1 ---------------------------------------------------------
2 Revision history for BioPerl core modules
3 ---------------------------------------------------------
4 The comprehensive history and ongoing development of BioPerl:
6 http://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live
8 Some of that history is also highlighted on our wiki:
10 http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Change_log
11 http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/History_of_BioPerl
13 Bugs and requested features list:
15 https://redmine.open-bio.org/projects/bioperl
17 CPAN releases are branched from 'master'.
18 ---------------------------------------------------------
24 * Bio::Seq::SimulatedRead
25 - New module to represent reads taken from other sequences [fangly]
27 - New regexp() method to create regular expressions from IUPAC sequences
29 * Bio::SeqFeature::Primer and Bio::Seq::PrimedSeq:
30 - Code refresh [fangly]
32 - Added support for the Greengenes and Silva taxonomies [fangly]
33 * Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI
34 - get_lineage_string() represents a lineage as a string [fangly]
35 - add_trait() returns instead of reporting an error when the column
36 number is exceeded in add_trait() [fangly]
37 - Option to support tree leaves without trait [fangly]
38 - Allow ID of 0 in trait files [fangly]
39 * Bio::DB::Taxonomy::list
40 - Misc optimizations [fangly]
41 - Option -names of get_taxon() to help with ambiguous taxa [fangly]
42 * Bio::DB::Taxonomy::*
43 - get_num_taxa() returns the number of taxa in the database [fangly]
44 * Bio::DB::Fasta and Bio::DB::Qual
45 - support indexing an arbitrary list of files [fangly]
46 - user can supply an arbitrary index file name [fangly]
47 - new option to remove index file at the end [fangly]
49 - now handles IUPAC degenerate residues [fangly]
50 * Bio::PrimarySeq and Bio::PrimarySeqI
51 - speed improvements for large sequences [Ben Woodcroft, fangly]
53 - tightened and optimized quality string validation [fangly]
55 - new method and option 'block', to create FASTA output with space
56 intervaled blocks (similar to genbank or EMBL) has been implemented.
57 - package variables $WIDTH and $DEFAULT_SEQ_ID_TYPE have been removed
58 in favour of the methods 'width' and 'preferred_id_type` respectively.
60 - moved from bioperl-live into the separate distribution Bio-FeatureIO
61 * Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated
62 - moved from bioperl-live into the separate distribution Bio-FeatureIO
63 * Bio::Cluster::SequenceFamily
64 - improved performance when using get_members with overlapping multiple
69 * [3302] Fixes bug in Bio::SearchIO::hmmer2.pm to correctly parse
70 multi-query hmmer output [Francisco J. Ossandon, Paul Cantalupo]
71 * [3421] Fixes bug in Bio::SearchIO::hmmer2.pm to correctly parse an HSP
72 with a line full of dashes [Francisco J. Ossandon, Paul Cantalupo]
73 * [3298] Fix bug in Bio::SearchIO::blast.pm where algorithm version
74 information was lost in a multi-result blast file [Paul Cantalupo]
75 * [3343] Fix bug in Bio::SearchIO::blasttable.pm to correctly calculate
76 total gaps [Paul Cantalupo]
77 * [3375] Fix DBLINK parsing bug in Bio::SeqIO::genbank.pm [Paul Cantalupo]
78 * [3376] Fix bug in Bio::SearchIO::hmmer2.pm to correctly handle case
79 when end of domain indicator is split across lines [Paul Cantalupo]
80 * [3240] Bio::AlignIO::stockholm now parses simple sequences [Bernd Web,
82 * [3237] Bio::DB::Fasta now allows blank lines between sequences, catches
83 instances where blank lines are within sequences [cjfields]
84 * Bio::DB::Fasta reports correct alphabet for files with multiple sequence
86 * Bio::DB::Fasta rev-comps sequences other than DNA properly [fangly]
87 * [3238] Fixes for Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::Pg [Thomas Burkhard,
89 * Various fixes for Stockholm file indexing and processing [bosborne]
90 * Fix edge case in FASTQ parsing where sequence of length 1 and qual of 0
91 breaks parsing [cjfields]
92 * Fix case where Bio::Seq::Meta* objects with no meta information could not
93 be reverse-complemented [fangly]
94 * Fix bug for fields without aliases in Bio::DB::Query::HIVQuery [fangly]
95 * Fix Bio::PopGen::IO::phase: sort values lexically instead of numerically
96 when unsure that values will be numerical [fangly]
97 * Fix undef warnings in Bio::SeqIO::embl [fangly]
98 * Fix undef warnings in Bio::DB::Fasta and Bio::DB::Qual [fangly]
99 * Fix Bio::Tools::IUPAC should accept any sequence object [fangly]
100 * Fix for 'Inappropriate ioctl' in Bio::DB::Store::berkeleydb3 [Olivier
102 * Bio::SeqFeature::Generic SeqfeatureI compliance: methods primary_tag,
103 source_tag and display_name must return a string, not undef [fangly]
104 * Bio::SimpleAlign and Bio::Seq compliance with Bio::FeatureHolderI
105 add_SeqFeature takes a single argument [fangly]
106 * Use cross-platform filenames and temporary directory in
107 Bio::DB::Taxonomy::flatfile [fangly]
108 * Fix bug in Bio::DB::Taxonomy::list where taxa with no ancestors were not
109 properly identified as existing taxa in the database [fangly]
110 * Fix issue where a Bio::DB::Taxonomy::list object could not be created
111 without also passing a lineage to store [fangly]
112 * Prevent passing a directory to the gi2taxid option (-g) of
113 bp_classify_hits_kingdom.pl and remove an 'earlier declaration' warning
115 * Fixed bp_genbank2gff3.pl crash when missing source feature date [fangly]
116 * Bio::PrimarySeq constructor -direct works for -seq or -ref_to_seq [fangly]
117 * Bio::Cluster::SequenceFamily - checks if the sequence has a Bio::Species
118 object before trying to access, and no longer returns repeated sequences.
125 * Use of AcePerl is deprecated; Ace.pm isn't actively maintained, and
126 modules using Ace will also be deprecated [lds, cjfields]
127 * Minor bug fix release
128 * Bio::SeqIO::gbxml tests require XML::SAX [hartzell]
129 * Address Build.PL issues when DBI is not present [hartzell]
130 * Skip gbxml.t and Interpro tests when modules not installed [cjfields]
131 * Remove deprecated code for perl 5.14.0 compat [cjfields]
132 * Due to schema changes and lack of support for older versions, support
133 for NeXML 0.9 is only (very) partially implemented.
134 See: https://redmine.open-bio.org/issues/3207
138 * [3205] - small fix to Bio::Perl blast_sequence() to make compliant with
139 docs [genehack, cjfields]
140 * $VERSION for CPAN/cpanm-based installs was broken; force setting of
141 module version from dist_version (probably not the best way to do this,
142 but it seems to work) [rbuels, cjfields]
145 1.6.900 April 14, 201
149 * This will probably be the last release to add significant features to
150 core modules; subsequent releases will be for bug fixes alone.
151 We are planning on a restructuring of core for summer 2011, potentially
152 as part of the Google Summer of Code. This may become BioPerl 2.0.
153 * Version bump represents 'just prior to v 1.7'. We may have point
154 releases to deal with bugs, with increments of 1.6.901, 1.6.902, etc.
