = layout.row(align=True)
417 row.operator("object.face_type_select", text="Tris",
418 icon_value=tris.icon_id).face_type = 'tris'
419 row.operator("object.face_type_select", text="Ngons",
420 icon_value=ngons.icon_id).face_type = 'ngons'
422 row = layout.row()
423 row.prop(mesh_check, "display_faces", text="Display Faces")
425 if mesh_check.display_faces:
426 col = layout.column(align=True)
427 col.prop(mesh_check, "edge_width")
428 col.prop(mesh_check, "face_opacity")
430 row = layout.row()
431 row.label(text="Custom Colors:", icon="COLOR")
433 col = layout.column().split(percentage=0.1, align=True)
434 col.label(text="", icon_value=tris.icon_id)
435 col.prop(mesh_check, "custom_tri_color", text="")
437 col = layout.column().split(percentage=0.1, align=True)
438 col.label(text="", icon_value=ngons.icon_id)
439 col.prop(mesh_check, "custom_ngons_color", text="")
441 layout.separator()
443 row = layout.row(align=True)
444 if bpy.app.debug:
445 obj_data = getattr(context.active_object, "data", None)
446 if obj_data:
447 row.prop(obj_data, "show_extra_indices",
448 icon="LINENUMBERS_ON", toggle=True)
450 if context.mode == 'EDIT_MESH' and not context.space_data.use_occlude_geometry:
451 row.prop(mesh_check, "finer_lines_behind_use", icon="ORTHO")
454 # ********** Edit Multiselect **********
455 class VIEW3D_MT_Edit_MultiMET(Menu):
456 bl_label = "Multi Select"
457 bl_description = "Multi Select Modes"
459 def draw(self, context):
460 layout = self.layout
461 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
463 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
464 text="Vertex Select",
465 icon='VERTEXSEL')
466 prop.value = "(True, False, False)"
467 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
469 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
470 text="Edge Select",
471 icon='EDGESEL')
472 prop.value = "(False, True, False)"
473 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
475 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
476 text="Face Select",
477 icon='FACESEL')
478 prop.value = "(False, False, True)"
479 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
481 layout.separator()
483 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
484 text="Vertex and Edge Select",
485 icon='EDITMODE_HLT')
486 prop.value = "(True, True, False)"
487 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
489 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
490 text="Vertex and Face Select",
491 icon='ORTHO')
492 prop.value = "(True, False, True)"
493 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
495 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
496 text="Edge and Face Select",
497 icon='SNAP_FACE')
498 prop.value = "(False, True, True)"
499 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
501 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
502 text="Vertex, Edge and Face Select",
503 icon='SNAP_VOLUME')
504 prop.value = "(True, True, True)"
505 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
508 # Select Tools
509 class VIEW3D_MT_Select_Vert(Menu):
510 bl_label = "Select Vert"
511 bl_description = "Vertex Selection Modes"
513 def draw(self, context):
514 layout = self.layout
515 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
517 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
518 text="Vertex Select",
519 icon='VERTEXSEL')
520 prop.value = "(True, False, False)"
521 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
523 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
524 text="Vertex and Edge Select",
525 icon='EDITMODE_HLT')
526 prop.value = "(True, True, False)"
527 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
529 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
530 text="Vertex and Face Select",
531 icon='ORTHO')
532 prop.value = "(True, False, True)"
533 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
536 class VIEW3D_MT_Select_Edge(Menu):
537 bl_label = "Select Edge"
538 bl_description = "Edge Selection Modes"
540 def draw(self, context):
541 layout = self.layout
542 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
544 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
545 text="Edge Select",
546 icon='EDGESEL')
547 prop.value = "(False, True, False)"
548 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
550 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
551 text="Vertex and Edge Select",
552 icon='EDITMODE_HLT')
553 prop.value = "(True, True, False)"
554 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
556 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
557 text="Edge and Face Select",
558 icon='SNAP_FACE')
559 prop.value = "(False, True, True)"
560 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
563 class VIEW3D_MT_Select_Face(Menu):
564 bl_label = "Select Face"
565 bl_description = "Face Selection Modes"
567 def draw(self, context):
