maint: restructure to use Dist::Zilla
[bioperl-live.git] / lib / Bio / SearchIO / Writer /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <>
8 # Copyright Jason Stajich
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
14 =head1 NAME
16 Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter - Object to implement writing
17 a Bio::Search::ResultI in Text.
19 =head1 SYNOPSIS
21 use Bio::SearchIO;
22 use Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter;
24 my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast',
25 -file => shift @ARGV);
27 my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter->new();
28 my $out = Bio::SearchIO->new(-writer => $writer);
29 $out->write_result($in->next_result);
33 This object implements the SearchWriterI interface which will produce
34 a set of Text for a specific Bio::Search::Report::ReportI interface.
36 You can also provide the argument -filters =E<gt> \%hash to filter the at
37 the hsp, hit, or result level. %hash is an associative array which
38 contains any or all of the keys (HSP, HIT, RESULT). The values
39 pointed to by these keys would be references to a subroutine which
40 expects to be passed an object - one of Bio::Search::HSP::HSPI,
41 Bio::Search::Hit::HitI, and Bio::Search::Result::ResultI respectively.
42 Each function needs to return a boolean value as to whether or not the
43 passed element should be included in the output report - true if it is
44 to be included, false if it to be omitted.
46 For example to filter on sequences in the database which are too short
47 for your criteria you would do the following.
49 Define a hit filter method
51 sub hit_filter {
52 my $hit = shift;
53 return $hit->length E<gt> 100; # test if length of the hit sequence
54 # long enough
56 my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter->new(
57 -filters => { 'HIT' =E<gt> \&hit_filter }
60 Another example would be to filter HSPs on percent identity, let's
61 only include HSPs which are 75% identical or better.
63 sub hsp_filter {
64 my $hsp = shift;
65 return $hsp->percent_identity E<gt> 75;
67 my $writer = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter->new(
68 -filters => { 'HSP' =E<gt> \&hsp_filter }
71 See L<Bio::SearchIO::SearchWriterI> for more info on the filter method.
74 This module will use the module Text::Wrap if it is installed to wrap
75 the Query description line. If you do not have Text::Wrap installed
76 this module will work fine but you won't have the Query line wrapped.
77 You will see a warning about this when you first instantiate a
78 TextResultWriter - to avoid these warnings from showing up, simply set
79 the verbosity upon initialization to -1 like this: my $writer = new
80 Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter(-verbose =E<gt> -1);
82 =head1 FEEDBACK
84 =head2 Mailing Lists
86 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
87 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
88 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
90 - General discussion
91 - About the mailing lists
93 =head2 Support
95 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
97 I<>
99 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
100 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
101 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
102 with code and data examples if at all possible.
104 =head2 Reporting Bugs
106 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
107 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
108 web:
112 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
114 Email
116 =head1 APPENDIX
118 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
119 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
121 =cut
124 # Let the code begin...
127 package Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter;
128 use vars qw($MaxNameLen $MaxDescLen $AlignmentLineWidth $DescLineLen $TextWrapLoaded);
129 use strict;
131 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::RootI
133 BEGIN {
134 $MaxDescLen = 65;
135 $AlignmentLineWidth = 60;
136 eval { require Text::Wrap; $TextWrapLoaded = 1;};
137 if( $@ ) {
138 $TextWrapLoaded = 0;
142 use POSIX;
144 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::SearchIO::SearchWriterI);
146 =head2 new
148 Title : new
149 Usage : my $obj = Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter->new();
150 Function: Builds a new Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter object
151 Returns : Bio::SearchIO::Writer::TextResultWriter
152 Args : -filters => hashref with any or all of the keys (HSP HIT RESULT)
153 which have values pointing to a subroutine reference
154 which will expect to get a Hit,HSP, Result object respectively
155 -no_wublastlinks => boolean. Do not display WU-BLAST lines even if
156 they are parsed out
157 Links = (1)
159 =cut
161 sub new {
162 my($class,@args) = @_;
164 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
165 my ($filters,$nowublastlinks) = $self->_rearrange([qw(FILTERS
167 @args);
168 if( defined $filters ) {
169 if( !ref($filters) =~ /HASH/i ) {
170 $self->warn("Did not provide a hashref for the FILTERS option, ignoring.");
171 } else {
172 while( my ($type,$code) = each %{$filters} ) {
173 $self->filter($type,$code);
177 $self->no_wublastlinks(! $nowublastlinks);
178 unless( $TextWrapLoaded ) {
179 $self->warn("Could not load Text::Wrap - the Query Description will not be line wrapped\n");
180 } else {
181 $Text::Wrap::columns = $MaxDescLen;
183 return $self;
