scripted-diff: Use the C++11 keyword nullptr to denote the pointer literal instead...
[bitcoinplatinum.git] / test / functional /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
3 # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
4 # file COPYING or
5 """Test NULLDUMMY softfork.
7 Connect to a single node.
8 Generate 2 blocks (save the coinbases for later).
9 Generate 427 more blocks.
10 [Policy/Consensus] Check that NULLDUMMY compliant transactions are accepted in the 430th block.
11 [Policy] Check that non-NULLDUMMY transactions are rejected before activation.
12 [Consensus] Check that the new NULLDUMMY rules are not enforced on the 431st block.
13 [Policy/Consensus] Check that the new NULLDUMMY rules are enforced on the 432nd block.
14 """
16 from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
17 from test_framework.util import *
18 from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction, NetworkThread
19 from test_framework.blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block, add_witness_commitment
20 from test_framework.script import CScript
21 from io import BytesIO
22 import time
24 NULLDUMMY_ERROR = "64: non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Dummy CHECKMULTISIG argument must be zero)"
26 def trueDummy(tx):
27 scriptSig = CScript([0].scriptSig)
28 newscript = []
29 for i in scriptSig:
30 if (len(newscript) == 0):
31 assert(len(i) == 0)
32 newscript.append(b'\x51')
33 else:
34 newscript.append(i)
35[0].scriptSig = CScript(newscript)
36 tx.rehash()
38 class NULLDUMMYTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
40 def __init__(self):
41 super().__init__()
42 self.num_nodes = 1
43 self.setup_clean_chain = True
44 self.extra_args = [['-whitelist=', '-walletprematurewitness']]
46 def run_test(self):
47 self.address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()
48 self.ms_address = self.nodes[0].addmultisigaddress(1,[self.address])
49 self.wit_address = self.nodes[0].addwitnessaddress(self.address)
50 self.wit_ms_address = self.nodes[0].addwitnessaddress(self.ms_address)
52 NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread
53 self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2) # Block 2
54 coinbase_txid = []
55 for i in self.coinbase_blocks:
56 coinbase_txid.append(self.nodes[0].getblock(i)['tx'][0])
57 self.nodes[0].generate(427) # Block 429
58 self.lastblockhash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()
59 self.tip = int("0x" + self.lastblockhash, 0)
60 self.lastblockheight = 429
61 self.lastblocktime = int(time.time()) + 429
63"Test 1: NULLDUMMY compliant base transactions should be accepted to mempool and mined before activation [430]")
64 test1txs = [self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], coinbase_txid[0], self.ms_address, 49)]
65 txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(bytes_to_hex_str(test1txs[0].serialize_with_witness()), True)
66 test1txs.append(self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], txid1, self.ms_address, 48))
67 txid2 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(bytes_to_hex_str(test1txs[1].serialize_with_witness()), True)
68 test1txs.append(self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], coinbase_txid[1], self.wit_ms_address, 49))
69 txid3 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(bytes_to_hex_str(test1txs[2].serialize_with_witness()), True)
70 self.block_submit(self.nodes[0], test1txs, False, True)
72"Test 2: Non-NULLDUMMY base multisig transaction should not be accepted to mempool before activation")
73 test2tx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], txid2, self.ms_address, 47)
74 trueDummy(test2tx)
75 assert_raises_jsonrpc(-26, NULLDUMMY_ERROR, self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, bytes_to_hex_str(test2tx.serialize_with_witness()), True)
77"Test 3: Non-NULLDUMMY base transactions should be accepted in a block before activation [431]")
78 self.block_submit(self.nodes[0], [test2tx], False, True)
80"Test 4: Non-NULLDUMMY base multisig transaction is invalid after activation")
81 test4tx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], test2tx.hash, self.address, 46)
82 test6txs=[CTransaction(test4tx)]
83 trueDummy(test4tx)
84 assert_raises_jsonrpc(-26, NULLDUMMY_ERROR, self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, bytes_to_hex_str(test4tx.serialize_with_witness()), True)
85 self.block_submit(self.nodes[0], [test4tx])
87"Test 5: Non-NULLDUMMY P2WSH multisig transaction invalid after activation")
88 test5tx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], txid3, self.wit_address, 48)
89 test6txs.append(CTransaction(test5tx))
90 test5tx.wit.vtxinwit[0].scriptWitness.stack[0] = b'\x01'
91 assert_raises_jsonrpc(-26, NULLDUMMY_ERROR, self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction, bytes_to_hex_str(test5tx.serialize_with_witness()), True)
92 self.block_submit(self.nodes[0], [test5tx], True)
94"Test 6: NULLDUMMY compliant base/witness transactions should be accepted to mempool and in block after activation [432]")
95 for i in test6txs:
96 self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(bytes_to_hex_str(i.serialize_with_witness()), True)
97 self.block_submit(self.nodes[0], test6txs, True, True)
100 def create_transaction(self, node, txid, to_address, amount):
101 inputs = [{ "txid" : txid, "vout" : 0}]
102 outputs = { to_address : amount }
103 rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
104 signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx)
105 tx = CTransaction()
106 f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(signresult['hex']))
107 tx.deserialize(f)
108 return tx
111 def block_submit(self, node, txs, witness = False, accept = False):
112 block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase(self.lastblockheight + 1), self.lastblocktime + 1)
113 block.nVersion = 4
114 for tx in txs:
115 tx.rehash()
116 block.vtx.append(tx)
117 block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root()
118 witness and add_witness_commitment(block)
119 block.rehash()
120 block.solve()
121 node.submitblock(bytes_to_hex_str(block.serialize(True)))
122 if (accept):
123 assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), block.hash)
124 self.tip = block.sha256
125 self.lastblockhash = block.hash
126 self.lastblocktime += 1
127 self.lastblockheight += 1
128 else:
129 assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), self.lastblockhash)
131 if __name__ == '__main__':
132 NULLDUMMYTest().main()