small update
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Cluster /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Cluster::FamilyI
4 # Cared for by Shawn Hoon <>
6 # Copyright Shawn Hoon
8 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
10 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
12 =head1 NAME
14 Bio::Cluster::FamilyI - Family Interface
16 =head1 SYNOPSIS
18 # see the implementations of this interface for details
20 my $cluster= $cluster->new(-description=>"POLYUBIQUITIN",
21 -members =>[$seq1,$seq2]);
22 my @members = $cluster->get_members();
23 my @sub_members = $cluster->get_members(-species=>"homo sapiens");
27 This interface if for a Family object representing a family of
28 biological objects. A generic implementation for this may be
29 found a L<Bio::Cluster::Family>.
32 =head1 FEEDBACK
34 =head2 Mailing Lists
36 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
37 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
38 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
40 - General discussion
41 - About the mailing lists
43 =head2 Reporting Bugs
45 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
46 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
47 web:
51 =head1 AUTHOR - Shawn Hoon
53 Email
55 =head1 APPENDIX
57 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
58 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
60 =cut
63 package Bio::Cluster::FamilyI;
64 use strict;
67 use base qw(Bio::ClusterI);
69 =head2 new
71 We dont mandate but encourage implementors to support at least the
72 following named parameters upon object initialization.
74 Arguments Description
75 --------- -----------
76 -family_id the name of the family
77 -description the consensus description of the family
78 -annotation_score the confidence by which the consensus description is
79 representative of the family
80 -members the members belonging to the family
81 -alignment the multiple alignment of the members
83 =cut
86 =head2 family_id
88 Title : family_id
89 Usage : Bio::Cluster::FamilyI->family_id("znfp");
90 Function: get/set for the family id
91 Returns : the family id
92 Args : the family id
94 =cut
96 sub family_id{
97 shift->throw_not_implemented();
100 =head2 family_score
102 Title : family_score
103 Usage : Bio::Cluster::FamilyI->family_score(95);
104 Function: get/set for the score of algorithm used to generate
105 the family if present
106 Returns : the score
107 Args : the score
109 =cut
111 sub family_score {
112 shift->throw_not_implemented();
116 =head1 Methods inherited from L<Bio::ClusterI>
118 =cut
120 =head2 display_id
122 Title : display_id
123 Usage :
124 Function: Get the display name or identifier for the cluster
125 Returns : a string
126 Args :
128 =cut
130 =head2 get_members
132 Title : get_members
133 Usage : Bio::Cluster::FamilyI->get_members();
134 Function: get the members of the family
135 Returns : the array of members
136 Args : the array of members
138 =cut
140 =head2 description
142 Title : description
143 Usage : Bio::Cluster::FamilyI->description("Zinc Finger Protein");
144 Function: get/set for the description of the family
145 Returns : the description
146 Args : the description
148 =cut
151 =head2 size
153 Title : size
154 Usage : Bio::Cluster::FamilyI->size();
155 Function: get/set for the description of the family
156 Returns : size
157 Args :
159 =cut
161 =head2 cluster_score
163 Title : cluster_score
164 Usage : $cluster ->cluster_score(100);
165 Function: get/set for cluster_score which
166 represent the score in which the clustering
167 algorithm assigns to this cluster.
168 Returns : a number
170 =cut