187 =head2 to_string
189 Purpose : Produces data for each Search::Result::ResultI in a string.
190 : This is an abstract method. For some useful implementations,
191 : see,,
192 : and
193 Usage : print $writer->to_string( $result_obj, @args );
194 Argument : $result_obj = A Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object
195 : @args = any additional arguments used by your implementation.
196 Returns : String containing data for each search Result or any of its
197 : sub-objects (Hits and HSPs).
198 Throws : n/a
200 =cut
202 sub to_string {
203 my ($self,$result,$num) = @_;
204 $num ||= 0;
205 return unless defined $result;
206 my $links = $self->no_wublastlinks;
207 my ($resultfilter,$hitfilter, $hspfilter) = ( $self->filter('RESULT'),
208 $self->filter('HIT'),
209 $self->filter('HSP') );
210 return '' if( defined $resultfilter && ! &{$resultfilter}($result) );
212 my ($qtype,$dbtype,$dbseqtype,$type);
213 my $alg = $result->algorithm;
215 my $wublast = ($result->algorithm_version =~ /WashU/) ? 1 : 0;
217 # This is actually wrong for the FASTAs I think
218 if( $alg =~ /T(FAST|BLAST)([XY])/i ) {
219 $qtype = $dbtype = 'translated';
220 $dbseqtype = $type = 'PROTEIN';
221 } elsif( $alg =~ /T(FAST|BLAST)N/i ) {
222 $qtype = '';
223 $dbtype = 'translated';
224 $type = 'PROTEIN';
225 $dbseqtype = 'NUCLEOTIDE';
226 } elsif( $alg =~ /(FAST|BLAST)N/i ||
227 $alg =~ /(WABA|EXONERATE)/i ) {
228 $qtype = $dbtype = '';
229 $type = $dbseqtype = 'NUCLEOTIDE';
230 } elsif( $alg =~ /(FAST|BLAST)P/ ||
231 $alg =~ /SSEARCH|(HMM|SEARCH|PFAM)/i ) {
232 $qtype = $dbtype = '';
233 $type = $dbseqtype = 'PROTEIN';
234 } elsif( $alg =~ /(FAST|BLAST)[XY]/i ) {
235 $qtype = 'translated';
236 $dbtype = 'PROTEIN';
237 $dbseqtype = $type = 'PROTEIN';
238 } else {
239 print STDERR "algorithm was ", $result->algorithm, " couldn't match\n";
243 my %baselens = ( 'Sbjct:' => ( $dbtype eq 'translated' ) ? 3 : 1,
244 'Query:' => ( $qtype eq 'translated' ) ? 3 : 1);
246 my $str;
247 if( ! defined $num || $num <= 1 ) {
248 $str = &{$self->start_report}($result);
251 $str .= &{$self->title}($result);
252 $str .= $result->algorithm . " " . $result->algorithm_version . "\n\n\n";
253 $str .= $result->algorithm_reference || $self->algorithm_reference($result);
254 $str .= &{$self->introduction}($result);
257 $str .= qq{
258 Score E
259 Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) value
261 my $hspstr = '';
262 if( $result->can('rewind')) {
263 $result->rewind(); # support stream based parsing routines
265 while( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
266 next if( defined $hitfilter && ! &{$hitfilter}($hit) );
267 my $nm = $hit->name();
268 $self->debug( "no $nm for name (".$hit->description(). "\n")
269 unless $nm;
270 my ($gi,$acc) = &{$self->id_parser}($nm);
271 my $p = "%-$MaxDescLen". "s";
272 my $descsub;
273 my $desc = sprintf("%s %s",$nm,$hit->description);
274 if( length($desc) - 3 > $MaxDescLen) {
275 $descsub = sprintf($p,
276 substr($desc,0,$MaxDescLen-3) .
