Merge branch 'blender-v3.6-release'
[blender-addons.git] / precision_drawing_tools /
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
4 # Author: Alan Odom (Clockmender), Rune Morling (ermo) Copyright (c) 2019
5 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
7 # English Version
9 # If you edit this file do not change any of the PDT_ format, just the Text Value in "'s
10 # Do not delete any of the PDT_ lines
12 """This file contains all the Message Strings.
14 Note:
15 These strings are called by various programs in PDT,
16 they can be set to suit individual User requirements.
18 Args:
19 None
21 Returns:
22 None.
23 """
25 # Menu Labels
27 PDT_LAB_ABS = "Absolute" # "Global"
28 PDT_LAB_DEL = "Delta" # "Relative"
29 PDT_LAB_DIR = "Direction" # "Polar"
30 PDT_LAB_NOR = "Normal" # "Perpendicular"
31 PDT_LAB_ARCCENTRE = "Arc Centre"
32 PDT_LAB_PLANE = "Plane"
33 PDT_LAB_MODE = "Mode"
34 PDT_LAB_OPERATION = "Operation"
35 PDT_LAB_PERCENT = "Percent"
36 PDT_LAB_INTERSECT = "Intersect" # "Convergence"
37 PDT_LAB_ORDER = "Order"
38 PDT_LAB_FLIPANGLE = "Flip Angle"
40 PDT_LAB_ALLACTIVE = "All/Active"
41 PDT_LAB_VARIABLES = "Coordinates/Delta Offsets & Other Variables"
42 PDT_LAB_CVALUE = "Coordinates"
43 PDT_LAB_DISVALUE = "Distance"
46 PDT_LAB_TOOLS = "Tools"
47 PDT_LAB_JOIN2VERTS = "Join 2 Verts"
48 PDT_LAB_ORIGINCURSOR = "Origin To Cursor"
49 PDT_LAB_AD2D = "Set A/D 2D"
50 PDT_LAB_AD3D = "Set A/D 3D"
51 PDT_LAB_TAPERAXES = "" # Intentionally left blank
52 PDT_LAB_TAPER = "Taper"
53 PDT_LAB_INTERSETALL = "Intersect All"
54 PDT_LAB_BISECT = "Bisect"
56 PDT_LAB_FILLET = "Fillet"
57 PDT_LAB_SEGMENTS = "Segments"
58 PDT_LAB_USEVERTS = "Use Vertices"
59 PDT_LAB_RADIUS = "Radius"
60 PDT_LAB_PROFILE = "Profile"
61 PDT_LAB_PIVOTSIZE = "" # Intentionally left blank
62 PDT_LAB_PIVOTWIDTH = "" # Intentionally left blank
63 PDT_LAB_PIVOTALPHA = "" # Intentionally left blank
64 PDT_LAB_PIVOTLOC = "" # Intentionally left blank
65 PDT_LAB_PIVOTLOCH = "Location"
66 PDT_LAB_VIEW = "View Normal Axis"
68 # Error Message
70 PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_OBJ = "No Active Object - Please Select an Object"
71 PDT_ERR_OBJECTMODE = "Library Append/Link Tools Work Only in Object Mode"
72 PDT_OBJ_MODE_ERROR = "Only Mesh Object in Edit or Object Mode Supported"
73 PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_VERT = "No Active Vertex - Select One Vertex Individually"
74 PDT_ERR_NO_SEL_GEOM = "No Geometry/Objects Selected"
75 PDT_ERR_NO_ACT_VERTS = "No Selected Geometry - Please Select some Geometry"
76 PDT_ERR_NON_VALID = "is Not a Valid Option in Selected Object's Mode for Command:"
77 PDT_ERR_VERT_MODE = "Work in Vertex Mode for this Function"
79 "Custom Property PDT_PP_LOC for this object not found, have you Written it yet?"
