Merge pull request #181 from bioperl/limit-dockerhub-trigger
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / DB /
2 =head1 NAME
4 Bio::DB::GFF -- Storage and retrieval of sequence annotation data
6 =head1 SYNOPSIS
8 use Bio::DB::GFF;
10 # Open the sequence database
11 my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new( -adaptor => 'dbi::mysqlopt',
12 -dsn => 'dbi:mysql:elegans');
14 # fetch a 1 megabase segment of sequence starting at landmark "ZK909"
15 my $segment = $db->segment('ZK909', 1 => 1000000);
17 # pull out all transcript features
18 my @transcripts = $segment->features('transcript');
20 # for each transcript, total the length of the introns
21 my %totals;
22 for my $t (@transcripts) {
23 my @introns = $t->Intron;
24 $totals{$t->name} += $_->length foreach @introns;
27 # Sort the exons of the first transcript by position
28 my @exons = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} $transcripts[0]->Exon;
30 # Get a region 1000 bp upstream of first exon
31 my $upstream = $exons[0]->subseq(-1000,0);
33 # get its DNA
34 my $dna = $upstream->seq;
36 # and get all curated polymorphisms inside it
37 @polymorphisms = $upstream->contained_features('polymorphism:curated');
39 # get all feature types in the database
40 my @types = $db->types;
42 # count all feature types in the segment
43 my %type_counts = $segment->types(-enumerate=>1);
45 # get an iterator on all curated features of type 'exon' or 'intron'
46 my $iterator = $db->get_seq_stream(-type => ['exon:curated','intron:curated']);
48 while (my $s = $iterator->next_seq) {
49 print $s,"\n";
52 # find all transcripts annotated as having function 'kinase'
53 my $iterator = $db->get_seq_stream(-type=>'transcript',
54 -attributes=>{Function=>'kinase'});
55 while (my $s = $iterator->next_seq) {
56 print $s,"\n";
61 Bio::DB::GFF provides fast indexed access to a sequence annotation
62 database. It supports multiple database types (ACeDB, relational),
63 and multiple schemas through a system of adaptors and aggregators.
65 The following operations are supported by this module:
67 - retrieving a segment of sequence based on the ID of a landmark
68 - retrieving the DNA from that segment
69 - finding all annotations that overlap with the segment
70 - finding all annotations that are completely contained within the
71 segment
72 - retrieving all annotations of a particular type, either within a
73 segment, or globally
74 - conversion from absolute to relative coordinates and back again,
75 using any arbitrary landmark for the relative coordinates
76 - using a sequence segment to create new segments based on relative
77 offsets
79 The data model used by Bio::DB::GFF is compatible with the GFF flat
80 file format (L<>). The module
81 can load a set of GFF files into the database, and serves objects that
82 have methods corresponding to GFF fields.
84 The objects returned by Bio::DB::GFF are compatible with the
85 SeqFeatureI interface, allowing their use by the Bio::Graphics and
86 Bio::DAS modules.
88 =head2 Auxiliary Scripts
90 The bioperl distribution includes several scripts that make it easier
91 to work with Bio::DB::GFF databases. They are located in the scripts
92 directory under a subdirectory named Bio::DB::GFF:
94 =over 4
96 =item *
100 This script will load a Bio::DB::GFF database from a flat GFF file of
101 sequence annotations. Only the relational database version of
102 Bio::DB::GFF is supported. It can be used to create the database from
103 scratch, as well as to incrementally load new data.
105 This script takes a --fasta argument to load raw DNA into the database
106 as well. However, GFF databases do not require access to the raw DNA
107 for most of their functionality.
109 also has a --upgrade option, which will perform a
110 non-destructive upgrade of older schemas to newer ones.
112 =item *
116 This script will populate a Bio::DB::GFF database from a flat GFF file
117 of sequence annotations. Only the MySQL database version of
118 Bio::DB::GFF is supported. It uses the "LOAD DATA INFILE" query in
119 order to accelerate loading considerably; however, it can only be used
120 for the initial load, and not for updates.
122 This script takes a --fasta argument to load raw DNA into the database
123 as well. However, GFF databases do not require access to the raw DNA
124 for most of their functionality.
126 =item *
130 This script is as fast as but uses Unix pipe
131 tricks to allow for incremental updates. It only supports the MySQL
132 database version of Bio::DB::GFF and is guaranteed not to work on
133 non-Unix platforms.
135 Arguments are the same as
137 =item *
141 This script will convert the GFF-like format used by the Berkeley
142 Drosophila Sequencing project into a format suitable for use with this
143 module.
145 =item *
149 This script will convert the tab-delimited feature files used by the
150 Saccharomyces Genome Database into a format suitable for use with this
151 module.
153 =back
155 =head2 GFF Fundamentals
157 The GFF format is a flat tab-delimited file, each line of which
158 corresponds to an annotation, or feature. Each line has nine columns
159 and looks like this:
161 Chr1 curated CDS 365647 365963 . + 1 Transcript "R119.7"
163 The 9 columns are as follows:
165 =over 4
167 =item 1.
169 reference sequence
171 This is the ID of the sequence that is used to establish the
172 coordinate system of the annotation. In the example above, the
173 reference sequence is "Chr1".
175 =item 2.
177 source
179 The source of the annotation. This field describes how the annotation
180 was derived. In the example above, the source is "curated" to
181 indicate that the feature is the result of human curation. The names
182 and versions of software programs are often used for the source field,
183 as in "tRNAScan-SE/1.2".
185 =item 3.
187 method
189 The annotation method. This field describes the type of the
190 annotation, such as "CDS". Together the method and source describe
191 the annotation type.
193 =item 4.
195 start position
197 The start of the annotation relative to the reference sequence.
199 =item 5.
201 stop position
203 The stop of the annotation relative to the reference sequence. Start
204 is always less than or equal to stop.
206 =item 6.
208 score
210 For annotations that are associated with a numeric score (for example,
211 a sequence similarity), this field describes the score. The score
212 units are completely unspecified, but for sequence similarities, it is
213 typically percent identity. Annotations that don't have a score can
214 use "."
216 =item 7.
218 strand
220 For those annotations which are strand-specific, this field is the
221 strand on which the annotation resides. It is "+" for the forward
222 strand, "-" for the reverse strand, or "." for annotations that are
223 not stranded.
225 =item 8.
227 phase
229 For annotations that are linked to proteins, this field describes the
230 phase of the annotation on the codons. It is a number from 0 to 2, or
231 "." for features that have no phase.
233 =item 9.
235 group
237 GFF provides a simple way of generating annotation hierarchies ("is
238 composed of" relationships) by providing a group field. The group
239 field contains the class and ID of an annotation which is the logical
240 parent of the current one. In the example given above, the group is
241 the Transcript named "R119.7".
243 The group field is also used to store information about the target of
244 sequence similarity hits, and miscellaneous notes. See the next
245 section for a description of how to describe similarity targets.
247 The format of the group fields is "Class ID" with a single space (not
248 a tab) separating the class from the ID. It is VERY IMPORTANT to
249 follow this format, or grouping will not work properly.
251 =back
253 The sequences used to establish the coordinate system for annotations
254 can correspond to sequenced clones, clone fragments, contigs or
255 super-contigs. Thus, this module can be used throughout the lifecycle
256 of a sequencing project.
258 In addition to a group ID, the GFF format allows annotations to have a
259 group class. For example, in the ACeDB representation, RNA
260 interference experiments have a class of "RNAi" and an ID that is
261 unique among the RNAi experiments. Since not all databases support
262 this notion, the class is optional in all calls to this module, and
263 defaults to "Sequence" when not provided.
265 Double-quotes are sometimes used in GFF files around components of the
266 group field. Strictly, this is only necessary if the group name or
267 class contains whitespace.
269 =head2 Making GFF files work with this module
271 Some annotations do not need to be individually named. For example,
272 it is probably not useful to assign a unique name to each ALU repeat
273 in a vertebrate genome. Others, such as predicted genes, correspond
274 to named biological objects; you probably want to be able to fetch the
275 positions of these objects by referring to them by name.
277 To accommodate named annotations, the GFF format places the object
278 class and name in the group field. The name identifies the object,
279 and the class prevents similarly-named objects, for example clones and
280 sequences, from collding.
282 A named object is shown in the following excerpt from a GFF file:
284 Chr1 curated transcript 939627 942410 . + . Transcript Y95B8A.2
286 This object is a predicted transcript named Y95BA.2. In this case,
287 the group field is used to identify the class and name of the object,
288 even though no other annotation belongs to that group.
290 It now becomes possible to retrieve the region of the genome covered
291 by transcript Y95B8A.2 using the segment() method:
293 $segment = $db->segment(-class=>'Transcript',-name=>'Y95B8A.2');
295 It is not necessary for the annotation's method to correspond to the
296 object class, although this is commonly the case.
298 As explained above, each annotation in a GFF file refers to a
299 reference sequence. It is important that each reference sequence also
300 be identified by a line in the GFF file. This allows the Bio::DB::GFF
301 module to determine the length and class of the reference sequence,
302 and makes it possible to do relative arithmetic.
304 For example, if "Chr1" is used as a reference sequence, then it should
305 have an entry in the GFF file similar to this one:
307 Chr1 assembly chromosome 1 14972282 . + . Sequence Chr1
309 This indicates that the reference sequence named "Chr1" has length
310 14972282 bp, method "chromosome" and source "assembly". In addition,
311 as indicated by the group field, Chr1 has class "Sequence" and name
312 "Chr1".
314 The object class "Sequence" is used by default when the class is not
315 specified in the segment() call. This allows you to use a shortcut
316 form of the segment() method:
318 $segment = $db->segment('Chr1'); # whole chromosome
319 $segment = $db->segment('Chr1',1=>1000); # first 1000 bp
321 For your convenience, if, during loading a GFF file, Bio::DB::GFF
322 encounters a line like the following:
324 ##sequence-region Chr1 1 14972282
326 It will automatically generate the following entry:
328 Chr1 reference Component 1 14972282 . + . Sequence Chr1
330 This is sufficient to use Chr1 as a reference point.
331 The ##sequence-region line is frequently found in the GFF files
332 distributed by annotation groups.
334 =head2 Specifying the group tag
336 A frequent problem with GFF files is the problem distinguishing
337 which of the several tag/value pairs in the 9th column is the grouping
338 pair. Ordinarily the first tag will be used for grouping, but some
339 GFF manipulating tools do not preserve the order of attributes. To
340 eliminate this ambiguity, this module provides two ways of explicitly
341 specifying which tag to group on:
343 =over 4
345 =item *
347 Using -preferred_groups
349 When you create a Bio::DB::GFF object, pass it a -preferred_groups=E<gt>
350 argument. This specifies a tag that will be used for grouping. You
351 can pass an array reference to specify a list of such tags.
353 =item *
355 In the GFF header
357 The GFF file itself can specify which tags are to be used for
358 grouping. Insert a comment like the following:
360 ##group-tags Accession Locus
362 This says to use the Accession tag for grouping. If it is not
363 available, use the Locus tag. If neither tag is available, use the
364 first pair to appear.
366 =back
368 These options only apply when B<loading> a GFF file into the database,
369 and have no effect on existing databases.
371 The group-tags comment in the GFF file will *override* the preferred
372 groups set when you create the Bio::DB::GFF object.
374 For backward compatibility, the tags Sequence and Transcript are
375 always treated as grouping tags unless preferred_tags are specified.
376 The "Target" tag is always used for grouping regardless of the
377 preferred_groups() setting, and the tags "tstart", "tend" and "Note"
378 cannot be used for grouping. These are historical artefacts coming
379 from various interpretations of GFF2, and cannot be changed.
381 =head2 Sequence alignments
383 There are two cases in which an annotation indicates the relationship
384 between two sequences. The first case is a similarity hit, where the
385 annotation indicates an alignment. The second case is a map assembly,
386 in which the annotation indicates that a portion of a larger sequence
387 is built up from one or more smaller ones.
389 Both cases are indicated by using the B<Target> tag in the group
390 field. For example, a typical similarity hit will look like this:
392 Chr1 BLASTX similarity 76953 77108 132 + 0 Target Protein:SW:ABL_DROME 493 544
394 The group field contains the Target tag, followed by an identifier for
395 the biological object referred to. The GFF format uses the notation
396 I<Class>:I<Name> for the biological object, and even though this is
397 stylistically inconsistent, that's the way it's done. The object
398 identifier is followed by two integers indicating the start and stop
399 of the alignment on the target sequence.
401 Unlike the main start and stop columns, it is possible for the target
402 start to be greater than the target end. The previous example
403 indicates that the the section of Chr1 from 76,953 to 77,108 aligns to
404 the protein SW:ABL_DROME starting at position 493 and extending to
405 position 544.
407 A similar notation is used for sequence assembly information as shown
408 in this example:
410 Chr1 assembly Link 10922906 11177731 . . . Target Sequence:LINK_H06O01 1 254826
411 LINK_H06O01 assembly Cosmid 32386 64122 . . . Target Sequence:F49B2 6 31742
413 This indicates that the region between bases 10922906 and 11177731 of
414 Chr1 are composed of LINK_H06O01 from bp 1 to bp 254826. The region
415 of LINK_H0601 between 32386 and 64122 is, in turn, composed of the
416 bases 5 to 31742 of cosmid F49B2.
418 =head2 Attributes
420 While not intended to serve as a general-purpose sequence database
421 (see bioperl-db for that), GFF allows you to tag features with
422 arbitrary attributes. Attributes appear in the Group field following
423 the initial class/name pair. For example:
425 Chr1 cur trans 939 942 . + . Transcript Y95B8A.2 ; Gene sma-3 ; Alias sma3
427 This line tags the feature named Transcript Y95B8A.2 as being "Gene"
428 named sma-3 and having the Alias "sma3". Features having these
429 attributes can be looked up using the fetch_feature_by_attribute() method.
431 Two attributes have special meaning: "Note" is for backward
432 compatibility and is used for unstructured text remarks. "Alias" is
433 considered as a synonym for the feature name and will be consulted
434 when looking up a feature by its name.
436 =head2 Adaptors and Aggregators
438 This module uses a system of adaptors and aggregators in order to make
439 it adaptable to use with a variety of databases.
441 =over 4
443 =item *
445 Adaptors
447 The core of the module handles the user API, annotation coordinate
448 arithmetic, and other common issues. The details of fetching
449 information from databases is handled by an adaptor, which is
450 specified during Bio::DB::GFF construction. The adaptor encapsulates
451 database-specific information such as the schema, user authentication
452 and access methods.
454 There are currently five adaptors recommended for general use:
456 Adaptor Name Description
457 ------------ -----------
459 memory A simple in-memory database suitable for testing
460 and small data sets.
462 berkeleydb An indexed file database based on the DB_File module,
463 suitable for medium-sized read-only data sets.
465 dbi::mysql An interface to a schema implemented in the Mysql
466 relational database management system.
468 dbi::oracle An interface to a schema implemented in the Oracle
469 relational database management system.
471 dbi::pg An interface to a schema implemented in the PostgreSQL
472 relational database management system.
