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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / SearchIO /
1 # $Id$
3 # BioPerl module for Bio::SearchIO::sim4
5 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
7 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <jason-at-bioperl-dot-org>
9 # Copyright Jason Stajich
11 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
13 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
15 =head1 NAME
17 Bio::SearchIO::sim4 - parser for Sim4 alignments
19 =head1 SYNOPSIS
21 # do not use this module directly, it is a driver for SearchIO
22 use Bio::SearchIO;
23 my $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-file => 'results.sim4',
24 -format => 'sim4');
26 while ( my $result = $searchio->next_result ) {
27 while ( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
28 while ( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {
29 # ...
36 This is a driver for the SearchIO system for parsing Sim4.
39 Cannot parse LAV or 'exon file' formats (A=2 or A=5)
41 =head1 FEEDBACK
43 =head2 Mailing Lists
45 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
46 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
47 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
49 - General discussion
50 - About the mailing lists
52 =head2 Support
54 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
56 L<>
58 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
59 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
60 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
61 with code and data examples if at all possible.
63 =head2 Reporting Bugs
65 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
66 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
67 web:
71 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
73 Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
77 Luc Gauthier (
79 =head1 APPENDIX
81 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
82 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
84 =cut
87 # Let the code begin...
90 package Bio::SearchIO::sim4;
92 use strict;
96 use POSIX;
97 use Bio::SearchIO::SearchResultEventBuilder;
99 use base qw(Bio::SearchIO);
102 $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS = 'Bio::Search::Writer::HitTableWriter';
104 %ALIGN_TYPES = (
105 0 => 'Ruler',
106 1 => 'Query',
107 2 => 'Mid',
108 3 => 'Sbjct'
111 %MODEMAP = (
112 'Sim4Output' => 'result',
113 'Hit' => 'hit',
114 'Hsp' => 'hsp'
117 %MAPPING = (
118 'Hsp_query-from'=> 'HSP-query_start',
119 'Hsp_query-to' => 'HSP-query_end',
120 'Hsp_qseq' => 'HSP-query_seq',
121 'Hsp_qlength' => 'HSP-query_length',
122 'Hsp_querygaps' => 'HSP-query_gaps',
123 'Hsp_hit-from' => 'HSP-hit_start',
124 'Hsp_hit-to' => 'HSP-hit_end',
125 'Hsp_hseq' => 'HSP-hit_seq',
126 'Hsp_hlength' => 'HSP-hit_length',
127 'Hsp_hitgaps' => 'HSP-hit_gaps',
128 'Hsp_midline' => 'HSP-homology_seq',
129 'Hsp_score' => 'HSP-score',
130 'Hsp_align-len' => 'HSP-hsp_length',
131 'Hsp_identity' => 'HSP-identical',
133 'Hit_id' => 'HIT-name',
134 'Hit_desc' => 'HIT-description',
135 'Hit_len' => 'HIT-length',
137 'Sim4Output_program' => 'RESULT-algorithm_name',
138 'Sim4Output_query-def' => 'RESULT-query_name',
139 'Sim4Output_query-desc'=> 'RESULT-query_description',
140 'Sim4Output_query-len' => 'RESULT-query_length',
145 =head2 new
147 Title : new
148 Usage : my $obj = Bio::SearchIO::sim4->new();
149 Function: Builds a new Bio::SearchIO::sim4 object
150 Returns : an instance of Bio::SearchIO::sim4
151 Args :
154 =cut
157 =head2 next_result
159 Title : next_result
160 Usage : my $result = $searchio->next_result;
161 Function: Returns the next Result from a search
162 Returns : Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object
163 Args : none
165 =cut
167 sub next_result {
168 my ($self) = @_;
169 local $/ = "\n";
170 local $_;
172 # Declare/adjust needed variables
173 $self->{'_last_data'} = '';
174 my ($seentop, $qfull, @hsps, %alignment, $format);
175 my $hit_direction = 1;
177 # Start document and main element
178 $self->start_document();
179 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Sim4Output'});
180 my $lastquery = '';
181 # Read output report until EOF
182 while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) {
183 # Skip empty lines, chomp filled ones
184 next if( /^\s+$/); chomp;
186 # Make sure sim4 output format is not 2 or 5
187 if (!$seentop) {
188 if ( /^\#:lav/ ) { $format = 2; }
189 elsif ( /^<|>/ ) { $format = 5; }
190 $self->throw("Bio::SearchIO::sim4 module cannot parse 'type $format' outputs.") if $format;
193 # This line indicates the start of a new hit
194 if( /^seq1\s*=\s*(\S+),\s+(\d+)/ ) {
195 my ($nm,$desc) = ($1,$2);
196 # First hit? Adjust some parameters if so
197 if ( ! $seentop ) {
198 $self->element( {'Name' => 'Sim4Output_query-def',
199 'Data' => $nm} );
200 $self->element( {'Name' => 'Sim4Output_query-len',
201 'Data' => $desc} );
202 $seentop = 1;
203 } elsif( $nm ne $lastquery ) {
204 $self->_pushback($_);
205 last;
207 $lastquery = $nm;
208 # A previous HSP may need to be ended