155 This code essentially is what is on the github master branch.
159 * Core code updated for perl 5.12.x [cjfields, Charle Tilford]
161 - major overhaul of Bio::Tree code by Greg Jordan, fixes several bugs
162 - removal of Scalar::Util::weaken code, which was causing odd headaches
163 with premature GC, memory leaks with perl 5.10.0, etc [cjfields]
164 * Bio::DB::SeqFeature bug fixes for GBrowse2 compatibility [lds, scottcain,
166 * Bio::SeqIO::msout, Bio::SeqIO::mbsout - parsers for ms and mbs
169 - bug 2515 - new contribution [Ryan Golhar, jhannah]
171 - support for reading Maq, Sam and Bowtie files [maj]
172 - support for reading 454 GS Assembler (Newbler) ACE files [fangly]
173 - bug 2483: support for writing ACE files [Joshua Udall, fangly]
174 - bug 2599: support DBLINK annotation in GenBank files [cjfields]
175 - bug 2726: reading/writing granularity: whole scaffold or one contig
176 at a time [Joshua Udall, fangly]
178 - Added parsing of xrefs to OBO files, which are stored as secondary
179 dbxrefs of the cvterm [Naama Menda]
180 - General Interpro-related code refactors [dukeleto, rbuels, cjfields]
181 * PAML code updated to work with PAML 4.4d [DaveMessina]
185 * [3198] - sort tabular BLAST hits by score [DaveMessina]
186 * [3196] - fix invalid metadata produced by latest Module::Build [cjfields]
187 * [3190] - RemoteBlast GAPCOSTS regex fix [Ali Walsh, cjfields]
188 * [3185] - Bio::Tools::SeqStats->get_mol_wt now gives correct MW
190 * [3178] - fix tr/// issue in Bio::Range [Andrew Conley, cjfields]
191 * [3172] - Bio::DB::Fasta - catch possibly bad FASTA files [cjfields]
192 * [3164] - TreeFunctionsI syntax bug [gjuggler]
193 * [3163] - AssemblyIO speedup [fangly]
194 * [3160] - Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter output [Paul Cantalupo,
196 * [3159] - add SwissPfam support to bp_index.PLS [hyphaltip]
197 * [3158] - fix EMBL file mis-parsing [cjfields]
198 * [3157] - Bio::Restriction::Analysis 'sizes' method fixed [Marc Perry,
200 * [3153] - fix SeqIO::swiss TagTree issues [Charles Tilford, cjfields]
201 * [3148] - URL change for UniProt [cjfields]
202 * [3145] - AXT off-by-1 error [Aaron Goodman, cjfields]
203 * [3136] - HMMer3 parser fixes [kblin]
204 * [3126] - catch description [Toshihiko Akiba]
205 * [3122] - Catch instances where non-seekable filehandles were being
206 seek'd w/o checking for status [Stefan Kirov, Roy Chaudhuri]
207 * [3121] - Bio::OntologyIO cannot parse the full InterPro XML file
208 [dukeleto, rbuels, cjfields]
209 * [3120] - bp_seqfeature_gff3.pl round-trip fixes [genehack, David Breimann,
211 * [3116,3117] - perl 5.12.x warnings fixed [cjfields, Charles Tilford]
212 * [3110] - Better 'namespace' support for bp_seqfeature_load.PLS [dbolser,
214 * [3107] - BLAST alignment column_from_residue_number() [cjfields]
215 * [3104] - Bio::Species single node hierarchies [Charles Tilford, cjfields]
216 * [3092, 3090] - parsing of BLAST HSP stats [Razi Khaja, cjfields]
217 * [3089] - HSPTableWriter missing methods [Robson de Souza, cjfields]
218 * [3086] - EMBL misparsing long tags [kblin, cjfields]
219 * [3085] - CommandExts and array of files [maj, hyphaltip]
220 * [3077] - Bio::SimpleAlign slice() now correctly computes seq coordinates
221 for alignment slices [Ha X. Dang, cjfields]
222 * [3076] - XMFA alignment strand wrong [Ha X., cjfields]
223 * [3073] - fix parsing of GenBank files from RDP [cjfields]
224 * [3068] - FASTQ parse failure with trailing 0 [cjfields]
225 * [3064] - All-gap midline BLAST report issues [cjfields]
226 * [3063] - BLASt report RID [Razi Khaja, cjfields]
227 * [3058] - SearchIO::fasta parsing [DaveMessina, cjfields]
228 * [3053] - LOCUS line formatting [M. Wayne, cjfields]
229 * [3039] - correct Newick output root node branch length [gjuggler,
231 * [3038] - SELEX alignment error [Bernd, cjfields]
232 * [3033] - PrimarySeq ID setting [Bernd, maj]
233 * [3032] - Fgenesh errors [Wes Barris, hyphaltip]
234 * [3034] - AlignIO::clustal output [Bernd, DaveMessina]
235 * [3031] - Parse algorithm ref for BLAST [Razi Khaja, cjfields]
236 * [3028] - Bio::TreeIO::nexus and FigTree compat [Kevin Balbi, cjfields]
237 * [3025] - Bio::SeqIO::embl infinite loop [Adam Sjøgren, cjfields]
238 * [3040, 3023, 2974, 2921, 2753, 2636, 2482] - PAML parser fixed, works with
239 PAML 4.4d [DaveMessina]
240 * [3015, 3022] - Bio::Restriction withrefm regexp [Emmanuel Quevillon,
242 * [3020] - GFF3Loader alias attribute [Nathan Weeks, cjfields]
243 * [3018, 3019, 3021] - gmap_f9 parsing [Kiran Mukhyala, cjfields]
244 * [3017] - using threads with Bio::DB::GenBank [cjfields]
245 * [3012] - Bio::Root::HTTPget fixes [maj, cjfields]
246 * [3011] - namespace support for SF::Store::DBI::Pg [Adam Witney, cjfields]
247 * [3002] - Bio::DB::EUtilities NCBI policy updates [cjfields]
248 * [3001] - seq identifier '0' dropped with FASTA [Michael Kuhn, maj]
249 * [2984] - let LocatableSeq decide on length of phylip aln [Adam Witney,
251 * [2983] - fix score/percent ID mixup [Alexie Papanicolaou]
252 * [2977] - TreeIO issues [DaveMessina]
253 * [2959] - Bio::SeqUtils->revcom_with_features [Roy Chaudhuri, maj]
254 * [2944] - Bio::Tools::GFF score [cjfields]
255 * [2942] - correct MapTiling output [maj]
256 * [2939] - PDB residue insertion codes [John May, maj]
257 * [2930] - PrimarySeqI term symbol [Adam Sjøgren, maj]
258 * [2928] - GuessSeqFormat raw [maj]
259 * [2926] - Bio:Tools::TandemRepeatsFinder seq_id [takadonet, cjfields]
260 * [2922] - open() directive issue [cjfields]
261 * [2915] - GenBank parser infinite loop [Francisco Ossandon, cjfields]
262 * [2901] - DNAStatistics div by zero error [Janet Young, cjfields]
263 * [2899] - SeqFeature::Store host issues [lstein, dbolser]
264 * [2897] - Add a "mask_below_threshold" method to Seq::Quality [dbolser,
266 * [2881] - .scf files don't' roundtrip [Adam Sjøgren, cjfields]
267 * [2876] - CDD search with RemoteBlast [Malcolm Cook]
268 * [2863] - Root::IO::_initialize_io causes crash [rbuels, maj, DaveMessina]
269 * [2845] - Bio::Seq::Quality gives seq with no ID [Tristan Lefebure, cjfields]
270 * [2843] - FeatureIO BED to GFF fails w/ no phase [cassjm cjfields]
271 * [2773] - Bio::Tree::Node premature GC [Morgan Price, cjfields]
272 * [2764] - add ID Tracker helper for SwissProt [heikki, cjfields]
273 * [2758] - Bio::AssemblyIO ace problems [fangly]
274 * [2744] - Bio::LocatableSeq::end [Bernd, cjfields]
275 * [2726] - ace file IO [Josh, fangly]
276 * [2700] - Refactor Build.PL [cjfields]
277 * [2673] - addition of simple Root-based clone() method [cjfields]
278 * [2648] - Bio::Assembly::Scaffold->get_all_seq_ids [dbolser, fangly]
279 * [2599] - support for DBLINK annotation in GenBank files [cjfields]
280 * [2594] - Bio::Species memory leak [cjfields]
281 * [2515] - GenBank XML parser [jhannah]
282 * [2499] - Method "pi" in package Bio::PopGen::Statistics [hyphaltip]
283 * [2483] - Bio::Assembly::IO::ace write_assembly implemented [fangly]
284 * [2350] - ID consistency btwn Bio::SeqI, Bio::Align::AlignI [fangly,
286 * [1572] - no docs Bio::Location::Simple/Atomic::trunc [hyphaltip]
290 * Bio::Expression modules - these were originally designed to go with the
291 bioperl-microarray suite of tools, however they have never been completed
292 and so have been removed from the distribution. The original code has
293 been moved into the inactive bioperl-microarray suite. [cjfields]
297 * Repository moved from Subversion (SVN) to
298 http://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live [cjfields]
299 * Bug database has moved to Redmine (https://redmine.open-bio.org)