474 Check the Bio/DB/GFF/Adaptor directory and subdirectories for other,
475 more specialized adaptors, as well as experimental ones.
477 =item *
479 Aggregators
481 The GFF format uses a "group" field to indicate aggregation properties
482 of individual features. For example, a set of exons and introns may
483 share a common transcript group, and multiple transcripts may share
484 the same gene group.
486 Aggregators are small modules that use the group information to
487 rebuild the hierarchy. When a Bio::DB::GFF object is created, you
488 indicate that it use a set of one or more aggregators. Each
489 aggregator provides a new composite annotation type. Before the
490 database query is generated each aggregator is called to
491 "disaggregate" its annotation type into list of component types
492 contained in the database. After the query is generated, each
493 aggregator is called again in order to build composite annotations
494 from the returned components.
496 For example, during disaggregation, the standard
497 "processed_transcript" aggregator generates a list of component
498 feature types including "UTR", "CDS", and "polyA_site". Later, it
499 aggregates these features into a set of annotations of type
500 "processed_transcript".
502 During aggregation, the list of aggregators is called in reverse
503 order. This allows aggregators to collaborate to create multi-level
504 structures: the transcript aggregator assembles transcripts from
505 introns and exons; the gene aggregator then assembles genes from sets
506 of transcripts.
508 Three default aggregators are provided:
510 transcript assembles transcripts from features of type
511 exon, CDS, 5'UTR, 3'UTR, TSS, and PolyA
512 clone assembles clones from Clone_left_end, Clone_right_end
513 and Sequence features.
514 alignment assembles gapped alignments from features of type
515 "similarity".
517 In addition, this module provides the optional "wormbase_gene"
518 aggregator, which accommodates the WormBase representation of genes.
519 This aggregator aggregates features of method "exon", "CDS", "5'UTR",
520 "3'UTR", "polyA" and "TSS" into a single object. It also expects to
521 find a single feature of type "Sequence" that spans the entire gene.
523 The existing aggregators are easily customized.
525 Note that aggregation will not occur unless you specifically request
526 the aggregation type. For example, this call:
528 @features = $segment->features('alignment');
530 will generate an array of aggregated alignment features. However,
531 this call:
533 @features = $segment->features();
535 will return a list of unaggregated similarity segments.
537 For more informnation, see the manual pages for
538 Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator::processed_transcript, Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator::clone,
539 etc.
541 =back
543 =head2 Loading GFF3 Files
545 This module will accept GFF3 files, as described at
546 However, the implementation
547 has some limitations.
549 =over 4
551 =item GFF version string is required
553 The GFF file B<must> contain the version comment:
555 ##gff-version 3
557 Unless this version string is present at the top of the GFF file, the
558 loader will attempt to parse the file in GFF2 format, with
559 less-than-desirable results.
561 =item Only one level of nesting allowed
563 A major restriction is that Bio::DB::GFF only allows one level of
564 nesting of features. For nesting, the Target tag will be used
565 preferentially followed by the ID tag, followed by the Parent tag.
566 This means that if genes are represented like this:
569 XXXX XXXX mRNA XXXX XXXX XXXX ID=myTranscript;Parent=myGene
570 XXXX XXXX exon XXXX XXXX XXXX Parent=myTranscript
571 XXXX XXXX exon XXXX XXXX XXXX Parent=myTranscript
573 Then there will be one group called myGene containing the "gene"
574 feature and one group called myTranscript containing the mRNA, and two
575 exons.
577 You can work around this restriction to some extent by using the Alias
578 attribute literally:
581 XXXX XXXX mRNA XXXX XXXX XXXX ID=myTranscript;Parent=myGene;Alias=myGene
582 XXXX XXXX exon XXXX XXXX XXXX Parent=myTranscript;Alias=myGene
583 XXXX XXXX exon XXXX XXXX XXXX Parent=myTranscript;Alias=myGene
585 This limitation will be corrected in the next version of Bio::DB::GFF.
587 =back
589 =head1 API
591 The following is the API for Bio::DB::GFF.
593 =cut
595 package Bio::DB::GFF;
597 use strict;
599 use IO::File;
600 use File::Glob ':glob';
601 use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange;
602 use Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment;
603 use Bio::DB::GFF::Feature;
604 use Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator;
606 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::DasI);
608 my %valid_range_types = (overlaps => 1,
609 contains => 1,
610 contained_in => 1);
612 =head1 Querying GFF Databases
614 =head2 new
616 Title : new
617 Usage : my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(@args);
618 Function: create a new Bio::DB::GFF object
619 Returns : new Bio::DB::GFF object
620 Args : lists of adaptors and aggregators
621 Status : Public
623 These are the arguments:
625 -adaptor Name of the adaptor module to use. If none
626 provided, defaults to "dbi::mysqlopt".
628 -aggregator Array reference to a list of aggregators
629 to apply to the database. If none provided,
630 defaults to ['processed_transcript','alignment'].
632 -preferred_groups When interpreteting the 9th column of a GFF2 file,
633 the indicated group names will have preference over
634 other attributes, even if they do not come first in
635 the list of attributes. This can be a scalar value
636 or an array reference.
638 <other> Any other named argument pairs are passed to
639 the adaptor for processing.
641 The adaptor argument must correspond to a module contained within the
642 Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor namespace. For example, the
643 Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::mysql adaptor is loaded by specifying
644 'dbi::mysql'. By Perl convention, the adaptors names are lower case
645 because they are loaded at run time.
647 The aggregator array may contain a list of aggregator names, a list of
648 initialized aggregator objects, or a string in the form
649 "aggregator_name{subpart1,subpart2,subpart3/main_method}" (the
650 "/main_method" part is optional, but if present a feature with the
651 main_method must be present in order for aggregation to occur). For
652 example, if you wish to change the components aggregated by the
653 transcript aggregator, you could pass it to the GFF constructor this
654 way:
656 my $transcript =
657 Bio::DB::Aggregator::transcript->new(-sub_parts=>[qw(exon intron utr
658 polyA spliced_leader)]);
660 my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(-aggregator=>[$transcript,'clone','alignment],
661 -adaptor => 'dbi::mysql',
662 -dsn => 'dbi:mysql:elegans42');
664 Alternatively, you could create an entirely new transcript aggregator
665 this way:
667 my $new_agg = 'transcript{exon,intron,utr,polyA,spliced_leader}';
668 my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(-aggregator=>[$new_agg,'clone','alignment],
669 -adaptor => 'dbi::mysql',
670 -dsn => 'dbi:mysql:elegans42');
672 See L<Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator> for more details.
674 The B<-preferred_groups> argument is used to change the default
675 processing of the 9th column of GFF version 2 files. By default, the
676 first tag/value pair is used to establish the group class and name.
677 If you pass -preferred_groups a scalar, the parser will look for a tag
678 of the indicated type and use it as the group even if it is not first
679 in the file. If you pass this argument a list of group classes as an
680 array ref, then the list will establish the precedence for searching.
682 The commonly used 'dbi::mysql' adaptor recognizes the following
683 adaptor-specific arguments:
685 Argument Description
686 -------- -----------
688 -dsn the DBI data source, e.g. 'dbi:mysql:ens0040'
689 If a partial name is given, such as "ens0040", the
690 "dbi:mysql:" prefix will be added automatically.
692 -user username for authentication
694 -pass the password for authentication
696 -refclass landmark Class; defaults to "Sequence"
699 The commonly used 'dbi::mysqlopt' adaptor also recogizes the following
700 arguments.
702 Argument Description
703 -------- -----------
705 -fasta path to a directory containing FASTA files for the DNA
706 contained in this database (e.g. "/usr/local/share/fasta")
708 -acedb an acedb URL to use when converting features into ACEDB
709 objects (e.g. sace://localhost:2005)
711 =cut
715 sub new {
716 my $package = shift;
717 my ($adaptor,$aggregators,$args,$refclass,$preferred_groups);
719 if (@_ == 1) { # special case, default to dbi::mysqlopt
720 $adaptor = 'dbi::mysqlopt';
721 $args = {DSN => shift};
722 } else {
723 ($adaptor,$aggregators,$refclass,$preferred_groups,$args) = rearrange([
728 ],@_);
731 $adaptor ||= 'dbi::mysqlopt';
732 my $class = "Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::\L${adaptor}\E";
733 unless ($class->can('new')) {
734 eval "require $class;1;" or $package->throw("Unable to load $adaptor adaptor: $@");
737 # this hack saves the memory adaptor, which loads the GFF file in new()
738 $args->{PREFERRED_GROUPS} = $preferred_groups if defined $preferred_groups;
740 my $self = $class->new($args);
742 # handle preferred groups
743 $self->preferred_groups($preferred_groups) if defined $preferred_groups;
744 $self->default_class($refclass || 'Sequence');
746 # handle the aggregators.
747 # aggregators are responsible for creating complex multi-part features
748 # from the GFF "group" field. If none are provided, then we provide a
749 # list of the two used in WormBase.
750 # Each aggregator can be a scalar or a ref. In the former case
751 # it is treated as a class name to call new() on. In the latter
752 # the aggreator is treated as a ready made object.
753 $aggregators = $self->default_aggregators unless defined $aggregators;
754 my @a = ref($aggregators) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$aggregators : $aggregators;
755 for my $a (@a) {
756 $self->add_aggregator($a);
759 # default settings go here.....
760 $self->automerge(1); # set automerge to true
762 $self;
766 =head2 types
768 Title : types
769 Usage : $db->types(@args)
770 Function: return list of feature types in range or database
771 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Typename objects
772 Args : see below
773 Status : public
775 This routine returns a list of feature types known to the database.
776 The list can be database-wide or restricted to a region. It is also
777 possible to find out how many times each feature occurs.
779 For range queries, it is usually more convenient to create a
780 Bio::DB::GFF::Segment object, and then invoke it's types() method.
782 Arguments are as follows:
784 -ref ID of reference sequence
785 -class class of reference sequence
786 -start start of segment
787 -stop stop of segment
788 -enumerate if true, count the features
790 The returned value will be a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Typename objects,
791 which if evaluated in a string context will return the feature type in
792 "method:source" format. This object class also has method() and
793 source() methods for retrieving the like-named fields.
795 If -enumerate is true, then the function returns a hash (not a hash
796 reference) in which the keys are type names in "method:source" format
797 and the values are the number of times each feature appears in the
798 database or segment.
800 The argument -end is a synonum for -stop, and -count is a synonym for
801 -enumerate.
803 =cut
805 sub types {
806 my $self = shift;
807 my ($refseq,$start,$stop,$enumerate,$refclass,$types) = rearrange ([
808 [qw(REF REFSEQ)],
809 qw(START),
810 [qw(STOP END)],
813 [qw(TYPE TYPES)],
814 ],@_);
815 $types = $self->parse_types($types) if defined $types;
816 $self->get_types($refseq,$refclass,$start,$stop,$enumerate,$types);
819 =head2 classes
821 Title : classes
822 Usage : $db->classes
823 Function: return list of landmark classes in database
824 Returns : a list of classes
825 Args : none
826 Status : public
828 This routine returns the list of reference classes known to the
829 database, or empty if classes are not used by the database. Classes
830 are distinct from types, being essentially qualifiers on the reference
831 namespaces.
833 =cut
835 sub classes {
836 my $self = shift;
837 return ();
840 =head2 segment
842 Title : segment
843 Usage : $db->segment(@args);
844 Function: create a segment object
845 Returns : segment object(s)
846 Args : numerous, see below
847 Status : public
849 This method generates a segment object, which is a Perl object
850 subclassed from Bio::DB::GFF::Segment. The segment can be used to
851 find overlapping features and the raw DNA.
853 When making the segment() call, you specify the ID of a sequence
854 landmark (e.g. an accession number, a clone or contig), and a
855 positional range relative to the landmark. If no range is specified,
856 then the entire extent of the landmark is used to generate the
857 segment.
859 You may also provide the ID of a "reference" sequence, which will set
860 the coordinate system and orientation used for all features contained
861 within the segment. The reference sequence can be changed later. If
862 no reference sequence is provided, then the coordinate system is based
863 on the landmark.
865 Arguments:
867 -name ID of the landmark sequence.
869 -class Database object class for the landmark sequence.
870 "Sequence" assumed if not specified. This is
871 irrelevant for databases which do not recognize
872 object classes.
874 -start Start of the segment relative to landmark. Positions
875 follow standard 1-based sequence rules. If not specified,
876 defaults to the beginning of the landmark.
878 -end Stop of the segment relative to the landmark. If not specified,
879 defaults to the end of the landmark.
881 -stop Same as -end.
883 -offset For those who prefer 0-based indexing, the offset specifies the
884 position of the new segment relative to the start of the landmark.
886 -length For those who prefer 0-based indexing, the length specifies the
887 length of the new segment.
889 -refseq Specifies the ID of the reference landmark used to establish the
890 coordinate system for the newly-created segment.
892 -refclass Specifies the class of the reference landmark, for those databases
893 that distinguish different object classes. Defaults to "Sequence".
895 -absolute
896 Return features in absolute coordinates rather than relative to the
897 parent segment.
899 -nocheck Don't check the database for the coordinates and length of this
900 feature. Construct a segment using the indicated name as the
901 reference, a start coordinate of 1, an undefined end coordinate,
902 and a strand of +1.
904 -force Same as -nocheck.
906 -seq,-sequence,-sourceseq Aliases for -name.
908 -begin,-end Aliases for -start and -stop
910 -off,-len Aliases for -offset and -length
912 -seqclass Alias for -class
914 Here's an example to explain how this works:
916 my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(-dsn => 'dbi:mysql:human',-adaptor=>'dbi::mysql');
918 If successful, $db will now hold the database accessor object. We now
919 try to fetch the fragment of sequence whose ID is A0000182 and class
920 is "Accession."
922 my $segment = $db->segment(-name=>'A0000182',-class=>'Accession');
924 If successful, $segment now holds the entire segment corresponding to
925 this accession number. By default, the sequence is used as its own
926 reference sequence, so its first base will be 1 and its last base will
927 be the length of the accession.
929 Assuming that this sequence belongs to a longer stretch of DNA, say a
930 contig, we can fetch this information like so:
932 my $sourceseq = $segment->sourceseq;
934 and find the start and stop on the source like this:
936 my $start = $segment->abs_start;
937 my $stop = $segment->abs_stop;
939 If we had another segment, say $s2, which is on the same contiguous
940 piece of DNA, we can pass that to the refseq() method in order to
941 establish it as the coordinate reference point:
943 $segment->refseq($s2);
945 Now calling start() will return the start of the segment relative to
946 the beginning of $s2, accounting for differences in strandedness:
948 my $rel_start = $segment->start;
950 IMPORTANT NOTE: This method can be used to return the segment spanned
951 by an arbitrary named annotation. However, if the annotation appears
952 at multiple locations on the genome, for example an EST that maps to
953 multiple locations, then, provided that all locations reside on the
954 same physical segment, the method will return a segment that spans the
955 minimum and maximum positions. If the reference sequence occupies
956 ranges on different physical segments, then it returns them all in an
957 array context, and raises a "multiple segment exception" exception in
958 a scalar context.
