qa: Remove unused NodeConn members
[bitcoinplatinum.git] / test / functional / test_framework /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # Copyright (c) 2010 ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node
3 # Copyright (c) 2012 Jeff Garzik
4 # Copyright (c) 2010-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
5 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
6 # file COPYING or
7 """Bitcoin P2P network half-a-node.
9 This python code was modified from ArtForz' public domain half-a-node, as
10 found in the mini-node branch of
12 NodeConn: an object which manages p2p connectivity to a bitcoin node
13 NodeConnCB: a base class that describes the interface for receiving
14 callbacks with network messages from a NodeConn
15 CBlock, CTransaction, CBlockHeader, CTxIn, CTxOut, etc....:
16 data structures that should map to corresponding structures in
17 bitcoin/primitives
18 msg_block, msg_tx, msg_headers, etc.:
19 data structures that represent network messages
20 ser_*, deser_*: functions that handle serialization/deserialization
21 """
23 import asyncore
24 from codecs import encode
25 from collections import defaultdict
26 import copy
27 import hashlib
28 from io import BytesIO
29 import logging
30 import random
31 import socket
32 import struct
33 import sys
34 import time
35 from threading import RLock, Thread
37 from test_framework.siphash import siphash256
38 from test_framework.util import hex_str_to_bytes, bytes_to_hex_str, wait_until
41 MY_VERSION = 70014 # past bip-31 for ping/pong
42 MY_SUBVERSION = b"/python-mininode-tester:0.0.3/"
43 MY_RELAY = 1 # from version 70001 onwards, fRelay should be appended to version messages (BIP37)
45 MAX_INV_SZ = 50000
46 MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 1000000
48 COIN = 100000000 # 1 btc in satoshis
50 NODE_NETWORK = (1 << 0)
51 # NODE_GETUTXO = (1 << 1)
52 # NODE_BLOOM = (1 << 2)
53 NODE_WITNESS = (1 << 3)
57 logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.mininode")
59 # Keep our own socket map for asyncore, so that we can track disconnects
60 # ourselves (to workaround an issue with closing an asyncore socket when
61 # using select)
62 mininode_socket_map = dict()
64 # One lock for synchronizing all data access between the networking thread (see
65 # NetworkThread below) and the thread running the test logic. For simplicity,
66 # NodeConn acquires this lock whenever delivering a message to a NodeConnCB,
67 # and whenever adding anything to the send buffer (in send_message()). This
68 # lock should be acquired in the thread running the test logic to synchronize
69 # access to any data shared with the NodeConnCB or NodeConn.
70 mininode_lock = RLock()
72 # Serialization/deserialization tools
73 def sha256(s):
74 return'sha256', s).digest()
76 def ripemd160(s):
77 return'ripemd160', s).digest()
79 def hash256(s):
80 return sha256(sha256(s))
82 def ser_compact_size(l):
83 r = b""
84 if l < 253:
85 r = struct.pack("B", l)
86 elif l < 0x10000:
87 r = struct.pack("<BH", 253, l)
88 elif l < 0x100000000:
89 r = struct.pack("<BI", 254, l)
90 else:
91 r = struct.pack("<BQ", 255, l)
92 return r
94 def deser_compact_size(f):
95 nit = struct.unpack("<B",[0]
96 if nit == 253:
97 nit = struct.unpack("<H",[0]
98 elif nit == 254:
99 nit = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
100 elif nit == 255:
101 nit = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
102 return nit
104 def deser_string(f):
105 nit = deser_compact_size(f)
106 return
108 def ser_string(s):
109 return ser_compact_size(len(s)) + s
111 def deser_uint256(f):
112 r = 0
113 for i in range(8):
114 t = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
115 r += t << (i * 32)
116 return r
119 def ser_uint256(u):
120 rs = b""
121 for i in range(8):
122 rs += struct.pack("<I", u & 0xFFFFFFFF)
123 u >>= 32
124 return rs
127 def uint256_from_str(s):
128 r = 0
129 t = struct.unpack("<IIIIIIII", s[:32])
130 for i in range(8):
131 r += t[i] << (i * 32)
132 return r
135 def uint256_from_compact(c):
136 nbytes = (c >> 24) & 0xFF
137 v = (c & 0xFFFFFF) << (8 * (nbytes - 3))
138 return v
141 def deser_vector(f, c):
142 nit = deser_compact_size(f)
143 r = []
144 for i in range(nit):
145 t = c()
146 t.deserialize(f)
147 r.append(t)
148 return r
151 # ser_function_name: Allow for an alternate serialization function on the
152 # entries in the vector (we use this for serializing the vector of transactions
153 # for a witness block).