568 layout = self.layout
569 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
571 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
572 text="Face Select",
573 icon='FACESEL')
574 prop.value = "(False, False, True)"
575 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
577 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
578 text="Vertex and Face Select",
579 icon='ORTHO')
580 prop.value = "(True, False, True)"
581 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
583 prop = layout.operator("wm.context_set_value",
584 text="Edge and Face Select",
585 icon='SNAP_FACE')
586 prop.value = "(False, True, True)"
587 prop.data_path = "tool_settings.mesh_select_mode"
590 class VIEW3D_MT_selectface_edit_mesh_add(Menu):
591 bl_label = "Select by Face"
592 bl_idname = "mesh.face_select_tools"
593 bl_description = "Face Selection Tools"
595 def draw(self, context):
596 layout = self.layout
597 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
599 layout.label(text="Face Selection Tools", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF")
600 layout.separator()
602 layout.operator("mesh.select_all").action = 'TOGGLE'
603 layout.operator("mesh.select_all", text="Inverse").action = 'INVERT'
604 layout.operator("mesh.ext_deselect_boundary", text="Deselect Boundary")
605 layout.separator()
607 layout.operator("data.facetype_select", text="Triangles").face_type = "3"
608 layout.operator("data.facetype_select", text="Quads").face_type = "4"
609 layout.operator("data.facetype_select", text="Ngons").face_type = "5"
610 layout.separator()
612 layout.operator("mesh.select_vert_edge_face_index",
613 text="By Face Index").select_type = 'FACE'
614 layout.operator("mesh.select_by_direction", text="By Direction")
615 layout.operator("mesh.select_by_pi", text="By Pi or e")
616 layout.operator("mesh.select_connected_faces", text="By Connected Faces")
617 layout.operator("mesh.conway", text="By Conway's game of life")
618 layout.separator()
620 layout.operator("mesh.e2e_efe", text="Neighbors by Face")
621 layout.operator("mesh.f2f_fvnef", text="Neighbors by Vert not Edge")
624 class VIEW3D_MT_selectedge_edit_mesh_add(Menu):
625 bl_label = "Select by Edge"
626 bl_idname = "mesh.edge_select_tools"
627 bl_description = "Edge Selection Tools"
629 def draw(self, context):
630 layout = self.layout
631 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
633 layout.label(text="Edge Selection Tools", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF")
634 layout.separator()
636 layout.operator("mesh.select_all").action = 'TOGGLE'
637 layout.operator("mesh.select_all", text="Inverse").action = 'INVERT'
638 layout.separator()
640 layout.operator("mesh.select_vert_edge_face_index",
641 text="By Edge Index").select_type = 'EDGE'
642 layout.operator("mesh.select_by_direction", text="By Direction")
643 layout.operator("mesh.select_by_pi", text="By Pi or e")
644 layout.operator("mesh.select_by_edge_length", text="By Edge Length")
645 layout.separator()
647 layout.operator("mesh.e2e_eve", text="Neighbors by Vertex")
648 layout.operator("mesh.e2e_evfe", text="Neighbors by Vertex and Face")
649 layout.operator("mesh.e2e_efnve", text="Lateral Neighbors")
650 layout.operator("mesh.e2e_evnfe", text="Longitudinal Edges")
653 class VIEW3D_MT_selectvert_edit_mesh_add(Menu):
654 bl_label = "Select by Vert"
655 bl_idname = "mesh.vert_select_tools"
656 bl_description = "Vertex Selection Tools"
658 def draw(self, context):
659 layout = self.layout
660 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
662 layout.label(text="Vertex Selection Tools", icon="RESTRICT_SELECT_OFF")
663 layout.separator()
665 layout.operator("mesh.select_all").action = 'TOGGLE'
666 layout.operator("mesh.select_all", text="Inverse").action = 'INVERT'
667 layout.separator()
669 layout.operator("mesh.select_vert_edge_face_index",
670 text="By Vert Index").select_type = 'VERT'
671 layout.operator("mesh.select_by_direction", text="By Direction")
672 layout.operator("mesh.select_by_pi", text="By Pi or e")
673 layout.separator()
675 layout.operator("mesh.v2v_by_edge", text="Neighbors by Edge")
676 layout.operator("mesh.e2e_eve", text="Neighbors by Vertex")
677 layout.operator("mesh.e2e_efe", text="Neighbors by Face")
678 layout.operator("mesh.v2v_facewise", text="Neighbors by Face - Edge")
681 class VIEW3D_MT_utils_specials(Menu):
682 bl_label = "Specials Menu"
683 bl_idname = "mesh.utils specials"
684 bl_description = "Utils Quick Specials"
686 def draw(self, context):
687 layout = self.layout
688 layout.operator_context = 'INVOKE_REGION_WIN'
690 layout.label(text="Fast Specials")
691 layout.separator()
693 layout.menu("VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_clean")
694 layout.separator()
696 layout.operator("mesh.subdivide", text="Subdivide").smoothness = 0.0
697 layout.operator("mesh.merge", text="Merge...")