960 =cut
964 sub segment {
965 my $self = shift;
966 my @segments = Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment->new(-factory => $self,
967 $self->setup_segment_args(@_));
968 foreach (@segments) {
969 $_->absolute(1) if $self->absolute;
972 $self->_multiple_return_args(@segments);
975 sub _multiple_return_args {
976 my $self = shift;
977 my @args = @_;
978 if (@args == 0) {
979 return;
980 } elsif (@args == 1) {
981 return $args[0];
982 } elsif (wantarray) { # more than one reference sequence
983 return @args;
984 } else {
985 $self->error($args[0]->name,
986 " has more than one reference sequence in database. Please call in a list context to retrieve them all.");
987 $self->throw('multiple segment exception');
988 return;
993 # backward compatibility -- don't use!
994 # (deliberately undocumented too)
995 sub abs_segment {
996 my $self = shift;
997 return $self->segment($self->setup_segment_args(@_),-absolute=>1);
1000 sub setup_segment_args {
1001 my $self = shift;
1002 return @_ if defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^-/;
1003 return (-name=>$_[0],-start=>$_[1],-stop=>$_[2]) if @_ == 3;
1004 return (-class=>$_[0],-name=>$_[1]) if @_ == 2;
1005 return (-name=>$_[0]) if @_ == 1;
1008 =head2 features
1010 Title : features
1011 Usage : $db->features(@args)
1012 Function: get all features, possibly filtered by type
1013 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
1014 Args : see below
1015 Status : public
1017 This routine will retrieve features in the database regardless of
1018 position. It can be used to return all features, or a subset based on
1019 their method and source.
1021 Arguments are as follows:
1023 -types List of feature types to return. Argument is an array
1024 reference containing strings of the format "method:source"
1026 -merge Whether to apply aggregators to the generated features.
1028 -rare Turn on optimizations suitable for a relatively rare feature type,
1029 where it makes more sense to filter by feature type first,
1030 and then by position.
1032 -attributes A hash reference containing attributes to match.
1034 -iterator Whether to return an iterator across the features.
1036 -binsize A true value will create a set of artificial features whose
1037 start and stop positions indicate bins of the given size, and
1038 whose scores are the number of features in the bin. The
1039 class and method of the feature will be set to "bin",
1040 its source to "method:source", and its group to "bin:method:source".
1041 This is a handy way of generating histograms of feature density.
1043 If -iterator is true, then the method returns a single scalar value
1044 consisting of a Bio::SeqIO object. You can call next_seq() repeatedly
1045 on this object to fetch each of the features in turn. If iterator is
1046 false or absent, then all the features are returned as a list.
1048 Currently aggregation is disabled when iterating over a series of
1049 features.
1051 Types are indicated using the nomenclature "method:source". Either of
1052 these fields can be omitted, in which case a wildcard is used for the
1053 missing field. Type names without the colon (e.g. "exon") are
1054 interpreted as the method name and a source wild card. Regular
1055 expressions are allowed in either field, as in: "similarity:BLAST.*".
1057 The -attributes argument is a hashref containing one or more attributes
1058 to match against:
1060 -attributes => { Gene => 'abc-1',
1061 Note => 'confirmed' }
1063 Attribute matching is simple string matching, and multiple attributes
1064 are ANDed together.
1066 =cut
1068 sub features {
1069 my $self = shift;
1070 my ($types,$automerge,$sparse,$iterator,$refseq,$start,$end,$other);
1071 if (defined $_[0] &&
1072 $_[0] =~ /^-/) {
1073 ($types,$automerge,$sparse,$iterator,
1074 $refseq,$start,$end,
1075 $other) = rearrange([
1076 [qw(TYPE TYPES)],
1078 [qw(RARE SPARSE)],
1079 'ITERATOR',
1080 [qw(REFSEQ SEQ_ID)],
1081 'START',
1082 [qw(STOP END)],
1083 ],@_);
1084 } else {
1085 $types = \@_;
1088 # for whole database retrievals, we probably don't want to automerge!
1089 $automerge = $self->automerge unless defined $automerge;
1090 $other ||= {};
1091 $self->_features({
1092 rangetype => $refseq ? 'overlaps' : 'contains',
1093 types => $types,
1094 refseq => $refseq,
1095 start => $start,
1096 stop => $end,
1098 { sparse => $sparse,
1099 automerge => $automerge,
1100 iterator =>$iterator,
1101 %$other,
1106 =head2 get_seq_stream
1108 Title : get_seq_stream
1109 Usage : my $seqio = $self->get_seq_sream(@args)
1110 Function: Performs a query and returns an iterator over it
1111 Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream capable of producing sequence
1112 Args : As in features()
1113 Status : public
1115 This routine takes the same arguments as features(), but returns a
1116 Bio::SeqIO::Stream-compliant object. Use it like this:
1118 $stream = $db->get_seq_stream('exon');
1119 while (my $exon = $stream->next_seq) {
1120 print $exon,"\n";
1123 NOTE: This is also called get_feature_stream(), since that's what it
1124 really does.
1126 =cut
1128 sub get_seq_stream {
1129 my $self = shift;
1130 my @args = !defined($_[0]) || $_[0] =~ /^-/ ? (@_,-iterator=>1)
1131 : (-types=>\@_,-iterator=>1);
1132 $self->features(@args);
1135 *get_feature_stream = \&get_seq_stream;
1137 =head2 get_feature_by_name
1139 Title : get_feature_by_name
1140 Usage : $db->get_feature_by_name($class => $name)
1141 Function: fetch features by their name
1142 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
1143 Args : the class and name of the desired feature
1144 Status : public
1146 This method can be used to fetch a named feature from the database.
1147 GFF annotations are named using the group class and name fields, so
1148 for features that belong to a group of size one, this method can be
1149 used to retrieve that group (and is equivalent to the segment()
1150 method). Any Alias attributes are also searched for matching names.
1152 An alternative syntax allows you to search for features by name within
1153 a circumscribed region:
1155 @f = $db->get_feature_by_name(-class => $class,-name=>$name,
1156 -ref => $sequence_name,
1157 -start => $start,
1158 -end => $end);
1160 This method may return zero, one, or several Bio::DB::GFF::Feature
1161 objects.
1163 Aggregation is performed on features as usual.
1165 NOTE: At various times, this function was called fetch_group(),
1166 fetch_feature(), fetch_feature_by_name() and segments(). These names
1167 are preserved for backward compatibility.
1169 =cut
1171 sub get_feature_by_name {
1172 my $self = shift;
1173 my ($gclass,$gname,$automerge,$ref,$start,$end);
1174 if (@_ == 1) {
1175 $gclass = $self->default_class;
1176 $gname = shift;
1177 } else {
1178 ($gclass,$gname,$automerge,$ref,$start,$end) = rearrange(['CLASS','NAME','AUTOMERGE',
1179 ['REF','REFSEQ'],
1180 'START',['STOP','END']
1181 ],@_);
1182 $gclass ||= $self->default_class;
1184 $automerge = $self->automerge unless defined $automerge;
1186 # we need to refactor this... It's repeated code (see below)...
1187 my @aggregators;
1188 if ($automerge) {
1189 for my $a ($self->aggregators) {
1190 push @aggregators,$a if $a->disaggregate([],$self);
1194 my %groups; # cache the groups we create to avoid consuming too much unecessary memory
1195 my $features = [];
1196 my $callback = sub { push @$features,$self->make_feature(undef,\%groups,@_) };
1197 my $location = [$ref,$start,$end] if defined $ref;
1198 $self->_feature_by_name($gclass,$gname,$location,$callback);
1200 warn "aggregating...\n" if $self->debug;
1201 foreach my $a (@aggregators) { # last aggregator gets first shot
1202 $a->aggregate($features,$self) or next;
1205 @$features;
1208 # horrible indecision regarding proper names!
1209 *fetch_group = *fetch_feature = *fetch_feature_by_name = \&get_feature_by_name;
1210 *segments = \&segment;
1212 =head2 get_feature_by_target
1214 Title : get_feature_by_target
1215 Usage : $db->get_feature_by_target($class => $name)
1216 Function: fetch features by their similarity target
1217 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
1218 Args : the class and name of the desired feature
1219 Status : public
1221 This method can be used to fetch a named feature from the database
1222 based on its similarity hit.
1224 =cut
1226 sub get_feature_by_target {
1227 shift->get_feature_by_name(@_);
1230 =head2 get_feature_by_attribute
1232 Title : get_feature_by_attribute
1233 Usage : $db->get_feature_by_attribute(attribute1=>value1,attribute2=>value2)
1234 Function: fetch segments by combinations of attribute values
1235 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
1236 Args : the class and name of the desired feature
1237 Status : public
1239 This method can be used to fetch a set of features from the database.
1240 Attributes are a list of name=E<gt>value pairs. They will be logically
1241 ANDED together.
1243 =cut
1245 sub get_feature_by_attribute {
1246 my $self = shift;
1247 my %attributes = ref($_[0]) ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
1249 # we need to refactor this... It's repeated code (see above)...
1250 my @aggregators;
1251 if ($self->automerge) {
1252 for my $a ($self->aggregators) {
1253 unshift @aggregators,$a if $a->disaggregate([],$self);
1257 my %groups; # cache the groups we create to avoid consuming too much unecessary memory
1258 my $features = [];
1259 my $callback = sub { push @$features,$self->make_feature(undef,\%groups,@_) };
1260 $self->_feature_by_attribute(\%attributes,$callback);
1262 warn "aggregating...\n" if $self->debug;
1263 foreach my $a (@aggregators) { # last aggregator gets first shot
1264 $a->aggregate($features,$self) or next;
1267 @$features;
1270 # more indecision...
1271 *fetch_feature_by_attribute = \&get_feature_by_attribute;
1273 =head2 get_feature_by_id
1275 Title : get_feature_by_id
1276 Usage : $db->get_feature_by_id($id)
1277 Function: fetch segments by feature ID
1278 Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object
1279 Args : the feature ID
1280 Status : public
1282 This method can be used to fetch a feature from the database using its
1283 ID. Not all GFF databases support IDs, so be careful with this.
1285 =cut
1287 sub get_feature_by_id {
1288 my $self = shift;
1289 my $id = ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : \@_;
1290 my %groups; # cache the groups we create to avoid consuming too much unecessary memory
1291 my $features = [];
1292 my $callback = sub { push @$features,$self->make_feature(undef,\%groups,@_) };
1293 $self->_feature_by_id($id,'feature',$callback);
1294 return wantarray ? @$features : $features->[0];
1296 *fetch_feature_by_id = \&get_feature_by_id;
1298 =head2 get_feature_by_gid
1300 Title : get_feature_by_gid
1301 Usage : $db->get_feature_by_gid($id)
1302 Function: fetch segments by feature ID
1303 Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object
1304 Args : the feature ID
1305 Status : public
1307 This method can be used to fetch a feature from the database using its
1308 group ID. Not all GFF databases support IDs, so be careful with this.
1310 The group ID is often more interesting than the feature ID, since
1311 groups can be complex objects containing subobjects.
1313 =cut
1315 sub get_feature_by_gid {
1316 my $self = shift;
1317 my $id = ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : \@_;
1318 my %groups; # cache the groups we create to avoid consuming too much unecessary memory
1319 my $features = [];
1320 my $callback = sub { push @$features,$self->make_feature(undef,\%groups,@_) };
1321 $self->_feature_by_id($id,'group',$callback);
1322 return wantarray ? @$features : $features->[0];
1324 *fetch_feature_by_gid = \&get_feature_by_gid;
1326 =head2 delete_fattribute_to_features
1328 Title : delete_fattribute_to_features
1329 Usage : $db->delete_fattribute_to_features(@ids_or_features)
1330 Function: delete one or more fattribute_to_features
1331 Returns : count of fattribute_to_features deleted
1332 Args : list of features or feature ids
1333 Status : public
1335 Pass this method a list of numeric feature ids or a set of features.
1336 It will attempt to remove the fattribute_to_features rows of those features
1337 from the database and return a count of the rows removed.
1339 NOTE: This method is also called delete_fattribute_to_feature(). Also see
1340 delete_groups() and delete_features().
1342 =cut
1344 *delete_fattribute_to_feature = \&delete_fattribute_to_features;
1346 sub delete_fattribute_to_features {
1347 my $self = shift;
1348 my @features_or_ids = @_;
1349 my @ids = map {UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Bio::DB::GFF::Feature') ? $_->id : $_} @features_or_ids;
1350 return unless @ids;
1351 $self->_delete_fattribute_to_features(@ids);
1354 =head2 delete_features
1356 Title : delete_features
1357 Usage : $db->delete_features(@ids_or_features)
1358 Function: delete one or more features
1359 Returns : count of features deleted
1360 Args : list of features or feature ids
1361 Status : public
1363 Pass this method a list of numeric feature ids or a set of features.
1364 It will attempt to remove the features from the database and return a
1365 count of the features removed.
1367 NOTE: This method is also called delete_feature(). Also see
1368 delete_groups().
1370 =cut
1372 *delete_feature = \&delete_features;
1374 sub delete_features {
1375 my $self = shift;
1376 my @features_or_ids = @_;
1377 my @ids = map {UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Bio::DB::GFF::Feature') ? $_->id : $_} @features_or_ids;
1378 return unless @ids;
1379 $self->_delete_features(@ids);
1382 =head2 delete_groups
1384 Title : delete_groups
1385 Usage : $db->delete_groups(@ids_or_features)
1386 Function: delete one or more feature groups
1387 Returns : count of features deleted
1388 Args : list of features or feature group ids
1389 Status : public
1391 Pass this method a list of numeric group ids or a set of features. It
1392 will attempt to recursively remove the features and ALL members of
1393 their group from the database. It returns a count of the number of
1394 features (not groups) returned.
1396 NOTE: This method is also called delete_group(). Also see
1397 delete_features().
1399 =cut
1401 *delete_group = \&delete_groupss;
1403 sub delete_groups {
1404 my $self = shift;
1405 my @features_or_ids = @_;
1406 my @ids = map {UNIVERSAL::isa($_,'Bio::DB::GFF::Feature') ? $_->group_id : $_} @features_or_ids;
1407 return unless @ids;
1408 $self->_delete_groups(@ids);
1411 =head2 delete
1413 Title : delete
1414 Usage : $db->delete(@args)
1415 Function: delete features
1416 Returns : count of features deleted -- if available
1417 Args : numerous, see below
1418 Status : public
1420 This method deletes all features that overlap the specified region or
1421 are of a particular type. If no arguments are provided and the -force
1422 argument is true, then deletes ALL features.
1424 Arguments:
1426 -name ID of the landmark sequence.
1428 -ref ID of the landmark sequence (synonym for -name).
1430 -class Database object class for the landmark sequence.
1431 "Sequence" assumed if not specified. This is
1432 irrelevant for databases which do not recognize
1433 object classes.
1435 -start Start of the segment relative to landmark. Positions
1436 follow standard 1-based sequence rules. If not specified,
1437 defaults to the beginning of the landmark.