154 def ser_vector(l, ser_function_name=None):
155 r = ser_compact_size(len(l))
156 for i in l:
157 if ser_function_name:
158 r += getattr(i, ser_function_name)()
159 else:
160 r += i.serialize()
161 return r
164 def deser_uint256_vector(f):
165 nit = deser_compact_size(f)
166 r = []
167 for i in range(nit):
168 t = deser_uint256(f)
169 r.append(t)
170 return r
173 def ser_uint256_vector(l):
174 r = ser_compact_size(len(l))
175 for i in l:
176 r += ser_uint256(i)
177 return r
180 def deser_string_vector(f):
181 nit = deser_compact_size(f)
182 r = []
183 for i in range(nit):
184 t = deser_string(f)
185 r.append(t)
186 return r
189 def ser_string_vector(l):
190 r = ser_compact_size(len(l))
191 for sv in l:
192 r += ser_string(sv)
193 return r
196 def deser_int_vector(f):
197 nit = deser_compact_size(f)
198 r = []
199 for i in range(nit):
200 t = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
201 r.append(t)
202 return r
205 def ser_int_vector(l):
206 r = ser_compact_size(len(l))
207 for i in l:
208 r += struct.pack("<i", i)
209 return r
211 # Deserialize from a hex string representation (eg from RPC)
212 def FromHex(obj, hex_string):
213 obj.deserialize(BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(hex_string)))
214 return obj
216 # Convert a binary-serializable object to hex (eg for submission via RPC)
217 def ToHex(obj):
218 return bytes_to_hex_str(obj.serialize())
220 # Objects that map to bitcoind objects, which can be serialized/deserialized
222 class CAddress():
223 def __init__(self):
224 self.nServices = 1
225 self.pchReserved = b"\x00" * 10 + b"\xff" * 2
226 self.ip = ""
227 self.port = 0
229 def deserialize(self, f):
230 self.nServices = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
231 self.pchReserved =
232 self.ip = socket.inet_ntoa(
233 self.port = struct.unpack(">H",[0]
235 def serialize(self):
236 r = b""
237 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nServices)
238 r += self.pchReserved
239 r += socket.inet_aton(self.ip)
240 r += struct.pack(">H", self.port)
241 return r
243 def __repr__(self):
244 return "CAddress(nServices=%i ip=%s port=%i)" % (self.nServices,
245 self.ip, self.port)
247 MSG_WITNESS_FLAG = 1<<30
249 class CInv():
250 typemap = {
251 0: "Error",
252 1: "TX",
253 2: "Block",
254 1|MSG_WITNESS_FLAG: "WitnessTx",
255 2|MSG_WITNESS_FLAG : "WitnessBlock",
256 4: "CompactBlock"
259 def __init__(self, t=0, h=0):
260 self.type = t
261 self.hash = h
263 def deserialize(self, f):
264 self.type = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
265 self.hash = deser_uint256(f)
267 def serialize(self):
268 r = b""
269 r += struct.pack("<i", self.type)
270 r += ser_uint256(self.hash)
271 return r
273 def __repr__(self):
274 return "CInv(type=%s hash=%064x)" \
275 % (self.typemap[self.type], self.hash)
278 class CBlockLocator():
279 def __init__(self):
280 self.nVersion = MY_VERSION
281 self.vHave = []
283 def deserialize(self, f):
284 self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
285 self.vHave = deser_uint256_vector(f)
287 def serialize(self):
288 r = b""
289 r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
290 r += ser_uint256_vector(self.vHave)
291 return r
293 def __repr__(self):
294 return "CBlockLocator(nVersion=%i vHave=%s)" \
295 % (self.nVersion, repr(self.vHave))
298 class COutPoint():
299 def __init__(self, hash=0, n=0):
300 self.hash = hash
301 self.n = n
303 def deserialize(self, f):
304 self.hash = deser_uint256(f)
305 self.n = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
307 def serialize(self):
308 r = b""
309 r += ser_uint256(self.hash)
310 r += struct.pack("<I", self.n)
311 return r
313 def __repr__(self):
314 return "COutPoint(hash=%064x n=%i)" % (self.hash, self.n)
317 class CTxIn():
318 def __init__(self, outpoint=None, scriptSig=b"", nSequence=0):
319 if outpoint is None:
320 self.prevout = COutPoint()
321 else:
322 self.prevout = outpoint
323 self.scriptSig = scriptSig
324 self.nSequence = nSequence
326 def deserialize(self, f):
327 self.prevout = COutPoint()
328 self.prevout.deserialize(f)
329 self.scriptSig = deser_string(f)
330 self.nSequence = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
332 def serialize(self):
333 r = b""
334 r += self.prevout.serialize()
335 r += ser_string(self.scriptSig)
336 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nSequence)
337 return r
339 def __repr__(self):
340 return "CTxIn(prevout=%s scriptSig=%s nSequence=%i)" \
341 % (repr(self.prevout), bytes_to_hex_str(self.scriptSig),
342 self.nSequence)
345 class CTxOut():
346 def __init__(self, nValue=0, scriptPubKey=b""):
347 self.nValue = nValue
348 self.scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey
350 def deserialize(self, f):
351 self.nValue = struct.unpack("<q",[0]
352 self.scriptPubKey = deser_string(f)
354 def serialize(self):
355 r = b""
356 r += struct.pack("<q", self.nValue)
357 r += ser_string(self.scriptPubKey)
358 return r
360 def __repr__(self):
361 return "CTxOut(nValue=%i.%08i scriptPubKey=%s)" \
362 % (self.nValue // COIN, self.nValue % COIN,
363 bytes_to_hex_str(self.scriptPubKey))
366 class CScriptWitness():
367 def __init__(self):
368 # stack is a vector of strings
369 self.stack = []
371 def __repr__(self):
372 return "CScriptWitness(%s)" % \
373 (",".join([bytes_to_hex_str(x) for x in self.stack]))
375 def is_null(self):
376 if self.stack:
377 return False
378 return True
381 class CTxInWitness():
382 def __init__(self):
383 self.scriptWitness = CScriptWitness()
385 def deserialize(self, f):
386 self.scriptWitness.stack = deser_string_vector(f)
388 def serialize(self):
389 return ser_string_vector(self.scriptWitness.stack)
391 def __repr__(self):
392 return repr(self.scriptWitness)
394 def is_null(self):
395 return self.scriptWitness.is_null()
398 class CTxWitness():
399 def __init__(self):
400 self.vtxinwit = []
402 def deserialize(self, f):
403 for i in range(len(self.vtxinwit)):
404 self.vtxinwit[i].deserialize(f)
406 def serialize(self):
407 r = b""
408 # This is different than the usual vector serialization --
409 # we omit the length of the vector, which is required to be
410 # the same length as the transaction's vin vector.
411 for x in self.vtxinwit:
412 r += x.serialize()
413 return r
415 def __repr__(self):
416 return "CTxWitness(%s)" % \
417 (';'.join([repr(x) for x in self.vtxinwit]))
419 def is_null(self):
420 for x in self.vtxinwit:
421 if not x.is_null():
422 return False
423 return True
426 class CTransaction():
427 def __init__(self, tx=None):
428 if tx is None:
429 self.nVersion = 1
430 = []
431 self.vout = []
432 self.wit = CTxWitness()
433 self.nLockTime = 0
434 self.sha256 = None
435 self.hash = None
436 else:
437 self.nVersion = tx.nVersion
438 = copy.deepcopy(
439 self.vout = copy.deepcopy(tx.vout)
440 self.nLockTime = tx.nLockTime
441 self.sha256 = tx.sha256
442 self.hash = tx.hash
443 self.wit = copy.deepcopy(tx.wit)
445 def deserialize(self, f):
446 self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
447 = deser_vector(f, CTxIn)
448 flags = 0
449 if len( == 0:
450 flags = struct.unpack("<B",[0]
451 # Not sure why flags can't be zero, but this
452 # matches the implementation in bitcoind
453 if (flags != 0):
454 = deser_vector(f, CTxIn)
455 self.vout = deser_vector(f, CTxOut)
456 else:
457 self.vout = deser_vector(f, CTxOut)
458 if flags != 0:
459 self.wit.vtxinwit = [CTxInWitness() for i in range(len(]
460 self.wit.deserialize(f)
461 self.nLockTime = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
462 self.sha256 = None
463 self.hash = None
465 def serialize_without_witness(self):
466 r = b""
467 r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
468 r += ser_vector(
469 r += ser_vector(self.vout)
470 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nLockTime)
471 return r
473 # Only serialize with witness when explicitly called for
474 def serialize_with_witness(self):
475 flags = 0
476 if not self.wit.is_null():
477 flags |= 1
478 r = b""
479 r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
480 if flags:
481 dummy = []
482 r += ser_vector(dummy)
483 r += struct.pack("<B", flags)
484 r += ser_vector(
485 r += ser_vector(self.vout)
486 if flags & 1:
487 if (len(self.wit.vtxinwit) != len(
488 # vtxinwit must have the same length as vin
489 self.wit.vtxinwit = self.wit.vtxinwit[:len(]
490 for i in range(len(self.wit.vtxinwit), len(
491 self.wit.vtxinwit.append(CTxInWitness())
492 r += self.wit.serialize()
493 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nLockTime)
494 return r
496 # Regular serialization is without witness -- must explicitly
497 # call serialize_with_witness to include witness data.