209 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'}) if ( $self->in_element('hsp') );
210 # A previous hit exists? End it and reset needed variables
211 if ( $self->in_element('hit') ) {
212 foreach (@hsps) {
213 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
214 while (my ($name, $data) = each %$_) {
215 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{$name} = $data;
217 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
218 $self->{'_currentHSP'} = {};
220 $format = 0 if @hsps;
221 @hsps = ();
222 %alignment = ();
223 $qfull = 0;
224 $hit_direction = 1;
225 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
228 # This line describes the current hit... so let's start it
229 } elsif( /^seq2\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+\(>?(\S+)\s*\),\s*(\d+)/ ) {
230 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
231 $self->element( {'Name' => 'Hit_id', 'Data' => $2} );
232 $self->element( {'Name' => 'Hit_desc', 'Data' => $1} );
233 $self->element( {'Name' => 'Hit_len', 'Data' => $3} );
235 # This line may give additional details about query or subject
236 } elsif( /^>(\S+)\s*(.*)?/ ) {
237 # Previous line was query details... this time subject details
238 if( $qfull ) {
239 $format = 4 if !$format;
240 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_desc', 'Data' => $2});
241 # First line of this type is always query details for a given hit
242 } else {
243 $self->element({'Name' => 'Sim4Output_query-desc', 'Data' => $2});
244 $qfull = 1;
247 # This line indicates that subject is on reverse strand
248 } elsif( /^\(complement\)/ ) {
249 $hit_direction = -1;
251 # This line describes the current HSP... so add it to @hsps array
252 } elsif( /^\(?(\d+)\-(\d+)\)?\s+\(?(\d+)\-(\d+)\)?\s+(\d+)/ ) {
253 my ($qs,$qe,$hs,$he,$pid) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
254 push @hsps, {
255 'Hsp_query-from' => $qs,
256 'Hsp_query-to' => $qe,
257 'Hsp_hit-from' => $hit_direction >= 0 ? $hs : $he,
258 'Hsp_hit-to' => $hit_direction >= 0 ? $he : $hs,
259 'Hsp_identity' => 0, #can't determine correctly from raw pct
260 'Hsp_qlength' => abs($qe - $qs) + 1,
261 'Hsp_hlength' => abs($he - $hs) + 1,
262 'Hsp_align-len' => abs($qe - $qs) + 1,
265 # This line indicates the start of an alignment block
266 } elsif( /^\s+(\d+)\s/ ) {
267 # Store the current alignment block in a hash
268 for( my $i = 0; defined($_) && $i < 4; $i++ ) {
269 my ($start, $string) = /^\s+(\d*)\s(.*)/;
270 $alignment{$ALIGN_TYPES{$i}} = { start => $start, string => $i != 2
271 ? $string
272 : (' ' x (length($alignment{$ALIGN_TYPES{$i-1}}{string}) - length($string))) . $string
274 $_ = $self->_readline();
277 # 'Ruler' line indicates the start of a new HSP
278 if ($alignment{Ruler}{start} == 0) {
279 $format = @hsps ? 3 : 1 if !$format;
280 # A previous HSP may need to be ended
281 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'}) if ( $self->in_element('hsp') );
282 # Start the new HSP and fill the '_currentHSP' property with available details
283 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
284 $self->{'_currentHSP'} = @hsps ? shift @hsps : {
285 'Hsp_query-from' => $alignment{Query}{start},
286 'Hsp_hit-from' => $alignment{Sbjct}{start},
290 # Midline indicates a boundary between two HSPs
291 if ( $alignment{Mid}{string} =~ /<|>/g ) {
292 my ($hsp_start, $hsp_end);
293 # Are we currently in an open HSP?
294 if ( $self->in_element('hsp') ) {
295 # Find end pos, adjust 'gaps', 'seq' and 'midline' properties... then close HSP
296 $hsp_end = (pos $alignment{Mid}{string}) - 1;
297 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_querygaps'} +=
298 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_qseq'} .= substr($alignment{Query}{string}, 0, $hsp_end)) =~ s/ /-/g;
299 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hitgaps'} +=
300 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hseq'} .= substr($alignment{Sbjct}{string}, 0, $hsp_end)) =~ s/ /-/g;
301 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_midline'} .= substr($alignment{Mid}{string}, 0, $hsp_end)) =~ s/-/ /g;
302 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
304 # Does a new HSP start in the current alignment block?
305 if ( $alignment{Mid}{string} =~ /\|/g ) {
306 # Find start pos, start new HSP and fill it with available details
307 $hsp_start = (pos $alignment{Mid}{string}) - 1;
308 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
309 $self->{'_currentHSP'} = @hsps ? shift @hsps : {};
310 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_querygaps'} +=
311 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_qseq'} = substr($alignment{Query}{string}, $hsp_start)) =~ s/ /-/g;
312 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hitgaps'} +=
313 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hseq'} = substr($alignment{Sbjct}{string}, $hsp_start)) =~ s/ /-/g;
314 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_midline'} = substr($alignment{Mid}{string}, $hsp_start)) =~ s/-/ /g;
317 # No HSP is currently open...
