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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / PopGen /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::PopGen::Genotype
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <>
8 # Copyright Jason Stajich
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
14 =head1 NAME
16 Bio::PopGen::Genotype - An implementation of GenotypeI which is just an allele container
18 =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 use Bio::PopGen::Genotype;
21 my $genotype = Bio::PopGen::Genotype->new(-marker_name => $name,
22 -individual_id => $indid,
23 -alleles => \@alleles);
27 This object will contain alleles for a given marker for a given
28 individual.
30 The class variable BlankAlleles (accessible through
31 $Bio::PopGen::Genotype::BlankAlleles = 'somepattern') can be set to a
32 regexp pattern for identifying blank alleles which should no be
33 counted (they are effectively missing data). By default it set to
34 match white space, '-', 'N' or 'n', and '?' as blank alleles which are
35 skipped.
37 =head1 FEEDBACK
39 =head2 Mailing Lists
41 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
42 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
43 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
45 - General discussion
46 - About the mailing lists
48 =head2 Support
50 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
52 I<>
54 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
55 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
56 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
57 with code and data examples if at all possible.
59 =head2 Reporting Bugs
61 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
62 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
63 the web:
67 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
69 Email
73 Matthew Hahn,
75 =head1 APPENDIX
77 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
78 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
80 =cut
83 # Let the code begin...
86 package Bio::PopGen::Genotype;
87 use vars qw($BlankAlleles);
88 use strict;
90 $BlankAlleles = '[\s\-Nn\?]';
93 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
97 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::PopGen::GenotypeI);
99 =head2 new
101 Title : new
102 Usage : my $obj = Bio::PopGen::Genotype->new();
103 Function: Builds a new Bio::PopGen::Genotype object
104 Returns : an instance of Bio::PopGen::Genotype
105 Args : -marker_name => string representing name of the marker
106 -individual_id => string representing individual id (optional)
107 -alleles => arrayref with each item in the array being an allele
109 =cut
111 sub new {
112 my($class,@args) = @_;
114 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
115 my ($marker_name, $marker_type, $ind_id, $alleles) = $self->_rearrange([qw(MARKER_NAME
118 ALLELES)],@args);
119 defined $marker_name && $self->marker_name($marker_name);
120 defined $marker_type && $self->marker_type($marker_type);
121 defined $ind_id && $self->individual_id($ind_id);
122 if( defined $alleles ) {
123 if( ref($alleles) =~ /array/i ) {
124 $self->add_Allele(@$alleles);
125 } else {
126 $self->warn("Could not initialize with -alleles value, it is not an array ref");
129 return $self;
133 =head2 marker_name
135 Title : marker_name
136 Usage : my $name = $genotype->marker_name();
137 Function: Get the marker name for a genotype result
138 Returns : string
139 Args : [optional] marker name value to store
142 =cut
144 sub marker_name{
145 my ($self) = shift;
146 return $self->{'_marker_name'} = shift if @_;
147 return $self->{'_marker_name'};
150 =head2 marker_type
152 Title : marker_type
153 Usage : my $name = $genotype->marker_type();
154 Function: Get the marker type for a genotype result
155 Returns : M (microsatellite, or other multi-allelic
156 locus) or S (biallelic/SNP locus)
157 Args : [optional] marker type value to store
160 =cut
162 sub marker_type{
163 my ($self) = shift;
164 return $self->{'_marker_type'} = shift if @_;
165 return $self->{'_marker_type'};
169 =head2 individual_id
171 Title : individual_id
172 Usage : my $indid = $genotype->individual_id();
173 Function: Gets the individual id associated with a genotype
174 This is effectively a back reference since we will typically
175 associate a genotype with an individual with an
176 individual HAS-A genotype relationship.
177 Returns : unique id string for an individual
178 Args : none
181 =cut
183 sub individual_id {
184 my ($self) = shift;
185 return $self->{'_individual_id'} = shift if @_;
186 return $self->{'_individual_id'};
189 =head2 get_Alleles
191 Title : get_Alleles
192 Usage : my @alleles = $genotype->get_Alleles();
193 Function: Get the alleles for a given marker and individual
194 Returns : array of alleles (strings in this implementation)
195 Args : $showblank - boolean flag to indicate return ALL alleles not
196 skipping the coded EMPTY alleles
198 Note : Uses the class variable $BlankAlleles to test if alleles
199 should be skipped or not.
201 =cut
203 sub get_Alleles{
204 my ($self) = shift;
206 if( @_ && $_[0] ) {
207 return @{$self->{'_alleles'} || []};
208 } else {
209 if( defined $self->{'_cached_noblank'} ) {
210 return @{$self->{'_cached_noblank'}}
212 # one liners - woo hoo.
213 $self->{'_cached_noblank'} = [ grep { ! /^\s*$BlankAlleles\s*$/o }
214 @{$self->{'_alleles'} || []}];
215 return @{$self->{'_cached_noblank'}};
219 =head2 add_Allele
221 Title : add_Allele
222 Usage : $genotype->add_Allele(@alleles);
223 Function: Add alleles to the genotype, at this point there is no
224 verification to insure that haploid individuals only have 1
225 allele or that diploids only have 2 - we assume that is
226 done by the user creating these objects
227 Returns : count of the number of alleles in genotype
228 Args : Array of alleles to store
231 =cut
233 sub add_Allele {
234 my ($self) = shift;
235 $self->{'_cached_noblank'} = undef;
236 push @{$self->{'_alleles'}}, @_;
237 return scalar @{$self->{'_alleles'}};
240 =head2 reset_Alleles
242 Title : reset_Alleles
243 Usage : $genotype->reset_Alleles;
244 Function: Resets the stored alleles so the list is empty
245 Returns : None
246 Args : None
249 =cut
251 sub reset_Alleles{
252 my ($self,@args) = @_;
253 $self->{'_cached_noblank'} = undef;
254 $self->{'_alleles'} = [];
255 return 0;