sun_position: rename Ecliptic to Diurnal
[blender-addons.git] / sun_position /
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
5 # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
6 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
17 # ##### END GPL LICENSE BLOCK #####
19 import bpy
20 from import persistent
21 from mathutils import Euler
22 import math
23 from math import degrees, radians, pi
24 import datetime
25 from .geo import parse_position
28 ############################################################################
30 # SunClass is used for storing intermediate sun calculations.
32 ############################################################################
34 class SunClass:
36 class TazEl:
37 time = 0.0
38 azimuth = 0.0
39 elevation = 0.0
41 class CLAMP:
42 elevation = 0.0
43 azimuth = 0.0
44 az_start_sun = 0.0
45 az_start_env = 0.0
47 sunrise = TazEl()
48 sunset = TazEl()
49 solar_noon = TazEl()
50 rise_set_ok = False
52 bind = CLAMP()
53 bind_to_sun = False
55 latitude = 0.0
56 longitude = 0.0
57 elevation = 0.0
58 azimuth = 0.0
60 month = 0
61 day = 0
62 year = 0
63 day_of_year = 0
64 time = 0.0
66 UTC_zone = 0
67 sun_distance = 0.0
68 use_daylight_savings = False
71 sun = SunClass()
74 def sun_update(self, context):
75 update_time(context)
76 move_sun(context)
78 def parse_coordinates(self, context):
79 error_message = "ERROR: Could not parse coordinates"
80 sun_props = context.scene.sun_pos_properties
82 if sun_props.co_parser:
83 parsed_co = parse_position(sun_props.co_parser)
85 if parsed_co is not None and len(parsed_co) == 2:
86 sun_props.latitude, sun_props.longitude = parsed_co
87 elif sun_props.co_parser != error_message:
88 sun_props.co_parser = error_message
90 # Clear prop
91 if sun_props.co_parser not in {'', error_message}:
92 sun_props.co_parser = ''
94 @persistent
95 def sun_handler(scene):
96 update_time(bpy.context)
97 move_sun(bpy.context)
100 ############################################################################
102 # move_sun() will cycle through all the selected objects
103 # and call set_sun_position and set_sun_rotations
104 # to place them in the sky.
106 ############################################################################
109 def move_sun(context):
110 addon_prefs = context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
111 sun_props = context.scene.sun_pos_properties
113 if sun_props.usage_mode == "HDR":
114 nt =
115 env_tex = nt.get(sun_props.hdr_texture)
117 if sun.bind_to_sun != sun_props.bind_to_sun:
118 # bind_to_sun was just toggled
119 sun.bind_to_sun = sun_props.bind_to_sun
120 sun.bind.az_start_sun = sun_props.hdr_azimuth
121 if env_tex:
122 sun.bind.az_start_env = env_tex.texture_mapping.rotation.z
124 if env_tex and sun_props.bind_to_sun:
125 az = sun_props.hdr_azimuth - sun.bind.az_start_sun + sun.bind.az_start_env
126 env_tex.texture_mapping.rotation.z = az
128 if sun_props.sun_object:
129 sun.theta = math.pi / 2 - sun_props.hdr_elevation
130 sun.phi = -sun_props.hdr_azimuth
132 obj = sun_props.sun_object
133 set_sun_position(obj, sun_props.sun_distance)
134 rotation_euler = Euler((sun_props.hdr_elevation - pi/2,
135 0, -sun_props.hdr_azimuth))
137 set_sun_rotations(obj, rotation_euler)
138 return
140 local_time = sun_props.time
141 zone = -sun_props.UTC_zone
142 sun.use_daylight_savings = sun_props.use_daylight_savings
143 if sun.use_daylight_savings:
144 zone -= 1
146 north_offset = degrees(sun_props.north_offset)
148 if addon_prefs.show_rise_set:
149 calc_sunrise_sunset(rise=True)
150 calc_sunrise_sunset(rise=False)
152 get_sun_position(local_time, sun_props.latitude, sun_props.longitude,
153 north_offset, zone, sun_props.month,, sun_props.year,
154 sun_props.sun_distance)
156 if sun_props.use_sky_texture and sun_props.sky_texture:
157 sky_node =
158 if sky_node is not None and sky_node.type == "TEX_SKY":
159 locX = math.sin(sun.phi) * math.sin(-sun.theta)
160 locY = math.sin(sun.theta) * math.cos(sun.phi)