300 * Bio::Micrarray - the tools developed for ReSeq chip analysis by Marian
301 Thieme have been moved to their own distribution (Bio-Microarray).
304 1.6.1 Sept. 29, 2009 (point release)
305 * No change from last alpha except VERSION and doc updates [cjfields]
307 1.6.0_6 Sept. 27, 2009 (sixth 1.6.1 alpha)
308 * Fix for silent OBDA bug related to FASTA validation [cjfields]
310 1.6.0_5 Sept. 27, 2009 (fifth 1.6.1 alpha)
311 * Possible fix for RT 49950 (Strawberry Perl installation) [cjfields]
312 * [RT 50048] - removed redundant VERSION, which was borking CPANPLUS
314 * BioPerl.pod -> BioPerl.pm (Perl Best Practices) [cjfields]
316 1.6.0_4 Sept. 25, 2009 (fourth 1.6.1 alpha)
317 * WinXP test fixes [cjfields, maj]
318 * BioPerl.pod added for descriptive information, fixes CPAN indexing
320 * Minor doc fixes [cjfields]
322 1.6.0_3 Sept. 22, 2009 (third 1.6.1 alpha)
323 * Fix tests failing due to merging issues [cjfields]
324 * More documentation updates for POD parsing [cjfields]
326 1.6.0_2 Sept. 22, 2009 (second 1.6.1 alpha)
328 - fix YAML meta data generation [cjfields]
330 1.6.0_1 Sept. 15, 2009 (first 1.6.1 alpha)
331 * Bio::Align::DNAStatistics
332 - fix divide by zero problem [jason]
334 - bug 2813 - fix faulty logic to detect end-of-stream [cjfields]
335 * Bio::AlignIO::stockholm
336 - bug 2796 - fix faulty logic to detect end-of-stream [cjfields]
337 * Bio::Assembly::Tools::ContigSpectrum
338 - function to score contig spectrum [fangly]
339 * Bio::DB::EUtilities
340 - small updates [cjfields]
342 - berkeleydb database now autoindexes wig files and locks correctly
345 - various small updates for stability; tracking changes to LANL
346 database interface [maj]
347 * Bio::DB::SeqFeature (lots of updates and changes)
348 - add Pg, SQLite, and faster BerkeleyDB implementations [lstein, scain]
349 - bug 2835 - patch [Dan Bolser]
350 - bug RT 44535 - patch FeatureFileLoader [Cathy Gresham]
352 - bug 2764 - idtracker() method [cjfields, courtesy Neil Saunders]
353 * Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory
354 - mailing list bug fix [cjfields]
356 - performance work on column_from_residue_number [hartzell]
357 * Bio::Matrix::IO::phylip
358 - bug 2800 - patch to fix phylip parsing [Wei Zou]
360 - Google Summer of Code project from Chase Miller - parsers for Nexml
361 file format [maj, chmille4]
363 - Make Individual, Population, Marker objects AnnotatableI [maj]
364 - simplify LD code [jason]
366 - deal with empty intersection [jason]
368 - significant overhaul of Bio::Restriction system: complete support for
369 external and non-palindromic cutters. [maj]
371 - CPANPLUS support, no automatic installation [sendu]
373 - allow IO::String (regression fix) [cjfields]
374 - catch unintentional undef values [cjfields]
375 - throw if non-fh is passed to -fh [maj]
376 * Bio::Root::Root/RootI
377 - small debugging and core fixes [cjfields]
379 - bug RT 48813 - fix for Strawberry Perl bug [kmx]
380 * Bio::Root::Utilities
381 - bug 2737 - better warnings [cjfields]
383 - tiling completely refactored, HOWTO added [maj]
384 NOTE : Bio::Search::Hit::* classes do not use this code directly; we
385 will deprecate usage of the older tiling code in the next BioPerl
387 - small fixes [cjfields]
389 - Infernal 1.0 output now parsed [cjfields]
390 - new parser for gmap -f9 output [hartzell]
391 - bug 2852 - fix infinite loop in some output [cjfields]
392 - blastxml output now passes all TODO tests [cjfields]
393 - bug 2346, 2850 - psl and exonerate parsing fixes [rbuels, jhannah, bvecchi, YAPC hackathon]
394 - RT 44782 - GbrowseGFF writer now catches evalues [Allen Day]
395 - bug 2575 - add two columns of additional output to HSPTableWriter [cjfields]
396 * Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq
397 - delete tempdirs [cjfields]
398 - bug fixes [rbuels, jhannah, bvecchi, YAPC hackathon]
400 - extract regions based on quality threshold value [Dan Bolser, heikki]
401 - bug 2847 - resolve threshold issue (rbuels, jhannah, bvecchi)
402 * Bio::SeqFeature::Lite
403 - various Bio::DB::SeqFeature-related fixes [lstein]
404 * Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::TypeMapper
405 - additional terms for GenBank to SO map [scain]
406 * Bio::SeqIO::chadoxml
407 - bug 2785 - patch to get this working for bp_seqconvert [cjfields]
409 - support for CDS records [dave_messina, Sylvia]
411 - complete refactoring to handle all FASTQ variants, perform validation,
412 write output. API now conforms with other Bio* parsers and the rest of
413 Bio::SeqIO (e.g. write_seq() creates fastq output, not fasta output).
415 * Bio::SeqIO::genbank
416 - bug 2784 - fix DBSOURCE issue [Phillip Garland]
417 - bug RT 44536 - support for UniProt/UniProtKB tests [cjfields]
418 * Bio::SeqIO::largefasta
419 - parser returns a Bio::Seq::LargePrimarySeq [jhannah]
421 - add option for 'single' and 'multiple'
423 - bug 2881 - fix scf round-tripping [Adam Søgren]
425 - bug 2766, 2810 - copy over tags from features, doc fixes [David
428 - bug 2793 - patch for add_seq index issue [jhannah, maj]
429 - bug 2801 - throw if args are required [cjfields]
430 - bug 2805 - uniq_seq returns SimpleAlign and hash ref of sequence types
431 [Tristan Lefebure, maj]
432 - bug fixes from YAPC hackathon [rbuels, jhannah, bvecchi]
433 - fix POD and add get_SeqFeatures filter [maj]
434 * Bio::Tools::dpAlign
435 - add support for LocatableSeq [ymc]
436 - to be moved to a separate distribution [cjfields, rbuels]
437 * Bio::Tools::EUtilities
438 - fix for two bugs from mail list [Adam Whitney, cjfields]
439 - add generic ItemContainerI interface for containing same methods
442 - fix up code, add more warnings [cjfields]
443 - to be moved to a separate distribution [cjfields, rbuels]
444 * Bio::Tools::Primer3
445 - bug 2862 - fenceposting issue fixed [maj]
446 * Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast
447 - tests for remote RPS-BLAST [mcook]
448 * Bio::Tools::SeqPattern
449 - bug 2844 - backtranslate method [rbuels, jhannah, bvecchi]
450 * Bio::Tools::tRNAscanSE
451 - use 'gene' and 'exon' for proper SO, ensure ID is unique [jason]
453 - bug 2456 - fix reroot_tree(), added create_node_on_branch() [maj]
454 * Bio::Tree::Statistics
455 - several methods for calculating Fitch-based score, internal trait
456 values, statratio(), sum of leaf distances [heikki]
458 - bug 2869 - add docs indicating edge case where nodes can be
459 prematurely garbage-collected [cjfields]
460 - add as_text() function to create Tree as a string in specified format
462 * Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI
463 - bug 2877 - fix bug where bootstrap assigned to the wrong node [Tristan
465 * Bio::TreeIO::newick
466 - fix small semicolon issue [cjfields]
468 - update to bp_seqfeature_load for SQLite [lstein]
469 - hivq.pl - commmand-line interface to Bio::DB::HIV [maj]
470 - fastam9_to_table - fix for MPI output [jason]
471 - gccalc - total stats [jason]
473 - POD cleanup re: FEEDBACK section [maj, cjfields]
474 - cleanup or fix dead links [cjfields]
475 - Use of no_* methods (indicating 'number of something') is deprecated
476 in favor of num_* [cjfields]
477 - lots of new tests for the above bugs and refactors [everyone!]
478 - new template for Komodo text editor [cjfields]
481 * Feature/Annotation rollback
482 - Problematic changes introduced prior to the 1.5 release have been
483 rolled back. These changes led to subtle bugs involving operator
484 overloading and interface methods.
485 - Behavior is very similar to that for BioPerl 1.4, with tag values
486 being stored generically as simple scalars. Results in a modest
489 - Split into a separate distribution on CPAN, primarily so development
490 isn't reliant on a complete BioPerl release.
491 - Bio::Graphics::Pictogram has been renamed to Bio::Draw::Pictogram but
492 is only available via Subversion (via bioperl-live main trunk)
494 - Common test bed for all BioPerl modules
496 - Common Module::Build-based subclass for all BioPerl modules
497 * Bio::DB::EUtilities
498 - Complete refactoring to split up parsing (Bio::Tools::EUtilities),
499 parameter handling (Bio::Tools::EUtilities::EUtilParameters),
500 and user agent request posting and retrieval
501 * Test implementation and reorganization
502 - Tests have been reorganized into groups based on classes or use
504 - Automated test coverage is now online:
505 http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Test_Coverage
506 - After this release, untested modules will be moved into a
507 separate developer distribution until tests can be derived.
508 Also, new modules to be added are expected to have a test suite
509 and adequate test coverage.
511 1.5.2 Developer release
513 Full details of changes since 1.5.1 are available online at:
514 http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Change_log
515 The following represents a brief overview of the most important changes.
518 - Overhaul. Brand new system fully allows markers to have multiple
519 positions on multiple maps, and to have relative positions. Should be
523 - This module and all the modules in the Taxonomy directory now
524 deprecated in favour of Bio::Taxon and Bio::Tree::Tree
529 * get_Taxonomy_Node() eventually to be deprecated, renamed get_taxon().
