Remove deprecated 2D_/3D_ prefix
[blender-addons.git] / mesh_tiny_cad /
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
4 import bpy
5 import bmesh
6 from mathutils.geometry import intersect_line_line as LineIntersect
8 import itertools
9 from collections import defaultdict
10 from . import cad_module as cm
13 def order_points(edge, point_list):
14 ''' order these edges from distance to v1, then
15 sandwich the sorted list with v1, v2 '''
16 v1, v2 = edge
18 def dist(co):
19 return (v1 - co).length
20 point_list = sorted(point_list, key=dist)
21 return [v1] + point_list + [v2]
24 def remove_permutations_that_share_a_vertex(bm, permutations):
25 ''' Get useful Permutations '''
26 final_permutations = []
27 for edges in permutations:
28 raw_vert_indices = cm.vertex_indices_from_edges_tuple(bm, edges)
29 if cm.duplicates(raw_vert_indices):
30 continue
32 # reaches this point if they do not share.
33 final_permutations.append(edges)
35 return final_permutations
38 def get_valid_permutations(bm, edge_indices):
39 raw_permutations = itertools.permutations(edge_indices, 2)
40 permutations = [r for r in raw_permutations if r[0] < r[1]]
41 return remove_permutations_that_share_a_vertex(bm, permutations)
44 def can_skip(closest_points, vert_vectors):
45 '''this checks if the intersection lies on both edges, returns True
46 when criteria are not met, and thus this point can be skipped'''
47 if not closest_points:
48 return True
49 if not isinstance(closest_points[0].x, float):
50 return True
51 if cm.num_edges_point_lies_on(closest_points[0], vert_vectors) < 2:
52 return True
54 # if this distance is larger than than VTX_PRECISION, we can skip it.
55 cpa, cpb = closest_points
56 return (cpa - cpb).length > cm.CAD_prefs.VTX_PRECISION
59 def get_intersection_dictionary(bm, edge_indices):
61 bm.verts.ensure_lookup_table()
62 bm.edges.ensure_lookup_table()
64 permutations = get_valid_permutations(bm, edge_indices)
66 k = defaultdict(list)
67 d = defaultdict(list)
69 for edges in permutations:
70 raw_vert_indices = cm.vertex_indices_from_edges_tuple(bm, edges)
71 vert_vectors = cm.vectors_from_indices(bm, raw_vert_indices)
73 points = LineIntersect(*vert_vectors)
75 # some can be skipped. (NaN, None, not on both edges)
76 if can_skip(points, vert_vectors):
77 continue
79 # reaches this point only when an intersection happens on both edges.
80 [k[edge].append(points[0]) for edge in edges]
82 # k will contain a dict of edge indices and points found on those edges.
83 for edge_idx, unordered_points in k.items():
84 tv1, tv2 = bm.edges[edge_idx].verts
85 v1 = bm.verts[tv1.index].co
86 v2 = bm.verts[tv2.index].co
87 ordered_points = order_points((v1, v2), unordered_points)
88 d[edge_idx].extend(ordered_points)
90 return d
93 def update_mesh(bm, d):
94 ''' Make new geometry (delete old first) '''
96 oe = bm.edges
97 ov = bm.verts
99 new_verts = []
100 collect = new_verts.extend
101 for old_edge, point_list in d.items():
102 num_edges_to_add = len(point_list)-1
103 for i in range(num_edges_to_add):
104 a =[i])
105 b =[i+1])
106, b))
107 bm.normal_update()
108 collect([a, b])
110 bmesh.ops.delete(bm, geom=[edge for edge in bm.edges if], context='EDGES')
112 #bpy.ops.mesh.remove_doubles(
113 # threshold=cm.CAD_prefs.VTX_DOUBLES_THRSHLD,
114 # use_unselected=False)
116 bmesh.ops.remove_doubles(bm, verts=new_verts, dist=cm.CAD_prefs.VTX_DOUBLES_THRSHLD)
119 def unselect_nonintersecting(bm, d_edges, edge_indices):
120 if len(edge_indices) > len(d_edges):
121 reserved_edges = set(edge_indices) - set(d_edges)
122 for edge in reserved_edges:
123 bm.edges[edge].select = False
124 print("unselected {}, non intersecting edges".format(reserved_edges))
127 class TCIntersectAllEdges(bpy.types.Operator):
128 '''Adds a vertex at the intersections of all selected edges'''
129 bl_idname = 'tinycad.intersectall'
130 bl_label = 'XALL intersect all edges'
131 bl_options = {'REGISTER', 'UNDO'}
133 @classmethod
134 def poll(cls, context):
135 obj = context.active_object
136 return obj is not None and obj.type == 'MESH' and obj.mode == 'EDIT'
138 def execute(self, context):
139 # must force edge selection mode here
140 bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (False, True, False)
142 obj = context.active_object
143 if obj.mode == "EDIT":
144 bm = bmesh.from_edit_mesh(
146 selected_edges = [edge for edge in bm.edges if]
147 edge_indices = [i.index for i in selected_edges]
149 d = get_intersection_dictionary(bm, edge_indices)
151 unselect_nonintersecting(bm, d.keys(), edge_indices)
152 update_mesh(bm, d)
154 bmesh.update_edit_mesh(
155 else:
156 print('must be in edit mode')
158 return {'FINISHED'}