277 "...");
278 } else {
279 $descsub = sprintf($p,$desc);
281 $str .= $wublast ? sprintf("%s %-4s %s\n",
282 $descsub,
283 defined $hit->raw_score ? $hit->raw_score : ' ',
284 defined $hit->significance ? $hit->significance : '?') :
285 sprintf("%s %-4s %s\n",
286 $descsub,
287 defined $hit->bits ? $hit->bits: ' ',
288 defined $hit->significance ? $hit->significance : '?');
289 my @hsps = $hit->hsps;
290 if( @hsps ) {
291 $hspstr .= sprintf(">%s %s\n%9sLength = %d\n\n",
292 $hit->name,
293 defined $hit->description ? $hit->description : '',
294 '', # empty is for the %9s in the str formatting
295 $hit->length);
297 foreach my $hsp ( @hsps ) {
298 next if( defined $hspfilter && ! &{$hspfilter}($hsp) );
299 $hspstr .= sprintf(" Score = %4s bits (%s), Expect = %s",
300 $hsp->bits, $hsp->score, $hsp->evalue);
301 if( $hsp->pvalue ) {
302 $hspstr .= ", P = ".$hsp->pvalue;
304 $hspstr .= "\n";
305 $hspstr .= sprintf(" Identities = %d/%d (%d%%)",
306 ( $hsp->frac_identical('total') *
307 $hsp->length('total')),
308 $hsp->length('total'),
309 POSIX::floor($hsp->frac_identical('total')
310 * 100));
312 if( $type eq 'PROTEIN' ) {
313 $hspstr .= sprintf(", Positives = %d/%d (%d%%)",
314 ( $hsp->frac_conserved('total') *
315 $hsp->length('total')),
316 $hsp->length('total'),
317 POSIX::floor($hsp->frac_conserved('total') * 100));
320 if( $hsp->gaps ) {
321 $hspstr .= sprintf(", Gaps = %d/%d (%d%%)",
322 $hsp->gaps('total'),
323 $hsp->length('total'),
324 POSIX::floor(100 * $hsp->gaps('total') /
325 $hsp->length('total')));
327 $hspstr .= "\n";
328 my ($hframe,$qframe) = ( $hsp->hit->frame,
329 $hsp->query->frame);
330 my ($hstrand,$qstrand) = ($hsp->hit->strand,$hsp->query->strand);
331 # so TBLASTX will have Query/Hit frames
332 # BLASTX will have Query frame
333 # TBLASTN will have Hit frame
334 if( $hstrand || $qstrand ) {
335 $hspstr .= " Frame = ";
336 my ($signq, $signh);
337 unless( $hstrand ) {
338 $hframe = undef;
339 # if strand is null or 0 then it is protein
340 # and this no frame
341 } else {
342 $signh = $hstrand < 0 ? '-' : '+';
344 unless( $qstrand ) {
345 $qframe = undef;
346 # if strand is null or 0 then it is protein
347 } else {
348 $signq =$qstrand < 0 ? '-' : '+';
350 # remember bioperl stores frames as 0,1,2 (GFF way)
351 # BLAST reports reports as 1,2,3 so
352 # we have to add 1 to the frame values
353 if( defined $hframe && ! defined $qframe) {
354 $hspstr .= "$signh".($hframe+1);
355 } elsif( defined $qframe && ! defined $hframe) {
356 $hspstr .= "$signq".($qframe+1);
357 } else {
358 $hspstr .= sprintf(" %s%d / %s%d",
359 $signq,$qframe+1,
360 $signh, $hframe+1);
364 if( $links &&
365 $hsp->can('links') && defined(my $lnks = $hsp->links) ) {
366 $hspstr .= sprintf(" Links = %s\n",$lnks);
368 $hspstr .= "\n\n";
370 my @hspvals = ( {'name' => 'Query:',
371 'seq' => $hsp->query_string,
372 'start' => ( $qstrand >= 0 ?
373 $hsp->query->start :
374 $hsp->query->end),
375 'end' => ($qstrand >= 0 ?