498 def serialize(self):
499 return self.serialize_without_witness()
501 # Recalculate the txid (transaction hash without witness)
502 def rehash(self):
503 self.sha256 = None
504 self.calc_sha256()
506 # We will only cache the serialization without witness in
507 # self.sha256 and self.hash -- those are expected to be the txid.
508 def calc_sha256(self, with_witness=False):
509 if with_witness:
510 # Don't cache the result, just return it
511 return uint256_from_str(hash256(self.serialize_with_witness()))
513 if self.sha256 is None:
514 self.sha256 = uint256_from_str(hash256(self.serialize_without_witness()))
515 self.hash = encode(hash256(self.serialize())[::-1], 'hex_codec').decode('ascii')
517 def is_valid(self):
518 self.calc_sha256()
519 for tout in self.vout:
520 if tout.nValue < 0 or tout.nValue > 21000000 * COIN:
521 return False
522 return True
524 def __repr__(self):
525 return "CTransaction(nVersion=%i vin=%s vout=%s wit=%s nLockTime=%i)" \
526 % (self.nVersion, repr(, repr(self.vout), repr(self.wit), self.nLockTime)
529 class CBlockHeader():
530 def __init__(self, header=None):
531 if header is None:
532 self.set_null()
533 else:
534 self.nVersion = header.nVersion
535 self.hashPrevBlock = header.hashPrevBlock
536 self.hashMerkleRoot = header.hashMerkleRoot
537 self.nTime = header.nTime
538 self.nBits = header.nBits
539 self.nNonce = header.nNonce
540 self.sha256 = header.sha256
541 self.hash = header.hash
542 self.calc_sha256()
544 def set_null(self):
545 self.nVersion = 1
546 self.hashPrevBlock = 0
547 self.hashMerkleRoot = 0
548 self.nTime = 0
549 self.nBits = 0
550 self.nNonce = 0
551 self.sha256 = None
552 self.hash = None
554 def deserialize(self, f):
555 self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
556 self.hashPrevBlock = deser_uint256(f)
557 self.hashMerkleRoot = deser_uint256(f)
558 self.nTime = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
559 self.nBits = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
560 self.nNonce = struct.unpack("<I",[0]
561 self.sha256 = None
562 self.hash = None
564 def serialize(self):
565 r = b""
566 r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
567 r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
568 r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
569 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime)
570 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
571 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
572 return r
574 def calc_sha256(self):
575 if self.sha256 is None:
576 r = b""
577 r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
578 r += ser_uint256(self.hashPrevBlock)
579 r += ser_uint256(self.hashMerkleRoot)
580 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nTime)
581 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nBits)
582 r += struct.pack("<I", self.nNonce)
583 self.sha256 = uint256_from_str(hash256(r))
584 self.hash = encode(hash256(r)[::-1], 'hex_codec').decode('ascii')
586 def rehash(self):
587 self.sha256 = None
588 self.calc_sha256()
589 return self.sha256
591 def __repr__(self):
592 return "CBlockHeader(nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x)" \
593 % (self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot,
594 time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce)
597 class CBlock(CBlockHeader):
598 def __init__(self, header=None):
599 super(CBlock, self).__init__(header)
600 self.vtx = []
602 def deserialize(self, f):
603 super(CBlock, self).deserialize(f)
604 self.vtx = deser_vector(f, CTransaction)
606 def serialize(self, with_witness=False):
607 r = b""
608 r += super(CBlock, self).serialize()
609 if with_witness:
610 r += ser_vector(self.vtx, "serialize_with_witness")
611 else:
612 r += ser_vector(self.vtx)
613 return r
615 # Calculate the merkle root given a vector of transaction hashes
616 @classmethod
617 def get_merkle_root(cls, hashes):
618 while len(hashes) > 1:
619 newhashes = []
620 for i in range(0, len(hashes), 2):
621 i2 = min(i+1, len(hashes)-1)
622 newhashes.append(hash256(hashes[i] + hashes[i2]))
623 hashes = newhashes
624 return uint256_from_str(hashes[0])
626 def calc_merkle_root(self):
627 hashes = []
628 for tx in self.vtx:
629 tx.calc_sha256()
630 hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.sha256))
631 return self.get_merkle_root(hashes)
633 def calc_witness_merkle_root(self):
634 # For witness root purposes, the hash of the
635 # coinbase, with witness, is defined to be 0...0
636 hashes = [ser_uint256(0)]
638 for tx in self.vtx[1:]:
639 # Calculate the hashes with witness data
640 hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.calc_sha256(True)))
642 return self.get_merkle_root(hashes)
644 def is_valid(self):
645 self.calc_sha256()
646 target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits)
647 if self.sha256 > target:
648 return False
649 for tx in self.vtx:
650 if not tx.is_valid():
651 return False
652 if self.calc_merkle_root() != self.hashMerkleRoot:
653 return False
654 return True
656 def solve(self):
657 self.rehash()
658 target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits)
659 while self.sha256 > target:
660 self.nNonce += 1
661 self.rehash()
663 def __repr__(self):
664 return "CBlock(nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x vtx=%s)" \
665 % (self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot,
666 time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce, repr(self.vtx))
669 class PrefilledTransaction():
670 def __init__(self, index=0, tx = None):
671 self.index = index
672 self.tx = tx
674 def deserialize(self, f):
675 self.index = deser_compact_size(f)
676 self.tx = CTransaction()
677 self.tx.deserialize(f)
679 def serialize(self, with_witness=False):
680 r = b""
681 r += ser_compact_size(self.index)
682 if with_witness:
683 r += self.tx.serialize_with_witness()
684 else:
685 r += self.tx.serialize_without_witness()
686 return r
688 def serialize_with_witness(self):
689 return self.serialize(with_witness=True)
691 def __repr__(self):
692 return "PrefilledTransaction(index=%d, tx=%s)" % (self.index, repr(self.tx))
694 # This is what we send on the wire, in a cmpctblock message.