531 * New methods ancestor(), each_Descendent() and _handle_internal_id().
533 * Allows for different database modules to create Bio::Taxon objects
534 with the same internal id when the same taxon is requested from each.
537 * get_Children_Taxids() is deprecated, superceded by each_Descendent().
539 * No longer includes the fake root node 'root'; there are multiple roots
540 now (10239, 12884, 12908, 29384 and 131567). Consistent with entrez.pm
543 * get_node() has new option -full
545 * Caches data retrieved from website
548 - Now a Bio::Taxon. Carries out the species name -> specific name munging
549 that Bio::DB::Taxonomy modules and SeqIO modules used to do, for
550 backward compatability in species() method.
552 o Bio::Search and Bio::SearchIO
553 - Overhaul. The existing system has been sped up via some minor changes
554 (mostly gain-of-function to the API). Bio::PullParserI is introduced
555 as a potential eventual replacment for the existing system, though as
556 yet only a Hmmpfam parser exists written using it.
559 1.5.1 Developer release
561 o Major problem with how Annotations were written out with
562 Bio::Seq is fixed by reverting to old behavior for
563 Bio::Annotation objects.
568 * bug #1871; REFLOOP' parsing loop, I changed the pattern to
569 expect at l east 9 spaces at the beginning of a line to
570 indicate line wrapping.
572 * Treat multi-line SOURCE sections correctly, this defect broke
573 both common_name() and classification()
575 * parse swissprot fields in genpept file
577 * parse WGS genbank records
580 * Changed regexp for ID line. The capturing parentheses are
581 the same, the difference is an optional repeated-not-semi-
582 colon expression following the captured \S+. This means the
583 regexp works when the division looks like /PRO;/ or when the
584 division looks like /ANG ;/ - the latter is from EMBL
587 * fix ID line parsing: the molecule string can have spaces in
588 it. Like: "genomic DNA"
590 - swiss.pm: bugs #1727, #1734
593 * Added parser for entrezgene ASN1 (text format) files.
594 Uses Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene as a low level parser (get it from CPAN)
598 - maf.pm coordinate problem fixed
600 o Bio::Taxonomy and Bio::DB::Taxonomy
602 - Parse NCBI XML now so that nearly all the taxonomy up-and-down
603 can be done via Web without downloading all the sequence.
605 o Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast supports more options and complies
606 to changes to the NCBI interface. It is reccomended that you
607 retrieve the data in XML instead of plain-text BLAST report to
608 insure proper parsing and retrieval of all information as NCBI
609 fully expects to change things in the future.
611 o Bio::Tree and Bio::TreeIO
613 - Fixes so that re-rooting a tree works properly
615 - Writing out nhx format from a newick/nexus file will properly output
616 bootstrap information. The use must move the internal node labels over
618 for my $node ( grep { ! $_->is_Leaf } $tree->get_nodes ) {
619 $node->bootstrap($node->id);
622 - Nexus parsing is much more flexible now, does not care about
625 - Cladogram drawing module in Bio::Tree::Draw
627 - Node height and depth now properly calculated
629 - fix tree pruning algorithm so that node with 1 child gets merged
631 o Graphics tweaks. Glyph::xyplot improved. Many other small-medium sized
632 bugs and improvements were added, see Gbrowse mailing list for most of
635 o Bio::DB::GFF partially supports GFF3. See information about
636 gff3_munge flag in scripts/Bio-DB-GFF/bulk_load_gff.pl.
638 o Better location parsing in Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory -
639 this is part of the engine for parsing EMBL/GenBank feature table
640 locations. Nested join/order-by/complement are allowed now
642 o Bio::PrimarySeqI->translate now takes named parameters
644 o Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML - parsing RST (ancestral sequence
645 reconstruction) is now supported. Parsing different models and
646 branch specific parametes are now supported.
648 o Bio::Factory::FTLocationFactory - parse hierarchical locations
651 o Bio::Matrix::DistanceMatrix returns arrayrefs instead of arrays
652 for getter/setter functions
656 - blast bug #1739; match scientific notation in score
657 and possible e+ values
659 - blast.pm reads more WU-BLAST parameters and parameters, match
660 a full database pathname,
662 - Handle NCBI WEB and newer BLAST formats specifically
663 (Query|Sbjct:) match in alignment blocks can now be (Query|Sbjct).
665 - psl off-by-one error fixed
667 - exonerate parsing much improved, CIGAR and VULGAR can be parsed
668 and HSPs can be constructed from them.
670 - HSPs query/hit now have a seqdesc field filled out (this was
671 always available via $hit->description and
672 $result->query_description
674 - hmmer.pm can parse -A0 hmmpfam files
676 - Writer::GbrowseGFF more customizeable.
678 o Bio::Tools::Hmmpfam
679 make e-value default score displayed in gff, rather than raw score
680 allow parse of multiple records
683 1.5 Developer release
685 o Bio::Align::DNAStatistics and Bio::Align::ProteinStatistics
686 provide Jukes-Cantor and Kimura pairwise distance methods,
689 o Bio::AlignIO support for "po" format of POA, and "maf";
690 Bio::AlignIO::largemultifasta is a new alternative to
691 Bio::AlignIO::fasta for temporary file-based manipulation of
692 particularly large multiple sequence alignments.
694 o Bio::Assembly::Singlet allows orphan, unassembled sequences to
695 be treated similarly as an assembled contig.
697 o Bio::CodonUsage provides new rare_codon() and probable_codons()
698 methods for identifying particular codons that encode a given
701 o Bio::Coordinate::Utils provides new from_align() method to build
702 a Bio::Coordinate pair directly from a
703 Bio::Align::AlignI-conforming object.
705 o Bio::DB::Biblio::eutils is a class for querying NCBI's Eutils.
706 Send a Pubmed, Pubmed Central, Entrez, or other query to NCBI's
707 web service using standard Pubmed query syntax, and retrieve
710 o Bio::DB::GFF has various sundry bug fixes.
712 o Bio::FeatureIO is a new SeqIO-style subsystem for
713 writing/reading genomic features to/from files. I/O classes
714 exist for BED, GTF (aka GFF v2.5), and GFF v3. Bio::FeatureIO
715 classes only read/write Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated objects.
716 Notably, the GFF v3 class requires features to be typed into the
719 o Bio::Graph namespace contains new modules for manipulation and
720 analysis of protein interaction graphs.
722 o Bio::Graphics has many bug fixes and shiny new glyphs.
724 o Bio::Index::Hmmer and Bio::Index::Qual provide multiple-file
725 indexing for HMMER reports and FASTA qual files, respectively.
727 o Bio::Map::Clone, Bio::Map::Contig, and Bio::Map::FPCMarker are
728 new objects that can be placed within a Bio::Map::MapI-compliant
729 genetic/physical map; Bio::Map::Physical provides a new physical
730 map type; Bio::MapIO::fpc provides finger-printed clone mapping
733 o Bio::Matrix::PSM provide new support for postion-specific
734 (scoring) matrices (e.g. profiles, or "possums").
736 o Bio::Ontology::Ontology and Bio::Ontology::Term objects can now
737 be instantiated without explicitly using Bio::OntologyIO. This
738 is possible through changes to Bio::Ontology::OntologyStore to
739 download ontology files from the web as necessary. Locations of
740 ontology files are hard-coded into
741 Bio::Ontology::DocumentRegistry.
743 o Bio::PopGen includes many new methods and data types for
744 population genetics analyses.
746 o New constructor to Bio::Range, unions(). Given a list of
747 ranges, returns another list of "flattened" ranges --
748 overlapping ranges are merged into a single range with the
749 mininum and maximum coordinates of the entire overlapping group.
751 o Bio::Root::IO now supports -url, in addition to -file and -fh.
752 The new -url argument allows one to specify the network address
753 of a file for input. -url currently only works for GET
754 requests, and thus is read-only.
756 o Bio::SearchIO::hmmer now returns individual Hit objects for each
757 domain alignment (thus containing only one HSP); previously
758 separate alignments would be merged into one hit if the domain
759 involved in the alignments was the same, but this only worked
760 when the repeated domain occured without interruption by any
761 other domain, leading to a confusing mixture of Hit and HSP
764 o Bio::Search::Result::ResultI-compliant report objects now
765 implement the "get_statistics" method to access
766 Bio::Search::StatisticsI objects that encapsulate any
767 statistical parameters associated with the search (e.g. Karlin's
768 lambda for BLAST/FASTA).
770 o Bio::Seq::LargeLocatableSeq combines the functionality already
771 found in Bio::Seq::LargeSeq and Bio::LocatableSeq.
