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5 <title>Leveldb file layout and compactions</title>
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10 <h1>Files</h1>
12 The implementation of leveldb is similar in spirit to the
13 representation of a single
14 <a href="http://research.google.com/archive/bigtable.html">
15 Bigtable tablet (section 5.3)</a>.
16 However the organization of the files that make up the representation
17 is somewhat different and is explained below.
19 <p>
20 Each database is represented by a set of files stored in a directory.
21 There are several different types of files as documented below:
22 <p>
23 <h2>Log files</h2>
24 <p>
25 A log file (*.log) stores a sequence of recent updates. Each update
26 is appended to the current log file. When the log file reaches a
27 pre-determined size (approximately 4MB by default), it is converted
28 to a sorted table (see below) and a new log file is created for future
29 updates.
30 <p>
31 A copy of the current log file is kept in an in-memory structure (the
32 <code>memtable</code>). This copy is consulted on every read so that read
33 operations reflect all logged updates.
34 <p>
35 <h2>Sorted tables</h2>
36 <p>
37 A sorted table (*.sst) stores a sequence of entries sorted by key.
38 Each entry is either a value for the key, or a deletion marker for the
39 key. (Deletion markers are kept around to hide obsolete values
40 present in older sorted tables).
41 <p>
42 The set of sorted tables are organized into a sequence of levels. The
43 sorted table generated from a log file is placed in a special <code>young</code>
44 level (also called level-0). When the number of young files exceeds a
45 certain threshold (currently four), all of the young files are merged
46 together with all of the overlapping level-1 files to produce a
47 sequence of new level-1 files (we create a new level-1 file for every
48 2MB of data.)
49 <p>
50 Files in the young level may contain overlapping keys. However files
51 in other levels have distinct non-overlapping key ranges. Consider
52 level number L where L >= 1. When the combined size of files in
53 level-L exceeds (10^L) MB (i.e., 10MB for level-1, 100MB for level-2,
54 ...), one file in level-L, and all of the overlapping files in
55 level-(L+1) are merged to form a set of new files for level-(L+1).
56 These merges have the effect of gradually migrating new updates from
57 the young level to the largest level using only bulk reads and writes
58 (i.e., minimizing expensive seeks).
60 <h2>Manifest</h2>
61 <p>
62 A MANIFEST file lists the set of sorted tables that make up each
63 level, the corresponding key ranges, and other important metadata.
64 A new MANIFEST file (with a new number embedded in the file name)
65 is created whenever the database is reopened. The MANIFEST file is
66 formatted as a log, and changes made to the serving state (as files
67 are added or removed) are appended to this log.
68 <p>
69 <h2>Current</h2>
70 <p>
71 CURRENT is a simple text file that contains the name of the latest
72 MANIFEST file.
73 <p>
74 <h2>Info logs</h2>
75 <p>
76 Informational messages are printed to files named LOG and LOG.old.
77 <p>
78 <h2>Others</h2>
79 <p>
80 Other files used for miscellaneous purposes may also be present
81 (LOCK, *.dbtmp).
83 <h1>Level 0</h1>
84 When the log file grows above a certain size (1MB by default):
85 <ul>
86 <li>Create a brand new memtable and log file and direct future updates here
87 <li>In the background:
88 <ul>
89 <li>Write the contents of the previous memtable to an sstable
90 <li>Discard the memtable
91 <li>Delete the old log file and the old memtable
92 <li>Add the new sstable to the young (level-0) level.
93 </ul>
94 </ul>
96 <h1>Compactions</h1>
98 <p>
99 When the size of level L exceeds its limit, we compact it in a
100 background thread. The compaction picks a file from level L and all
101 overlapping files from the next level L+1. Note that if a level-L
102 file overlaps only part of a level-(L+1) file, the entire file at
103 level-(L+1) is used as an input to the compaction and will be
104 discarded after the compaction. Aside: because level-0 is special
105 (files in it may overlap each other), we treat compactions from
106 level-0 to level-1 specially: a level-0 compaction may pick more than
107 one level-0 file in case some of these files overlap each other.