698 layout.operator("mesh.remove_doubles")
699 layout.operator("mesh.inset")
700 layout.operator("mesh.bevel", text="Bevel")
701 layout.operator("mesh.bridge_edge_loops")
702 layout.separator()
704 layout.operator("mesh.normals_make_consistent",
705 text="Recalculate Outside").inside = False
706 layout.operator("mesh.normals_make_consistent",
707 text="Recalculate Inside").inside = True
708 layout.operator("mesh.flip_normals")
711 # Define the "Extras" Menu append
712 class VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_all(Menu):
713 bl_idname = "VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_all"
714 bl_label = "Mesh Edit Tools"
716 def draw(self, context):
717 layout = self.layout
719 layout.menu("VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_extras")
720 layout.menu("VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_edgetools")
723 def menu_func(self, context):
724 self.layout.menu("VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_extras")
725 self.layout.menu("VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_edgetools")
728 # Define "Select" Menu append
729 def menu_select(self, context):
730 if context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode[2]:
731 self.layout.menu("mesh.face_select_tools", icon="FACESEL")
732 if context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode[1]:
733 self.layout.menu("mesh.edge_select_tools", icon="EDGESEL")
734 if context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode[0]:
735 self.layout.menu("mesh.vert_select_tools", icon="VERTEXSEL")
738 # Scene Properties
739 class MeshExtraToolsSceneProps(PropertyGroup):
740 # Define the UI drop down prop
741 UiTabDrop = BoolVectorProperty(
742 name="Tab",
743 description="Expand/Collapse UI elements",
744 default=(False,) * 4,
745 size=4,
747 # Vertex align
748 vert_align_store_axis = FloatVectorProperty(
749 name="Define Custom Coordinates",
750 description="Store the values of coordinates, for repeated use\n"
751 "as a starting point",
752 default=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
753 min=-100.0, max=100.0,
754 step=1, size=3,
755 subtype='XYZ',
756 precision=3
758 vert_align_use_stored = BoolProperty(
759 name="Use Stored Coordinates",
760 description="Use starting point coordinates for alignment",
761 default=False
763 vert_align_to = EnumProperty(
764 items=(('vertex', "Original vertex",
765 "Use the stored vertex coordinates for aligning"),
766 ('coordinates', "Custom coordinates",
767 "Use defined custom coordinates for aligning")),
768 name="Align to",
769 default='vertex'
771 vert_align_axis = BoolVectorProperty(
772 name="Axis",
773 description="Align to a specific Axis",
774 default=(True, False, False),
775 size=3,
777 # Mesh Info select
778 mesh_info_show = BoolProperty(
779 name="Show Face Info",
780 description="Display the Object's Face Count information\n"
781 "Note: it can have some performance impact on dense meshes\n"
782 "Leave it closed if not needed or set the Delay to a higher value",
783 default=False
785 mesh_info_delay = FloatProperty(
786 name="Delay",
787 description="Set the Update time Delay in seconds\n"
788 "Set to zero to update with the UI refresh\n"
789 "Higher values will sometimes need to hover over the cursor",
790 default=2.0,
791 min=0.0, max=20.0,
792 step=100,
793 subtype='TIME',
794 precision=1
798 # Add-on Preferences
799 class mesh_extra_tools_pref(AddonPreferences):
800 bl_idname = __name__
802 show_info = BoolProperty(
803 name="Info",
804 default=False,
