rejigger sort order so it doesn't require query to get the height (by default)
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Tree /
1 # $Id$
3 # BioPerl module for Bio::Tree::Tree
5 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <>
7 # Copyright Jason Stajich
9 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
11 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
13 =head1 NAME
15 Bio::Tree::Tree - An Implementation of TreeI interface.
17 =head1 SYNOPSIS
19 # like from a TreeIO
20 my $treeio = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick', -file => 'treefile.dnd');
21 my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;
22 my @nodes = $tree->get_nodes;
23 my $root = $tree->get_root_node;
28 This object holds handles to Nodes which make up a tree.
30 =head1 FEEDBACK
32 =head2 Mailing Lists
34 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
35 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
36 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
38 - General discussion
39 - About the mailing lists
41 =head2 Reporting Bugs
43 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
44 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
45 the web:
49 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
51 Email
55 Aaron Mackey
57 =head1 APPENDIX
59 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
60 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
62 =cut
65 # Let the code begin...
68 package Bio::Tree::Tree;
69 use vars qw(@ISA);
70 use strict;
72 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
74 use Bio::Root::Root;
75 use Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI;
76 use Bio::Tree::TreeI;
78 @ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Tree::TreeI Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI );
80 =head2 new
82 Title : new
83 Usage : my $obj = new Bio::Tree::Tree();
84 Function: Builds a new Bio::Tree::Tree object
85 Returns : Bio::Tree::Tree
86 Args : -root => L<Bio::Tree::NodeI> object which is the root
87 -nodelete => boolean, whether or not to try and cleanup all
88 the nodes when this this tree goes out
89 of scope.
90 -id => optional tree ID
91 -score => optional tree score value
93 =cut
95 sub new {
96 my($class,@args) = @_;
98 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
99 $self->{'_rootnode'} = undef;
100 $self->{'_maxbranchlen'} = 0;
101 $self->_register_for_cleanup(\&cleanup_tree);
102 my ($root,$nodel,$id,$score)= $self->_rearrange([qw(ROOT NODELETE
103 ID SCORE)], @args);
104 if( $root ) { $self->set_root_node($root); }
105 $self->nodelete($nodel || 0);
106 $self->id($id) if defined $id;
107 $self->score($score) if defined $score;
108 return $self;
112 =head2 nodelete
114 Title : nodelete
115 Usage : $obj->nodelete($newval)
116 Function: Get/Set Boolean whether or not to delete the underlying
117 nodes when it goes out of scope. By default this is false
118 meaning trees are cleaned up.
119 Returns : boolean
120 Args : on set, new boolean value
123 =cut
125 sub nodelete{
126 my $self = shift;
127 return $self->{'nodelete'} = shift if @_;
128 return $self->{'nodelete'};
131 =head2 get_nodes
133 Title : get_nodes
134 Usage : my @nodes = $tree->get_nodes()
135 Function: Return list of Tree::NodeI objects
136 Returns : array of Tree::NodeI objects
137 Args : (named values) hash with one value
138 order => 'b|breadth' first order or 'd|depth' first order
140 =cut
142 sub get_nodes{
143 my ($self, @args) = @_;
145 my ($order, $sortby) = $self->_rearrange([qw(ORDER SORTBY)],@args);
146 $order ||= 'depth';
147 $sortby ||= 'none';
148 return () unless defined $self->get_root_node;
149 if ($order =~ m/^b|(breadth)$/oi) {
150 my $node = $self->get_root_node;
151 my @children = ($node);
152 for (@children) {
153 push @children, $_->each_Descendent($sortby);
155 return @children;
158 if ($order =~ m/^d|(depth)$/oi) {
159 # this is depth-first search I believe
160 my $node = $self->get_root_node;
161 my @children = ($node,$node->get_all_Descendents($sortby));
162 return @children;
166 =head2 get_root_node
168 Title : get_root_node
169 Usage : my $node = $tree->get_root_node();
170 Function: Get the Top Node in the tree, in this implementation
171 Trees only have one top node.
172 Returns : Bio::Tree::NodeI object
173 Args : none
175 =cut
178 sub get_root_node{
179 my ($self) = @_;
180 return $self->{'_rootnode'};
183 =head2 set_root_node
185 Title : set_root_node
186 Usage : $tree->set_root_node($node)
187 Function: Set the Root Node for the Tree
188 Returns : Bio::Tree::NodeI
189 Args : Bio::Tree::NodeI
191 =cut
193 sub set_root_node{
194 my $self = shift;
195 if( @_ ) {
196 my $value = shift;
197 if( defined $value &&
198 ! $value->isa('Bio::Tree::NodeI') ) {
199 $self->warn("Trying to set the root node to $value which is not a Bio::Tree::NodeI");
200 return $self->get_root_node;
202 $self->{'_rootnode'} = $value;
204 return $self->get_root_node;
207 =head2 total_branch_length
209 Title : total_branch_length
210 Usage : my $size = $tree->total_branch_length
211 Function: Returns the sum of the length of all branches
212 Returns : integer
213 Args : none
215 =cut
217 sub total_branch_length {
218 my ($self) = @_;
219 my $sum = 0;
220 if( defined $self->get_root_node ) {
221 for ( $self->get_root_node->get_all_Descendents('none') ) {
222 $sum += $_->branch_length || 0;
225 return $sum;
228 =head2 id
230 Title : id
231 Usage : my $id = $tree->id();
232 Function: An id value for the tree
233 Returns : scalar
234 Args : [optional] new value to set
237 =cut
239 sub id{
240 my ($self,$val) = @_;
241 if( defined $val ) {
242 $self->{'_treeid'} = $val;
244 return $self->{'_treeid'};
247 =head2 score
249 Title : score
250 Usage : $obj->score($newval)
251 Function: Sets the associated score with this tree
252 This is a generic slot which is probably best used
253 for log likelihood or other overall tree score
254 Returns : value of score
255 Args : newvalue (optional)
258 =cut
260 sub score{
261 my ($self,$val) = @_;
262 if( defined $val ) {
263 $self->{'_score'} = $val;
265 return $self->{'_score'};
269 # decorated interface TreeI Implements this
271 =head2 height
273 Title : height
274 Usage : my $height = $tree->height
275 Function: Gets the height of tree - this LOG_2($number_nodes)
276 WARNING: this is only true for strict binary trees. The TreeIO
277 system is capable of building non-binary trees, for which this
278 method will currently return an incorrect value!!
279 Returns : integer
280 Args : none
282 =head2 number_nodes
284 Title : number_nodes
285 Usage : my $size = $tree->number_nodes
286 Function: Returns the number of nodes in the tree
287 Returns : integer
288 Args : none
291 =cut
294 # -- private internal methods --
296 sub cleanup_tree {
297 my $self = shift;
298 unless( $self->nodelete ) {
299 for my $node ( $self->get_nodes(-order => 'b',
300 -sortby => 'none') ) {
301 $node->ancestor(undef);
302 $node = undef;
305 $self->{'_rootnode'} = undef;