81 PDT_ERR_NO_LIBRARY = ("PDT Library Blend File is Missing "
82 + "or not Correctly Set to a Blend File")
84 PDT_ERR_SEL_1_VERTI = "Select at least 1 Vertex Individually (Currently selected:"
85 PDT_ERR_SEL_1_VERT = "Select at least 1 Vertex (Currently selected:"
86 PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTI = "Select at least 2 Vertices Individually (Currently selected:"
87 PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTIO = "Select Exactly 2 Vertices Individually (Currently selected:"
88 PDT_ERR_SEL_2_VERTS = "Select Exactly 2 Vertices (Currently selected:"
89 PDT_ERR_SEL_2_EDGES = "Select Only 2 Non-Intersecting Edges (Currently selected:"
90 PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTS = "Select Exactly 3 Vertices (Currently selected:"
91 PDT_ERR_SEL_3_VERTIO = "Select Exactly 3 Vertices Individually (Currently selected:"
92 PDT_ERR_SEL_2_V_1_E = "Select 2 Vertices Individually, or 1 Edge (Currently selected:"
93 PDT_ERR_SEL_4_VERTS = "Select 4 Vertices Individually, or 2 Edges (Currently selected:"
94 PDT_ERR_SEL_1_E_1_F = "Select 1 Face and 1 Detached Edge"
96 PDT_ERR_SEL_1_EDGE = "Select Exactly 1 Edge (Currently selected:"
97 PDT_ERR_SEL_1_EDGEM = "Select at least 1 Edge (Currently selected:"
99 PDT_ERR_SEL_1_OBJ = "Select Exactly 1 Object (Currently selected:"
100 PDT_ERR_SEL_2_OBJS = "Select Exactly 2 Objects (Currently selected:"
101 PDT_ERR_SEL_3_OBJS = "Select Exactly 3 Objects (Currently selected:"
102 PDT_ERR_SEL_4_OBJS = "Select Exactly 4 Objects (Currently selected:"
104 PDT_ERR_FACE_SEL = "You have a Face Selected, this would have ruined the Topology"
106 PDT_ERR_INT_LINES = "Implied Lines Do Not Intersect in"
108 "Active Vertex was not Closest to Intersection and All/Act was not Selected"
110 PDT_ERR_STRIGHT_LINE = "Selected Points all lie in a Straight Line"
111 PDT_ERR_CONNECTED = "Vertices are already Connected"
112 PDT_ERR_EDIT_MODE = "Only Works in EDIT Mode (Current mode:"
113 PDT_ERR_EDOB_MODE = "Only Works in EDIT, or OBJECT Modes (Current mode:"
114 PDT_ERR_TAPER_ANG = "Angle must be in Range -80 to +80 (Currently set to:"
115 PDT_ERR_TAPER_SEL = ("Select at Least 2 Vertices Individually - Active is Rotation Point "
116 + "(Currently selected:")
