Merge pull request #181 from bioperl/limit-dockerhub-trigger
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / SeqIO /
1 # BioPerl module for Bio::SeqIO::fasta
3 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
5 # Cared for by Ewan Birney <>
6 # and Lincoln Stein <>
8 # Copyright Ewan Birney & Lincoln Stein
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
11 # _history
12 # October 18, 1999 Largely rewritten by Lincoln Stein
14 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
16 =head1 NAME
18 Bio::SeqIO::fasta - fasta sequence input/output stream
20 =head1 SYNOPSIS
22 Do not use this module directly. Use it via the Bio::SeqIO class.
26 This object can transform Bio::Seq objects to and from fasta flat
27 file databases.
29 =head1 FEEDBACK
31 =head2 Mailing Lists
33 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
34 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
35 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
37 - General discussion
38 - About the mailing lists
40 =head2 Support
42 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
44 I<>
46 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
47 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
48 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
49 with code and data examples if at all possible.
51 =head2 Reporting Bugs
53 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
54 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
55 web:
59 =head1 AUTHORS - Ewan Birney & Lincoln Stein
61 Email:
66 Jason Stajich,
68 =head1 APPENDIX
70 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
71 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
73 =cut
75 # Let the code begin...
77 package Bio::SeqIO::fasta;
78 use strict;
79 use warnings;
81 use Bio::Seq::SeqFastaSpeedFactory;
83 use parent qw(Bio::SeqIO);
85 sub _initialize {
86 my ($self, @args) = @_;
87 $self->SUPER::_initialize(@args);
89 ## Initialize fasta specific parameters
90 ## There are some problems with _rearrange. If there's no value for one of
91 ## the parameters, it will return an empty value (not undef). This means we
92 ## can't just merge two hashes since the empty values would override the
93 ## defaults anyway.
94 my (%defs) = (
95 "width" => 60,
96 "block" => "", # default is same as width
97 "preferred_id_type" => "display",
99 foreach my $param (keys %defs) {
100 $self->$param( $self->_rearrange([$param], @args) ||
101 $defs{$param});
104 unless ( defined $self->sequence_factory ) {
105 $self->sequence_factory(Bio::Seq::SeqFastaSpeedFactory->new());
109 =head2 next_seq
111 Title : next_seq
112 Usage : $seq = $stream->next_seq()
113 Function: returns the next sequence in the stream
114 Returns : Bio::Seq object, or nothing if no more available
115 Args : NONE
117 =cut
119 sub next_seq {
120 my( $self ) = @_;
121 my $seq;
122 my $alphabet;
123 local $/ = "\n>";
124 return unless my $entry = $self->_readline;
126 # Replacing chomp for s///, since chomp is not working in some cases
127 $entry =~ s/\n$//;
128 $entry =~ s/\r$//;
129 if ($entry =~ m/\A\s*\Z/s) { # very first one
130 return unless $entry = $self->_readline;
131 chomp($entry);
134 # this just checks the initial input; beyond that, due to setting $/ above,
135 # the > is part of the record separator and is removed
136 $self->throw("The sequence does not appear to be FASTA format ".
137 "(lacks a descriptor line '>')") if $. == 1 && $entry !~ /^>/;
139 $entry =~ s/^>//;
141 my ($top,$sequence) = split(/\n/,$entry,2);
142 defined $sequence && $sequence =~ s/>//g;
143 #my ($top,$sequence) = $entry =~ /^>?(.+?)\n+([^>]*)/s
144 # or $self->throw("Can't parse fasta entry");
146 my ($id,$fulldesc);
147 if( $top =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*(.*)/ ) {
148 ($id,$fulldesc) = ($1,$2);
151 if (defined $id && $id eq '') {$id=$fulldesc;} # FIX incase no space
152 # between > and name \AE
153 defined $sequence && $sequence =~ tr/ \t\n\r//d; # Remove whitespace
155 # for empty sequences we need to know the mol.type
156 $alphabet = $self->alphabet();
157 if(defined $sequence && length($sequence) == 0) {
158 if(! defined($alphabet)) {
159 # let's default to dna
160 $alphabet = "dna";
162 }# else {
163 # we don't need it really, so disable
164 # we want to keep this if SeqIO alphabet was set by user
165 # not sure if this could break something
166 #$alphabet = undef;
169 $seq = $self->sequence_factory->create(
170 -seq => $sequence,
171 -id => $id,
172 # Ewan's note - I don't think this healthy
173 # but obviously to taste.