695 class P2PHeaderAndShortIDs():
696 def __init__(self):
697 self.header = CBlockHeader()
698 self.nonce = 0
699 self.shortids_length = 0
700 self.shortids = []
701 self.prefilled_txn_length = 0
702 self.prefilled_txn = []
704 def deserialize(self, f):
705 self.header.deserialize(f)
706 self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
707 self.shortids_length = deser_compact_size(f)
708 for i in range(self.shortids_length):
709 # shortids are defined to be 6 bytes in the spec, so append
710 # two zero bytes and read it in as an 8-byte number
711 self.shortids.append(struct.unpack("<Q", + b'\x00\x00')[0])
712 self.prefilled_txn = deser_vector(f, PrefilledTransaction)
713 self.prefilled_txn_length = len(self.prefilled_txn)
715 # When using version 2 compact blocks, we must serialize with_witness.
716 def serialize(self, with_witness=False):
717 r = b""
718 r += self.header.serialize()
719 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
720 r += ser_compact_size(self.shortids_length)
721 for x in self.shortids:
722 # We only want the first 6 bytes
723 r += struct.pack("<Q", x)[0:6]
724 if with_witness:
725 r += ser_vector(self.prefilled_txn, "serialize_with_witness")
726 else:
727 r += ser_vector(self.prefilled_txn)
728 return r
730 def __repr__(self):
731 return "P2PHeaderAndShortIDs(header=%s, nonce=%d, shortids_length=%d, shortids=%s, prefilled_txn_length=%d, prefilledtxn=%s" % (repr(self.header), self.nonce, self.shortids_length, repr(self.shortids), self.prefilled_txn_length, repr(self.prefilled_txn))
733 # P2P version of the above that will use witness serialization (for compact
734 # block version 2)
735 class P2PHeaderAndShortWitnessIDs(P2PHeaderAndShortIDs):
736 def serialize(self):
737 return super(P2PHeaderAndShortWitnessIDs, self).serialize(with_witness=True)
739 # Calculate the BIP 152-compact blocks shortid for a given transaction hash
740 def calculate_shortid(k0, k1, tx_hash):
741 expected_shortid = siphash256(k0, k1, tx_hash)
742 expected_shortid &= 0x0000ffffffffffff
743 return expected_shortid
745 # This version gets rid of the array lengths, and reinterprets the differential
746 # encoding into indices that can be used for lookup.
747 class HeaderAndShortIDs():
748 def __init__(self, p2pheaders_and_shortids = None):
749 self.header = CBlockHeader()
750 self.nonce = 0
751 self.shortids = []
752 self.prefilled_txn = []
753 self.use_witness = False
755 if p2pheaders_and_shortids != None:
756 self.header = p2pheaders_and_shortids.header
757 self.nonce = p2pheaders_and_shortids.nonce
758 self.shortids = p2pheaders_and_shortids.shortids
759 last_index = -1
760 for x in p2pheaders_and_shortids.prefilled_txn:
761 self.prefilled_txn.append(PrefilledTransaction(x.index + last_index + 1, x.tx))
762 last_index = self.prefilled_txn[-1].index
764 def to_p2p(self):
765 if self.use_witness:
766 ret = P2PHeaderAndShortWitnessIDs()
767 else:
768 ret = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs()
769 ret.header = self.header
770 ret.nonce = self.nonce
771 ret.shortids_length = len(self.shortids)
772 ret.shortids = self.shortids
773 ret.prefilled_txn_length = len(self.prefilled_txn)
774 ret.prefilled_txn = []
775 last_index = -1
776 for x in self.prefilled_txn:
777 ret.prefilled_txn.append(PrefilledTransaction(x.index - last_index - 1, x.tx))
778 last_index = x.index
779 return ret
781 def get_siphash_keys(self):
782 header_nonce = self.header.serialize()
783 header_nonce += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
784 hash_header_nonce_as_str = sha256(header_nonce)
785 key0 = struct.unpack("<Q", hash_header_nonce_as_str[0:8])[0]
786 key1 = struct.unpack("<Q", hash_header_nonce_as_str[8:16])[0]
787 return [ key0, key1 ]
789 # Version 2 compact blocks use wtxid in shortids (rather than txid)
790 def initialize_from_block(self, block, nonce=0, prefill_list = [0], use_witness = False):
791 self.header = CBlockHeader(block)
792 self.nonce = nonce
793 self.prefilled_txn = [ PrefilledTransaction(i, block.vtx[i]) for i in prefill_list ]
794 self.shortids = []
795 self.use_witness = use_witness
796 [k0, k1] = self.get_siphash_keys()
797 for i in range(len(block.vtx)):
798 if i not in prefill_list:
799 tx_hash = block.vtx[i].sha256
800 if use_witness:
801 tx_hash = block.vtx[i].calc_sha256(with_witness=True)
802 self.shortids.append(calculate_shortid(k0, k1, tx_hash))
804 def __repr__(self):
805 return "HeaderAndShortIDs(header=%s, nonce=%d, shortids=%s, prefilledtxn=%s" % (repr(self.header), self.nonce, repr(self.shortids), repr(self.prefilled_txn))
808 class BlockTransactionsRequest():
810 def __init__(self, blockhash=0, indexes = None):
811 self.blockhash = blockhash
812 self.indexes = indexes if indexes != None else []
814 def deserialize(self, f):
815 self.blockhash = deser_uint256(f)
816 indexes_length = deser_compact_size(f)
817 for i in range(indexes_length):
818 self.indexes.append(deser_compact_size(f))
820 def serialize(self):
821 r = b""
822 r += ser_uint256(self.blockhash)
823 r += ser_compact_size(len(self.indexes))
824 for x in self.indexes:
825 r += ser_compact_size(x)
826 return r
828 # helper to set the differentially encoded indexes from absolute ones
829 def from_absolute(self, absolute_indexes):
830 self.indexes = []
831 last_index = -1
832 for x in absolute_indexes:
833 self.indexes.append(x-last_index-1)
834 last_index = x
836 def to_absolute(self):
837 absolute_indexes = []
838 last_index = -1
839 for x in self.indexes:
840 absolute_indexes.append(x+last_index+1)
841 last_index = absolute_indexes[-1]
842 return absolute_indexes
844 def __repr__(self):
845 return "BlockTransactionsRequest(hash=%064x indexes=%s)" % (self.blockhash, repr(self.indexes))
848 class BlockTransactions():
850 def __init__(self, blockhash=0, transactions = None):
851 self.blockhash = blockhash
852 self.transactions = transactions if transactions != None else []
854 def deserialize(self, f):
