Remove bl_options from menus which caused tests to fail
[blender-addons.git] / add_curve_extra_objects /
1 # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012-2022 Blender Foundation
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 """
6 bl_info = {
7 "name": "Spirals",
8 "description": "Make spirals",
9 "author": "Alejandro Omar Chocano Vasquez",
10 "version": (1, 2, 2),
11 "blender": (2, 80, 0),
12 "location": "View3D > Add > Curve",
13 "warning": "",
14 "doc_url": "{BLENDER_MANUAL_URL}/addons/add_curve/extra_objects.html",
15 "category": "Add Curve",
17 """
19 import bpy
20 import time
21 from bpy.props import (
22 EnumProperty,
23 BoolProperty,
24 FloatProperty,
25 IntProperty,
26 FloatVectorProperty
28 from mathutils import (
29 Vector,
30 Matrix,
32 from math import (
33 sin, cos, pi
35 from bpy_extras import object_utils
36 from bpy.types import (
37 Operator,
38 Menu,
40 from bl_operators.presets import AddPresetBase
43 # make normal spiral
44 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 def make_spiral(props, context):
47 # archemedian and logarithmic can be plotted in cylindrical coordinates
49 # INPUT: turns->degree->max_phi, steps, direction
50 # Initialise Polar Coordinate Environment
51 = 360 * props.turns # If you want to make the slider for degree
52 steps = props.steps * props.turns # props.steps[per turn] -> steps[for the whole spiral]
53 props.z_scale = props.dif_z * props.turns
55 max_phi = pi * / 180 # max angle in radian
56 step_phi = max_phi / steps # angle in radians between two vertices
58 if props.spiral_direction == 'CLOCKWISE':
59 step_phi *= -1 # flip direction
60 max_phi *= -1
62 step_z = props.z_scale / (steps - 1) # z increase in one step
64 verts = []
65 verts.append([props.radius, 0, 0])
67 cur_phi = 0
68 cur_z = 0
70 # Archemedean: dif_radius, radius
71 cur_rad = props.radius
72 step_rad = props.dif_radius / (steps * 360 /
73 # radius increase per angle for archemedean spiral|
74 # (steps * 360/ needed for 360 deg
75 # Logarithmic: radius, B_force, ang_div, dif_z
77 while abs(cur_phi) <= abs(max_phi):
78 cur_phi += step_phi
79 cur_z += step_z
81 if props.spiral_type == 'ARCH':
82 cur_rad += step_rad
83 if props.spiral_type == 'LOG':
84 # r = a*e^{|theta| * b}
85 cur_rad = props.radius * pow(props.B_force, abs(cur_phi))
87 px = cur_rad * cos(cur_phi)
88 py = cur_rad * sin(cur_phi)
89 verts.append([px, py, cur_z])
91 return verts
94 # make Spheric spiral
95 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 def make_spiral_spheric(props, context):
98 # INPUT: turns, steps[per turn], radius
99 # use spherical Coordinates
100 step_phi = (2 * pi) / props.steps # Step of angle in radians for one turn
101 steps = props.steps * props.turns # props.steps[per turn] -> steps[for the whole spiral]
103 max_phi = 2 * pi * props.turns # max angle in radian
104 step_phi = max_phi / steps # angle in radians between two vertices
105 if props.spiral_direction == 'CLOCKWISE': # flip direction
106 step_phi *= -1
107 max_phi *= -1
108 step_theta = pi / (steps - 1) # theta increase in one step (pi == 180 deg)
110 verts = []
111 verts.append([0, 0, -props.radius]) # First vertex at south pole
113 cur_phi = 0
114 cur_theta = -pi / 2 # Beginning at south pole
116 while abs(cur_phi) <= abs(max_phi):
117 # Coordinate Transformation sphere->rect
118 px = props.radius * cos(cur_theta) * cos(cur_phi)
119 py = props.radius * cos(cur_theta) * sin(cur_phi)
120 pz = props.radius * sin(cur_theta)
122 verts.append([px, py, pz])
123 cur_theta += step_theta
124 cur_phi += step_phi
126 return verts
129 # make torus spiral
130 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 def make_spiral_torus(props, context):
133 # INPUT: turns, steps, inner_radius, curves_number,
134 # mul_height, dif_inner_radius, cycles
135 max_phi = 2 * pi * props.turns * props.cycles # max angle in radian
136 step_phi = 2 * pi / props.steps # Step of angle in radians between two vertices
138 if props.spiral_direction == 'CLOCKWISE': # flip direction
139 step_phi *= -1
140 max_phi *= -1
142 step_theta = (2 * pi / props.turns) / props.steps
143 step_rad = props.dif_radius / (props.steps * props.turns)
144 step_inner_rad = props.dif_inner_radius / props.steps
145 step_z = props.dif_z / (props.steps * props.turns)
147 verts = []
149 cur_phi = 0 # Inner Ring Radius Angle
150 cur_theta = 0 # Ring Radius Angle
