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[bioperl-network.git] / lib / Bio / Network /
1 # $Id$
3 # BioPerl module for Bio::Network::IO
5 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
6 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
8 =head1 NAME
10 Bio::Network::IO - Class for reading and writing biological network data.
12 =head1 SYNOPSIS
14 This is a modules for reading and writing protein-protein interaction
15 and creating networks from this data.
17 # Read protein interaction data in some format
18 my $io = Bio::Network::IO->new(-file => 'bovine.xml',
19 -format => 'psi25' );
20 my $network = $io->next_network;
24 This class is analagous to the SeqIO and AlignIO classes. To read in a
25 file of a particular format, file and format are given as key/value
26 pairs as arguments. The Bio::Network::IO checks that the appropriate
27 module is available and loads it.
29 At present only the DIP tab-delimited format and PSI XML format are
30 supported.
32 =head1 METHODS
34 The main methods are:
36 =head2 $net = $io-E<gt>next_network
38 The next_network method does not imply that multiple networks are
39 contained in a file, this is to maintain a consistent nomenclature
40 with Bioperl methods like $seqio-E<gt>next_seq and $alnio-E<gt>next_aln.
42 =head2 $io-E<gt>write_network($network)
48 To read from PSI XML you will need the XML::Twig module,
49 available from CPAN.
51 =head1 FEEDBACK
53 =head2 Mailing Lists
55 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
56 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
57 of the Bioperl mailing lists.
59 Your participation is much appreciated.
61 - General discussion
62 - About the mailing lists
64 =head2 Support
66 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
68 L<>
70 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
71 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
72 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
73 with code and data examples if at all possible.
75 =head2 Reporting Bugs
77 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
78 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
79 web:
83 =head1 AUTHORS
85 Brian Osborne bosborne at
86 Richard Adams
88 =cut
90 package Bio::Network::IO;
91 use strict;
92 use base 'Bio::Root::IO';
93 use vars qw(%DBNAMES);
95 # these values are used to standardize database names
96 %DBNAMES = (
97 DIP => "DIP", # found in DIP files
98 SWP => "UniProt", # found in DIP files
99 PIR => "PIR", # found in DIP files
100 GI => "GenBank" # found id DIP files
103 =head2 new
105 Name : new
106 Usage : $io = Bio::Network::IO->new(-file => 'myfile.xml',
107 -format => 'psi25');
108 Returns : A Bio::Network::IO stream initialised to the appropriate format.
109 Args : Named parameters:
110 -file => $filename
111 -format => format
112 -threshold => a confidence score for the interaction, optional
113 -source => optional database name (e.g. "intact")
114 -verbose => optional, set to 1 to get commentary
115 =cut
117 sub new {
118 my ($caller, @args) = @_;
119 my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
120 if ($class =~ /Bio::Network::IO::(\S+)/){
121 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
122 $self->_initialize_io(@args);
123 return $self;
124 } else {
125 my %param = @args;
126 @param{ map { lc $_ } keys %param } = values %param;
127 if (!exists($param{'-format'})) {
128 Bio::Root::Root->throw("Must specify a valid format!");
130 my $format = $param{'-format'};
131 $format = "\L$format";
132 return undef unless ($class->_load_format_module($format));
133 return "Bio::Network::IO::$format"->new(@args);
137 =head2 next_network
139 Name : next_network
140 Usage : $gr = $io->next_network
141 Returns : A Bio::Network::ProteinNet object.
142 Args : None
144 =cut
146 sub next_network {
147 my ($self, $gr) = @_;
148 $self->throw("Sorry, you cannot read from a generic Bio::Network::IO object.");
151 =head2 write_network
153 Name : write_network
154 Usage : $gr = $io->write_network($net).
155 Args : A Bio::Network::ProteinNet object.
156 Returns : None
158 =cut
160 sub write_network {
161 my ($self, $gr) = @_;
162 $self->throw("Sorry, you can't write from a generic Bio::NetworkIO object.");
165 =head2 threshold
167 Name : get or set a threshold
168 Usage : $io->threshold($val)
169 Returns : The threshold
170 Args : A number or none
172 =cut
174 sub threshold {
175 my $self = shift;
176 $self->{_th} = @_ if @_;
177 return $self->{_th};
180 =head2 verbose
182 Name : get or set verbosity
183 Usage : $io->verbose(1)
184 Returns : The verbosity setting
185 Args : 1 or none
187 =cut
189 sub verbose {
190 my $self = shift;
191 $self->{_verbose} = @_ if @_;
192 return $self->{_verbose};
195 =head2 _load_format_module
197 Title : _load_format_module
198 Usage : INTERNAL Bio::Network::IO stuff
199 Function: Loads up (like use) a module at run time on demand
200 Returns :
201 Args :
203 =cut
205 sub _load_format_module {
206 my ($self, $format) = @_;
207 my $module = "Bio::Network::IO::" . $format;
208 my $ok;
210 eval {
211 $ok = $self->_load_module($module);
213 if ( $@ ) {
214 print STDERR <<END
215 $self: $format cannot be found
216 Exception $@
217 For more information about the Bio::Network::IO system please see the Bio:Network::IO docs.
221 return $ok;
224 =head2 _initialize_io
226 Title : _initialize_io
227 Usage : *INTERNAL Bio::Network::IO stuff*
228 Function:
229 Returns :
230 Args :
232 =cut
234 sub _initialize_io {
235 my ($self, @args) = @_;
236 $self->SUPER::_initialize_io(@args);
237 my ($th,$verbose) = $self->_rearrange( [qw(THRESHOLD VERBOSE)], @args);
238 $self->{'_th'} = $th;
239 $self->{'_verbose'} = $verbose;
240 return $self;
243 =head2 _get_standard_name
245 Title : _get_standard_name
246 Usage :
247 Function: Returns some standard name for a database, uses global
249 Returns :
250 Args :
252 =cut
254 sub _get_standard_name {
255 my ($self,$name) = @_;
256 $DBNAMES{$name};
261 __END__