[bug 2686]
[bioperl-live.git] / scripts / biographics / bp_embl2picture.PLS
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # file: embl2picture.pl
4 # This is code example 6 in the Graphics-HOWTO
5 # Author: Lincoln Stein
7 use strict;
8 use lib "$ENV{HOME}/projects/bioperl-live";
9 use Bio::Graphics;
10 use Bio::SeqIO;
12 =head1 NAME
14 bp_embl2picture.pl - Render a Genbank/EMBL sequence file graphically as a png image
16 =head1 SYNOPSIS
18 % bp_embl2picture.pl factor7.embl | display -
22 Render a GenBank/EMBL entry into drawable form. Return as a GIF or
23 PNG image on standard output.
25 The file must be in embl, genbank, or another SeqIO- recognized format.
26 Only the first entry will be rendered.
28 =head1 SEE ALSO
30 L<Bio::Graphics>, the BioGraphics HOWTO.
32 =head1 AUTHOR
34 Lincoln Stein, lstein@cshl.edu
36 Copyright (c) 2004 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
38 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
39 it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for
40 disclaimers of warranty.
42 =cut
44 use constant USAGE =><<END;
45 Usage: $0 <file>
46 Render a GenBank/EMBL entry into drawable form.
47 Return as a GIF or PNG image on standard output.
49 File must be in embl, genbank, or another SeqIO-
50 recognized format. Only the first entry will be
51 rendered.
53 Example to try:
54 embl2picture.pl factor7.embl | display -
56 END
58 my $file = shift or die USAGE;
59 my $io = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>$file) or die USAGE;
60 my $seq = $io->next_seq or die USAGE;
61 my $wholeseq = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(-start=>1,-end=>$seq->length,
62 -display_name=>$seq->display_name);
64 my @features = $seq->all_SeqFeatures;
66 # sort features by their primary tags
67 my %sorted_features;
68 for my $f (@features) {
69 my $tag = $f->primary_tag;
70 push @{$sorted_features{$tag}},$f;
73 my $panel = Bio::Graphics::Panel->new(
74 -length => $seq->length,
75 -key_style => 'between',
76 -width => 800,
77 -pad_left => 10,
78 -pad_right => 10,
80 $panel->add_track($wholeseq,
81 -glyph => 'arrow',
82 -bump => 0,
83 -double=>1,
84 -tick => 2);
86 $panel->add_track($wholeseq,
87 -glyph => 'generic',
88 -bgcolor => 'blue',
89 -label => 1,
92 # special cases
93 if ($sorted_features{CDS}) {
94 $panel->add_track($sorted_features{CDS},
95 -glyph => 'transcript2',
96 -bgcolor => 'orange',
97 -fgcolor => 'black',
98 -font2color => 'red',
99 -key => 'CDS',
100 -bump => +1,
101 -height => 12,
102 -label => \&gene_label,
103 -description=> \&gene_description,
105 delete $sorted_features{'CDS'};
108 if ($sorted_features{tRNA}) {
109 $panel->add_track($sorted_features{tRNA},
110 -glyph => 'transcript2',
111 -bgcolor => 'red',
112 -fgcolor => 'black',
113 -font2color => 'red',
114 -key => 'tRNAs',
115 -bump => +1,
116 -height => 12,
117 -label => \&gene_label,
119 delete $sorted_features{tRNA};
122 # general case
123 my @colors = qw(cyan orange blue purple green chartreuse magenta yellow aqua);
124 my $idx = 0;
125 for my $tag (sort keys %sorted_features) {
126 my $features = $sorted_features{$tag};
127 $panel->add_track($features,
128 -glyph => 'generic',
129 -bgcolor => $colors[$idx++ % @colors],
130 -fgcolor => 'black',
131 -font2color => 'red',
132 -key => "${tag}s",
133 -bump => +1,
134 -height => 8,
135 -description => \&generic_description
139 print $panel->png;
140 exit 0;
142 sub gene_label {
143 my $feature = shift;
144 my @notes;
145 foreach (qw(product gene)) {
146 next unless $feature->has_tag($_);
147 @notes = $feature->each_tag_value($_);
148 last;
150 $notes[0];
153 sub gene_description {
154 my $feature = shift;
155 my @notes;
156 foreach (qw(note)) {
157 next unless $feature->has_tag($_);
158 @notes = $feature->each_tag_value($_);
159 last;
161 return unless @notes;
162 substr($notes[0],30) = '...' if length $notes[0] > 30;
163 $notes[0];
166 sub generic_description {
167 my $feature = shift;
168 my $description;
169 foreach ($feature->all_tags) {
170 my @values = $feature->each_tag_value($_);
171 $description .= $_ eq 'note' ? "@values" : "$_=@values; ";
173 $description =~ s/; $//; # get rid of last
174 $description;