1439 -end Stop of the segment relative to the landmark. If not specified,
1440 defaults to the end of the landmark.
1442 -offset Zero-based addressing
1444 -length Length of region
1446 -type,-types Either a single scalar type to be deleted, or an
1447 reference to an array of types.
1449 -force Force operation to be performed even if it would delete
1450 entire feature table.
1452 -range_type Control the range type of the deletion. One of "overlaps" (default)
1453 "contains" or "contained_in"
1455 Examples:
1457 $db->delete(-type=>['intron','repeat:repeatMasker']); # remove all introns & repeats
1458 $db->delete(-name=>'chr3',-start=>1,-end=>1000); # remove annotations on chr3 from 1 to 1000
1459 $db->delete(-name=>'chr3',-type=>'exon'); # remove all exons on chr3
1461 The short form of this call, as described in segment() is also allowed:
1463 $db->delete("chr3",1=>1000);
1464 $db->delete("chr3");
1466 IMPORTANT NOTE: This method only deletes features. It does *NOT*
1467 delete the names of groups that contain the deleted features. Group
1468 IDs will be reused if you later load a feature with the same group
1469 name as one that was previously deleted.
1471 NOTE ON FEATURE COUNTS: The DBI-based versions of this call return the
1472 result code from the SQL DELETE operation. Some dbd drivers return the
1473 count of rows deleted, while others return 0E0. Caveat emptor.
1475 =cut
1477 sub delete {
1478 my $self = shift;
1479 my @args = $self->setup_segment_args(@_);
1480 my ($name,$class,$start,$end,$offset,$length,$type,$force,$range_type) =
1481 rearrange([['NAME','REF'],'CLASS','START',[qw(END STOP)],'OFFSET',
1482 'LENGTH',[qw(TYPE TYPES)],'FORCE','RANGE_TYPE'],@args);
1483 $offset = 0 unless defined $offset;
1484 $start = $offset+1 unless defined $start;
1485 $end = $start+$length-1 if !defined $end and $length;
1486 $class ||= $self->default_class;
1488 my $types = $self->parse_types($type); # parse out list of types
1490 $range_type ||= 'overlaps';
1491 $self->throw("range type must be one of {".
1492 join(',',keys %valid_range_types).
1493 "}\n")
1494 unless $valid_range_types{lc $range_type};
1497 my @segments;
1498 if (defined $name && $name ne '') {
1499 my @args = (-name=>$name,-class=>$class);
1500 push @args,(-start=>$start) if defined $start;
1501 push @args,(-end =>$end) if defined $end;
1502 @segments = $self->segment(@args);
1503 return unless @segments;
1505 $self->_delete({segments => \@segments,
1506 types => $types,
1507 range_type => $range_type,
1508 force => $force}
1512 =head2 absolute
1514 Title : absolute
1515 Usage : $abs = $db->absolute([$abs]);
1516 Function: gets/sets absolute mode
1517 Returns : current setting of absolute mode boolean
1518 Args : new setting for absolute mode boolean
1519 Status : public
1521 $db-E<gt>absolute(1) will turn on absolute mode for the entire database.
1522 All segments retrieved will use absolute coordinates by default,
1523 rather than relative coordinates. You can still set them to use
1524 relative coordinates by calling $segment-E<gt>absolute(0).
1526 Note that this is not the same as calling abs_segment(); it continues
1527 to allow you to look up groups that are not used directly as reference
1528 sequences.
1530 =cut
1532 sub absolute {
1533 my $self = shift;
1534 my $d = $self->{absolute};
1535 $self->{absolute} = shift if @_;
1539 =head2 strict_bounds_checking
1541 Title : strict_bounds_checking
1542 Usage : $flag = $db->strict_bounds_checking([$flag])
1543 Function: gets/sets strict bounds checking
1544 Returns : current setting of bounds checking flag
1545 Args : new setting for bounds checking flag
1546 Status : public
1548 This flag enables extra checks for segment requests that go beyond the
1549 ends of their reference sequences. If bounds checking is enabled,
1550 then retrieved segments will be truncated to their physical length,
1551 and their truncated() methods will return true.
1553 If the flag is off (the default), then the module will return segments
1554 that appear to extend beyond their physical boundaries. Requests for
1555 features beyond the end of the segment will, however, return empty.
1557 =cut
1559 sub strict_bounds_checking {
1560 my $self = shift;
1561 my $d = $self->{strict};
1562 $self->{strict} = shift if @_;
1566 =head2 get_Seq_by_id
1568 Title : get_Seq_by_id
1569 Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_id('ROA1_HUMAN')
1570 Function: Gets a Bio::Seq object by its name
1571 Returns : a Bio::Seq object
1572 Args : the id (as a string) of a sequence
1573 Throws : "id does not exist" exception
1575 NOTE: Bio::DB::RandomAccessI compliant method
1577 =cut
1579 sub get_Seq_by_id {
1580 my $self = shift;
1581 $self->get_feature_by_name(@_);
1585 =head2 get_Seq_by_accession
1587 Title : get_Seq_by_accession
1588 Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_accession('AL12234')
1589 Function: Gets a Bio::Seq object by its accession
1590 Returns : a Bio::Seq object
1591 Args : the id (as a string) of a sequence
1592 Throws : "id does not exist" exception
1594 NOTE: Bio::DB::RandomAccessI compliant method
1596 =cut
1598 sub get_Seq_by_accession {
1599 my $self = shift;
1600 $self->get_feature_by_name(@_);
1603 =head2 get_Seq_by_acc
1605 Title : get_Seq_by_acc
1606 Usage : $seq = $db->get_Seq_by_acc('X77802');
1607 Function: Gets a Bio::Seq object by accession number
1608 Returns : A Bio::Seq object
1609 Args : accession number (as a string)
1610 Throws : "acc does not exist" exception
1612 NOTE: Bio::DB::RandomAccessI compliant method
1614 =cut
1616 sub get_Seq_by_acc {
1617 my $self = shift;
1618 $self->get_feature_by_name(@_);
1621 =head2 get_Stream_by_name
1623 Title : get_Stream_by_name
1624 Usage : $seq = $db->get_Stream_by_name(@ids);
1625 Function: Retrieves a stream of Seq objects given their names
1626 Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
1627 Args : an array of unique ids/accession numbers, or
1628 an array reference
1630 NOTE: This is also called get_Stream_by_batch()
1632 =cut
1634 sub get_Stream_by_name {
1635 my $self = shift;
1636 my @ids = @_;
1637 my $id = ref($ids[0]) ? $ids[0] : \@ids;
1638 Bio::DB::GFF::ID_Iterator->new($self,$id,'name');
1641 =head2 get_Stream_by_id
1643 Title : get_Stream_by_id
1644 Usage : $seq = $db->get_Stream_by_id(@ids);
1645 Function: Retrieves a stream of Seq objects given their ids
1646 Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
1647 Args : an array of unique ids/accession numbers, or
1648 an array reference
1650 NOTE: This is also called get_Stream_by_batch()
1652 =cut
1654 sub get_Stream_by_id {
1655 my $self = shift;
1656 my @ids = @_;
1657 my $id = ref($ids[0]) ? $ids[0] : \@ids;
1658 Bio::DB::GFF::ID_Iterator->new($self,$id,'feature');
1661 =head2 get_Stream_by_batch ()
1663 Title : get_Stream_by_batch
1664 Usage : $seq = $db->get_Stream_by_batch(@ids);
1665 Function: Retrieves a stream of Seq objects given their ids
1666 Returns : a Bio::SeqIO stream object
1667 Args : an array of unique ids/accession numbers, or
1668 an array reference
1670 NOTE: This is the same as get_Stream_by_id().
1672 =cut
1674 *get_Stream_by_batch = \&get_Stream_by_id;
1677 =head2 get_Stream_by_group ()
1679 Bioperl compatibility.
1681 =cut
1683 sub get_Stream_by_group {
1684 my $self = shift;
1685 my @ids = @_;
1686 my $id = ref($ids[0]) ? $ids[0] : \@ids;
1687 Bio::DB::GFF::ID_Iterator->new($self,$id,'group');
1690 =head2 all_seqfeatures
1692 Title : all_seqfeatures
1693 Usage : @features = $db->all_seqfeatures(@args)
1694 Function: fetch all the features in the database
1695 Returns : an array of features, or an iterator
1696 Args : See below
1697 Status : public
1699 This is equivalent to calling $db-E<gt>features() without any types, and
1700 will return all the features in the database. The -merge and
1701 -iterator arguments are recognized, and behave the same as described
1702 for features().
1704 =cut
1706 sub all_seqfeatures {
1707 my $self = shift;
1708 my ($automerge,$iterator)= rearrange([
1711 ],@_);
1712 my @args;
1713 push @args,(-merge=>$automerge) if defined $automerge;
1714 push @args,(-iterator=>$iterator) if defined $iterator;
1715 $self->features(@args);
1718 =head1 Creating and Loading GFF Databases
1720 =head2 initialize
1722 Title : initialize
1723 Usage : $db->initialize(-erase=>$erase,-option1=>value1,-option2=>value2);
1724 Function: initialize a GFF database
1725 Returns : true if initialization successful
1726 Args : a set of named parameters
1727 Status : Public
1729 This method can be used to initialize an empty database. It takes the following
1730 named arguments:
1732 -erase A boolean value. If true the database will be wiped clean if it
1733 already contains data.
1735 Other named arguments may be recognized by subclasses. They become database
1736 meta values that control various settable options.
1738 As a shortcut (and for backward compatibility) a single true argument
1739 is the same as initialize(-erase=E<gt>1).
1741 =cut
1743 sub initialize {
1744 my $self = shift;
1746 my ($erase,$meta) = rearrange(['ERASE'],@_);
1747 $meta ||= {};
1749 # initialize (possibly erasing)
1750 return unless $self->do_initialize($erase);
1751 my @default = $self->default_meta_values;
1753 # this is an awkward way of uppercasing the
1754 # even-numbered values (necessary for case-insensitive SQL databases)
1755 for (my $i=0; $i<@default; $i++) {
1756 $default[$i] = uc $default[$i] if !($i % 2);
1759 my %values = (@default,%$meta);
1760 foreach (keys %values) {
1761 $self->meta($_ => $values{$_});
1767 =head2 load_gff
1769 Title : load_gff
1770 Usage : $db->load_gff($file|$directory|$filehandle [,$verbose]);
1771 Function: load GFF data into database
1772 Returns : count of records loaded
1773 Args : a directory, a file, a list of files,
1774 or a filehandle
1775 Status : Public
1777 This method takes a single overloaded argument, which can be any of:
1779 =over 4
1781 =item *
1783 a scalar corresponding to a GFF file on the system
1785 A pathname to a local GFF file. Any files ending with the .gz, .Z, or
1786 .bz2 suffixes will be transparently decompressed with the appropriate
1787 command-line utility.
1789 =item *
1791 an array reference containing a list of GFF files on the system
1793 For example ['/home/gff/gff1.gz','/home/gff/gff2.gz']
1795 =item *
1797 directory path
1799 The indicated directory will be searched for all files ending in the
1800 suffixes .gff, .gff.gz, .gff.Z or .gff.bz2.
1802 =item *
1804 filehandle
1806 An open filehandle from which to read the GFF data. Tied filehandles
1807 now work as well.
1809 =item *
1811 a pipe expression
1813 A pipe expression will also work. For example, a GFF file on a remote
1814 web server can be loaded with an expression like this:
1816 $db->load_gff("lynx -dump -source |");
1818 =back
1820 The optional second argument, if true, will turn on verbose status
1821 reports that indicate the progress.
1823 If successful, the method will return the number of GFF lines
1824 successfully loaded.
1826 NOTE:this method used to be called load(), but has been changed. The
1827 old method name is also recognized.
1829 =cut
1831 sub load_gff {
1832 my $self = shift;
1833 my $file_or_directory = shift || '.';
1834 my $verbose = shift;
1836 local $self->{__verbose__} = $verbose;
1837 return $self->do_load_gff($file_or_directory) if ref($file_or_directory)
1838 && tied *$file_or_directory;
1840 my $tied_stdin = tied(*STDIN);
1841 open my $SAVEIN, "<&STDIN" unless $tied_stdin;
1842 local @ARGV = $self->setup_argv($file_or_directory,'gff','gff3') or return; # to play tricks with reader
1843 my $result = $self->do_load_gff('ARGV');
1844 open STDIN, '<', $SAVEIN unless $tied_stdin; # restore STDIN
1845 return $result;
1848 *load = \&load_gff;
1850 =head2 load_gff_file
1852 Title : load_gff_file
1853 Usage : $db->load_gff_file($file [,$verbose]);
1854 Function: load GFF data into database
1855 Returns : count of records loaded
1856 Args : a path to a file
1857 Status : Public
1859 This is provided as an alternative to load_gff_file. It doesn't munge
1860 STDIN or play tricks with ARGV.
1862 =cut
1864 sub load_gff_file {
1865 my $self = shift;
1866 my $file = shift;
1867 my $verbose = shift;
1868 my $fh = IO::File->new($file) or return;
1869 return $self->do_load_gff($fh);
1872 =head2 load_fasta
1874 Title : load_fasta
1875 Usage : $db->load_fasta($file|$directory|$filehandle);
1876 Function: load FASTA data into database
1877 Returns : count of records loaded
1878 Args : a directory, a file, a list of files,
1879 or a filehandle
1880 Status : Public
1882 This method takes a single overloaded argument, which can be any of:
1884 =over 4
1886 =item *
1888 scalar corresponding to a FASTA file on the system
1890 A pathname to a local FASTA file. Any files ending with the .gz, .Z, or
1891 .bz2 suffixes will be transparently decompressed with the appropriate
1892 command-line utility.
1894 =item *
1896 array reference containing a list of FASTA files on the
1897 system
1899 For example ['/home/fasta/genomic.fa.gz','/home/fasta/genomic.fa.gz']
1901 =item *
1903 path to a directory
1905 The indicated directory will be searched for all files ending in the
1906 suffixes .fa, .fa.gz, .fa.Z or .fa.bz2.