161 locZ = math.cos(sun.theta)
162 sky_node.texture_mapping.rotation.z = 0.0
163 sky_node.sun_direction = locX, locY, locZ
165 # Sun object
166 if ((sun_props.use_sun_object or sun_props.usage_mode == 'HDR')
167 and sun_props.sun_object
168 and in context.view_layer.objects):
169 obj = sun_props.sun_object
170 set_sun_position(obj, sun_props.sun_distance)
171 rotation_euler = Euler((math.radians(sun.elevation - 90), 0,
172 math.radians(-sun.az_north)))
173 set_sun_rotations(obj, rotation_euler)
175 # Sun collection
176 if (addon_prefs.show_object_collection
177 and sun_props.use_object_collection
178 and sun_props.object_collection):
179 sun_objects = sun_props.object_collection.objects
180 object_count = len(sun_objects)
181 if sun_props.object_collection_type == 'DIURNAL':
182 # Diurnal motion
183 if object_count > 1:
184 time_increment = sun_props.time_spread / (object_count - 1)
185 local_time = local_time + time_increment * (object_count - 1)
186 else:
187 time_increment = sun_props.time_spread
189 for obj in sun_objects:
190 get_sun_position(local_time, sun_props.latitude,
191 sun_props.longitude, north_offset, zone,
192 sun_props.month,,
193 sun_props.year, sun_props.sun_distance)
194 set_sun_position(obj, sun_props.sun_distance)
195 local_time -= time_increment
196 obj.rotation_euler = (
197 (math.radians(sun.elevation - 90), 0,
198 math.radians(-sun.az_north)))
199 else:
200 # Analemma
201 day_increment = 365 / object_count
202 day = sun_props.day_of_year + day_increment * (object_count - 1)
203 for obj in sun_objects:
204 dt = (, 1, 1) +
205 datetime.timedelta(day - 1))
206 get_sun_position(local_time, sun_props.latitude,
207 sun_props.longitude, north_offset, zone,
208 dt.month,, sun_props.year,
209 sun_props.sun_distance)
210 set_sun_position(obj, sun_props.sun_distance)
211 day -= day_increment
212 obj.rotation_euler = (
213 (math.radians(sun.elevation - 90), 0,
214 math.radians(-sun.az_north)))
216 def update_time(context):
217 sun_props = context.scene.sun_pos_properties
219 if sun_props.use_day_of_year:
220 dt = (, 1, 1) +
221 datetime.timedelta(sun_props.day_of_year - 1))
222 =
223 sun.month = dt.month
224 sun.day_of_year = sun_props.day_of_year
225 if !=
226 =
227 if sun_props.month != dt.month:
228 sun_props.month = dt.month
229 else:
230 dt =, sun_props.month,
231 day_of_year = dt.timetuple().tm_yday
232 if sun_props.day_of_year != day_of_year:
233 sun_props.day_of_year = day_of_year
234 =
235 sun.month = sun_props.month
236 sun.day_of_year = day_of_year
237 sun.year = sun_props.year
238 sun.longitude = sun_props.longitude
239 sun.latitude = sun_props.latitude
240 sun.UTC_zone = sun_props.UTC_zone
243 def format_time(the_time, daylight_savings, longitude, UTC_zone=None):
244 if UTC_zone is not None:
245 if daylight_savings:
246 UTC_zone += 1
247 the_time -= UTC_zone
249 the_time %= 24
251 hh = int(the_time)
252 mm = (the_time - int(the_time)) * 60
253 ss = int((mm - int(mm)) * 60)
255 return ("%02i:%02i:%02i" % (hh, mm, ss))
258 def format_hms(the_time):
259 hh = str(int(the_time))
260 min = (the_time - int(the_time)) * 60
261 sec = int((min - int(min)) * 60)
262 mm = "0" + str(int(min)) if min < 10 else str(int(min))
263 ss = "0" + str(sec) if sec < 10 else str(sec)
265 return (hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss)
268 def format_lat_long(lat_long, is_latitude):
269 hh = str(abs(int(lat_long)))
270 min = abs((lat_long - int(lat_long)) * 60)
271 sec = abs(int((min - int(min)) * 60))
272 mm = "0" + str(int(min)) if min < 10 else str(int(min))
273 ss = "0" + str(sec) if sec < 10 else str(sec)
274 if lat_long == 0:
275 coord_tag = " "
276 else:
277 if is_latitude:
278 coord_tag = " N" if lat_long > 0 else " S"
279 else:
280 coord_tag = " E" if lat_long > 0 else " W"
282 return hh + "° " + mm + "' " + ss + '"' + coord_tag
287 ############################################################################
289 # Calculate the actual position of the sun based on input parameters.