174 #-primary_id => $id,
175 -desc => $fulldesc,
176 -alphabet => $alphabet,
177 -direct => 1,
180 # if there wasn't one before, set the guessed type
181 #unless ( defined $alphabet ) {
182 # don't assume that all our seqs are the same as the first one found
183 #$self->alphabet($seq->alphabet());
185 return $seq;
189 =head2 write_seq
191 Title : write_seq
192 Usage : $stream->write_seq(@seq)
193 Function: Writes the $seq object into the stream
194 Returns : 1 for success and 0 for error
195 Args : Array of 1 or more Bio::PrimarySeqI objects
197 =cut
199 sub write_seq {
200 my ($self,@seq) = @_;
201 my $width = $self->width;
202 my $block = $self->block;
204 ## take a reference for single string (the sequence) and add the whitespace
205 local *format_str = sub {
206 my $str = $_[0];
207 my @lines = unpack ("(A$width)*", $$str);
208 if ($block >= $width) {
209 $$str = join ("\n", @lines)."\n";
210 } else {
211 $$str = "";
212 $$str .= join (" ", unpack ("(A$block)*", $_)) . "\n" foreach (@lines);
216 foreach my $seq (@seq) {
217 $self->throw("Did not provide a valid Bio::PrimarySeqI object")
218 unless defined $seq && ref($seq) && $seq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI');
220 # Allow for different ids
221 my $top;
222 my $id_type = $self->preferred_id_type;
223 if( $id_type =~ /^acc/i ) {
224 $top = $seq->accession_number();
225 if( $id_type =~ /vers/i ) {
226 $top .= "." . $seq->version();
228 } elsif($id_type =~ /^displ/i ) {
229 $self->warn("No whitespace allowed in FASTA ID [". $seq->display_id. "]")
230 if defined $seq->display_id && $seq->display_id =~ /\s/;
231 $top = $seq->display_id();
232 $top = '' unless defined $top;
233 $self->warn("No whitespace allowed in FASTA ID [". $top. "]")
234 if defined $top && $top =~ /\s/;
235 } elsif($id_type =~ /^pri/i ) {
236 $top = $seq->primary_id();
239 if ($seq->can('desc') and my $desc = $seq->desc()) {
240 $desc =~ s/\n//g;
241 $top .= " $desc";
244 if( $seq->isa('Bio::Seq::LargeSeqI') ) {
245 $self->_print(">$top\n");
246 # for large seqs, don't call seq(), it defeats the
247 # purpose of the largeseq functionality. instead get
248 # chunks of the seq, $width at a time
249 my $buff_max = 2000;
250 my $buff_size = int($buff_max/$width)*$width; #< buffer is even multiple of widths
251 my $seq_length = $seq->length;
252 my $num_chunks = int($seq_length/$buff_size+1);
253 for( my $c = 0; $c < $num_chunks; $c++ ) {
254 my $buff_end = $buff_size*($c+1);
255 $buff_end = $seq_length if $buff_end > $seq_length;
256 my $buff = $seq->subseq($buff_size*$c+1,$buff_end);
257 if($buff) {
258 format_str (\$buff);
259 $self->_print($buff);
260 } else {
261 $self->_print("\n");
264 } else {
265 my $str = $seq->seq;
266 if(defined $str && length($str) > 0) {
267 format_str (\$str);
268 } else {
269 $str = "\n";
271 $self->_print (">",$top,"\n",$str) or return;
275 $self->flush if $self->_flush_on_write && defined $self->_fh;
276 return 1;
279 =head2 width
281 Title : width
282 Usage : $obj->width($newval)
283 Function: Get/Set the line width for FASTA output (not counting whitespace).
284 Returns : value of width
285 Args : newvalue (optional)
287 =cut
289 sub width {
290 my ($self,$value) = @_;
291 if (defined $value) {
292 $self->{'width'} = $value;
294 return $self->{'width'};
297 =head2 block
299 Title : block
300 Usage : $obj->block($newval)
301 Function: Get/Set the length of each block for FASTA output. Sequence blocks
302 will be split with a space. Configuring block, to a value of 10 for
303 example, allows to easily indentify a position in a sequence by eye.
304 Default : same value used for width.
305 Returns : value of block
306 Args : newvalue (optional)
308 =cut
310 sub block {
311 my ($self,$value) = @_;
312 if (defined $value) {
313 $self->{'block'} = $value;
315 return $self->{'block'} || $self->width;
318 =head2 preferred_id_type
320 Title : preferred_id_type
321 Usage : $obj->preferred_id_type('accession')
322 Function: Get/Set the preferred type of identifier to use in the ">ID" position
323 for FASTA output.
324 Returns : string, one of values defined in @Bio::SeqIO::fasta::SEQ_ID_TYPES.
325 Default : display
326 Args : string when setting. This must be one of values defined in
327 @Bio::SeqIO::fasta::SEQ_ID_TYPES. Allowable values:
328 accession, accession.version, display, primary
329 Throws : fatal exception if the supplied id type is not in @SEQ_ID_TYPES.
331 =cut
333 our @SEQ_ID_TYPES = qw(accession accession.version display primary);
335 sub preferred_id_type {
336 my ($self,$type) = @_;
337 if (defined $type) {
338 if( ! grep lc($type) eq $_, @SEQ_ID_TYPES) {
339 $self->throw(-class=>'Bio::Root::BadParameter',
340 -text=>"Invalid ID type \"$type\". Must be one of: @SEQ_ID_TYPES");
342 $self->{'_seq_id_type'} = lc($type);
344 $self->{'_seq_id_type'};