1908 =item *
1910 filehandle
1912 An open filehandle from which to read the FASTA data.
1914 =item *
1916 pipe expression
1918 A pipe expression will also work. For example, a FASTA file on a remote
1919 web server can be loaded with an expression like this:
1921 $db->load_gff("lynx -dump -source |");
1923 =back
1925 =cut
1927 sub load_fasta {
1928 my $self = shift;
1929 my $file_or_directory = shift || '.';
1930 my $verbose = shift;
1932 local $self->{__verbose__} = $verbose;
1933 return $self->load_sequence($file_or_directory) if ref($file_or_directory)
1934 && tied *$file_or_directory;
1936 my $tied = tied(*STDIN);
1937 open my $SAVEIN, "<&STDIN" unless $tied;
1938 local @ARGV = $self->setup_argv($file_or_directory,'fa','dna','fasta') or return; # to play tricks with reader
1939 my $result = $self->load_sequence('ARGV');
1940 open STDIN, '<', $SAVEIN unless $tied; # restore STDIN
1941 return $result;
1945 =head2 load_fasta_file
1947 Title : load_fasta_file
1948 Usage : $db->load_fasta_file($file [,$verbose]);
1949 Function: load FASTA data into database
1950 Returns : count of records loaded
1951 Args : a path to a file
1952 Status : Public
1954 This is provided as an alternative to load_fasta. It doesn't munge
1955 STDIN or play tricks with ARGV.
1957 =cut
1959 sub load_fasta_file {
1960 my $self = shift;
1961 my $file = shift;
1962 my $verbose = shift;
1963 my $fh = IO::File->new($file) or return;
1964 return $self->do_load_fasta($fh);
1968 =head2 load_sequence_string
1970 Title : load_sequence_string
1971 Usage : $db->load_sequence_string($id,$dna)
1972 Function: load a single DNA entry
1973 Returns : true if successfully loaded
1974 Args : a raw sequence string (DNA, RNA, protein)
1975 Status : Public
1977 =cut
1979 sub load_sequence_string {
1980 my $self = shift;
1981 my ($acc,$seq) = @_;
1982 my $offset = 0;
1983 $self->insert_sequence_chunk($acc,\$offset,\$seq) or return;
1984 $self->insert_sequence($acc,$offset,$seq) or return;
1988 sub setup_argv {
1989 my $self = shift;
1990 my $file_or_directory = shift;
1991 my @suffixes = @_;
1992 no strict 'refs'; # so that we can call fileno() on the argument
1994 my @argv;
1996 if (-d $file_or_directory) {
1997 # Because glob() is broken with long file names that contain spaces
1998 $file_or_directory = Win32::GetShortPathName($file_or_directory)
1999 if $^O =~ /^MSWin/i && eval 'use Win32; 1';
2000 @argv = map { glob("$file_or_directory/*.{$_,$_.gz,$_.Z,$_.bz2}")} @suffixes;
2001 }elsif (my $fd = fileno($file_or_directory)) {
2002 open STDIN,"<&=$fd" or $self->throw("Can't dup STDIN");
2003 @argv = '-';
2004 } elsif (ref $file_or_directory) {
2005 @argv = @$file_or_directory;
2006 } else {
2007 @argv = $file_or_directory;
2010 foreach (@argv) {
2011 if (/\.gz$/) {
2012 $_ = "gunzip -c $_ |";
2013 } elsif (/\.Z$/) {
2014 $_ = "uncompress -c $_ |";
2015 } elsif (/\.bz2$/) {
2016 $_ = "bunzip2 -c $_ |";
2019 @argv;
2022 =head2 lock_on_load
2024 Title : lock_on_load
2025 Usage : $lock = $db->lock_on_load([$lock])
2026 Function: set write locking during load
2027 Returns : current value of lock-on-load flag
2028 Args : new value of lock-on-load-flag
2029 Status : Public
2031 This method is honored by some of the adaptors. If the value is true,
2032 the tables used by the GFF modules will be locked for writing during
2033 loads and inaccessible to other processes.
2035 =cut
2037 sub lock_on_load {
2038 my $self = shift;
2039 my $d = $self->{lock};
2040 $self->{lock} = shift if @_;
2044 =head2 meta
2046 Title : meta
2047 Usage : $value = $db->meta($name [,$newval])
2048 Function: get or set a meta variable
2049 Returns : a string
2050 Args : meta variable name and optionally value
2051 Status : abstract
2053 Get or set a named metavalues for the database. Metavalues can be
2054 used for database-specific settings.
2056 By default, this method does nothing!
2058 =cut
2060 sub meta {
2061 my $self = shift;
2062 my ($name,$value) = @_;
2063 return;
2066 =head2 default_meta_values
2068 Title : default_meta_values
2069 Usage : %values = $db->default_meta_values
2070 Function: empty the database
2071 Returns : a list of tag=>value pairs
2072 Args : none
2073 Status : protected
2075 This method returns a list of tag=E<gt>value pairs that contain default
2076 meta information about the database. It is invoked by initialize() to
2077 write out the default meta values. The base class version returns an
2078 empty list.
2080 For things to work properly, meta value names must be UPPERCASE.
2082 =cut
2084 sub default_meta_values {
2085 my $self = shift;
2086 return ();
2090 =head2 error
2092 Title : error
2093 Usage : $db->error( [$new error] );
2094 Function: read or set error message
2095 Returns : error message
2096 Args : an optional argument to set the error message
2097 Status : Public
2099 This method can be used to retrieve the last error message. Errors
2100 are not reset to empty by successful calls, so contents are only valid
2101 immediately after an error condition has been detected.
2103 =cut
2105 sub error {
2106 my $self = shift;
2107 my $g = $self->{error};
2108 $self->{error} = join '',@_ if @_;
2112 =head2 debug
2114 Title : debug
2115 Usage : $db->debug( [$flag] );
2116 Function: read or set debug flag
2117 Returns : current value of debug flag
2118 Args : new debug flag (optional)
2119 Status : Public
2121 This method can be used to turn on debug messages. The exact nature
2122 of those messages depends on the adaptor in use.
2124 =cut
2126 sub debug {
2127 my $self = shift;
2128 my $g = $self->{debug};
2129 $self->{debug} = shift if @_;
2134 =head2 automerge
2136 Title : automerge
2137 Usage : $db->automerge( [$new automerge] );
2138 Function: get or set automerge value
2139 Returns : current value (boolean)
2140 Args : an optional argument to set the automerge value
2141 Status : Public
2143 By default, this module will use the aggregators to merge groups into
2144 single composite objects. This default can be changed to false by
2145 calling automerge(0).
2147 =cut
2149 sub automerge {
2150 my $self = shift;
2151 my $g = $self->{automerge};
2152 $self->{automerge} = shift if @_;
2156 =head2 attributes
2158 Title : attributes
2159 Usage : @attributes = $db->attributes($id,$name)
2160 Function: get the "attributes" on a particular feature
2161 Returns : an array of string
2162 Args : feature ID
2163 Status : public
2165 Some GFF version 2 files use the groups column to store a series of
2166 attribute/value pairs. In this interpretation of GFF, the first such
2167 pair is treated as the primary group for the feature; subsequent pairs
2168 are treated as attributes. Two attributes have special meaning:
2169 "Note" is for backward compatibility and is used for unstructured text
2170 remarks. "Alias" is considered as a synonym for the feature name.
2172 If no name is provided, then attributes() returns a flattened hash, of
2173 attribute=E<gt>value pairs. This lets you do:
2175 %attributes = $db->attributes($id);
2177 If no arguments are provided, attributes() will return the list of
2178 all attribute names:
2180 @attribute_names = $db->attributes();
2182 Normally, however, attributes() will be called by the feature:
2184 @notes = $feature->attributes('Note');
2186 In a scalar context, attributes() returns the first value of the
2187 attribute if a tag is present, otherwise a hash reference in which the
2188 keys are attribute names and the values are anonymous arrays
2189 containing the values.
2191 =cut
2193 sub attributes {
2194 my $self = shift;
2195 my ($id,$tag) = @_;
2196 my @result = $self->do_attributes(@_) or return;
2197 return @result if wantarray;
2199 # what to do in an array context
2200 return $result[0] if $tag;
2201 my %result;
2202 while (my($key,$value) = splice(@result,0,2)) {
2203 push @{$result{$key}},$value;
2205 return \%result;
2208 =head2 fast_queries
2210 Title : fast_queries
2211 Usage : $flag = $db->fast_queries([$flag])
2212 Function: turn on and off the "fast queries" option
2213 Returns : a boolean
2214 Args : a boolean flag (optional)
2215 Status : public
2217 The mysql database driver (and possibly others) support a "fast" query
2218 mode that caches results on the server side. This makes queries come
2219 back faster, particularly when creating iterators. The downside is
2220 that while iterating, new queries will die with a "command synch"
2221 error. This method turns the feature on and off.
2223 For databases that do not support a fast query, this method has no
2224 effect.
2226 =cut
2228 # override this method in order to set the mysql_use_result attribute, which is an obscure
2229 # but extremely powerful optimization for both performance and memory.
2230 sub fast_queries {
2231 my $self = shift;
2232 my $d = $self->{fast_queries};
2233 $self->{fast_queries} = shift if @_;
2237 =head2 add_aggregator
2239 Title : add_aggregator
2240 Usage : $db->add_aggregator($aggregator)
2241 Function: add an aggregator to the list
2242 Returns : nothing
2243 Args : an aggregator
2244 Status : public
2246 This method will append an aggregator to the end of the list of
2247 registered aggregators. Three different argument types are accepted:
2249 1) a Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator object -- will be added
2250 2) a string in the form "aggregator_name{subpart1,subpart2,subpart3/main_method}"
2251 -- will be turned into a Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator object (the /main_method
2252 part is optional).
2253 3) a valid Perl token -- will be turned into a Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator
2254 subclass, where the token corresponds to the subclass name.
2256 =cut
2258 sub add_aggregator {
2259 my $self = shift;
2260 my $aggregator = shift;
2261 my $list = $self->{aggregators} ||= [];
2262 if (ref $aggregator) { # an object
2263 @$list = grep {$_->get_method ne $aggregator->get_method} @$list;
2264 push @$list,$aggregator;
2267 elsif ($aggregator =~ /^(\w+)\{([^\/\}]+)\/?(.*)\}$/) {
2268 my($agg_name,$subparts,$mainpart) = ($1,$2,$3);
2269 my @subparts = split /,\s*/,$subparts;
2270 my @args = (-method => $agg_name,
2271 -sub_parts => \@subparts);
2272 if ($mainpart) {
2273 push @args,(-main_method => $mainpart,
2274 -whole_object => 1);
2276 warn "making an aggregator with (@args), subparts = @subparts" if $self->debug;
2277 push @$list,Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator->new(@args);
2280 else {
2281 my $class = "Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator::\L${aggregator}\E";
2282 eval "require $class; 1" or $self->throw("Unable to load $aggregator aggregator: $@");
2283 push @$list,$class->new();
2287 =head2 aggregators
2289 Title : aggregators
2290 Usage : $db->aggregators([@new_aggregators]);
2291 Function: retrieve list of aggregators
2292 Returns : list of aggregators
2293 Args : a list of aggregators to set (optional)
2294 Status : public
2296 This method will get or set the list of aggregators assigned to
2297 the database. If 1 or more arguments are passed, the existing
2298 set will be cleared.
2300 =cut
2302 sub aggregators {
2303 my $self = shift;
2304 my $d = $self->{aggregators};
2305 if (@_) {
2306 $self->clear_aggregators;
2307 $self->add_aggregator($_) foreach @_;
2309 return unless $d;
2310 return @$d;
2313 =head2 clear_aggregators
2315 Title : clear_aggregators
2316 Usage : $db->clear_aggregators
2317 Function: clears list of aggregators
2318 Returns : nothing
2319 Args : none
2320 Status : public
2322 This method will clear the aggregators stored in the database object.
2323 Use aggregators() or add_aggregator() to add some back.
2325 =cut
2327 sub clear_aggregators { shift->{aggregators} = [] }
2329 =head2 preferred_groups
2331 Title : preferred_groups
2332 Usage : $db->preferred_groups([$group_name_or_arrayref])
2333 Function: get/set list of groups for altering GFF2 parsing
2334 Returns : a list of classes
2335 Args : new list (scalar or array ref)
2336 Status : public
2338 =cut
2340 sub preferred_groups {
2341 my $self = shift;
2342 my $d = $self->{preferred_groups};
2343 if (@_) {
2344 my @v = map {ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_} @_;
2345 $self->{preferred_groups} = \@v;
2346 delete $self->{preferred_groups_hash};
2348 return unless $d;
2349 return @$d;
2352 sub _preferred_groups_hash {
2353 my $self = shift;
2354 my $gff3 = shift;
2355 return $self->{preferred_groups_hash} if exists $self->{preferred_groups_hash};
2356 my $count = 0;
2358 my @preferred = $self->preferred_groups;
2360 # defaults
2361 if (!@preferred) {
2362 @preferred = $gff3 || $self->{load_data}{gff3_flag} ? qw(Target Parent ID) : qw(Target Sequence Transcript);
2365 my %preferred = map {lc($_) => @preferred-$count++} @preferred;
2366 return $self->{preferred_groups_hash} = \%preferred;
2369 =head1 Methods for use by Subclasses
2371 The following methods are chiefly of interest to subclasses and are
2372 not intended for use by end programmers.
2374 =head2 abscoords
2376 Title : abscoords
2377 Usage : $db->abscoords($name,$class,$refseq)
2378 Function: finds position of a landmark in reference coordinates
2379 Returns : ($ref,$class,$start,$stop,$strand)
2380 Args : name and class of landmark
2381 Status : public
2383 This method is called by Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment to obtain the
2384 absolute coordinates of a sequence landmark. The arguments are the
2385 name and class of the landmark. If successful, abscoords() returns
2386 the ID of the reference sequence, its class, its start and stop
2387 positions, and the orientation of the reference sequence's coordinate
2388 system ("+" for forward strand, "-" for reverse strand).
2390 If $refseq is present in the argument list, it forces the query to
2391 search for the landmark in a particular reference sequence.
2393 =cut
2395 sub abscoords {
2396 my $self = shift;
2397 my ($name,$class,$refseq) = @_;
2398 $class ||= $self->{default_class};
2399 $self->get_abscoords($name,$class,$refseq);
2402 =head1 Protected API
2404 The following methods are not intended for public consumption, but are
2405 intended to be overridden/implemented by adaptors.
2407 =head2 default_aggregators
2409 Title : default_aggregators
2410 Usage : $db->default_aggregators;
2411 Function: retrieve list of aggregators
2412 Returns : array reference containing list of aggregator names
2413 Args : none
2414 Status : protected
2416 This method (which is intended to be overridden by adaptors) returns a
2417 list of standard aggregators to be applied when no aggregators are
2418 specified in the constructor.
2420 =cut
2422 sub default_aggregators {
2423 my $self = shift;
2424 return ['processed_transcript','alignment'];
2427 =head2 do_load_gff
2429 Title : do_load_gff
2430 Usage : $db->do_load_gff($handle)
2431 Function: load a GFF input stream
2432 Returns : number of features loaded
2433 Args : A filehandle.
2434 Status : protected
2436 This method is called to load a GFF data stream. The method will read
2437 GFF features from E<lt>E<gt> and load them into the database. On exit the
2438 method must return the number of features loaded.
2440 Note that the method is responsible for parsing the GFF lines. This
2441 is to allow for differences in the interpretation of the "group"
2442 field, which are legion.
2444 You probably want to use load_gff() instead. It is more flexible
2445 about the arguments it accepts.