773 o Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated is a replacement for
774 Bio::SeqFeature::Generic. It breaks compliance with the
775 Bio::SeqFeatureI interface because the author was sick of
776 dealing with untyped annotation tags. All
777 Bio::SeqFeature::Annotated annotations are Bio::AnnotationI
778 compliant, and accessible through Bio::Annotation::Collection.
780 o Bio::SeqFeature::Primer implements a Tm() method for primer
781 melting point predictions.
783 o Bio::SeqIO now supports AGAVE, BSML (via SAX), CHAOS-XML,
784 InterProScan-XML, TIGR-XML, and NCBI TinySeq formats.
786 o Bio::Taxonomy::Node now implements the methods necessary for
787 Bio::Species interoperability.
789 o Bio::Tools::CodonTable has new reverse_translate_all() and
790 make_iupac_string() methods.
792 o Bio::Tools::dpAlign now provides sequence profile alignments.
794 o Bio::Tools::GFF now parses GFF version 2.5 (a.k.a. GTF).
796 o Bio::Tools::Fgenesh, Bio::Tools::tRNAscanSE are new report
799 o Bio::Tools::SiRNA includes two new rulesets (Saigo and Tuschl)
800 for designing small inhibitory RNA.
802 o Bio::Tree::DistanceFactory provides NJ and UPGMA tree-building
803 methods based on a distance matrix.
805 o Bio::Tree::Statistics provides an assess_bootstrap() method to
806 calculate bootstrap support values on a guide tree topology,
807 based on provided bootstrap tree topologies.
809 o Bio::TreeIO now supports the Pagel (PAG) tree format.
815 o Improvements to Bio::AlignIO::nexus for parsing TreeBase nexus files
817 o Bio::Graphics will work with gd1 or gd2
820 - hmmer.pm Better hmmpfam parsing, fix bug for small number of alignment outputs
822 - blast.pm Parse multi-line query fields properly
823 - small speed improvements to blasttable.pm and others
825 o Bio::DB::Taxonomy has better support for hierarchy traversal so that
826 Bio::Taxonomy::Node can be as simple as Bio::Species object while still
827 supporting more complex queries
830 1.4. Stable major release
832 Since initial 1.2.0, 3000 separate changes have been made to make this release.
834 o installable scripts
836 o global module version from Bio::Root:Version
839 - major improvements; SVG support
842 - population genetics
843 - support several population genetics types of questions.
844 - Tests for statistical neutrality of mutations
845 (Fu and Li's D/F, Tajima's D) are in Bio::PopGen::Statistics.
846 Tests of population structure (Wright's F-statistic: Fst) is in
847 Bio::PopGen::PopStats. Calculating composite linkage
848 disequilibrium (LD) is available in Bio::PopGen::Statistics as
850 - Bio::PopGen::IO for reading in prettybase (SeattleSNPs)
851 and csv (comma delimited formatted) data.
853 - a directory for implementing population simulations has
854 been added Bio::PopGen::Simulation and 2 simulations - a
855 Coalescent and a simple single-locus multi-allele genetic drift
856 simulation have been provided. This replaces the code in
857 Bio::Tree::RandomTree which has been deprecated until proper
858 methods for generating random phylogenetic trees are
862 - new restrion analysis modules
864 o Bio::Tools::Analysis
865 - web based DNA and Protein analysis framework and several
869 - per residue annotable sequences
872 - Bio::Matrix::PSM - Position Scoring Matrix
873 - Bio::Matrix::IO has been added for generalized parsing of
874 matrix data. Matrix::IO::scoring and Matrix::IO::phylip are
875 initial implementations for parsing BLOSUM/PAM and Phylip
876 Distance matricies respectively. A generic matrix
877 implementation for general use was added in
878 Bio::Matrix::Generic.
885 o Bio::Tools::SiRNA, Bio::SeqFeature::SiRNA
886 - small inhibitory RNA
888 o Bio::SeqFeature::Tools
889 - seqFeature mapping tools
890 - Bio::SeqFeature::Tools::Unflattener.pm
891 -- deal with mapping GenBank feature collections into
892 Chado/GFF3 processable feature sets (with SO term mappings)
894 o Bio::Tools::dpAlign
895 - pure perl dynamic programming sequence alignment
898 o new Bio::SearchIO formats
899 - axt and psl: UCSC formats.
900 - blasttable: NCBI -m 8 or -m 9 format from blastall
902 o new Bio::SeqIO formats
903 - chado, tab, kegg, tigr, game
904 - important fixes for old modules
908 o improved Bio::Tools::Genewise
910 o Bio::SeqIO now can recongnize sequence formats automatically from
913 o new parsers in Bio::Tools:
914 Blat, Geneid, Lagan, Mdust, Promoterwise, PrositeScan,
916 o Bio::DB::Registry bugs fixed
917 - BerkeleyDB-indexed flat files can be used by the OBDA system
918 - Multiple seqdatabase.ini locations in OBDA_SEARCH_PATH are all
919 used by the OBDA system
922 - SimpleWebAnalysis, Trees, Feature Annotation, OBDA Access, Flat
925 o hundreds of new and improved files
929 o Bio::Tree::AlleleNode has been updated to be a container of
930 an Bio::PopGen::Individual object for use in the Coalescent simulations.
935 1.2.3 Stable release update
936 o Bug #1475 - Fix and add speedup to spliced_seq for remote location
938 o Bug #1477 - Sel --> Sec abbreviation fixed
939 o Fix bug #1487 where paring in-between locations when
940 end < start caused the FTLocationFactory logic to fail.
941 o Fix bug #1489 which was not dealing with keywords as an
942 arrayref properly (this is fixed on the main trunk because
943 keywords returns a string and the array is accessible via
945 o Bio::Tree::Tree memory leak (bug #1480) fixed
946 Added a new initialization option -nodelete which
947 won't try and cleanup the containing nodes if this
949 o Bug with parsing labeled nodes with Bio::TreeIO::newick fixed
950 this was only present on the branch for the 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 series
951 - Also merged main trunk changes to the branch which make
952 newick -> nhx round tripping more effective (storing branch length
953 and bootstrap values in same locate for NodeNHX and Node
954 implementations.) Fixes to TreeIO parsing for labeled internal
955 also required small changes to TreeIO::nhx. Improved
956 tests for this module as well.
958 - Fixed bugs in BLAST parsing which couldn't parse NCBI
959 gapped blast properly (was losing hit significance values due to
960 the extra unexpeted column).
961 - Parsing of blastcl3 (netblast from NCBI) now can handle case of
962 integer overflow (# of letters in nt seq dbs is > MAX_INT)
963 although doesn't try to correct it - will get the negative
964 number for you. Added a test for this as well.
965 - Fixed HMMER parsing bug which prevented parsing when a hmmpfam report
966 has no top-level family classification scores but does have scores and
967 alignments for individual domains.
968 - Parsing FASTA reports where ungapped percent ID is < 10 and the
969 regular expression to match the line was missing the possibility of
970 an extra space. This is rare, which is why we probably did not
972 - BLAST parsing picks up more of the statistics/parameter fields
973 at the bottom of reports. Still not fully complete.
974 - SearchIO::Writer::HTMLResultWriter and TextResultWriter
975 were fixed to include many improvements and added flexiblity
976 in outputting the files. Bug #1495 was also fixed in the process.
978 - Update for GFF3 compatibility.
979 - Added scripts for importing from UCSC and GenBank.
980 - Added a 1.2003 version number.
983 - Added a 1.2003 version number.
984 o SeqIO::swiss Bug #1504 fixed with swiss writing which was not
985 properly writing keywords out.
986 o Bio::SeqIO::genbank
987 - Fixed bug/enhancement #1513 where dates of
988 the form D-MMM-YYYY were not parsed. Even though this is
989 invalid format we can handle it - and also cleanup the date
990 string so it is properly formatted.
991 - Bug/enhancement #1517 fixed so that SEGMENT line can be parsed
992 and written with Genbank format. Similarly bug #1515 is fixed to
993 parse in the ORIGIN text.
994 o Bio::SeqIO::fasta, a new method called preferred_id_type allows you
995 to specify the ID type, one of (accession accession.version
996 display primary). See Bio::SeqIO::preferred_id_type method
997 documentation for more information.
998 o Unigene parsing updated to handle file format changes by NCBI
1000 1.2.2 Stable release update
1002 o A series of bug fixes of the Bio::OntologyIO dagflat-related parsers:
1003 - auto-discover ontology name
1004 - bug in parsing relationships when certain characters are in the term
1005 - fixed hard-coded prefix for term identifiers
1006 - various smaller issues
1008 o Fixed bug in Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm of not implementing all
1009 of Bio::Ontology::TermI
1011 o brought the OBDA Registry code up to latest specs
1015 - accession number retrieval fixed
1017 o Bio::SearchIO::blast - fix bug #1443 (missing last hits), parse megablast
1019 o Bio::SearchIO::Writer::(HTML|Text)ResultWriter fix bugs #1458,
1020 #1459 which now properly report alignment start/end info
1021 for translated BLAST/FASTA searches.