855 self.blockhash = deser_uint256(f)
856 self.transactions = deser_vector(f, CTransaction)
858 def serialize(self, with_witness=False):
859 r = b""
860 r += ser_uint256(self.blockhash)
861 if with_witness:
862 r += ser_vector(self.transactions, "serialize_with_witness")
863 else:
864 r += ser_vector(self.transactions)
865 return r
867 def __repr__(self):
868 return "BlockTransactions(hash=%064x transactions=%s)" % (self.blockhash, repr(self.transactions))
871 # Objects that correspond to messages on the wire
872 class msg_version():
873 command = b"version"
875 def __init__(self):
876 self.nVersion = MY_VERSION
877 self.nServices = NODE_NETWORK | NODE_WITNESS
878 self.nTime = int(time.time())
879 self.addrTo = CAddress()
880 self.addrFrom = CAddress()
881 self.nNonce = random.getrandbits(64)
882 self.strSubVer = MY_SUBVERSION
883 self.nStartingHeight = -1
884 self.nRelay = MY_RELAY
886 def deserialize(self, f):
887 self.nVersion = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
888 if self.nVersion == 10300:
889 self.nVersion = 300
890 self.nServices = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
891 self.nTime = struct.unpack("<q",[0]
892 self.addrTo = CAddress()
893 self.addrTo.deserialize(f)
895 if self.nVersion >= 106:
896 self.addrFrom = CAddress()
897 self.addrFrom.deserialize(f)
898 self.nNonce = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
899 self.strSubVer = deser_string(f)
900 else:
901 self.addrFrom = None
902 self.nNonce = None
903 self.strSubVer = None
904 self.nStartingHeight = None
906 if self.nVersion >= 209:
907 self.nStartingHeight = struct.unpack("<i",[0]
908 else:
909 self.nStartingHeight = None
911 if self.nVersion >= 70001:
912 # Relay field is optional for version 70001 onwards
913 try:
914 self.nRelay = struct.unpack("<b",[0]
915 except:
916 self.nRelay = 0
917 else:
918 self.nRelay = 0
920 def serialize(self):
921 r = b""
922 r += struct.pack("<i", self.nVersion)
923 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nServices)
924 r += struct.pack("<q", self.nTime)
925 r += self.addrTo.serialize()
926 r += self.addrFrom.serialize()
927 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nNonce)
928 r += ser_string(self.strSubVer)
929 r += struct.pack("<i", self.nStartingHeight)
930 r += struct.pack("<b", self.nRelay)
931 return r
933 def __repr__(self):
934 return 'msg_version(nVersion=%i nServices=%i nTime=%s addrTo=%s addrFrom=%s nNonce=0x%016X strSubVer=%s nStartingHeight=%i nRelay=%i)' \
935 % (self.nVersion, self.nServices, time.ctime(self.nTime),
936 repr(self.addrTo), repr(self.addrFrom), self.nNonce,
937 self.strSubVer, self.nStartingHeight, self.nRelay)
940 class msg_verack():
941 command = b"verack"
943 def __init__(self):
944 pass
946 def deserialize(self, f):
947 pass
949 def serialize(self):
950 return b""
952 def __repr__(self):
953 return "msg_verack()"
956 class msg_addr():
957 command = b"addr"
959 def __init__(self):
960 self.addrs = []
962 def deserialize(self, f):
963 self.addrs = deser_vector(f, CAddress)
965 def serialize(self):
966 return ser_vector(self.addrs)
968 def __repr__(self):
969 return "msg_addr(addrs=%s)" % (repr(self.addrs))
972 class msg_inv():
973 command = b"inv"
975 def __init__(self, inv=None):
976 if inv is None:
977 self.inv = []
978 else:
979 self.inv = inv
981 def deserialize(self, f):
982 self.inv = deser_vector(f, CInv)
984 def serialize(self):
985 return ser_vector(self.inv)
987 def __repr__(self):
988 return "msg_inv(inv=%s)" % (repr(self.inv))
991 class msg_getdata():
992 command = b"getdata"
994 def __init__(self, inv=None):
995 self.inv = inv if inv != None else []
997 def deserialize(self, f):
998 self.inv = deser_vector(f, CInv)
1000 def serialize(self):
1001 return ser_vector(self.inv)
1003 def __repr__(self):
1004 return "msg_getdata(inv=%s)" % (repr(self.inv))
1007 class msg_getblocks():
1008 command = b"getblocks"
1010 def __init__(self):
1011 self.locator = CBlockLocator()
1012 self.hashstop = 0
1014 def deserialize(self, f):
1015 self.locator = CBlockLocator()
1016 self.locator.deserialize(f)
1017 self.hashstop = deser_uint256(f)
1019 def serialize(self):
1020 r = b""
1021 r += self.locator.serialize()
1022 r += ser_uint256(self.hashstop)
1023 return r
1025 def __repr__(self):
1026 return "msg_getblocks(locator=%s hashstop=%064x)" \
1027 % (repr(self.locator), self.hashstop)
1030 class msg_tx():
1031 command = b"tx"
1033 def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction()):
1034 self.tx = tx
1036 def deserialize(self, f):
1037 self.tx.deserialize(f)
1039 def serialize(self):
1040 return self.tx.serialize_without_witness()
1042 def __repr__(self):
1043 return "msg_tx(tx=%s)" % (repr(self.tx))
1045 class msg_witness_tx(msg_tx):
1047 def serialize(self):
1048 return self.tx.serialize_with_witness()
1051 class msg_block():
1052 command = b"block"
1054 def __init__(self, block=None):
1055 if block is None:
1056 self.block = CBlock()
1057 else:
1058 self.block = block
1060 def deserialize(self, f):
1061 self.block.deserialize(f)
1063 def serialize(self):
1064 return self.block.serialize()
1066 def __repr__(self):
1067 return "msg_block(block=%s)" % (repr(self.block))
1069 # for cases where a user needs tighter control over what is sent over the wire
1070 # note that the user must supply the name of the command, and the data
1071 class msg_generic():
1072 def __init__(self, command, data=None):
1073 self.command = command
1074 = data
1076 def serialize(self):
1077 return
1079 def __repr__(self):
1080 return "msg_generic()"
1082 class msg_witness_block(msg_block):
1084 def serialize(self):
1085 r = self.block.serialize(with_witness=True)
1086 return r
1088 class msg_getaddr():
1089 command = b"getaddr"
1091 def __init__(self):
1092 pass
1094 def deserialize(self, f):
1095 pass
1097 def serialize(self):
1098 return b""
1100 def __repr__(self):
1101 return "msg_getaddr()"
1104 class msg_ping():
1105 command = b"ping"