291 # The sun positioning algorithms below are based on the National Oceanic
292 # and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Solar Position Calculator
293 # which rely on calculations of Jean Meeus' book "Astronomical Algorithms."
294 # Use of NOAA data and products are in the public domain and may be used
295 # freely by the public as outlined in their policies at
296 #
298 # The calculations of this script can be verified with those of NOAA's
299 # using the Azimuth and Solar Elevation displayed in the SunPos_Panel.
300 # NOAA's web site is:
301 #
302 ############################################################################
305 def get_sun_position(local_time, latitude, longitude, north_offset,
306 utc_zone, month, day, year, distance):
308 addon_prefs = bpy.context.preferences.addons[__package__].preferences
309 sun_props = bpy.context.scene.sun_pos_properties
311 longitude *= -1 # for internal calculations
312 utc_time = local_time + utc_zone # Set Greenwich Meridian Time
314 if latitude > 89.93: # Latitude 90 and -90 gives
315 latitude = radians(89.93) # erroneous results so nudge it
316 elif latitude < -89.93:
317 latitude = radians(-89.93)
318 else:
319 latitude = radians(latitude)
321 t = julian_time_from_y2k(utc_time, year, month, day)
323 e = radians(obliquity_correction(t))
324 L = apparent_longitude_of_sun(t)
325 solar_dec = sun_declination(e, L)
326 eqtime = calc_equation_of_time(t)
328 time_correction = (eqtime - 4 * longitude) + 60 * utc_zone
329 true_solar_time = ((utc_time - utc_zone) * 60.0 + time_correction) % 1440
331 hour_angle = true_solar_time / 4.0 - 180.0
332 if hour_angle < -180.0:
333 hour_angle += 360.0
335 csz = (math.sin(latitude) * math.sin(solar_dec) +
336 math.cos(latitude) * math.cos(solar_dec) *
337 math.cos(radians(hour_angle)))
338 if csz > 1.0:
339 csz = 1.0
340 elif csz < -1.0:
341 csz = -1.0
343 zenith = math.acos(csz)
345 az_denom = math.cos(latitude) * math.sin(zenith)
347 if abs(az_denom) > 0.001:
348 az_rad = ((math.sin(latitude) *
349 math.cos(zenith)) - math.sin(solar_dec)) / az_denom
350 if abs(az_rad) > 1.0:
351 az_rad = -1.0 if (az_rad < 0.0) else 1.0
352 azimuth = 180.0 - degrees(math.acos(az_rad))
353 if hour_angle > 0.0:
354 azimuth = -azimuth
355 else:
356 azimuth = 180.0 if (latitude > 0.0) else 0.0
358 if azimuth < 0.0:
359 azimuth = azimuth + 360.0
361 exoatm_elevation = 90.0 - degrees(zenith)
363 if sun_props.use_refraction:
364 if exoatm_elevation > 85.0:
365 refraction_correction = 0.0
366 else:
367 te = math.tan(radians(exoatm_elevation))
368 if exoatm_elevation > 5.0:
369 refraction_correction = (
370 58.1 / te - 0.07 / (te ** 3) + 0.000086 / (te ** 5))
371 elif (exoatm_elevation > -0.575):
372 s1 = (-12.79 + exoatm_elevation * 0.711)
373 s2 = (103.4 + exoatm_elevation * (s1))
374 s3 = (-518.2 + exoatm_elevation * (s2))
375 refraction_correction = 1735.0 + exoatm_elevation * (s3)
376 else:
377 refraction_correction = -20.774 / te
379 refraction_correction = refraction_correction / 3600
380 solar_elevation = 90.0 - (degrees(zenith) - refraction_correction)
382 else:
383 solar_elevation = 90.0 - degrees(zenith)
385 solar_azimuth = azimuth
386 solar_azimuth += north_offset