1023 o Bio::TreeIO::newick can parse labeled internal nodes
1025 o Bio::Tools::BPbl2seq can properly report strand info for HSPs
1026 for BLASTX if if you provide -report_type => 'BLASTX' when
1027 initializing a BPbl2seq object. Bioperl 1.3 will have better
1028 support for bl2seq in the SearchIO system.
1030 o Bio::Root::IO support a -noclose boolean flag which will not
1031 close a filehandle upon object cleanup - useful when sharing
1032 a filehandle among objects. Additionally code added s.t.
1033 STDOUT/STDIN/STDERR will never be closed by Root::IO cleanup.
1035 o Bio::Tools::Genemark bug #1435 fixed which was missing last prediction
1037 o Bio::SeqIO::genbank
1038 - bug #1456 fixed which generated extra sequence lines
1039 - write moltype correctly for genpept
1041 1.2.1 Stable release update
1043 o Inclusion of WrapperBase, a needed component for StandAloneBlast
1045 o Addition from main trunk of Ontology objects, principly to allow
1046 BioSQL releases against 1.2.1
1048 o Fixes and cleanup of Bio::Coordinate modules
1050 o A fix to Bio::Index::EMBL allowing retrieval of entries using
1051 the primary accession number
1053 o Other bug fixes, including bpindex GenBank fix
1055 o Bio::SeqIO::genbank bug #1389 fixed
1057 1.2 Stable major release
1059 o More functionality added to Bio::Perl, the newbie module
1061 o Bug fixes in Bio::TreeIO::newick fixes bug introduced in 1.0.2
1062 Support for New Hampshire Extended (NHX) format parsing.
1064 o Bio::Tools added support for parsing Genomewise, Pseudowise, Est2Genome,
1065 Tmhmm, SignalP, Seg, RepeatMasker, FootPrinter, and a lightweight
1068 o New ontology parsing Bio::Ontology
1070 o Bug fixes in Bio::SearchIO for HMMer parsing, support for
1071 multi-report (mlib) fasta reports, support for waba and exonerate.
1073 o Bio::ClusterIO for parsing Unigene clusters
1075 o Bio::Assembly added for representing phrap and ace assembly clusters.
1077 o Rudimentary support for writing Chado XML (see
1078 GMOD project: www.gmod.org for more information)
1080 o Bio::Coordinate for mapping between different coordinate systems such
1081 as protein -> cDNA -> Exon -> DNA and back. Useful for mapping
1082 features into different coordinate systems.
1084 o Bio::DB::GenBank/Bio::DB::GenPept now support Entrez queries
1085 with the get_Stream_by_query method and supports the latest
1086 NCBI eutils interface.
1088 o Bugs fixed in Bio::SeqFeature::Collection an in-memory fast
1089 object for extracting subsets of features : currently only
1090 supports extraction by location.
1092 1.1.1 Developer release
1094 o Deprecated modules are now listed in the DEPRECATED file
1096 o New HowTo documents located in doc/howto describing
1097 a domain of Bioperl.
1099 o Note that bugs are now stored at redmine.open-bio.org/projects/bioperl/
1100 and all old bugs are searchable through the bugzilla interface.
1102 o Several reported bugs in Bio::Tools::Sigcleave and Bio::SimpleAlign
1103 have been addressed.
1105 o Support for Genewise parsing in Bio::Tools::Genewise
1107 o Start of Ontology framework with Bio::Ontology
1109 o Speedup to the Bio::Root::Root object method _rearrange.
1110 A global _load_module method was implemented to simplify the
1111 dynamic loading of modules ala Bio::SeqIO::genbank. This
1112 method is now used by all the XXIO (AlignIO,TreeIO,SearchIO,SeqIO,
1115 o Several performance improvements to sequence parsing in Bio::SeqIO.
1116 Attempt to speedup by reducing object creation overhead.
1118 o Bio::DB::GenBank and Bio::DB::GenPept use the NCBI's approved
1119 method for sequence retrieval with their E-utils CGI scripts.
1120 More work to support Entrez queries to their fullest is planned
1123 o Numerous fixes to Bio::SearchIO and sequence parsing (swissprot)
1125 1.1 Developer release
1127 o Bio::Tools::Run has been broken off into a new pkg bioperl-run,
1128 this separation removes some of the complexity in our test suite
1129 and separates the core modules in bioperl from those that need
1130 external programs to run.
1132 o With latest ExtUtils::MakeMaker module installed SGI/IRIX should
1133 not run into trouble running the makefile
1135 o Bio::Location and Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper are fixed to properly
1136 read,create,and write locations for grouped/split locations
1137 (like mRNA features on genomic sequence).
1139 o Bio::Tools::Phlyo added for wrappers for parsing Molphy (protml)
1140 and PAML (codeml,aaml, etc) parsing.
1142 o Bio::Tree:: objects expanded to handle testing monophyly,
1143 paraphyly, least common ancestor, etc.
1145 o Bio::Coordinate for mapping locations from different coordinate spaces
1147 o Bio::SearchIO::waba added for parsing WABA, Bio::SearchIO::hmmer
1148 added for parsing hmmpfam and hmmsearch output.
1150 o Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter for outputting
1151 a pseudo-blast textfile format
1154 1.0.2 Bug fix release
1156 o Note: The modules Bio::DB::GenBank and Bio::DB::GenPept provided
1157 in this release will not work after December 2002 when NCBI
1158 shuts off the old Entrez cgi scripts. We have already fixed
1159 on our main development branch and the functionality will be
1160 available in the next stable bioperl release (1.2) slated for
1163 o Numerous parsing bugs in Bio::SearchIO::fasta found through
1164 testset by Robin Emig. These were fixed as was the get_aln
1165 method in Bio::Search::HSP::GenericHSP to handle the extra
1166 context sequence that is provided with a FastA alignment.
1168 o Migrating differences between Bio::Search::XX::BlastXX to
1169 Bio::Search::XX::GenericXX objects. This included mechanism
1170 to retrieve whole list of HSPs from Hits and whole list of Hits from
1171 Results in addition to the current next_XX iterator methods that
1172 are available. Added seq_inds() method to GenericHSP which identifies
1173 indexes in the query or hit sequences where conserved,identical,gaps,
1174 or mismatch residues are located (adapted from Steve Chervitz's
1175 implementation in BlastHSP).
1177 o Bio::DB::GFF bugs fixed and are necessary for latest GBrowse release.
1178 Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment is now Bio::SeqI compliant.
1180 o Bio::Graphics glyph set improved and extended for GBrowse release
1182 o Bio::Tree::Tree get_nodes implementation improvement thanks
1183 to Howard Ross notice performance problem when writing out
1186 o Bio::Location::Fuzzy::new named parameter -loc_type became
1187 -location_type, Bio::Location::Simple::new named parameter
1188 -seqid becamse -seq_id.
1190 o Fixed major Bio::AlignIO::emboss parsing bug on needle output,
1191 was mis-detecting that gaps should be placed at the beginning of
1192 the alignment when the best alignment starts internally in the
1195 1.0.1 Bug fix release
1197 o Minor bug fixes to Bio::DB:GFF. Glyph sets improved.
1199 o Parser fixes in SearchIO blast, fasta for more complete WU BLAST
1200 and mixed (3.3 - 3.4) versions of FASTA.
1202 o Small API change to add methods for completeness across
1203 implementations of Bio::Search objects. These new methods
1204 in the interface are implemented by the GenericXX object as well
1205 as the BlastXX objects.
1206 * Bio::Search::Result::ResultI
1207 - hits() method returns list of all Hits (next_hit is an
1210 * Bio::Search::Hit::HitI
1211 - hsps() method returns list of all HSPs (next_hsp is an
1214 o The Bio::SearchIO::Writer classes have been fixed to handle results
1215 created from either psiblast (Search::BlastXX objects) or
1216 blast|fasta|blastxml objects (Search::GenericXX objects). More work
1217 has to be done here to make it work properly and will nee major
1220 o Bugs in Bio::Tools::HMMER fixed, including
1221 * #1178 - Root::IO destructor wasn't being called
1222 * #1034 - filter_on_cutoff now behaves properly
1224 o Bio::SeqFeature::Computation initialization args fixed and
1227 o Tests are somewhat cleaner, flat.t now properly cleans up after itsself,
1229 o Updated FAQ with more example based answers to typical questions
1231 o Bug #1202 was fixed which would improperly join together qual values
1232 parsed by Bio::SeqIO::qual when a trailing space was not present before
1235 1.0.0 Major Stable Release
1237 This represents a major release of bioperl with significant
1238 improvements over the 0.7.x series of releases.