1107 def __init__(self, nonce=0):
1108 self.nonce = nonce
1110 def deserialize(self, f):
1111 self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
1113 def serialize(self):
1114 r = b""
1115 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
1116 return r
1118 def __repr__(self):
1119 return "msg_ping(nonce=%08x)" % self.nonce
1122 class msg_pong():
1123 command = b"pong"
1125 def __init__(self, nonce=0):
1126 self.nonce = nonce
1128 def deserialize(self, f):
1129 self.nonce = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
1131 def serialize(self):
1132 r = b""
1133 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.nonce)
1134 return r
1136 def __repr__(self):
1137 return "msg_pong(nonce=%08x)" % self.nonce
1140 class msg_mempool():
1141 command = b"mempool"
1143 def __init__(self):
1144 pass
1146 def deserialize(self, f):
1147 pass
1149 def serialize(self):
1150 return b""
1152 def __repr__(self):
1153 return "msg_mempool()"
1155 class msg_sendheaders():
1156 command = b"sendheaders"
1158 def __init__(self):
1159 pass
1161 def deserialize(self, f):
1162 pass
1164 def serialize(self):
1165 return b""
1167 def __repr__(self):
1168 return "msg_sendheaders()"
1171 # getheaders message has
1172 # number of entries
1173 # vector of hashes
1174 # hash_stop (hash of last desired block header, 0 to get as many as possible)
1175 class msg_getheaders():
1176 command = b"getheaders"
1178 def __init__(self):
1179 self.locator = CBlockLocator()
1180 self.hashstop = 0
1182 def deserialize(self, f):
1183 self.locator = CBlockLocator()
1184 self.locator.deserialize(f)
1185 self.hashstop = deser_uint256(f)
1187 def serialize(self):
1188 r = b""
1189 r += self.locator.serialize()
1190 r += ser_uint256(self.hashstop)
1191 return r
1193 def __repr__(self):
1194 return "msg_getheaders(locator=%s, stop=%064x)" \
1195 % (repr(self.locator), self.hashstop)
1198 # headers message has
1199 # <count> <vector of block headers>
1200 class msg_headers():
1201 command = b"headers"
1203 def __init__(self, headers=None):
1204 self.headers = headers if headers is not None else []
1206 def deserialize(self, f):
1207 # comment in bitcoind indicates these should be deserialized as blocks
1208 blocks = deser_vector(f, CBlock)
1209 for x in blocks:
1210 self.headers.append(CBlockHeader(x))
1212 def serialize(self):
1213 blocks = [CBlock(x) for x in self.headers]
1214 return ser_vector(blocks)
1216 def __repr__(self):
1217 return "msg_headers(headers=%s)" % repr(self.headers)
1220 class msg_reject():
1221 command = b"reject"
1224 def __init__(self):
1225 self.message = b""
1226 self.code = 0
1227 self.reason = b""
1228 = 0
1230 def deserialize(self, f):
1231 self.message = deser_string(f)
1232 self.code = struct.unpack("<B",[0]
1233 self.reason = deser_string(f)
1234 if (self.code != self.REJECT_MALFORMED and
1235 (self.message == b"block" or self.message == b"tx")):
1236 = deser_uint256(f)
1238 def serialize(self):
1239 r = ser_string(self.message)
1240 r += struct.pack("<B", self.code)
1241 r += ser_string(self.reason)
1242 if (self.code != self.REJECT_MALFORMED and
1243 (self.message == b"block" or self.message == b"tx")):
1244 r += ser_uint256(
1245 return r
1247 def __repr__(self):
1248 return "msg_reject: %s %d %s [%064x]" \
1249 % (self.message, self.code, self.reason,
1251 class msg_feefilter():
1252 command = b"feefilter"
1254 def __init__(self, feerate=0):
1255 self.feerate = feerate
1257 def deserialize(self, f):
1258 self.feerate = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
1260 def serialize(self):
1261 r = b""
1262 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.feerate)
1263 return r
1265 def __repr__(self):
1266 return "msg_feefilter(feerate=%08x)" % self.feerate
1268 class msg_sendcmpct():
1269 command = b"sendcmpct"
1271 def __init__(self):
1272 self.announce = False
1273 self.version = 1
1275 def deserialize(self, f):
1276 self.announce = struct.unpack("<?",[0]
1277 self.version = struct.unpack("<Q",[0]
1279 def serialize(self):
1280 r = b""
1281 r += struct.pack("<?", self.announce)
1282 r += struct.pack("<Q", self.version)
1283 return r
1285 def __repr__(self):
1286 return "msg_sendcmpct(announce=%s, version=%lu)" % (self.announce, self.version)
1288 class msg_cmpctblock():
1289 command = b"cmpctblock"
1291 def __init__(self, header_and_shortids = None):
1292 self.header_and_shortids = header_and_shortids
1294 def deserialize(self, f):
1295 self.header_and_shortids = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs()
1296 self.header_and_shortids.deserialize(f)
1298 def serialize(self):
1299 r = b""
1300 r += self.header_and_shortids.serialize()
1301 return r
1303 def __repr__(self):
1304 return "msg_cmpctblock(HeaderAndShortIDs=%s)" % repr(self.header_and_shortids)
1306 class msg_getblocktxn():
1307 command = b"getblocktxn"
1309 def __init__(self):
1310 self.block_txn_request = None
1312 def deserialize(self, f):
1313 self.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest()
1314 self.block_txn_request.deserialize(f)
1316 def serialize(self):
1317 r = b""
1318 r += self.block_txn_request.serialize()
1319 return r
1321 def __repr__(self):
1322 return "msg_getblocktxn(block_txn_request=%s)" % (repr(self.block_txn_request))
1324 class msg_blocktxn():
1325 command = b"blocktxn"
1327 def __init__(self):
1328 self.block_transactions = BlockTransactions()
1330 def deserialize(self, f):
1331 self.block_transactions.deserialize(f)
1333 def serialize(self):
1334 r = b""
1335 r += self.block_transactions.serialize()
1336 return r
1338 def __repr__(self):
1339 return "msg_blocktxn(block_transactions=%s)" % (repr(self.block_transactions))
1341 class msg_witness_blocktxn(msg_blocktxn):
1342 def serialize(self):
1343 r = b""
1344 r += self.block_transactions.serialize(with_witness=True)
1345 return r
1347 class NodeConnCB():
1348 """Callback and helper functions for P2P connection to a bitcoind node.