110 A compaction merges the contents of the picked files to produce a
111 sequence of level-(L+1) files. We switch to producing a new
112 level-(L+1) file after the current output file has reached the target
113 file size (2MB). We also switch to a new output file when the key
114 range of the current output file has grown enough to overlap more than
115 ten level-(L+2) files. This last rule ensures that a later compaction
116 of a level-(L+1) file will not pick up too much data from level-(L+2).
119 The old files are discarded and the new files are added to the serving
120 state.
123 Compactions for a particular level rotate through the key space. In
124 more detail, for each level L, we remember the ending key of the last
125 compaction at level L. The next compaction for level L will pick the
126 first file that starts after this key (wrapping around to the
127 beginning of the key space if there is no such file).
130 Compactions drop overwritten values. They also drop deletion markers
131 if there are no higher numbered levels that contain a file whose range
132 overlaps the current key.
134 <h2>Timing</h2>
136 Level-0 compactions will read up to four 1MB files from level-0, and
137 at worst all the level-1 files (10MB). I.e., we will read 14MB and
138 write 14MB.
141 Other than the special level-0 compactions, we will pick one 2MB file
142 from level L. In the worst case, this will overlap ~ 12 files from
143 level L+1 (10 because level-(L+1) is ten times the size of level-L,
144 and another two at the boundaries since the file ranges at level-L
145 will usually not be aligned with the file ranges at level-L+1). The
146 compaction will therefore read 26MB and write 26MB. Assuming a disk
147 IO rate of 100MB/s (ballpark range for modern drives), the worst
148 compaction cost will be approximately 0.5 second.
151 If we throttle the background writing to something small, say 10% of
152 the full 100MB/s speed, a compaction may take up to 5 seconds. If the
153 user is writing at 10MB/s, we might build up lots of level-0 files
154 (~50 to hold the 5*10MB). This may significantly increase the cost of
155 reads due to the overhead of merging more files together on every
156 read.
159 Solution 1: To reduce this problem, we might want to increase the log
160 switching threshold when the number of level-0 files is large. Though
161 the downside is that the larger this threshold, the more memory we will
162 need to hold the corresponding memtable.
165 Solution 2: We might want to decrease write rate artificially when the
166 number of level-0 files goes up.
169 Solution 3: We work on reducing the cost of very wide merges.
170 Perhaps most of the level-0 files will have their blocks sitting
171 uncompressed in the cache and we will only need to worry about the
172 O(N) complexity in the merging iterator.
174 <h2>Number of files</h2>
176 Instead of always making 2MB files, we could make larger files for
177 larger levels to reduce the total file count, though at the expense of
178 more bursty compactions. Alternatively, we could shard the set of
179 files into multiple directories.
182 An experiment on an <code>ext3</code> filesystem on Feb 04, 2011 shows
183 the following timings to do 100K file opens in directories with
184 varying number of files:
185 <table class="datatable">
186 <tr><th>Files in directory</th><th>Microseconds to open a file</th></tr>
187 <tr><td>1000</td><td>9</td>
188 <tr><td>10000</td><td>10</td>
189 <tr><td>100000</td><td>16</td>
190 </table>
191 So maybe even the sharding is not necessary on modern filesystems?
193 <h1>Recovery</h1>
195 <ul>
196 <li> Read CURRENT to find name of the latest committed MANIFEST
197 <li> Read the named MANIFEST file
198 <li> Clean up stale files
199 <li> We could open all sstables here, but it is probably better to be lazy...
200 <li> Convert log chunk to a new level-0 sstable
201 <li> Start directing new writes to a new log file with recovered sequence#
202 </ul>
204 <h1>Garbage collection of files</h1>
206 <code>DeleteObsoleteFiles()</code> is called at the end of every
207 compaction and at the end of recovery. It finds the names of all
208 files in the database. It deletes all log files that are not the
209 current log file. It deletes all table files that are not referenced
210 from some level and are not the output of an active compaction.
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