1240 o Bio::Tools::Blast is officially deprecated. Please see
1241 Bio::SearchIO for BLAST and FastA parsing.
1243 o The methods trunc() and subseq() in Bio::PrimarySeqI now accepts
1244 Bio::LocationI objects as well as start/end.
1246 o Bio::Biblio contains modules for Bibliographic data.
1247 Bio::DB::Biblio contains the query modules. Additionally one can
1248 parse medlinexml from the ebi bibliographic query service (BQS)
1249 system and Pubmed xml from NCBI. See Martin Senger's
1250 documentation in Bio::Biblio for more information.
1252 o Bio::DB::Registry is a sequence database registry part of
1253 Open Bioinformatics Database Access. See
1254 http://obda.open-bio.org for more information.
1256 o File-based and In-Memory Sequence caching is provided by
1257 Bio::DB::InMemoryCache and Bio::DB::FileCache which acts like a
1260 o Bio::Graphics for rendering sequences as PNG,JPG, or GIFs has
1261 been added by Lincoln Stein.
1263 o XEMBL SOAP service access in provided in Bio::DB::XEMBL.
1265 o A FAQ has been started and is included in the release to provide
1266 a starting point for frequent questions and issues.
1268 0.9.3 Developer's release
1270 o Event based parsing system improved (SearchIO). With parsers for
1271 XML Blast (blastxml), Text Blast (blast), and FASTA results (fasta).
1272 Additionally a lazy parsing system for text and html blast reports was
1273 added and is called psiblast (name subject to change in future releases).
1275 o Bio::Search objects improved and standardized with associated Interfaces
1276 written. The concept of a search "Hit" was standardized to be called
1277 "hit" consistently and the use of "subject" was deprecated in all active
1280 o Bio::Structure added (since 0.9.1) for Protein structure objects
1281 and PDB parser to retrieve and write these structures from data files.
1283 o Several important Bio::DB::GFF bug fixes for handling features that
1284 are mapped to multiple reference points. Updated mysql adaptor
1285 so as to be able to store large (>100 megabase) chunks of DNA into
1286 Bio::DB::GFF databases.
1288 0.9.2 Developer's release
1290 o Bio::Search and Bio::SearchIO system introduced for event based
1291 parsing of Blast,Fasta reports Bio::SearchIO supports ncbi BLAST
1292 in text and XML and FASTA reports in standard output format.
1294 o Bio::Tree and Bio::TreeIO for phylogenetic trees. A Random tree
1295 generator is included in Bio::TreeIO::RandomTrees and a
1296 statistics module for evaluating.
1298 o Bio::DB::GFF, Lincoln Stein's GFF database suitable as a DB
1299 server for DAS servers.
1301 o Bio::Tools::BPlite is provides more robust parsing of BLAST
1302 files. The entire BPlite system migrated to using Bio::Root::IO
1303 for the data stream.
1305 o Bio::Tools::Alignment for Consed and sequence Trimming
1308 o Bio::Structure for Protein structure information and parsing
1310 o Bio::DB::GenBank/Bio::DB::GenPept updated to new NCBI Entrez
1311 cgi-bin entry point which should be more reliable.
1313 o Bio::Map and Bio::MapIO for biological map navigation and a
1314 framework afor parsing them in. Only preliminary work here.
1316 o Interface for executing EMBOSS programs locally in Bio::Factory::EMBOSS
1317 Future work will integrate Pise and allow submission of analysis on
1320 o Bio::AnnotationCollectionI and Bio::Annotation::Collection
1321 introduced as new objects for handling Sequence Annotation
1322 information (dblinks, references, etc) and is more robust that
1325 o Bio::Tools::FASTAParser introduced.
1327 o Scripts from the bioperl script submission project and new
1328 scripts from bioperl authors are included in "scripts" directory.
1330 o Factory objects and interfaces are being introduced and are more
1333 o Bio::Root::Root introduced as the base object while
1334 Bio::Root::RootI is now simply an interface.
1336 o Bio::DB::RefSeq provides database access to copy of the NCBI
1337 RefSeq database using the EBI dbfetch script.
1339 0.9.0 Developer's release
1341 o perl version at least 5.005 is now required instead of perl 5.004
1343 o Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast is available for running remote
1346 o Bio::Tools::BPbl2seq was fixed to handle multiple HSPs.
1348 o Bio::SeqFeature::GeneStructure migrated to Bio::SeqFeature::Gene.
1349 Also added are related modules UTR3, UTR5, Exon, Intron,
1350 Promotor, PolyA and Transcript.
1352 o Speedup of translate method in PrimarySeq
1354 o Bio::SimpleAlign has new methods: location_from_column(), slice(),
1355 select(), dot(), get_seq_by_pos(), column_from_residue_number()
1357 o Various fixes to Variation toolkit
1359 o Bio::DB::EMBL provides database access to EMBL sequence data.
1360 Bio::DB::Universal provides a central way to point to indexes
1361 and dbs in a single interface.
1363 o Bio::DB::GFF - a database suitable for running DAS servers locally.
1365 o Bio::Factory::EMBOSS is still in design phase as is
1366 Bio::Factory::ApplicationFactoryI
1368 o Dia models for bioperl design are provided in the models/ directory
1370 0.7.2 Bug fix release
1372 o documentation fixes in many modules - SYNOPSIS code verified
1373 to be runnable in many (but not all modules)
1375 o corrected MANIFEST file from 0.7.1 release
1377 o Bug fix in Bio::SeqIO::FTHelper to properly handle
1380 o Bio::SeqIO::genbank
1381 * Correct parsing and writing of genbank format with protein data
1382 * moltype and molecule separation
1384 o Bio::SeqIO::largefasta fix to avoid inifinite loops
1386 o Bio::SimpleAlign fixed to correctly handle consensus
1387 sequence calculation
1389 o Bio::Tools::HMMER supports hmmer 2.2g
1391 o Bio::Tools::BPlite to support report type specific parsing. Most
1392 major changes are not on the 0.7 branch.
1394 o Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast exists_blast() fixed and works
1397 o Bio::Variation::AAChange/RNAChange corrected labels and mutated alleles
1398 in several types of mutations:
1399 1.) AA level: deletion, complex
1400 2.) AA level: complex, inframe
1401 3.) RNA level: silent
1403 o BPbl2seq parsing of empty reports will not die, but will return
1404 a valid, empty, Bio::SeqFeature::SimilarityFeature for
1405 $report->query() and $report->subject() methods. So an easy
1406 way to test if report was empty is to see if
1407 $report->query->seqname is undefined.
1409 0.7.1 Bug fix release
1411 o Better parsing of genbank/EMBL files especially fixing bugs
1412 related to Feature table parsing and locations on remote
1413 sequences. Additionally, species name parsing was better.
1415 o Bio::SeqIO::genbank can parse now NCBI produced genbank database
1416 which include a number of header lines.
1418 o More strict genbank and EMBL format writing (corrected number of
1419 spaces where appropriate).
1421 o Bio::Tools::BPlite can better parse BLASTX reports - see BUGS
1422 for related BPlite BUGS that are unresolved in this release.
1424 o Bio::DB::GenBank, Bio::DB::GenPept have less problems
1425 downloading sequences from NCBI via HTTP. Bio::DB::SwissProt can
1426 use expasy mirrors or EBI dbfetch cgi-script.
1428 o A moderate number of documentation improvements were made as
1429 well to provide a better code synopsis in each module.
1432 0.7 Large number of changes, including refactoring of the
1433 Object system, new parsers, new functionality and
1434 all round better system. Highlights are:
1437 o Refactored root of inheritance: moved to a lightweight Bio::Root::RootI;
1438 Bio::Root::IO for I/O and file/handle capabilities.
1440 o Imported BPlite modules from Ian Korf for BLAST
1441 parsing. This is considered the supported BLAST parser;
1442 Bio::Tools::Blast.pm will eventually phase out due to lack of support.
1444 o Improved Sequence Feature model. Added complete location
1445 modelling (with fuzzy and compound locations). See
1446 Bio::LocationI and the modules under Bio/Location. Added
1447 support in Genbank/EMBL format parsing to completely parse
1448 feature tables for complex locations.
1450 o Moved special support for databanks etc to specialized modules under
1451 Bio/Seq/. One of these supports very large sequences through
1452 a temporary file as a backend.
1454 o Explicit Gene, Transcript and Exon SeqFeature objects, supporting
1455 CDS retrieval and exon shuffling.
1457 o More parsers: Sim4, Genscan, MZEF, ESTScan, BPbl2seq, GFF
1459 o Refactored Bio/DB/GenBank+GenPept. There is now also DB/SwissProt and
1460 DB/GDB (the latter has platform-specific limitations).
1462 o New analysis parser framework for HT sequence annotation (see
1463 Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI and Bio::Factory::SeqAnalysisParserFactory)
1465 o New Alignment IO framework
1467 o New Index modules (Swissprot)
1469 o New modules for running Blast within perl
1470 (Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast). Added modules for running
1471 Multiple Sequence Alignment tools ClustalW and TCoffee
1472 (Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment).