151 cur_rad = props.radius
152 cur_inner_rad = props.inner_radius
153 cur_z = 0
154 n_cycle = 0
156 while abs(cur_phi) <= abs(max_phi):
157 # Torus Coordinates -> Rect
158 px = (cur_rad + cur_inner_rad * cos(cur_phi)) * \
159 cos(props.curves_number * cur_theta)
160 py = (cur_rad + cur_inner_rad * cos(cur_phi)) * \
161 sin(props.curves_number * cur_theta)
162 pz = cur_inner_rad * sin(cur_phi) + cur_z
164 verts.append([px, py, pz])
166 if props.touch and cur_phi >= n_cycle * 2 * pi:
167 step_z = ((n_cycle + 1) * props.dif_inner_radius +
168 props.inner_radius) * 2 / (props.steps * props.turns)
169 n_cycle += 1
171 cur_theta += step_theta
172 cur_phi += step_phi
173 cur_rad += step_rad
174 cur_inner_rad += step_inner_rad
175 cur_z += step_z
177 return verts
180 # ------------------------------------------------------------
181 # get array of vertcoordinates according to splinetype
182 def vertsToPoints(Verts, splineType):
184 # main vars
185 vertArray = []
187 # array for BEZIER spline output (V3)
188 if splineType == 'BEZIER':
189 for v in Verts:
190 vertArray += v
192 # array for nonBEZIER output (V4)
193 else:
194 for v in Verts:
195 vertArray += v
196 if splineType == 'NURBS':
197 # for nurbs w=1
198 vertArray.append(1)
199 else:
200 # for poly w=0
201 vertArray.append(0)
202 return vertArray
205 # ------------------------------------------------------------
206 # create curve object according to the values of the add object editor
207 def draw_curve(props, context):
208 # output splineType 'POLY' 'NURBS' 'BEZIER'
209 splineType = props.curve_type
211 if props.spiral_type == 'ARCH':
212 verts = make_spiral(props, context)
213 if props.spiral_type == 'LOG':
214 verts = make_spiral(props, context)
215 if props.spiral_type == 'SPHERE':
216 verts = make_spiral_spheric(props, context)
217 if props.spiral_type == 'TORUS':
218 verts = make_spiral_torus(props, context)
220 # create object
221 if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_CURVE':
222 Curve = context.active_object
223 newSpline = # spline
224 else:
225 # create curve
226 dataCurve ='Spiral', type='CURVE') # curvedatablock
227 newSpline = # spline
229 # create object with newCurve
230 Curve = object_utils.object_data_add(context, dataCurve, operator=props) # place in active scene
232 Curve.select_set(True)
234 # turn verts into array
235 vertArray = vertsToPoints(verts, splineType)
237 for spline in
238 if spline.type == 'BEZIER':
239 for point in spline.bezier_points:
240 point.select_control_point = False
241 point.select_left_handle = False
242 point.select_right_handle = False
243 else:
244 for point in spline.points:
245 = False
247 # create newSpline from vertarray
248 if splineType == 'BEZIER':
249 newSpline.bezier_points.add(int(len(vertArray) * 0.33))
250 newSpline.bezier_points.foreach_set('co', vertArray)
251 for point in newSpline.bezier_points:
252 point.handle_right_type = props.handleType
253 point.handle_left_type = props.handleType
254 point.select_control_point = True
255 point.select_left_handle = True
256 point.select_right_handle = True
257 else:
258 newSpline.points.add(int(len(vertArray) * 0.25 - 1))
259 newSpline.points.foreach_set('co', vertArray)
260 newSpline.use_endpoint_u = False
261 for point in newSpline.points:
262 = True
264 # set curveOptions
265 newSpline.use_cyclic_u = props.use_cyclic_u
266 newSpline.use_endpoint_u = props.endp_u
267 newSpline.order_u = props.order_u
269 # set curveOptions
270 = props.shape
271 = True
272 if props.shape == '3D':
273 = 'FULL'
274 else:
275 = 'BOTH'
277 # move and rotate spline in edit mode
278 if bpy.context.mode == 'EDIT_CURVE':
279 if props.align == 'WORLD':
280 location = props.location - context.active_object.location
281 bpy.ops.transform.translate(value = location, orient_type='GLOBAL')
282 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[0], orient_axis = 'X')
283 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[1], orient_axis = 'Y')
284 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[2], orient_axis = 'Z')
285 elif props.align == "VIEW":
286 bpy.ops.transform.translate(value = props.location)
287 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[0], orient_axis = 'X')
288 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[1], orient_axis = 'Y')
289 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[2], orient_axis = 'Z')