1350 Individual testcases should subclass this and override the on_* methods
1351 if they want to alter message handling behaviour."""
1352 def __init__(self):
1353 # Track whether we have a P2P connection open to the node
1354 self.connected = False
1355 self.connection = None
1357 # Track number of messages of each type received and the most recent
1358 # message of each type
1359 self.message_count = defaultdict(int)
1360 self.last_message = {}
1362 # A count of the number of ping messages we've sent to the node
1363 self.ping_counter = 1
1365 # Message receiving methods
1367 def deliver(self, conn, message):
1368 """Receive message and dispatch message to appropriate callback.
1370 We keep a count of how many of each message type has been received
1371 and the most recent message of each type."""
1372 with mininode_lock:
1373 try:
1374 command = message.command.decode('ascii')
1375 self.message_count[command] += 1
1376 self.last_message[command] = message
1377 getattr(self, 'on_' + command)(conn, message)
1378 except:
1379 print("ERROR delivering %s (%s)" % (repr(message),
1380 sys.exc_info()[0]))
1381 raise
1383 # Callback methods. Can be overridden by subclasses in individual test
1384 # cases to provide custom message handling behaviour.
1386 def on_open(self, conn):
1387 self.connected = True
1389 def on_close(self, conn):
1390 self.connected = False
1391 self.connection = None
1393 def on_addr(self, conn, message): pass
1394 def on_block(self, conn, message): pass
1395 def on_blocktxn(self, conn, message): pass
1396 def on_cmpctblock(self, conn, message): pass
1397 def on_feefilter(self, conn, message): pass
1398 def on_getaddr(self, conn, message): pass
1399 def on_getblocks(self, conn, message): pass
1400 def on_getblocktxn(self, conn, message): pass
1401 def on_getdata(self, conn, message): pass
1402 def on_getheaders(self, conn, message): pass
1403 def on_headers(self, conn, message): pass
1404 def on_mempool(self, conn): pass
1405 def on_pong(self, conn, message): pass
1406 def on_reject(self, conn, message): pass
1407 def on_sendcmpct(self, conn, message): pass
1408 def on_sendheaders(self, conn, message): pass
1409 def on_tx(self, conn, message): pass
1411 def on_inv(self, conn, message):
1412 want = msg_getdata()
1413 for i in message.inv:
1414 if i.type != 0:
1415 want.inv.append(i)
1416 if len(want.inv):
1417 conn.send_message(want)
1419 def on_ping(self, conn, message):
1420 conn.send_message(msg_pong(message.nonce))
1422 def on_verack(self, conn, message):
1423 self.verack_received = True
1425 def on_version(self, conn, message):
1426 assert message.nVersion >= MIN_VERSION_SUPPORTED, "Version {} received. Test framework only supports versions greater than {}".format(message.nVersion, MIN_VERSION_SUPPORTED)
1427 conn.send_message(msg_verack())
1428 conn.nServices = message.nServices
1430 # Connection helper methods
1432 def add_connection(self, conn):
1433 self.connection = conn
1435 def wait_for_disconnect(self, timeout=60):
1436 test_function = lambda: not self.connected
1437 wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock)
1439 # Message receiving helper methods
1441 def wait_for_block(self, blockhash, timeout=60):
1442 test_function = lambda: self.last_message.get("block") and self.last_message["block"].block.rehash() == blockhash
1443 wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock)
1445 def wait_for_getdata(self, timeout=60):
1446 test_function = lambda: self.last_message.get("getdata")
1447 wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock)
1449 def wait_for_getheaders(self, timeout=60):
1450 test_function = lambda: self.last_message.get("getheaders")
1451 wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock)
1453 def wait_for_inv(self, expected_inv, timeout=60):
1454 """Waits for an INV message and checks that the first inv object in the message was as expected."""
1455 if len(expected_inv) > 1:
1456 raise NotImplementedError("wait_for_inv() will only verify the first inv object")
1457 test_function = lambda: self.last_message.get("inv") and \
1458 self.last_message["inv"].inv[0].type == expected_inv[0].type and \
1459 self.last_message["inv"].inv[0].hash == expected_inv[0].hash
1460 wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock)
1462 def wait_for_verack(self, timeout=60):
1463 test_function = lambda: self.message_count["verack"]
1464 wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock)
1466 # Message sending helper functions
1468 def send_message(self, message):
1469 if self.connection:
1470 self.connection.send_message(message)
1471 else:
1472 logger.error("Cannot send message. No connection to node!")
1474 def send_and_ping(self, message):
1475 self.send_message(message)
1476 self.sync_with_ping()
1478 # Sync up with the node
1479 def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=60):
1480 self.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter))
1481 test_function = lambda: self.last_message.get("pong") and self.last_message["pong"].nonce == self.ping_counter
1482 wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout, lock=mininode_lock)
1483 self.ping_counter += 1
1485 class NodeConn(asyncore.dispatcher):