1474 o New Cookbook-style tutorial (see bptutorial.pl). Improved
1475 documentation across the package.
1477 o Much improved cross platform support. Many known incompatibilities
1478 have been fixed; however, NT and Mac do not work across the entire
1479 setup (see PLATFORMS).
1481 o Many bug fixes, code restructuring, etc. Overall stability and
1482 maintainability benefit a lot.
1484 o A total of 957 automatic tests
1489 There are very few functionality changes but a large
1490 number of software improvements/bug fixes across the package.
1492 o The EMBL/GenBank parsing are improved.
1494 o The Swissprot reading is improved. Swissprot writing
1495 is disabled as it doesn't work at all. This needs to
1496 wait for 0.7 release
1498 o BLAST reports with no hits are correctly parsed.
1500 o Several other bugs of the BLAST parser (regular expressions, ...)
1503 o Old syntax calls have been replaced with more modern syntax
1505 o Modules that did not work at all, in particular the Sim4
1506 set have been removed
1508 o Bio::SeqFeature::Generic and Bio::SeqFeature::FeaturePair
1509 have improved compliance with interface specs and documentation
1511 o Mailing list documentation updated throughout the distribution
1513 o Most minor bug fixes have happened.
1515 o The scripts in /examples now work and have the modern syntax
1516 rather than the deprecated syntax
1519 0.6.1 Sun April 2 2000
1521 o Sequences can have Sequence Features attached to them
1522 - The sequence features can be read from or written to
1523 EMBL and GenBank style flat files
1525 o Objects for Annotation, including References (but not
1526 full medline abstracts), Database links and Comments are
1529 o A Species object to represent nodes on a taxonomy tree
1532 o The ability to parse HMMER and Sim4 output has been added
1534 o The Blast parsing has been improved, with better PSI-BLAST
1535 support and better overall behaviour.
1537 o Flat file indexed databases provide both random access
1538 and sequential access to their component sequences.
1540 o A CodonTable object has been written with all known
1541 CodonTables accessible.
1543 o A number of new lightweight analysis tools have been
1544 added, such as molecular weight determination.
1546 The 0.6 release also has improved software engineering
1548 o The sequence objects have been rewritten, providing more
1549 maintainable and easier to implement objects. These
1550 objects are backwardly compatible with the 0.05.1 objects
1552 o Many objects are defined in terms of interfaces and then
1553 a Perl implementation has been provided. The interfaces
1554 are found in the 'I' files (module names ending in 'I').
1556 This means that it is possible to wrap C/CORBA/SQL access
1557 as true "bioperl" objects, compatible with the rest of
1560 o The SeqIO system has been overhauled to provide better
1561 processing and perl-like automatic interpretation of <>
1564 o Many more tests have been added (a total of 172 automatic
1565 tests are now run before release).
1569 0.05.1 Tue Jun 29 05:30:44 1999
1570 - Central distribution now requires Perl 5.004. This was
1571 done to get around 5.003-based problems in Bio/Index/*
1573 - Various bug fixes in the Bio::Tools::Blast modules
1574 including better exception handling and PSI-Blast
1575 support. See Bio/Tools/Blast/CHANGES for more.
1576 - Fixed the Parse mechanism in Seq.pm to use readseq.
1577 Follow the instructions in README for how to install
1578 it (basically, you have to edit Parse.pm).
1579 - Improved documentation of Seq.pm, indicating where
1580 objects are returned and where strings are returned.
1581 - Fixed uninitialized warnings in Bio::Root::Object.pm
1582 and Bio::Tools::SeqPattern.pm.
1583 - Bug fixes for PR#s: 30,31,33-35,41,42,44,45,47-50,52.
1585 0.05 Sun Apr 25 01:14:11 1999
1586 - Bio::Tools::Blast modules have less memory problems
1587 and faster parsing. Webblast uses LWP and supports
1588 more functionality. See Bio/Tools/Blast/CHANGES for more.
1589 - The Bio::SeqIO system has been started, moving the
1590 sequence reformatting code out of the sequence object
1591 - The Bio::Index:: system has been started, providing
1592 generic index capabilities and specifically works for
1593 Fasta formatted databases and EMBL .dat formatted
1595 - The Bio::DB:: system started, providing access to
1596 databases, both via flat file + index (see above) and
1598 - The scripts/ directory, where industrial strength scripts
1599 are put has been started.
1600 - Many changes - a better distribution all round.
1602 0.04.4 Wed Feb 17 02:20:13 1999
1603 - Bug fixes in the Bio::Tools::Blast modules and postclient.pl
1604 (see Bio::Tools::Blast::CHANGES).
1605 - Fixed a bug in Bio::Tools::Fasta::num_seqs().
1606 - Beefed up the t/Fasta.t test script.
1607 - Small fix in Bio::Seq::type() (now always returns a string).
1608 - Changed Bio::Root::Utilities::get_newline_char() to
1609 get_newline() since it could return more than one char.
1610 - Added $NEWLINE and $TIMEOUT_SECS to Bio::Root::Global.
1611 - Changed default timeout to 20 seconds (was 3).
1612 - Moved lengthy modification notes to the bottom of some files.
1613 - Fixed SimpleAlign write_fasta bug.
1614 - Beefed up SimpleAlign.t test
1616 0.04.3 Thu Feb 4 07:48:53 1999
1617 - Bio::Root::Object.pm and Global.pm now detect when
1618 script is run as a CGI and suppress output that is only
1619 appropriate when running interactively.
1620 - Bio::Root::Err::_set_context() adds name of script ($0).
1621 - Added comments in Bio::Tools::WWW.pm and Bio::Root::Utilities.pm
1622 regarding the use of the static objects via the qw(:obj) tag.
1623 - Fixed the ambiguous reverse calls in Seq.pm and UnivAln.pm to
1624 CORE::reverse, avoiding Perl warnings.
1625 - Bug fixes in Bio::Tools::Blast modules (version 0.074) and
1626 example scripts (see Bio::Tools::Blast::CHANGES).
1627 - examples/seq/seqtools.pl no longer always warns about using
1628 -prot or -nucl command-line arguments; only when using the
1630 - Methods added to Bio::Root::Utilities: create_filehandle(),
1631 get_newline_char(), and taste_file() to generalize filehandle
1632 creation and autodetect newline characters in files/streams
1633 (see bug report #19).
1634 - Bio::Root::IOManager::read() now handles timeouts and uses
1635 Utilities::create_filehandle().
1636 - Bio::Tools::Fasta.pm uses Utilities::get_newline_char() instead
1637 of hardwiring in "\n".
1638 - Bug fixes in the Bio::SimpleAlign and Bio::Tools::pSW
1640 0.04.2 Wed Dec 30 02:27:36 1998
1641 - Bug fixes in Bio::Tools::Blast modules, version 0.073
1642 (see Bio::Tools::Blast::CHANGES).
1643 - Changed reverse calls in Bio/Seq.pm and Bio/UnivAln.pm
1644 to CORE::reverse (prevents ambiguous warnings with 5.005).
1645 - Appending '.tmp.bioperl' to temporary files created by
1646 Bio::Root::Utilities::compress() or uncompress() to
1647 make it easy to identify & cleanup these files as needed.
1648 - Developers: Created CVS branch release-0-04-bug from
1649 release-0-04-1. Before making bug fixes to the 0.04.1 release,
1650 be sure to cvs checkout this branch into a clean area.
1652 0.04.1 Wed Dec 16 05:39:15 1998
1653 - Bug fixes in Bio::Tools::Blast modules, version 0.072
1654 (see Bio::Tools::Blast::CHANGES).
1655 - Compile/SW/Makefile.PL now removes *.o and *.a files
1658 0.04 Tue Dec 8 07:49:19 1998
1659 - Lots of new modules added including:
1660 * Ewan Birney's Bio::SimpleAlign.pm, Bio::Tools::AlignFactory.pm,
1661 and Bio/Compile directory containing XS-linked C code for
1662 creating Smith-Waterman sequence alignments from within Perl.
1663 * Steve Chervitz's Blast distribution has been incorporated.
1664 * Georg Fuellen's Bio::UnivAln.pm for multiple alignment objects.
1665 - Bio/examples directory for demo scripts for all included modules.
1666 - Bio/t directory containing test suit for all included modules.
1667 - For changes specific to the Blast-related modules prior to
1668 incorporation in this central distribution, see the CHANGES
1669 file in the Bio/Tools/Blast directory.
1671 0.01 Tue Sep 8 14:23:22 1998
1672 - original version from central CVS tree; created by h2xs 1.18