388 sun.az_north = solar_azimuth
390 sun.theta = math.pi / 2 - radians(solar_elevation)
391 sun.phi = radians(solar_azimuth) * -1
392 sun.azimuth = azimuth
393 sun.elevation = solar_elevation
396 def set_sun_position(obj, distance):
397 locX = math.sin(sun.phi) * math.sin(-sun.theta) * distance
398 locY = math.sin(sun.theta) * math.cos(sun.phi) * distance
399 locZ = math.cos(sun.theta) * distance
401 #----------------------------------------------
402 # Update selected object in viewport
403 #----------------------------------------------
404 obj.location = locX, locY, locZ
407 def set_sun_rotations(obj, rotation_euler):
408 rotation_quaternion = rotation_euler.to_quaternion()
409 obj.rotation_quaternion = rotation_quaternion
411 if obj.rotation_mode in {'XZY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'ZXY','ZYX'}:
412 obj.rotation_euler = rotation_quaternion.to_euler(obj.rotation_mode)
413 else:
414 obj.rotation_euler = rotation_euler
416 rotation_axis_angle = obj.rotation_quaternion.to_axis_angle()
417 obj.rotation_axis_angle = (rotation_axis_angle[1],
418 *rotation_axis_angle[0])
421 def calc_sunrise_set_UTC(rise, jd, latitude, longitude):
422 t = calc_time_julian_cent(jd)
423 eq_time = calc_equation_of_time(t)
424 solar_dec = calc_sun_declination(t)
425 hour_angle = calc_hour_angle_sunrise(latitude, solar_dec)
426 if not rise:
427 hour_angle = -hour_angle
428 delta = longitude + degrees(hour_angle)
429 time_UTC = 720 - (4.0 * delta) - eq_time
430 return time_UTC
433 def calc_sun_declination(t):
434 e = radians(obliquity_correction(t))
435 L = apparent_longitude_of_sun(t)
436 solar_dec = sun_declination(e, L)
437 return solar_dec
440 def calc_hour_angle_sunrise(lat, solar_dec):
441 lat_rad = radians(lat)
442 HAarg = (math.cos(radians(90.833)) /
443 (math.cos(lat_rad) * math.cos(solar_dec))
444 - math.tan(lat_rad) * math.tan(solar_dec))
445 if HAarg < -1.0:
446 HAarg = -1.0
447 elif HAarg > 1.0:
448 HAarg = 1.0
449 HA = math.acos(HAarg)
450 return HA
453 def calc_solar_noon(jd, longitude, timezone, dst):
454 t = calc_time_julian_cent(jd - longitude / 360.0)
455 eq_time = calc_equation_of_time(t)
456 noon_offset = 720.0 - (longitude * 4.0) - eq_time
457 newt = calc_time_julian_cent(jd + noon_offset / 1440.0)
458 eq_time = calc_equation_of_time(newt)
460 nv = 780.0 if dst else 720.0
461 noon_local = (nv- (longitude * 4.0) - eq_time + (timezone * 60.0)) % 1440
462 sun.solar_noon.time = noon_local / 60.0
465 def calc_sunrise_sunset(rise):
466 zone = -sun.UTC_zone
468 jd = get_julian_day(sun.year, sun.month,
469 time_UTC = calc_sunrise_set_UTC(rise, jd, sun.latitude, sun.longitude)
470 new_time_UTC = calc_sunrise_set_UTC(rise, jd + time_UTC / 1440.0,
471 sun.latitude, sun.longitude)
472 time_local = new_time_UTC + (-zone * 60.0)
473 tl = time_local / 60.0
474 get_sun_position(tl, sun.latitude, sun.longitude, 0.0,
475 zone, sun.month,, sun.year,
476 sun.sun_distance)
477 if sun.use_daylight_savings:
478 time_local += 60.0
479 tl = time_local / 60.0
480 tl %= 24.0
481 if rise:
482 sun.sunrise.time = tl
483 sun.sunrise.azimuth = sun.azimuth
484 sun.sunrise.elevation = sun.elevation
485 calc_solar_noon(jd, sun.longitude, -zone, sun.use_daylight_savings)