1486 """The actual NodeConn class
1488 This class provides an interface for a p2p connection to a specified node."""
1489 messagemap = {
1490 b"version": msg_version,
1491 b"verack": msg_verack,
1492 b"addr": msg_addr,
1493 b"inv": msg_inv,
1494 b"getdata": msg_getdata,
1495 b"getblocks": msg_getblocks,
1496 b"tx": msg_tx,
1497 b"block": msg_block,
1498 b"getaddr": msg_getaddr,
1499 b"ping": msg_ping,
1500 b"pong": msg_pong,
1501 b"headers": msg_headers,
1502 b"getheaders": msg_getheaders,
1503 b"reject": msg_reject,
1504 b"mempool": msg_mempool,
1505 b"feefilter": msg_feefilter,
1506 b"sendheaders": msg_sendheaders,
1507 b"sendcmpct": msg_sendcmpct,
1508 b"cmpctblock": msg_cmpctblock,
1509 b"getblocktxn": msg_getblocktxn,
1510 b"blocktxn": msg_blocktxn
1512 MAGIC_BYTES = {
1513 "mainnet": b"\xf9\xbe\xb4\xd9", # mainnet
1514 "testnet3": b"\x0b\x11\x09\x07", # testnet3
1515 "regtest": b"\xfa\xbf\xb5\xda", # regtest
1518 def __init__(self, dstaddr, dstport, callback, net="regtest", services=NODE_NETWORK|NODE_WITNESS, send_version=True):
1519 asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, map=mininode_socket_map)
1520 self.dstaddr = dstaddr
1521 self.dstport = dstport
1522 self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
1523 self.socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
1524 self.sendbuf = b""
1525 self.recvbuf = b""
1526 self.last_sent = 0
1527 self.state = "connecting"
1528 = net
1529 self.cb = callback
1530 self.disconnect = False
1531 self.nServices = 0
1533 if send_version:
1534 # stuff version msg into sendbuf
1535 vt = msg_version()
1536 vt.nServices = services
1537 vt.addrTo.ip = self.dstaddr
1538 vt.addrTo.port = self.dstport
1539 vt.addrFrom.ip = ""
1540 vt.addrFrom.port = 0
1541 self.send_message(vt, True)
1543'Connecting to Bitcoin Node: %s:%d' % (self.dstaddr, self.dstport))
1545 try:
1546 self.connect((dstaddr, dstport))
1547 except:
1548 self.handle_close()
1550 def handle_connect(self):
1551 if self.state != "connected":
1552 logger.debug("Connected & Listening: %s:%d" % (self.dstaddr, self.dstport))
1553 self.state = "connected"
1554 self.cb.on_open(self)
1556 def handle_close(self):
1557 logger.debug("Closing connection to: %s:%d" % (self.dstaddr, self.dstport))
1558 self.state = "closed"
1559 self.recvbuf = b""
1560 self.sendbuf = b""
1561 try:
1562 self.close()
1563 except:
1564 pass
1565 self.cb.on_close(self)
1567 def handle_read(self):
1568 t = self.recv(8192)
1569 if len(t) > 0:
1570 self.recvbuf += t
1571 self.got_data()
1573 def readable(self):
1574 return True
1576 def writable(self):
1577 with mininode_lock:
1578 pre_connection = self.state == "connecting"
1579 length = len(self.sendbuf)
1580 return (length > 0 or pre_connection)
1582 def handle_write(self):
1583 with mininode_lock:
1584 # asyncore does not expose socket connection, only the first read/write
1585 # event, thus we must check connection manually here to know when we
1586 # actually connect
1587 if self.state == "connecting":
1588 self.handle_connect()
1589 if not self.writable():
1590 return
1592 try:
1593 sent = self.send(self.sendbuf)
1594 except:
1595 self.handle_close()
1596 return
1597 self.sendbuf = self.sendbuf[sent:]
1599 def got_data(self):
1600 try:
1601 while True:
1602 if len(self.recvbuf) < 4:
1603 return
1604 if self.recvbuf[:4] != self.MAGIC_BYTES[]:
1605 raise ValueError("got garbage %s" % repr(self.recvbuf))
1606 if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + 4:
1607 return
1608 command = self.recvbuf[4:4+12].split(b"\x00", 1)[0]
1609 msglen = struct.unpack("<i", self.recvbuf[4+12:4+12+4])[0]
1610 checksum = self.recvbuf[4+12+4:4+12+4+4]
1611 if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4 + 4 + msglen:
1612 return
1613 msg = self.recvbuf[4+12+4+4:4+12+4+4+msglen]
1614 th = sha256(msg)
1615 h = sha256(th)
1616 if checksum != h[:4]:
1617 raise ValueError("got bad checksum " + repr(self.recvbuf))
1618 self.recvbuf = self.recvbuf[4+12+4+4+msglen:]
1619 if command not in self.messagemap:
1620 raise ValueError("Received unknown command from %s:%d: '%s' %s" % (self.dstaddr, self.dstport, command, repr(msg)))
1621 f = BytesIO(msg)
1622 t = self.messagemap[command]()
1623 t.deserialize(f)
1624 self.got_message(t)
1625 except Exception as e:
1626 logger.exception('Error reading message:', repr(e))
1627 raise
1629 def send_message(self, message, pushbuf=False):
1630 if self.state != "connected" and not pushbuf:
1631 raise IOError('Not connected, no pushbuf')
1632 self._log_message("send", message)
1633 command = message.command
1634 data = message.serialize()
1635 tmsg = self.MAGIC_BYTES[]
1636 tmsg += command
1637 tmsg += b"\x00" * (12 - len(command))
1638 tmsg += struct.pack("<I", len(data))
1639 th = sha256(data)
1640 h = sha256(th)
1641 tmsg += h[:4]
1642 tmsg += data
1643 with mininode_lock:
1644 if (len(self.sendbuf) == 0 and not pushbuf):
1645 try:
1646 sent = self.send(tmsg)
1647 self.sendbuf = tmsg[sent:]
1648 except BlockingIOError:
1649 self.sendbuf = tmsg
1650 else:
1651 self.sendbuf += tmsg
1652 self.last_sent = time.time()
1654 def got_message(self, message):
1655 if self.last_sent + 30 * 60 < time.time():
1656 self.send_message(self.messagemap[b'ping']())
1657 self._log_message("receive", message)
1658 self.cb.deliver(self, message)
1660 def _log_message(self, direction, msg):
1661 if direction == "send":
1662 log_message = "Send message to "
1663 elif direction == "receive":
1664 log_message = "Received message from "
1665 log_message += "%s:%d: %s" % (self.dstaddr, self.dstport, repr(msg)[:500])
1666 if len(log_message) > 500:
1667 log_message += "... (msg truncated)"
1668 logger.debug(log_message)
1670 def disconnect_node(self):
1671 self.disconnect = True
1674 class NetworkThread(Thread):
1675 def run(self):
1676 while mininode_socket_map:
1677 # We check for whether to disconnect outside of the asyncore
1678 # loop to workaround the behavior of asyncore when using
1679 # select
1680 disconnected = []
1681 for fd, obj in mininode_socket_map.items():
1682 if obj.disconnect:
1683 disconnected.append(obj)
1684 [ obj.handle_close() for obj in disconnected ]
1685 asyncore.loop(0.1, use_poll=True, map=mininode_socket_map, count=1)
1686 logger.debug("Network thread closing")