2447 =cut
2449 sub do_load_gff {
2450 my $self = shift;
2451 my $io_handle = shift;
2453 local $self->{load_data} = {
2454 lineend => (-t STDERR && !$ENV{EMACS} ? "\r" : "\n"),
2455 count => 0
2458 $self->setup_load();
2459 my $mode = 'gff';
2461 while (<$io_handle>) {
2462 chomp;
2463 if ($mode eq 'gff') {
2464 if (/^>/) { # Sequence coming
2465 $mode = 'fasta';
2466 $self->_load_sequence_start;
2467 $self->_load_sequence_line($_);
2468 } else {
2469 $self->_load_gff_line($_);
2472 elsif ($mode eq 'fasta') {
2473 if (/^##|\t/) { # Back to GFF mode
2474 $self->_load_sequence_finish;
2475 $mode = 'gff';
2476 $self->_load_gff_line($_);
2477 } else {
2478 $self->_load_sequence_line($_);
2482 $self->finish_load();
2483 $self->_load_sequence_finish;
2485 return $self->{load_data}{count};
2488 sub _load_gff_line {
2489 my $self = shift;
2490 my $line = shift;
2491 my $lineend = $self->{load_data}{lineend};
2493 $self->{load_data}{gff3_flag}++ if $line =~ /^\#\#\s*gff-version\s+3/;
2495 if (defined $self->{load_data}{gff3_flag} and !defined $self->{load_data}{gff3_warning}) {
2496 $self->print_gff3_warning();
2497 $self->{load_data}{gff3_warning}=1;
2500 $self->preferred_groups(split(/\s+/,$1)) if $line =~ /^\#\#\s*group-tags?\s+(.+)/;
2502 if ($line =~ /^\#\#\s*sequence-region\s+(\S+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)/i) { # header line
2503 $self->load_gff_line(
2505 ref => $1,
2506 class => 'Sequence',
2507 source => 'reference',
2508 method => 'Component',
2509 start => $2,
2510 stop => $3,
2511 score => undef,
2512 strand => undef,
2513 phase => undef,
2514 gclass => 'Sequence',
2515 gname => $1,
2516 tstart => undef,
2517 tstop => undef,
2518 attributes => [],
2521 return $self->{load_data}{count}++;
2524 return if /^#/;
2526 my ($ref,$source,$method,$start,$stop,$score,$strand,$phase,$group) = split "\t",$line;
2527 return unless defined($ref) && defined($method) && defined($start) && defined($stop);
2528 foreach (\$score,\$strand,\$phase) {
2529 undef $$_ if $$_ eq '.';
2532 my ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,$attributes) = $self->split_group($group,$self->{load_data}{gff3_flag});
2534 # no standard way in the GFF file to denote the class of the reference sequence -- drat!
2535 # so we invoke the factory to do it
2536 my $class = $self->refclass($ref);
2538 # call subclass to do the dirty work
2539 if ($start > $stop) {
2540 ($start,$stop) = ($stop,$start);
2541 if ($strand eq '+') {
2542 $strand = '-';
2543 } elsif ($strand eq '-') {
2544 $strand = '+';
2547 # GFF2/3 transition stuff
2548 $gclass = [$gclass] unless ref $gclass;
2549 $gname = [$gname] unless ref $gname;
2550 for (my $i=0; $i<@$gname;$i++) {
2551 $self->load_gff_line({ref => $ref,
2552 class => $class,
2553 source => $source,
2554 method => $method,
2555 start => $start,
2556 stop => $stop,
2557 score => $score,
2558 strand => $strand,
2559 phase => $phase,
2560 gclass => $gclass->[$i],
2561 gname => $gname->[$i],
2562 tstart => $tstart,
2563 tstop => $tstop,
2564 attributes => $attributes}
2566 $self->{load_data}{count}++;
2570 sub _load_sequence_start {
2571 my $self = shift;
2572 my $ld = $self->{load_data};
2573 undef $ld->{id};
2574 $ld->{offset} = 0;
2575 $ld->{seq} = '';
2577 sub _load_sequence_finish {
2578 my $self = shift;
2579 my $ld = $self->{load_data};
2580 $self->insert_sequence($ld->{id},$ld->{offset},$ld->{seq}) if defined $ld->{id};
2583 sub _load_sequence_line {
2584 my $self = shift;
2585 my $line = shift;
2586 my $ld = $self->{load_data};
2587 my $lineend = $ld->{lineend};
2589 if (/^>(\S+)/) {
2590 $self->insert_sequence($ld->{id},$ld->{offset},$ld->{seq}) if defined $ld->{id};
2591 $ld->{id} = $1;
2592 $ld->{offset} = 0;
2593 $ld->{seq} = '';
2594 $ld->{count}++;
2595 print STDERR $ld->{count}," sequences loaded$lineend" if $self->{__verbose__} && $ld->{count} % 1000 == 0;
2596 } else {
2597 $ld->{seq} .= $_;
2598 $self->insert_sequence_chunk($ld->{id},\$ld->{offset},\$ld->{seq});
2603 =head2 load_sequence
2605 Title : load_sequence
2606 Usage : $db->load_sequence($handle)
2607 Function: load a FASTA data stream
2608 Returns : number of sequences
2609 Args : a filehandle to the FASTA file
2610 Status : protected
2612 You probably want to use load_fasta() instead.
2614 =cut
2616 # note - there is some repeated code here
2617 sub load_sequence {
2618 my $self = shift;
2619 my $io_handle = shift;
2621 local $self->{load_data} = {
2622 lineend => (-t STDERR && !$ENV{EMACS} ? "\r" : "\n"),
2623 count => 0
2626 $self->_load_sequence_start;
2627 while (<$io_handle>) {
2628 chomp;
2629 $self->_load_sequence_line($_);
2631 $self->_load_sequence_finish;
2632 return $self->{load_data}{count};
2635 sub insert_sequence_chunk {
2636 my $self = shift;
2637 my ($id,$offsetp,$seqp) = @_;
2638 if (my $cs = $self->dna_chunk_size) {
2639 while (length($$seqp) >= $cs) {
2640 my $chunk = substr($$seqp,0,$cs);
2641 $self->insert_sequence($id,$$offsetp,$chunk);
2642 $$offsetp += length($chunk);
2643 substr($$seqp,0,$cs) = '';
2646 return 1; # the calling routine may expect success or failure
2649 # used to store big pieces of DNA in itty bitty pieces
2650 sub dna_chunk_size {
2651 return 0;
2654 sub insert_sequence {
2655 my $self = shift;
2656 my($id,$offset,$seq) = @_;
2657 $self->throw('insert_sequence(): must be defined in subclass');
2660 # This is the default class for reference points. Defaults to Sequence.
2661 sub default_class {
2662 my $self = shift;
2663 return 'Sequence' unless ref $self;
2664 my $d = $self->{default_class};
2665 $self->{default_class} = shift if @_;
2669 # gets name of the reference sequence, and returns its class
2670 # currently just calls default_class
2671 sub refclass {
2672 my $self = shift;
2673 my $name = shift;
2674 return $self->default_class;
2677 =head2 setup_load
2679 Title : setup_load
2680 Usage : $db->setup_load
2681 Function: called before load_gff_line()
2682 Returns : void
2683 Args : none
2684 Status : abstract
2686 This abstract method gives subclasses a chance to do any
2687 schema-specific initialization prior to loading a set of GFF records.
2688 It must be implemented by a subclass.
2690 =cut
2692 sub setup_load {
2693 # default, do nothing
2696 =head2 finish_load
2698 Title : finish_load
2699 Usage : $db->finish_load
2700 Function: called after load_gff_line()
2701 Returns : number of records loaded
2702 Args : none
2703 Status :abstract
2705 This method gives subclasses a chance to do any schema-specific
2706 cleanup after loading a set of GFF records.
2708 =cut
2710 sub finish_load {
2711 # default, do nothing
2714 =head2 load_gff_line
2716 Title : load_gff_line
2717 Usage : $db->load_gff_line(@args)
2718 Function: called to load one parsed line of GFF
2719 Returns : true if successfully inserted
2720 Args : see below
2721 Status : abstract
2723 This abstract method is called once per line of the GFF and passed a
2724 hashref containing parsed GFF fields. The fields are:
2726 {ref => $ref,
2727 class => $class,
2728 source => $source,
2729 method => $method,
2730 start => $start,
2731 stop => $stop,
2732 score => $score,
2733 strand => $strand,
2734 phase => $phase,
2735 gclass => $gclass,
2736 gname => $gname,
2737 tstart => $tstart,
2738 tstop => $tstop,
2739 attributes => $attributes}
2741 =cut
2743 sub load_gff_line {
2744 shift->throw("load_gff_line(): must be implemented by an adaptor");
2748 =head2 do_initialize
2750 Title : do_initialize
2751 Usage : $db->do_initialize([$erase])
2752 Function: initialize and possibly erase database
2753 Returns : true if successful
2754 Args : optional erase flag
2755 Status : protected
2757 This method implements the initialize() method described above, and
2758 takes the same arguments.
2760 =cut
2762 sub do_initialize {
2763 shift->throw('do_initialize(): must be implemented by an adaptor');
2766 =head2 dna
2768 Title : dna
2769 Usage : $db->dna($id,$start,$stop,$class)
2770 Function: return the raw DNA string for a segment
2771 Returns : a raw DNA string
2772 Args : id of the sequence, its class, start and stop positions
2773 Status : public
2775 This method is invoked by Bio::DB::GFF::Segment to fetch the raw DNA
2776 sequence.
2778 Arguments: -name sequence name
2779 -start start position
2780 -stop stop position
2781 -class sequence class
2783 If start and stop are both undef, then the entire DNA is retrieved.
2784 So to fetch the whole dna, call like this:
2786 $db->dna($name_of_sequence);
2788 or like this:
2790 $db->dna(-name=>$name_of_sequence,-class=>$class_of_sequence);
2792 NOTE: you will probably prefer to create a Segment and then invoke its
2793 dna() method.
2795 =cut
2797 # call to return the DNA string for the indicated region
2798 # real work is done by get_dna()
2799 sub dna {
2800 my $self = shift;
2801 my ($id,$start,$stop,$class) = rearrange([
2802 [qw(NAME ID REF REFSEQ)],
2803 qw(START),
2804 [qw(STOP END)],
2805 'CLASS',
2806 ],@_);
2807 # return unless defined $start && defined $stop;
2808 $self->get_dna($id,$start,$stop,$class);
2811 sub fetch_sequence { shift->dna(@_) }
2813 sub features_in_range {
2814 my $self = shift;
2815 my ($range_type,$refseq,$class,$start,$stop,$types,$parent,$sparse,$automerge,$iterator,$other) =
2816 rearrange([
2817 [qw(RANGE_TYPE)],
2818 [qw(REF REFSEQ)],
2819 qw(CLASS),
2820 qw(START),
2821 [qw(STOP END)],
2822 [qw(TYPE TYPES)],
2823 qw(PARENT),
2824 [qw(RARE SPARSE)],
2827 ],@_);
2828 $other ||= {};
2829 # $automerge = $types && $self->automerge unless defined $automerge;
2830 $automerge = $self->automerge unless defined $automerge;
2831 $self->throw("range type must be one of {".
2832 join(',',keys %valid_range_types).
2833 "}\n")
2834 unless $valid_range_types{lc $range_type};
2835 $self->_features({
2836 rangetype => lc $range_type,
2837 refseq => $refseq,
2838 refclass => $class,
2839 start => $start,
2840 stop => $stop,
2841 types => $types },
2843 sparse => $sparse,
2844 automerge => $automerge,
2845 iterator => $iterator,
2846 %$other,
2848 $parent);
2851 =head2 get_dna
2853 Title : get_dna
2854 Usage : $db->get_dna($id,$start,$stop,$class)
2855 Function: get DNA for indicated segment
2856 Returns : the dna string
2857 Args : sequence ID, start, stop and class
2858 Status : protected
2860 If start E<gt> stop and the sequence is nucleotide, then this method
2861 should return the reverse complement. The sequence class may be
2862 ignored by those databases that do not recognize different object
2863 types.
2865 =cut
2867 sub get_dna {
2868 my $self = shift;
2869 my ($id,$start,$stop,$class,) = @_;
2870 $self->throw("get_dna() must be implemented by an adaptor");
2873 =head2 get_features
2875 Title : get_features
2876 Usage : $db->get_features($search,$options,$callback)
2877 Function: get list of features for a region
2878 Returns : count of number of features retrieved
2879 Args : see below
2880 Status : protected
2882 The first argument is a hash reference containing search criteria for
2883 retrieving features. It contains the following keys:
2885 rangetype One of "overlaps", "contains" or "contained_in". Indicates
2886 the type of range query requested.
2888 refseq ID of the landmark that establishes the absolute
2889 coordinate system.
2891 refclass Class of this landmark. Can be ignored by implementations
2892 that don't recognize such distinctions.
2894 start Start of the range, inclusive.
2896 stop Stop of the range, inclusive.
2898 types Array reference containing the list of annotation types
2899 to fetch from the database. Each annotation type is an
2900 array reference consisting of [source,method].
2902 The second argument is a hash reference containing certain options
2903 that affect the way information is retrieved:
2905 sort_by_group
2906 A flag. If true, means that the returned features should be
2907 sorted by the group that they're in.
2909 sparse A flag. If true, means that the expected density of the
2910 features is such that it will be more efficient to search
2911 by type rather than by range. If it is taking a long
2912 time to fetch features, give this a try.
2914 binsize A true value will create a set of artificial features whose
2915 start and stop positions indicate bins of the given size, and
2916 whose scores are the number of features in the bin. The
2917 class of the feature will be set to "bin", and its name to
2918 "method:source". This is a handy way of generating histograms
2919 of feature density.
2921 The third argument, the $callback, is a code reference to which
2922 retrieved features are passed. It is described in more detail below.
2924 This routine is responsible for getting arrays of GFF data out of the
2925 database and passing them to the callback subroutine. The callback
2926 does the work of constructing a Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object out of
2927 that data. The callback expects a list of 13 fields:
2929 $refseq The reference sequence
2930 $start feature start
2931 $stop feature stop
2932 $source feature source
2933 $method feature method
2934 $score feature score
2935 $strand feature strand
2936 $phase feature phase
2937 $groupclass group class (may be undef)
2938 $groupname group ID (may be undef)
2939 $tstart target start for similarity hits (may be undef)
2940 $tstop target stop for similarity hits (may be undef)
2941 $feature_id A unique feature ID (may be undef)
2943 These fields are in the same order as the raw GFF file, with the
2944 exception that the group column has been parsed into group class and
2945 group name fields.
2947 The feature ID, if provided, is a unique identifier of the feature
2948 line. The module does not depend on this ID in any way, but it is
2949 available via Bio::DB::GFF-E<gt>id() if wanted. In the dbi::mysql and
2950 dbi::mysqlopt adaptor, the ID is a unique row ID. In the acedb
2951 adaptor it is not used.
2953 =cut
2955 =head2 feature_summary(), coverage_array()
2957 The DBI adaptors provide methods for rapidly fetching coverage
2958 statistics across a region of interest. Please see
2959 L<Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi> for more information about these
2960 methods.