486 get_sun_position(sun.solar_noon.time, sun.latitude, sun.longitude,
487 0.0, zone, sun.month,, sun.year,
488 sun.sun_distance)
489 sun.solar_noon.elevation = sun.elevation
490 else:
491 sun.sunset.time = tl
492 sun.sunset.azimuth = sun.azimuth
493 sun.sunset.elevation = sun.elevation
495 ##########################################################################
496 ## Get the elapsed julian time since 1/1/2000 12:00 gmt
497 ## Y2k epoch (1/1/2000 12:00 gmt) is Julian day 2451545.0
498 ##########################################################################
501 def julian_time_from_y2k(utc_time, year, month, day):
502 century = 36525.0 # Days in Julian Century
503 epoch = 2451545.0 # Julian Day for 1/1/2000 12:00 gmt
504 jd = get_julian_day(year, month, day)
505 return ((jd + (utc_time / 24)) - epoch) / century
508 def get_julian_day(year, month, day):
509 if month <= 2:
510 year -= 1
511 month += 12
512 A = math.floor(year / 100)
513 B = 2 - A + math.floor(A / 4.0)
514 jd = (math.floor((365.25 * (year + 4716.0))) +
515 math.floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + B - 1524.5)
516 return jd
519 def calc_time_julian_cent(jd):
520 t = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0
521 return t
524 def sun_declination(e, L):
525 return (math.asin(math.sin(e) * math.sin(L)))
528 def calc_equation_of_time(t):
529 epsilon = obliquity_correction(t)
530 ml = radians(mean_longitude_sun(t))
531 e = eccentricity_earth_orbit(t)
532 m = radians(mean_anomaly_sun(t))
533 y = math.tan(radians(epsilon) / 2.0)
534 y = y * y
535 sin2ml = math.sin(2.0 * ml)
536 cos2ml = math.cos(2.0 * ml)
537 sin4ml = math.sin(4.0 * ml)
538 sinm = math.sin(m)
539 sin2m = math.sin(2.0 * m)
540 etime = (y * sin2ml - 2.0 * e * sinm + 4.0 * e * y *
541 sinm * cos2ml - 0.5 * y ** 2 * sin4ml - 1.25 * e ** 2 * sin2m)
542 return (degrees(etime) * 4)
545 def obliquity_correction(t):
546 ec = obliquity_of_ecliptic(t)
547 omega = 125.04 - 1934.136 * t
548 return (ec + 0.00256 * math.cos(radians(omega)))
551 def obliquity_of_ecliptic(t):
552 return ((23.0 + 26.0 / 60 + (21.4480 - 46.8150) / 3600 * t -
553 (0.00059 / 3600) * t ** 2 + (0.001813 / 3600) * t ** 3))
556 def true_longitude_of_sun(t):
557 return (mean_longitude_sun(t) + equation_of_sun_center(t))
560 def calc_sun_apparent_long(t):
561 o = true_longitude_of_sun(t)
562 omega = 125.04 - 1934.136 * t
563 lamb = o - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * math.sin(radians(omega))
564 return lamb
567 def apparent_longitude_of_sun(t):
568 return (radians(true_longitude_of_sun(t) - 0.00569 - 0.00478 *
569 math.sin(radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * t))))
572 def mean_longitude_sun(t):
573 return (280.46646 + 36000.76983 * t + 0.0003032 * t ** 2) % 360
576 def equation_of_sun_center(t):
577 m = radians(mean_anomaly_sun(t))
578 c = ((1.914602 - 0.004817 * t - 0.000014 * t ** 2) * math.sin(m) +
579 (0.019993 - 0.000101 * t) * math.sin(m * 2) +
580 0.000289 * math.sin(m * 3))
581 return c
584 def mean_anomaly_sun(t):
585 return (357.52911 + t * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * t))
588 def eccentricity_earth_orbit(t):
589 return (0.016708634 - 0.000042037 * t - 0.0000001267 * t ** 2)