117 PDT_ERR_NO3DVIEW = "View3D not found, cannot run operator"
118 PDT_ERR_SCALEZERO = "Scale Distance is 0"
120 PDT_ERR_CHARS_NUM = "Bad Command Format, not enough Characters"
121 PDT_ERR_BADFLETTER = "Bad Operator (1st Letter); C D E F G N M P S V or ? only"
122 PDT_ERR_BADMATHS = "Not a Valid Mathematical Expression!"
123 PDT_ERR_BADCOORDL = "X Y & Z Not permitted in anything other than Maths Operations"
124 PDT_ERR_BAD1VALS = "Bad Command - 1 Value needed"
125 PDT_ERR_BAD2VALS = "Bad Command - 2 Values needed"
126 PDT_ERR_BAD3VALS = "Bad Command - 3 Coords needed"
127 PDT_ERR_ADDVEDIT = "Only Add New Vertices in Edit Mode"
128 PDT_ERR_SPLITEDIT = "Only Split Edges in Edit Mode"
129 PDT_ERR_EXTEDIT = "Only Extrude Vertices in Edit Mode"
130 PDT_ERR_DUPEDIT = "Only Duplicate Geometry in Edit Mode"
131 PDT_ERR_FILEDIT = "Only Fillet Geometry in Edit Mode"
132 PDT_ERR_NOCOMMAS = "No commas allowed in Maths Command"
134 PDT_ERR_2CPNPE = "Select 2 Co-Planar Non-Parallel Edges"
135 PDT_ERR_NCEDGES = "Edges must be Co-Planar Non-Parallel Edges, Selected Edges aren't"
136 PDT_ERR_1EDGE1FACE = "Select 1 face and 1 Detached Edge"
137 PDT_ERR_NOINT = "No Intersection Found"
138 PDT_ERR_BADDISTANCE = "Invalid Distance (Separtion) Error; Chosen Points too Close"
139 PDT_ERR_MATHSERROR = "Maths Error - Check Working Plane"
140 PDT_ERR_SAMERADII = "Circles have the same radius - Just offset the Edge between centres"
142 # Info messages
144 PDT_INF_OBJ_MOVED = "Active Object Moved to Intersection, "
146 # Confirm Messages
148 PDT_CON_AREYOURSURE = "Are You Sure About This?"
150 # Descriptions
152 PDT_DES_COORDS = "Cartesian Inputs"
153 PDT_DES_OFFDIS = "Offset Distance"
154 PDT_DES_OFFANG = "Offset Angle"
155 PDT_DES_OFFPER = "Offset Percentage"
156 PDT_DES_WORPLANE = "Choose Working Plane"
157 PDT_DES_MOVESEL = "Select Move Mode"
158 PDT_DES_OPMODE = "Select Operation Mode"
159 PDT_DES_ROTMOVAX = "Rotational Axis - Movement Axis"
160 PDT_DES_FLIPANG = "Flip Angle 180 degrees"
161 PDT_DES_FLIPPER = "Flip Percent to 100 - %"
162 PDT_DES_TRIM = "Trim/Extend only Active Vertex, or All"
163 PDT_DES_LIBOBS = "Objects in Library"
164 PDT_DES_LIBCOLS = "Collections in Library"
165 PDT_DES_LIBMATS = "Materials in Library"
166 PDT_DES_LIBMODE = "Library Mode"
167 PDT_DES_LIBSER = "Enter A Search String (Contained)"
168 PDT_DES_OBORDER = "Object Order to Lines"
169 PDT_DES_VALIDLET = "Valid 1st letters; C D E G N P S V, Valid 2nd letters: A D I O P"
170 PDT_DES_OUTPUT = "Output for Maths Operations"
171 PDT_DES_PPLOC = "Location of PivotPoint"
172 PDT_DES_PPSCALEFAC = "Scale Factors"
173 PDT_DES_PPSIZE = "Pivot Size Factor"
174 PDT_DES_PPWIDTH = "Pivot Line Width in Pixels"
175 PDT_DES_PPTRANS = "Pivot Point Transparency"
176 PDT_DES_PIVOTDIS = "Input Distance to Compare with System Distance to set Scales"
177 PDT_DES_FILLETRAD = "Fillet Radius"
178 PDT_DES_FILLETSEG = "Number of Fillet Segments"
179 PDT_DES_FILLETPROF = "Fillet Profile"
180 PDT_DES_FILLETVERTS = "Use Vertices, or Edges, Set to False for Extruded Geometry"
181 PDT_DES_FILLINT = "Intersect & Fillet Two Selected Edges"
182 PDT_DES_TANCEN1 = "Centre of First Tangent Arc"
183 PDT_DES_TANCEN2 = "Centre of Second Tangent Arc"
184 PDT_DES_TANCEN3 = "Tangents From a Point"
185 PDT_DES_RADIUS1 = "Radius of First Tangent Arc"
186 PDT_DES_RADIUS2 = "Radius of Second Tangent Arc"
187 PDT_DES_TPOINT = "Calculate Tangents From Point"
188 PDT_DES_EXPCOLL = "Expand/Collapse Menu"
189 PDT_DES_TANMODE = "Tangent Types"