2962 =cut
2964 sub get_features{
2965 my $self = shift;
2966 my ($search,$options,$callback) = @_;
2967 $self->throw("get_features() must be implemented by an adaptor");
2971 =head2 _feature_by_name
2973 Title : _feature_by_name
2974 Usage : $db->_feature_by_name($class,$name,$location,$callback)
2975 Function: get a list of features by name and class
2976 Returns : count of number of features retrieved
2977 Args : name of feature, class of feature, and a callback
2978 Status : abstract
2980 This method is used internally. The callback arguments are the same
2981 as those used by make_feature(). This method must be overidden by
2982 subclasses.
2984 =cut
2986 sub _feature_by_name {
2987 my $self = shift;
2988 my ($class,$name,$location,$callback) = @_;
2989 $self->throw("_feature_by_name() must be implemented by an adaptor");
2992 sub _feature_by_attribute {
2993 my $self = shift;
2994 my ($attributes,$callback) = @_;
2995 $self->throw("_feature_by_name() must be implemented by an adaptor");
2998 =head2 _feature_by_id
3000 Title : _feature_by_id
3001 Usage : $db->_feature_by_id($ids,$type,$callback)
3002 Function: get a feature based
3003 Returns : count of number of features retrieved
3004 Args : arrayref to feature IDs to fetch
3005 Status : abstract
3007 This method is used internally to fetch features either by their ID or
3008 their group ID. $ids is a arrayref containing a list of IDs, $type is
3009 one of "feature" or "group", and $callback is a callback. The
3010 callback arguments are the same as those used by make_feature(). This
3011 method must be overidden by subclasses.
3013 =cut
3015 sub _feature_by_id {
3016 my $self = shift;
3017 my ($ids,$type,$callback) = @_;
3018 $self->throw("_feature_by_id() must be implemented by an adaptor");
3021 =head2 overlapping_features
3023 Title : overlapping_features
3024 Usage : $db->overlapping_features(@args)
3025 Function: get features that overlap the indicated range
3026 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
3027 Args : see below
3028 Status : public
3030 This method is invoked by Bio::DB::GFF::Segment-E<gt>features() to find
3031 the list of features that overlap a given range. It is generally
3032 preferable to create the Segment first, and then fetch the features.
3034 This method takes set of named arguments:
3036 -refseq ID of the reference sequence
3037 -class Class of the reference sequence
3038 -start Start of the desired range in refseq coordinates
3039 -stop Stop of the desired range in refseq coordinates
3040 -types List of feature types to return. Argument is an array
3041 reference containing strings of the format "method:source"
3042 -parent A parent Bio::DB::GFF::Segment object, used to create
3043 relative coordinates in the generated features.
3044 -rare Turn on an optimization suitable for a relatively rare feature type,
3045 where it will be faster to filter by feature type first
3046 and then by position, rather than vice versa.
3047 -merge Whether to apply aggregators to the generated features.
3048 -iterator Whether to return an iterator across the features.
3050 If -iterator is true, then the method returns a single scalar value
3051 consisting of a Bio::SeqIO object. You can call next_seq() repeatedly
3052 on this object to fetch each of the features in turn. If iterator is
3053 false or absent, then all the features are returned as a list.
3055 Currently aggregation is disabled when iterating over a series of
3056 features.
3058 Types are indicated using the nomenclature "method:source". Either of
3059 these fields can be omitted, in which case a wildcard is used for the
3060 missing field. Type names without the colon (e.g. "exon") are
3061 interpreted as the method name and a source wild card. Regular
3062 expressions are allowed in either field, as in: "similarity:BLAST.*".
3064 =cut
3066 # call to return the features that overlap the named region
3067 # real work is done by get_features
3068 sub overlapping_features {
3069 my $self = shift;
3070 $self->features_in_range(-range_type=>'overlaps',@_);
3073 =head2 contained_features
3075 Title : contained_features
3076 Usage : $db->contained_features(@args)
3077 Function: get features that are contained within the indicated range
3078 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
3079 Args : see overlapping_features()
3080 Status : public
3082 This call is similar to overlapping_features(), except that it only
3083 retrieves features whose end points are completely contained within
3084 the specified range.
3086 Generally you will want to fetch a Bio::DB::GFF::Segment object and
3087 call its contained_features() method rather than call this directly.
3089 =cut
3091 # The same, except that it only returns features that are completely contained within the
3092 # range (much faster usually)
3093 sub contained_features {
3094 my $self = shift;
3095 $self->features_in_range(-range_type=>'contains',@_);
3098 =head2 contained_in
3100 Title : contained_in
3101 Usage : @features = $s->contained_in(@args)
3102 Function: get features that contain this segment
3103 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
3104 Args : see features()
3105 Status : Public
3107 This is identical in behavior to features() except that it returns
3108 only those features that completely contain the segment.
3110 =cut
3112 sub contained_in {
3113 my $self = shift;
3114 $self->features_in_range(-range_type=>'contained_in',@_);
3117 =head2 get_abscoords
3119 Title : get_abscoords
3120 Usage : $db->get_abscoords($name,$class,$refseq)
3121 Function: get the absolute coordinates of sequence with name & class
3122 Returns : ($absref,$absstart,$absstop,$absstrand)
3123 Args : name and class of the landmark
3124 Status : protected
3126 Given the name and class of a genomic landmark, this function returns
3127 a four-element array consisting of:
3129 $absref the ID of the reference sequence that contains this landmark
3130 $absstart the position at which the landmark starts
3131 $absstop the position at which the landmark stops
3132 $absstrand the strand of the landmark, relative to the reference sequence
3134 If $refseq is provided, the function searches only within the
3135 specified reference sequence.
3137 =cut
3139 sub get_abscoords {
3140 my $self = shift;
3141 my ($name,$class,$refseq) = @_;
3142 $self->throw("get_abscoords() must be implemented by an adaptor");
3145 =head2 get_types
3147 Title : get_types
3148 Usage : $db->get_types($absref,$class,$start,$stop,$count)
3149 Function: get list of all feature types on the indicated segment
3150 Returns : list or hash of Bio::DB::GFF::Typename objects
3151 Args : see below
3152 Status : protected
3154 Arguments are:
3156 $absref the ID of the reference sequence
3157 $class the class of the reference sequence
3158 $start the position to start counting
3159 $stop the position to end counting
3160 $count a boolean indicating whether to count the number
3161 of occurrences of each feature type
3163 If $count is true, then a hash is returned. The keys of the hash are
3164 feature type names in the format "method:source" and the values are
3165 the number of times a feature of this type overlaps the indicated
3166 segment. Otherwise, the call returns a set of Bio::DB::GFF::Typename
3167 objects. If $start or $stop are undef, then all features on the
3168 indicated segment are enumerated. If $absref is undef, then the call
3169 returns all feature types in the database.
3171 =cut
3173 sub get_types {
3174 my $self = shift;
3175 my ($refseq,$class,$start,$stop,$count,$types) = @_;
3176 $self->throw("get_types() must be implemented by an adaptor");
3179 =head2 make_feature
3181 Title : make_feature
3182 Usage : $db->make_feature(@args)
3183 Function: Create a Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object from string data
3184 Returns : a Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object
3185 Args : see below
3186 Status : internal
3188 This takes 14 arguments (really!):
3190 $parent A Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment object
3191 $group_hash A hashref containing unique list of GFF groups
3192 $refname The name of the reference sequence for this feature
3193 $refclass The class of the reference sequence for this feature
3194 $start Start of feature
3195 $stop Stop of feature
3196 $source Feature source field
3197 $method Feature method field
3198 $score Feature score field
3199 $strand Feature strand
3200 $phase Feature phase
3201 $group_class Class of feature group
3202 $group_name Name of feature group
3203 $tstart For homologies, start of hit on target
3204 $tstop Stop of hit on target
3206 The $parent argument, if present, is used to establish relative
3207 coordinates in the resulting Bio::DB::Feature object. This allows one
3208 feature to generate a list of other features that are relative to its
3209 coordinate system (for example, finding the coordinates of the second
3210 exon relative to the coordinates of the first).
3212 The $group_hash allows the group_class/group_name strings to be turned
3213 into rich database objects via the make_obect() method (see above).
3214 Because these objects may be expensive to create, $group_hash is used
3215 to uniquefy them. The index of this hash is the composite key
3216 {$group_class,$group_name,$tstart,$tstop}. Values are whatever object
3217 is returned by the make_object() method.
3219 The remainder of the fields are taken from the GFF line, with the
3220 exception that "Target" features, which contain information about the
3221 target of a homology search, are parsed into their components.
3223 =cut
3225 # This call is responsible for turning a line of GFF into a
3226 # feature object.
3227 # The $parent argument is a Bio::DB::GFF::Segment object and is used
3228 # to establish the coordinate system for the new feature.
3229 # The $group_hash argument is an hash ref that holds previously-
3230 # generated group objects.
3231 # Other arguments are taken right out of the GFF table.
3232 sub make_feature {
3233 my $self = shift;
3234 my ($parent,$group_hash, # these arguments provided by generic mechanisms
3235 $srcseq, # the rest is provided by adaptor
3236 $start,$stop,
3237 $source,$method,
3238 $score,$strand,$phase,
3239 $group_class,$group_name,
3240 $tstart,$tstop,
3241 $db_id,$group_id) = @_;
3243 return unless $srcseq; # return undef if called with no arguments. This behavior is used for
3244 # on-the-fly aggregation.
3246 my $group; # undefined
3247 if (defined $group_class && defined $group_name) {
3248 $tstart ||= '';
3249 $tstop ||= '';
3250 if ($group_hash) {
3251 $group = $group_hash->{$group_class,$group_name,$tstart,$tstop}
3252 ||= $self->make_object($group_class,$group_name,$tstart,$tstop);
3253 } else {
3254 $group = $self->make_object($group_class,$group_name,$tstart,$tstop);
3258 # fix for some broken GFF files
3259 # unfortunately - has undesired side effects
3260 # if (defined $tstart && defined $tstop && !defined $strand) {
3261 # $strand = $tstart <= $tstop ? '+' : '-';
3264 if (ref $parent) { # note that the src sequence is ignored
3265 return Bio::DB::GFF::Feature->new_from_parent($parent,$start,$stop,
3266 $method,$source,
3267 $score,$strand,$phase,
3268 $group,$db_id,$group_id,
3269 $tstart,$tstop);
3270 } else {
3271 return Bio::DB::GFF::Feature->new($self,$srcseq,
3272 $start,$stop,
3273 $method,$source,
3274 $score,$strand,$phase,
3275 $group,$db_id,$group_id,
3276 $tstart,$tstop);
3280 sub make_aggregated_feature {
3281 my $self = shift;
3282 my ($accumulated_features,$parent,$aggregators) = splice(@_,0,3);
3283 my $feature = $self->make_feature($parent,undef,@_);
3284 return [$feature] if $feature && !$feature->group;
3286 # if we have accumulated features and either:
3287 # (1) make_feature() returned undef, indicated very end or
3288 # (2) the current group is different from the previous one
3290 local $^W = 0; # irritating uninitialized value warning in next statement
3291 if (@$accumulated_features &&
3292 (!defined($feature) || ($accumulated_features->[-1]->group ne $feature->group))) {
3293 foreach my $a (@$aggregators) { # last aggregator gets first shot
3294 $a->aggregate($accumulated_features,$self) or next;
3296 my @result = @$accumulated_features;
3297 @$accumulated_features = $feature ? ($feature) : ();
3298 return unless @result;
3299 return \@result ;
3301 push @$accumulated_features,$feature;
3302 return;
3305 =head2 make_match_sub
3307 Title : make_match_sub
3308 Usage : $db->make_match_sub($types)
3309 Function: creates a subroutine used for filtering features
3310 Returns : a code reference
3311 Args : a list of parsed type names
3312 Status : protected
3314 This method is used internally to generate a code subroutine that will
3315 accept or reject a feature based on its method and source. It takes
3316 an array of parsed type names in the format returned by parse_types(),
3317 and generates an anonymous subroutine. The subroutine takes a single
3318 Bio::DB::GFF::Feature object and returns true if the feature matches
3319 one of the desired feature types, and false otherwise.
3321 =cut
3323 # a subroutine that matches features indicated by list of types
3324 sub make_match_sub {
3325 my $self = shift;
3326 my $types = shift;
3328 return sub { 1 } unless ref $types && @$types;
3330 my @expr;
3331 for my $type (@$types) {
3332 my ($method,$source) = @$type;
3333 $method = $method ? "\\Q$method\\E" : ".*";
3334 $source = $source ? ":\\Q$source\\E" : "(?::.+)?";
3335 push @expr,"${method}${source}";
3337 my $expr = join '|',@expr;
3338 return $self->{match_subs}{$expr} if $self->{match_subs}{$expr};
3340 my $sub =<<END;
3341 sub {
3342 my \$feature = shift or return;
3343 return \$feature->type =~ /^($expr)\$/i;
3346 warn "match sub: $sub\n" if $self->debug;
3347 undef $@;
3348 my $compiled_sub = eval $sub;
3349 $self->throw($@) if $@;
3350 return $self->{match_subs}{$expr} = $compiled_sub;
3353 =head2 make_object
3355 Title : make_object
3356 Usage : $db->make_object($class,$name,$start,$stop)
3357 Function: creates a feature object
3358 Returns : a feature object
3359 Args : see below
3360 Status : protected
3362 This method is called to make an object from the GFF "group" field.
3363 By default, all Target groups are turned into Bio::DB::GFF::Homol
3364 objects, and everything else becomes a Bio::DB::GFF::Featname.
3365 However, adaptors are free to override this method to generate more
3366 interesting objects, such as true BioPerl objects, or Acedb objects.
3368 Arguments are:
3370 $name database ID for object
3371 $class class of object
3372 $start for similarities, start of match inside object
3373 $stop for similarities, stop of match inside object
3375 =cut
3377 # abstract call to turn a feature into an object, given its class and name
3378 sub make_object {
3379 my $self = shift;
3380 my ($class,$name,$start,$stop) = @_;
3381 return Bio::DB::GFF::Homol->new($self,$class,$name,$start,$stop)
3382 if defined $start and length $start;
3383 return Bio::DB::GFF::Featname->new($class,$name);
3387 =head2 do_attributes
3389 Title : do_attributes
3390 Usage : $db->do_attributes($id [,$tag]);
3391 Function: internal method to retrieve attributes given an id and tag
3392 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
3393 Args : a feature id and a attribute tag (optional)
3394 Status : protected
3396 This method is overridden by subclasses in order to return a list of
3397 attributes. If called with a tag, returns the value of attributes of
3398 that tag type. If called without a tag, returns a flattened array of
3399 (tag=E<gt>value) pairs. A particular tag can be present multiple times.
3401 =cut
3403 sub do_attributes {
3404 my $self = shift;
3405 my ($id,$tag) = @_;
3406 return ();
3409 =head2 clone
3411 The clone() method should be used when you want to pass the
3412 Bio::DB::GFF object to a child process across a fork(). The child must
3413 call clone() before making any queries.
3415 The default behavior is to do nothing, but adaptors that use the DBI
3416 interface may need to implement this in order to avoid database handle
3417 errors. See the dbi adaptor for an example.