291 elif props.align == "CURSOR":
292 location = context.active_object.location
293 props.location = bpy.context.scene.cursor.location - location
294 props.rotation = bpy.context.scene.cursor.rotation_euler
296 bpy.ops.transform.translate(value = props.location)
297 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[0], orient_axis = 'X')
298 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[1], orient_axis = 'Y')
299 bpy.ops.transform.rotate(value = props.rotation[2], orient_axis = 'Z')
302 class CURVE_OT_spirals(Operator, object_utils.AddObjectHelper):
303 bl_idname = "curve.spirals"
304 bl_label = "Curve Spirals"
305 bl_description = "Create different types of spirals"
306 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO', 'PRESET'}
308 spiral_type : EnumProperty(
309 items=[('ARCH', "Archemedian", "Archemedian"),
310 ("LOG", "Logarithmic", "Logarithmic"),
311 ("SPHERE", "Spheric", "Spheric"),
312 ("TORUS", "Torus", "Torus")],
313 default='ARCH',
314 name="Spiral Type",
315 description="Type of spiral to add"
317 spiral_direction : EnumProperty(
318 items=[('COUNTER_CLOCKWISE', "Counter Clockwise",
319 "Wind in a counter clockwise direction"),
320 ("CLOCKWISE", "Clockwise",
321 "Wind in a clockwise direction")],
322 default='COUNTER_CLOCKWISE',
323 name="Spiral Direction",
324 description="Direction of winding"
326 turns : IntProperty(
327 default=1,
328 min=1, max=1000,
329 description="Length of Spiral in 360 deg"
331 steps : IntProperty(
332 default=24,
333 min=2, max=1000,
334 description="Number of Vertices per turn"
336 radius : FloatProperty(
337 default=1.00,
338 min=0.00, max=100.00,
339 description="Radius for first turn"
341 dif_z : FloatProperty(
342 default=0,
343 min=-10.00, max=100.00,
344 description="Increase in Z axis per turn"
346 # needed for 1 and 2 spiral_type
347 # Archemedian variables
348 dif_radius : FloatProperty(
349 default=0.00,
350 min=-50.00, max=50.00,
351 description="Radius increment in each turn"
353 # step between turns(one turn equals 360 deg)
354 # Log variables
355 B_force : FloatProperty(
356 default=1.00,
357 min=0.00, max=30.00,
358 description="Factor of exponent"
360 # Torus variables
361 inner_radius : FloatProperty(
362 default=0.20,
363 min=0.00, max=100,
364 description="Inner Radius of Torus"
366 dif_inner_radius : FloatProperty(
367 default=0,
368 min=-10, max=100,
369 description="Increase of inner Radius per Cycle"
371 dif_radius : FloatProperty(
372 default=0,
373 min=-10, max=100,
374 description="Increase of Torus Radius per Cycle"
376 cycles : FloatProperty(
377 default=1,
378 min=0.00, max=1000,
379 description="Number of Cycles"
381 curves_number : IntProperty(
382 default=1,
383 min=1, max=400,
384 description="Number of curves of spiral"
386 touch: BoolProperty(
387 default=False,
388 description="No empty spaces between cycles"
390 # Curve Options
391 shapeItems = [
392 ('2D', "2D", "2D shape Curve"),
393 ('3D', "3D", "3D shape Curve")]
394 shape : EnumProperty(
395 name="2D / 3D",
396 items=shapeItems,
397 description="2D or 3D Curve",
398 default='3D'
400 curve_type : EnumProperty(
401 name="Output splines",
402 description="Type of splines to output",
403 items=[
404 ('POLY', "Poly", "Poly Spline type"),
405 ('NURBS', "Nurbs", "Nurbs Spline type"),
406 ('BEZIER', "Bezier", "Bezier Spline type")],
407 default='POLY'
409 use_cyclic_u : BoolProperty(
410 name="Cyclic",
411 default=False,
412 description="make curve closed"
414 endp_u : BoolProperty(
415 name="Use endpoint u",
416 default=True,
417 description="stretch to endpoints"
419 order_u : IntProperty(
420 name="Order u",
421 default=4,
422 min=2, soft_min=2,
423 max=6, soft_max=6,
424 description="Order of nurbs spline"
426 handleType : EnumProperty(
427 name="Handle type",
428 default='VECTOR',
429 description="Bezier handles type",
430 items=[
431 ('VECTOR', "Vector", "Vector type Bezier handles"),
432 ('AUTO', "Auto", "Automatic type Bezier handles")]
434 edit_mode : BoolProperty(
435 name="Show in edit mode",
436 default=True,
437 description="Show in edit mode"
440 def draw(self, context):
441 layout = self.layout
442 col = layout.column_flow(align=True)
444 layout.prop(self, "spiral_type")
445 layout.prop(self, "spiral_direction")
447 col = layout.column(align=True)
448 col.label(text="Spiral Parameters:")
449 col.prop(self, "turns", text="Turns")
