1 A toolkit for manipulating population data is critical for population
2 geneticists, epidemiologists, evo-devo and others.
5 This proposal will outline basic set of objects which are useful for
6 manipulating population data. Our primary driving force will be to
7 process the data generated from the SNP haplotype project.
12 Bio::Population namespace
14 Bio::Population::HaplotypeCohortI a collection (likely) co-inherited
16 Bio::Population::HaplotypeI -- a score for a particular haplotype
17 cohort or an individual
18 Bio::Population::GenotypeI -- a score value for a marker for an individual
19 Bio::Population::FrequencyI -- an allele frequency in a Population
20 Bio::Population::PopulationI -- group of unrelated individuals
21 Bio::Population::PedigreeI -- group of related individuals w/ relationships
22 Bio::Population::IndividualI -- a single identifiable entity with distinct
24 Bio::Population::PhenotypeI -- a trait associated with an individual
28 A PedigreeI isa PopulationI
29 A PopulationI can contain other PopulationIs