3419 =cut
3421 sub clone { }
3424 =head1 Internal Methods
3426 The following methods are internal to Bio::DB::GFF and are not
3427 guaranteed to remain the same.
3429 =head2 _features
3431 Title : _features
3432 Usage : $db->_features($search,$options,$parent)
3433 Function: internal method
3434 Returns : a list of Bio::DB::GFF::Feature objects
3435 Args : see below
3436 Status : internal
3438 This is an internal method that is called by overlapping_features(),
3439 contained_features() and features() to create features based on a
3440 parent segment's coordinate system. It takes three arguments, a
3441 search options hashref, an options hashref, and a parent segment.
3443 The search hashref contains the following keys:
3445 rangetype One of "overlaps", "contains" or "contained_in". Indicates
3446 the type of range query requested.
3447 refseq reference sequence ID
3448 refclass reference sequence class
3449 start start of range
3450 stop stop of range
3451 types arrayref containing list of types in "method:source" form
3453 The options hashref contains zero or more of the following keys:
3455 sparse turn on optimizations for a rare feature
3456 automerge if true, invoke aggregators to merge features
3457 iterator if true, return an iterator
3459 The $parent argument is a scalar object containing a
3460 Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment object or descendent.
3462 =cut
3466 sub _features {
3467 my $self = shift;
3468 my ($search,$options,$parent) = @_;
3469 (@{$search}{qw(start stop)}) = (@{$search}{qw(stop start)})
3470 if defined($search->{start}) && $search->{start} > $search->{stop};
3471 $search->{refseq} = $search->{seq_id} if exists $search->{seq_id};
3473 my $types = $self->parse_types($search->{types}); # parse out list of types
3474 my @aggregated_types = @$types; # keep a copy
3476 # allow the aggregators to operate on the original
3477 my @aggregators;
3478 if ($options->{automerge}) {
3479 for my $a ($self->aggregators) {
3480 $a = $a->clone if $options->{iterator};
3481 unshift @aggregators,$a
3482 if $a->disaggregate(\@aggregated_types,$self);
3486 if ($options->{iterator}) {
3487 my @accumulated_features;
3488 my $callback = $options->{automerge} ? sub { $self->make_aggregated_feature(\@accumulated_features,$parent,\@aggregators,@_) }
3489 : sub { [$self->make_feature($parent,undef,@_)] };
3490 return $self->get_features_iterator({ %$search,
3491 types => \@aggregated_types },
3492 { %$options,
3493 sort_by_group => $options->{automerge} },
3494 $callback
3498 my %groups; # cache the groups we create to avoid consuming too much unecessary memory
3499 my $features = [];
3501 my $callback = sub { push @$features,$self->make_feature($parent,\%groups,@_) };
3502 $self->get_features({ %$search,
3503 types => \@aggregated_types },
3504 $options,
3505 $callback);
3507 if ($options->{automerge}) {
3508 warn "aggregating...\n" if $self->debug;
3509 foreach my $a (@aggregators) { # last aggregator gets first shot
3510 warn "Aggregator $a:\n" if $self->debug;
3511 $a->aggregate($features,$self);
3515 @$features;
3518 =head2 get_features_iterator
3520 Title : get_features_iterator
3521 Usage : $db->get_features_iterator($search,$options,$callback)
3522 Function: get an iterator on a features query
3523 Returns : a Bio::SeqIO object
3524 Args : as per get_features()
3525 Status : Public
3527 This method takes the same arguments as get_features(), but returns an
3528 iterator that can be used to fetch features sequentially, as per
3529 Bio::SeqIO.
3531 Internally, this method is simply a front end to range_query().
3532 The latter method constructs and executes the query, returning a
3533 statement handle. This routine passes the statement handle to the
3534 constructor for the iterator, along with the callback.
3536 =cut
3538 sub get_features_iterator {
3539 my $self = shift;
3540 my ($search,$options,$callback) = @_;
3541 $self->throw('feature iteration is not implemented in this adaptor');
3544 =head2 split_group
3546 Title : split_group
3547 Usage : $db->split_group($group_field,$gff3_flag)
3548 Function: parse GFF group field
3549 Returns : ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,$attributes)
3550 Args : the gff group column and a flag indicating gff3 compatibility
3551 Status : internal
3553 This is a method that is called by load_gff_line to parse out the
3554 contents of one or more group fields. It returns the class of the
3555 group, its name, the start and stop of the target, if any, and an
3556 array reference containing any attributes that were stuck into the
3557 group field, in [attribute_name,attribute_value] format.
3559 =cut
3561 sub split_group {
3562 my $self = shift;
3563 my ($group,$gff3) = @_;
3564 if ($gff3) {
3565 my @groups = split /[;&]/,$group; # so easy!
3566 return $self->_split_gff3_group(@groups);
3567 } else {
3568 # handle group parsing
3569 # protect embedded semicolons in the group; there must be faster/more elegant way
3570 # to do this.
3571 $group =~ s/\\;/$;/g;
3572 while ($group =~ s/( \"[^\"]*);([^\"]*\")/$1$;$2/) { 1 }
3573 my @groups = split(/\s*;\s*/,$group);
3574 foreach (@groups) { s/$;/;/g }
3575 return $self->_split_gff2_group(@groups);
3579 =head2 _split_gff2_group
3581 This is an internal method called by split_group().
3583 =cut
3585 # this has gotten quite nasty due to transition from GFF2 to GFF2.5
3586 # (artemis) to GFF3.
3588 sub _split_gff2_group {
3589 my $self = shift;
3590 my @groups = @_;
3591 my $target_found;
3593 my ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,@attributes,@notes);
3595 for (@groups) {
3597 my ($tag,$value) = /^(\S+)(?:\s+(.+))?/;
3598 $value = '' unless defined $value;
3599 if ($value =~ /^\"(.+)\"$/) { #remove quotes
3600 $value = $1;
3602 $value =~ s/\\t/\t/g;
3603 $value =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
3604 $value =~ s/\s+$//;
3606 # Any additional groups become part of the attributes hash
3607 # For historical reasons, the tag "Note" is treated as an
3608 # attribute, even if it is the only group.
3609 $tag ||= '';
3610 if ($tag eq 'tstart' && $target_found) {
3611 $tstart = $value;
3614 elsif ($tag eq 'tend' && $target_found) {
3615 $tstop = $value;
3618 elsif (ucfirst $tag eq 'Note') {
3619 push @notes, [$tag => $value];
3622 elsif ($tag eq 'Target' && /([^:\"\s]+):([^\"\s]+)/) { # major disagreement in implementors of GFF2 here
3623 $target_found++;
3624 ($gclass,$gname) = ($1,$2);
3625 ($tstart,$tstop) = / (\d+) (\d+)/;
3628 elsif (!defined($value)) {
3629 push @notes, [Note => $tag]; # e.g. "Confirmed_by_EST"
3632 else {
3633 push @attributes, [$tag => $value];
3637 # group assignment
3638 if (@attributes && !($gclass && $gname) ) {
3640 my $preferred = ref($self) ? $self->_preferred_groups_hash : {};
3642 for my $pair (@attributes) {
3643 my ($c,$n) = @$pair;
3644 ($gclass,$gname) = ($c,$n)
3645 if !$gclass # pick up first one
3647 ($preferred->{lc $gclass}||0) < ($preferred->{lc $c}||0); # pick up higher priority one
3650 @attributes = grep {$gclass ne $_->[0]} @attributes;
3653 push @attributes, @notes;
3655 return ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,\@attributes);
3659 =head2 gff3_name_munging
3661 Title : gff3_name_munging
3662 Usage : $db->gff3_name_munging($boolean)
3663 Function: get/set gff3_name_munging flag
3664 Returns : $current value of flag
3665 Args : new value of flag (optional)
3666 Status : utility
3668 If this is set to true (default false), then features identified in
3669 gff3 files with an ID in the format foo:bar will be parsed so that
3670 "foo" is the class and "bar" is the name. This is mostly for backward
3671 compatibility with GFF2.
3673 =cut
3675 sub gff3_name_munging {
3676 my $self = shift;
3677 my $d = $self->{gff3_name_munging};
3678 $self->{gff3_name_munging} = shift if @_;
3682 =head2 _split_gff3_group
3684 This is called internally from split_group().
3686 =cut
3688 sub _split_gff3_group {
3689 my $self = shift;
3690 my @groups = @_;
3691 my $dc = $self->default_class;
3692 my (%id,@attributes);
3694 for my $group (@groups) {
3695 my ($tag,$value) = split /=/,$group;
3696 $tag = unescape($tag);
3697 my @values = map {unescape($_)} split /,/,$value;
3699 # GFF2 traditionally did not distinguish between a feature's name
3700 # and the group it belonged to. This code is a transition between
3701 # gff2 and the new parent/ID dichotomy in gff3.
3702 if ($tag eq 'Parent') {
3703 my (@names,@classes);
3704 for (@values) {
3705 my ($name,$class) = $self->_gff3_name_munging($_,$dc);
3706 push @names,$name;
3707 push @classes,$class;
3709 $id{$tag} = @names > 1 ? [\@names,\@classes] : [$names[0],$classes[0]];
3711 elsif ($tag eq 'ID' || $tag eq 'Name') {
3712 $id{$tag} = [$self->_gff3_name_munging(shift(@values),$dc)];
3714 elsif ($tag eq 'Target') {
3715 my ($gname,$tstart,$tstop) = split /\s+/,shift @values;
3716 $id{$tag} = [$self->_gff3_name_munging($gname,$dc),$tstart,$tstop];
3718 elsif ($tag =~ /synonym/i) {
3719 $tag = 'Alias';
3721 push @attributes,[$tag=>$_] foreach @values;
3724 my $priorities = $self->_preferred_groups_hash(1);
3725 my ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop);
3726 for my $preferred (sort {$priorities->{lc $b}<=>$priorities->{lc $a}}
3727 keys %id) {
3728 unless (defined $gname) {
3729 ($gname,$gclass,$tstart,$tstop) = @{$id{$preferred}};
3733 # set null gclass to empty string to preserve compatibility with
3734 # programs that expect a defined gclass if no gname
3735 $gclass ||= '' if defined $gname;
3737 return ($gclass,$gname,$tstart,$tstop,\@attributes);
3740 # accomodation for wormbase style of class:name naming
3741 sub _gff3_name_munging {
3742 my $self = shift;
3743 my ($name,$default_class) = @_;
3744 return ($name,$default_class) unless $self->gff3_name_munging;
3746 if ($name =~ /^(\w+):(.+)/) {
3747 return ($2,$1);
3748 } else {
3749 return ($name,$default_class);
3753 =head2 _delete_features(), _delete_groups(),_delete(),_delete_fattribute_to_features()
3755 Title : _delete_features(), _delete_groups(),_delete(),_delete_fattribute_to_features()
3756 Usage : $count = $db->_delete_features(@feature_ids)
3757 $count = $db->_delete_groups(@group_ids)
3758 $count = $db->_delete(\%delete_spec)
3759 $count = $db->_delete_fattribute_to_features(@feature_ids)
3760 Function: low-level feature/group deleter
3761 Returns : count of groups removed
3762 Args : list of feature or group ids removed
3763 Status : for implementation by subclasses
3765 These methods need to be implemented in adaptors. For _delete_features,
3766 _delete_groups and _delete_fattribute_to_features, the arguments are a list of
3767 feature or group IDs to remove. For _delete(), the argument is a hashref with
3768 the three keys 'segments', 'types' and 'force'. The first contains an arrayref
3769 of Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment objects to delete (all FEATURES within the segment
3770 are deleted). The second contains an arrayref of [method,source] feature types
3771 to delete. The two are ANDed together. If 'force' has a true value, this
3772 forces the operation to continue even if it would delete all features.
3774 =cut
3776 sub _delete_features {
3777 my $self = shift;
3778 my @feature_ids = @_;
3779 $self->throw('_delete_features is not implemented in this adaptor');
3782 sub _delete_groups {
3783 my $self = shift;
3784 my @group_ids = @_;
3785 $self->throw('_delete_groups is not implemented in this adaptor');
3788 sub _delete {
3789 my $self = shift;
3790 my $delete_options = shift;
3791 $self->throw('_delete is not implemented in this adaptor');
3794 sub _delete_fattribute_to_features {
3795 my $self = shift;
3796 my @feature_ids = @_;
3797 $self->throw('_delete_fattribute_to_features is not implemented in this adaptor');
3801 sub unescape {
3802 my $v = shift;
3803 $v =~ tr/+/ /;
3804 $v =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/chr hex($1)/ge;
3805 return $v;
3808 sub print_gff3_warning {
3809 my $self = shift;
3810 print STDERR <<END
3812 You are loading a Bio::DB::GFF database with GFF3 formatted data.
3813 While this will likely work fine, the Bio::DB::GFF schema does not
3814 always faithfully capture the complexity represented in GFF3 files.
3815 Unless you have a specific reason for using Bio::DB::GFF, we suggest
3816 that you use a Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store database and its corresponding
3817 loader,
3822 return;
3826 package Bio::DB::GFF::ID_Iterator;
3827 use strict;
3829 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root);
3831 sub new {
3832 my $class = shift;
3833 my ($db,$ids,$type) = @_;
3834 return bless {ids=>$ids,db=>$db,type=>$type},$class;
3837 sub next_seq {
3838 my $self = shift;
3839 my $next = shift @{$self->{ids}};
3840 return unless $next;
3841 my $name = ref($next) eq 'ARRAY' ? Bio::DB::GFF::Featname->new(@$next) : $next;
3842 my $segment = $self->{type} eq 'name' ? $self->{db}->segment($name)
3843 : $self->{type} eq 'feature' ? $self->{db}->fetch_feature_by_id($name)
3844 : $self->{type} eq 'group' ? $self->{db}->fetch_feature_by_gid($name)
3845 : $self->throw("Bio::DB::GFF::ID_Iterator called to fetch an unknown type of identifier");
3846 $self->throw("id does not exist") unless $segment;
3847 return $segment;
3850 package Bio::DB::GFF::FeatureIterator;
3852 sub new {
3853 my $self = shift;
3854 my @features = @_;
3855 return bless \@features,ref $self || $self;
3857 sub next_seq {
3858 my $self = shift;
3859 return unless @$self;
3860 return shift @$self;
3866 __END__
3868 =head1 BUGS
3870 Features can only belong to a single group at a time. This must be
3871 addressed soon.
3873 Start coordinate can be greater than stop coordinate for relative
3874 addressing. This breaks strict BioPerl compatibility and must be
3875 fixed.
3877 =head1 SEE ALSO
3879 L<Bio::DB::GFF::RelSegment>,
3880 L<Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator>,
3881 L<Bio::DB::GFF::Feature>,
3882 L<Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::mysqlopt>,
3883 L<Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::dbi::oracle>,
3884 L<Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::memory>
3885 L<Bio::DB::GFF::Adaptor::berkeleydb>
3887 =head1 AUTHOR
3889 Lincoln Stein E<lt>lstein@cshl.orgE<gt>.
3891 Copyright (c) 2001 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
3893 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
3894 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
3896 =cut