376 $hsp->query->end :
377 $hsp->query->start),
378 'index' => 0,
379 'direction' => $qstrand || 1
381 { 'name' => ' 'x6, # this might need to adjust for long coordinates??
382 'seq' => $hsp->homology_string,
383 'start' => undef,
384 'end' => undef,
385 'index' => 0,
386 'direction' => 1
388 { 'name' => 'Sbjct:',
389 'seq' => $hsp->hit_string,
390 'start' => ($hstrand >= 0 ?
391 $hsp->hit->start : $hsp->hit->end),
392 'end' => ($hstrand >= 0 ?
393 $hsp->hit->end : $hsp->hit->start),
394 'index' => 0,
395 'direction' => $hstrand || 1
400 # let's set the expected length (in chars) of the starting number
401 # in an alignment block so we can have things line up
402 # Just going to try and set to the largest
404 my ($numwidth) = sort { $b <=> $a }(length($hspvals[0]->{'start'}),
405 length($hspvals[0]->{'end'}),
406 length($hspvals[2]->{'start'}),
407 length($hspvals[2]->{'end'}));
408 my $count = 0;
409 while ( $count <= $hsp->length('total') ) {
410 foreach my $v ( @hspvals ) {
411 my $piece = substr($v->{'seq'}, $v->{'index'} +$count,
412 $AlignmentLineWidth);
413 my $cp = $piece;
414 my $plen = scalar ( $cp =~ tr/\-//);
415 my ($start,$end) = ('','');
416 if( defined $v->{'start'} ) {
417 $start = $v->{'start'};
418 # since strand can be + or - use the direction
419 # to signify which whether to add or subtract from end
420 my $d = $v->{'direction'} * ( $AlignmentLineWidth - $plen )*
421 $baselens{$v->{'name'}};
422 if( length($piece) < $AlignmentLineWidth ) {
423 $d = (length($piece) - $plen) * $v->{'direction'} *
424 $baselens{$v->{'name'}};
426 $end = $v->{'start'} + $d - $v->{'direction'};
427 $v->{'start'} += $d;
429 $hspstr .= sprintf("%s %-".$numwidth."s %s %s\n",
430 $v->{'name'},
431 $start,
432 $piece,
433 $end
436 $count += $AlignmentLineWidth;
437 $hspstr .= "\n";
440 $hspstr .= "\n";
443 $str .= "\n\n".$hspstr;
445 $str .= sprintf(qq{ Database: %s
446 Posted date: %s
447 Number of letters in database: %s
448 Number of sequences in database: %s
450 Matrix: %s
452 $result->database_name(),
453 $result->get_statistic('posted_date') ||
454 POSIX::strftime("%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p",localtime),
455 &_numwithcommas($result->database_letters()),
456 &_numwithcommas($result->database_entries()),
457 $result->get_parameter('matrix') || '');
459 if( defined (my $open = $result->get_parameter('gapopen')) ) {
460 $str .= sprintf("Gap Penalties Existence: %d, Extension: %d\n",
461 $open || 0, $result->get_parameter('gapext') || 0);
464 # skip those params we've already output
465 foreach my $param ( grep { ! /matrix|gapopen|gapext/i }
466 $result->available_parameters ) {
467 $str .= "$param: ". $result->get_parameter($param) ."\n";
470 $str .= "Search Statistics\n";
471 # skip posted date, we already output it
472 foreach my $stat ( sort grep { ! /posted_date/ }
473 $result->available_statistics ) {
474 my $expect = $result->get_parameter('expect');
475 my $v = $result->get_statistic($stat);
476 if( $v =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
477 $v = &_numwithcommas($v);
479 if( defined $expect &&
480 $stat eq 'seqs_better_than_cutoff' ) {
481 $str .= "seqs_better_than_$expect: $v\n";
482 } else {
483 my $v =
484 $str .= "$stat: $v\n";
487 $str .= "\n\n";
488 return $str;
492 =head2 start_report
494 Title : start_report
495 Usage : $index->start_report( CODE )
496 Function: Stores or returns the code to
497 write the start of the <HTML> block, the <TITLE> block
498 and the start of the <BODY> block of HTML. Useful
499 for (for instance) specifying alternative
500 HTML if you are embedding the output in
501 an HTML page which you have already started.