450 col.prop(self, "steps", text="Steps")
452 box =
453 if self.spiral_type == 'ARCH':
454 box.label(text="Archemedian Settings:")
455 col = box.column(align=True)
456 col.prop(self, "dif_radius", text="Radius Growth")
457 col.prop(self, "radius", text="Radius")
458 col.prop(self, "dif_z", text="Height")
460 if self.spiral_type == 'LOG':
461 box.label(text="Logarithmic Settings:")
462 col = box.column(align=True)
463 col.prop(self, "radius", text="Radius")
464 col.prop(self, "B_force", text="Expansion Force")
465 col.prop(self, "dif_z", text="Height")
467 if self.spiral_type == 'SPHERE':
468 box.label(text="Spheric Settings:")
469 box.prop(self, "radius", text="Radius")
471 if self.spiral_type == 'TORUS':
472 box.label(text="Torus Settings:")
473 col = box.column(align=True)
474 col.prop(self, "cycles", text="Number of Cycles")
476 if self.dif_inner_radius == 0 and self.dif_z == 0:
477 self.cycles = 1
478 col.prop(self, "radius", text="Radius")
480 if self.dif_z == 0:
481 col.prop(self, "dif_z", text="Height per Cycle")
482 else:
483 box2 =
484 col2 = box2.column(align=True)
485 col2.prop(self, "dif_z", text="Height per Cycle")
486 col2.prop(self, "touch", text="Make Snail")
488 col = box.column(align=True)
489 col.prop(self, "curves_number", text="Curves Number")
490 col.prop(self, "inner_radius", text="Inner Radius")
491 col.prop(self, "dif_radius", text="Increase of Torus Radius")
492 col.prop(self, "dif_inner_radius", text="Increase of Inner Radius")
494 row = layout.row()
495 row.prop(self, "shape", expand=True)
497 # output options
498 col = layout.column()
499 col.label(text="Output Curve Type:")
500 col.row().prop(self, "curve_type", expand=True)
502 if self.curve_type == 'NURBS':
503 col.prop(self, "order_u")
504 elif self.curve_type == 'BEZIER':
505 col.row().prop(self, 'handleType', expand=True)
507 col = layout.column()
508 col.row().prop(self, "use_cyclic_u", expand=True)
510 col = layout.column()
511 col.row().prop(self, "edit_mode", expand=True)
513 col = layout.column()
514 # AddObjectHelper props
515 col.prop(self, "align")
516 col.prop(self, "location")
517 col.prop(self, "rotation")
519 @classmethod
520 def poll(cls, context):
521 return context.scene is not None
523 def execute(self, context):
524 # turn off 'Enter Edit Mode'
525 use_enter_edit_mode = bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode
526 bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode = False
528 time_start = time.time()
529 draw_curve(self, context)
531 if use_enter_edit_mode:
532 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
534 # restore pre operator state
535 bpy.context.preferences.edit.use_enter_edit_mode = use_enter_edit_mode
537 if self.edit_mode:
538 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'EDIT')
539 else:
540 bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT')
543 #"Drawing Spiral Finished: %.4f sec" % (time.time() - time_start))
545 return {'FINISHED'}
548 class CURVE_EXTRAS_OT_spirals_presets(AddPresetBase, Operator):
549 bl_idname = "curve_extras.spiral_presets"
550 bl_label = "Spirals"
551 bl_description = "Spirals Presets"
552 preset_menu = "OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets"
553 preset_subdir = "curve_extras/curve.spirals"
555 preset_defines = [
556 "op = bpy.context.active_operator",
558 preset_values = [
559 "op.spiral_type",
560 "op.curve_type",
561 "op.spiral_direction",
562 "op.turns",
563 "op.steps",
564 "op.radius",
565 "op.dif_z",
566 "op.dif_radius",
567 "op.B_force",
568 "op.inner_radius",
569 "op.dif_inner_radius",
570 "op.cycles",
571 "op.curves_number",
572 "op.touch",
576 class OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets(Menu):
577 '''Presets for curve.spiral'''
578 bl_label = "Spiral Curve Presets"
579 bl_idname = "OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets"
580 preset_subdir = "curve_extras/curve.spirals"
581 preset_operator = "script.execute_preset"
583 draw = bpy.types.Menu.draw_preset
586 # Register
587 classes = [
588 CURVE_OT_spirals,
589 CURVE_EXTRAS_OT_spirals_presets,
590 OBJECT_MT_spiral_curve_presets
593 def register():
594 from bpy.utils import register_class
595 for cls in classes:
596 register_class(cls)
598 def unregister():
599 from bpy.utils import unregister_class
600 for cls in reversed(classes):
601 unregister_class(cls)
603 if __name__ == "__main__":
604 register()