805 description="Some general information about the add-on",
807 show_shortcuts = BoolProperty(
808 name="Hot Keys",
809 default=False,
810 description="List of the shortcuts used for the included various tools",
813 def draw(self, context):
814 layout = self.layout
815 box = layout.box()
817 box.prop(self, "show_info", icon="INFO")
818 if self.show_info:
819 box.label(text="Collection of various extra Mesh Edit Functions",
820 icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
821 box.label("The majority of the tools can be found in"
822 "Mesh Edit Mode Toolshelf or W key Specials Menu",
823 icon="LAYER_USED")
824 box.label("The Pen tool is a separate Panel in the Toolshelf",
825 icon="LAYER_USED")
826 box.label("The Face Extrude tool is only available in Object Mode "
827 "as a separate panel in the Toolshelf",
828 icon="LAYER_USED")
829 box.label("Face Info / Select is a separate Panel located in Properties > Data Editor",
830 icon="LAYER_USED")
832 box.prop(self, "show_shortcuts", icon="KEYINGSET")
833 if self.show_shortcuts:
834 col = box.column()
835 col.label(text="Double Right Click in Edit mode in the 3D Viewport",
836 icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
837 col.label("Used for quick access to the Vertex, Edge and Face context menus",
838 icon="LAYER_USED")
839 col.separator()
840 col.label(text="W-key in Edit Mode in the 3D Viewport",
841 icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
842 col.label("Tools are grouped into menus prepended to the Specials Menu",
843 icon="LAYER_USED")
844 col.separator()
845 col.label(text="Ctrl+D in Edit Mode in the 3D Viewport",
846 icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
847 col.label("Used by the Pen Tool to start drawing. When activated:",
848 icon="LAYER_USED")
849 col.label("Shift + Mouse Move is used to draw along the X axis",
850 icon="LAYER_USED")
851 col.label("Alt + Mouse Move is used to draw along the Y axis",
852 icon="LAYER_USED")
853 col.separator()
854 col.label(text="Note: when using Fast Loop operator, press Esc twice to finish",
855 icon="LAYER_ACTIVE")
858 def register():
859 mesh_pen_tool.register()
860 vfe_specials.register()
861 mesh_extrude_and_reshape.register()
862 mesh_check.register()
864 bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
866 # Register Scene Properties
867 bpy.types.Scene.mesh_extra_tools = PointerProperty(
868 type=MeshExtraToolsSceneProps
870 # Used in mesh_selection_topokit to store cache selection data
871 bpy.types.Object.tkkey = IntVectorProperty(size=4)
873 # Add "Extras" menu to the "W-key Specials" menu
874 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_specials.prepend(menu_func)
875 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_select_edit_mesh.prepend(menu_select)
877 try:
878 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_Select_Edit_Mesh.prepend(menu_select)
879 except:
880 pass
883 def unregister():
884 mesh_pen_tool.unregister()
885 vfe_specials.unregister()
886 mesh_extrude_and_reshape.unregister()
887 mesh_check.unregister()
889 del bpy.types.Scene.mesh_extra_tools
890 del bpy.types.Object.tkkey
892 bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
894 # Remove "Extras" menu from the "" menu.
895 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_edit_mesh_specials.remove(menu_func)
896 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_select_edit_mesh.remove(menu_select)
898 try:
899 bpy.types.VIEW3D_MT_Select_Edit_Mesh.remove(menu_select)
900 except:
901 pass
904 if __name__ == "__main__":
905 register()