502 (For example a routine returning a null string).
503 Returns \&default_start_report (see below) if not
504 set.
505 Example : $index->start_report( \&my_start_report )
506 Returns : ref to CODE if called without arguments
507 Args : CODE
509 =cut
511 sub start_report {
512 my( $self, $code ) = @_;
513 if ($code) {
514 $self->{'_start_report'} = $code;
516 return $self->{'_start_report'} || \&default_start_report;
519 =head2 default_start_report
521 Title : default_start_report
522 Usage : $self->default_start_report($result)
523 Function: The default method to call when starting a report.
524 Returns : sting
525 Args : First argument is a Bio::Search::Result::ResultI
527 =cut
529 sub default_start_report {
530 my ($result) = @_;
531 return "";
534 =head2 title
536 Title : title
537 Usage : $self->title($CODE)
539 Function: Stores or returns the code to provide HTML for the given
540 BLAST report that will appear at the top of the BLAST report
541 HTML output. Useful for (for instance) specifying
542 alternative routines to write your own titles.
543 Returns \&default_title (see below) if not
544 set.
545 Example : $index->title( \&my_title )
546 Returns : ref to CODE if called without arguments
547 Args : CODE
549 =cut
551 sub title {
552 my( $self, $code ) = @_;
553 if ($code) {
554 $self->{'_title'} = $code;
556 return $self->{'_title'} || \&default_title;
559 =head2 default_title
561 Title : default_title
562 Usage : $self->default_title($result)
563 Function: Provides HTML for the given BLAST report that will appear
564 at the top of the BLAST report output.
565 Returns : empty for text implementation
566 Args : First argument is a Bio::Search::Result::ResultI
568 =cut
570 sub default_title {
571 my ($result) = @_;
572 return "";
573 # The HTML implementation
574 # return sprintf(
575 # qq{<CENTER><H1><a href="">Bioperl</a> Reformatted HTML of %s Search Report<br> for %s</H1></CENTER>},
576 # $result->algorithm,
577 # $result->query_name());
581 =head2 introduction
583 Title : introduction
584 Usage : $self->introduction($CODE)
586 Function: Stores or returns the code to provide HTML for the given
587 BLAST report detailing the query and the
588 database information.
589 Useful for (for instance) specifying
590 routines returning alternative introductions.
591 Returns \&default_introduction (see below) if not
592 set.
593 Example : $index->introduction( \&my_introduction )
594 Returns : ref to CODE if called without arguments
595 Args : CODE
597 =cut
599 sub introduction {
600 my( $self, $code ) = @_;
601 if ($code) {
602 $self->{'_introduction'} = $code;
604 return $self->{'_introduction'} || \&default_introduction;
607 =head2 default_introduction
609 Title : default_introduction
610 Usage : $self->default_introduction($result)
611 Function: Outputs HTML to provide the query
612 and the database information
613 Returns : string containing HTML
614 Args : First argument is a Bio::Search::Result::ResultI
615 Second argument is string holding literature citation
617 =cut
619 sub default_introduction {
620 my ($result) = @_;
622 return sprintf(
624 Query= %s
625 (%s letters)
627 Database: %s
628 %s sequences; %s total letters
630 &_linewrap($result->query_name . " " .
631 $result->query_description),
632 &_numwithcommas($result->query_length),
633 $result->database_name(),
634 &_numwithcommas($result->database_entries()),
635 &_numwithcommas($result->database_letters()),
639 =head2 end_report
641 Title : end_report
642 Usage : $self->end_report()
643 Function: The method to call when ending a report, this is
644 mostly for cleanup for formats which require you to
645 have something at the end of the document (</BODY></HTML>)
646 for HTML
647 Returns : string
648 Args : none
650 =cut
652 sub end_report {
653 return "";
657 # copied from Bio::Index::Fasta
658 # useful here as well
660 =head2 id_parser
662 Title : id_parser
663 Usage : $index->id_parser( CODE )
664 Function: Stores or returns the code used by record_id to
665 parse the ID for record from a string. Useful
666 for (for instance) specifying a different
667 parser for different flavours of FASTA file.
668 Returns \&default_id_parser (see below) if not
669 set. If you supply your own id_parser
670 subroutine, then it should expect a fasta
671 description line. An entry will be added to
672 the index for each string in the list returned.
673 Example : $index->id_parser( \&my_id_parser )
674 Returns : ref to CODE if called without arguments
675 Args : CODE
677 =cut
679 sub id_parser {
680 my( $self, $code ) = @_;
682 if ($code) {
683 $self->{'_id_parser'} = $code;
685 return $self->{'_id_parser'} || \&default_id_parser;
690 =head2 default_id_parser
692 Title : default_id_parser
693 Usage : $id = default_id_parser( $header )
694 Function: The default Fasta ID parser for
695 Returns $1 from applying the regexp /^>\s*(\S+)/
696 to $header.
697 Returns : ID string
698 Args : a fasta header line string
700 =cut
702 sub default_id_parser {
703 my ($string) = @_;
704 my ($gi,$acc);
705 if( $string =~ s/gi\|(\d+)\|?// )
706 { $gi = $1; $acc = $1;}
708 if( $string =~ /(\w+)\|([A-Z\d\.\_]+)(\|[A-Z\d\_]+)?/ ) {
709 $acc = defined $2 ? $2 : $1;
710 } else {
711 $acc = $string;
712 $acc =~ s/^\s+(\S+)/$1/;
713 $acc =~ s/(\S+)\s+$/$1/;
715 return ($gi,$acc);
718 sub MIN { $a <=> $b ? $a : $b; }
719 sub MAX { $a <=> $b ? $b : $a; }
722 =head2 algorithm_reference
724 Title : algorithm_reference
725 Usage : my $reference = $writer->algorithm_reference($result);
726 Function: Returns the appropriate Bibliographic reference for the
727 algorithm format being produced
728 Returns : String
729 Args : L<Bio::Search::Result::ResultI> to reference
732 =cut
734 sub algorithm_reference{
735 my ($self,$result) = @_;
736 return '' if( ! defined $result || !ref($result) ||
737 ! $result->isa('Bio::Search::Result::ResultI')) ;
738 if( $result->algorithm =~ /BLAST/i ) {
739 my $res = $result->algorithm . ' '. $result->algorithm_version. "\n";
740 if( $result->algorithm_version =~ /WashU/i ) {
741 return $res .qq{
742 Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri USA.
743 All Rights Reserved.
745 Reference: Gish, W. (1996-2000)
747 } else {
748 return $res . qq{
749 Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer,
750 Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997),
751 "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
752 programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.
755 } elsif( $result->algorithm =~ /FAST/i ) {
756 return $result->algorithm. " ". $result->algorithm_version . "\n".
757 "\nReference: Pearson et al, Genomics (1997) 46:24-36\n";
758 } else {
759 return '';
763 # from Perl Cookbook 2.17
764 sub _numwithcommas {
765 my $num = reverse( $_[0] );
766 $num =~ s/(\d{3})(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
767 return scalar reverse $num;
770 sub _linewrap {
771 my ($str) = @_;
772 if($TextWrapLoaded) {
773 return Text::Wrap::wrap("","",$str); # use Text::Wrap
774 } else { return $str; } # cannot wrap
776 =head2 Methods Bio::SearchIO::SearchWriterI
778 L<Bio::SearchIO::SearchWriterI> inherited methods.
780 =head2 filter
782 Title : filter
783 Usage : $writer->filter('hsp', \&hsp_filter);
784 Function: Filter out either at HSP,Hit,or Result level
785 Returns : none
786 Args : string => data type,
787 CODE reference
790 =cut
792 =head2 no_wublastlinks
794 Title : no_wublastlinks
795 Usage : $obj->no_wublastlinks($newval)
796 Function: Get/Set boolean value regarding whether or not to display
797 Link = (1)
798 type output in the report output (WU-BLAST only)
799 Returns : boolean
800 Args : on set, new boolean value (a scalar or undef, optional)
803 =cut
805 sub no_wublastlinks{
806 my $self = shift;
808 return $self->{'no_wublastlinks'} = shift if @_;
809 return $self->{'no_wublastlinks'};