318 else {
319 # Find start pos, start new HSP and fill it with available
320 # details then skip to next alignment block
321 $hsp_start = index($alignment{Mid}{string}, '|');
322 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
323 $self->{'_currentHSP'} = @hsps ? shift @hsps : {
324 'Hsp_query-from' => $alignment{Query}{start},
326 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_querygaps'} +=
327 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_qseq'} = substr($alignment{Query}{string}, $hsp_start)) =~ s/ /-/g;
328 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hitgaps'} +=
329 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hseq'} = substr($alignment{Sbjct}{string}, $hsp_start)) =~ s/ /-/g;
330 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_midline'} = substr($alignment{Mid}{string}, $hsp_start)) =~ s/-/ /g;
331 next;
334 # Current alignment block does not contain HSPs boundary
335 else {
336 # Start a new HSP if none is currently open
337 # (Happens if last boundary finished at the very end of previous block)
338 if ( !$self->in_element('hsp') ) {
339 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
340 $self->{'_currentHSP'} = @hsps ? shift @hsps : {
341 'Hsp_query-from' => $alignment{Query}{start},
342 'Hsp_hit-from' => $alignment{Sbjct}{start},
345 # Adjust details of the current HSP
346 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_query-from'} ||=
347 $alignment{Query}{start} -
348 length($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_qseq'} || '');
349 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hit-from'} ||=
350 $alignment{Sbjct}{start} -
351 length($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hseq'} || '');
352 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_querygaps'} +=
353 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_qseq'} .=
354 $alignment{Query}{string}) =~ s/ /-/g;
355 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hitgaps'} +=
356 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hseq'} .=
357 $alignment{Sbjct}{string}) =~ s/ /-/g;
358 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_midline'} .=
359 $alignment{Mid}{string}) =~ s/-/ /g;
364 # We are done reading the sim4 report, end everything and return
365 if( $seentop ) {
366 # end HSP if needed
367 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'}) if ( $self->in_element('hsp') );
368 # end Hit if needed
369 if ( $self->in_element('hit') ) {
370 foreach (@hsps) {
371 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
372 while (my ($name, $data) = each %$_) {
373 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{$name} = $data;
375 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
377 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
379 # adjust result's algorithm name, end output and return
380 $self->element({'Name' => 'Sim4Output_program',
381 'Data' => $DEFAULTFORMAT . ' (A=' . (defined $format ? $format : '?') . ')'});
382 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Sim4Output'});
383 return $self->end_document();
385 return;
388 =head2 start_element
390 Title : start_element
391 Usage : $eventgenerator->start_element
392 Function: Handles a start element event
393 Returns : none
394 Args : hashref with at least 2 keys 'Data' and 'Name'
397 =cut
399 sub start_element{
400 my ($self,$data) = @_;
401 # we currently don't care about attributes
402 my $nm = $data->{'Name'};
403 my $type = $MODEMAP{$nm};
405 if( $type ) {
406 if( $self->_will_handle($type) ) {
407 my $func = sprintf("start_%s",lc $type);
408 $self->_eventHandler->$func($data->{'Attributes'});
410 unshift @{$self->{'_elements'}}, $type;
412 if($type eq 'result') {
413 $self->{'_values'} = {};
414 $self->{'_result'}= undef;
420 =head2 end_element
422 Title : start_element
423 Usage : $eventgenerator->end_element
424 Function: Handles an end element event
425 Returns : none
426 Args : hashref with at least 2 keys 'Data' and 'Name'
429 =cut
431 sub end_element {
432 my ($self,$data) = @_;
433 my $nm = $data->{'Name'};
434 my $type = $MODEMAP{$nm};
435 my $rc;
437 if( $nm eq 'Hsp' ) {
438 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_midline'} ||= '';
439 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_query-to'} ||=
440 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_query-from'} + length($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_qseq'}) - 1 - $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_querygaps'};
441 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hit-to'} ||=
442 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hit-from'} + length($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hseq'}) - 1 - $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hitgaps'};
443 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_identity'} ||=
444 ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_midline'} =~ tr/\|//);
445 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_qlength'} ||= abs($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_query-to'} - $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_query-from'}) + 1;
446 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hlength'} ||= abs($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hit-to'} - $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_hit-from'}) + 1;
447 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_align-len'} ||= abs($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_query-to'} - $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_query-from'}) + 1;
448 $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_score'} ||= int(100 * ($self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_identity'} / $self->{'_currentHSP'}{'Hsp_align-len'}));
449 foreach (keys %{$self->{'_currentHSP'}}) {
450 $self->element({'Name' => $_, 'Data' => delete ${$self->{'_currentHSP'}}{$_}});
454 if( $type = $MODEMAP{$nm} ) {
455 if( $self->_will_handle($type) ) {
456 my $func = sprintf("end_%s",lc $type);
457 $rc = $self->_eventHandler->$func($self->{'_reporttype'},
458 $self->{'_values'});
460 shift @{$self->{'_elements'}};
462 } elsif( $MAPPING{$nm} ) {
464 if ( ref($MAPPING{$nm}) =~ /hash/i ) {
465 my $key = (keys %{$MAPPING{$nm}})[0];
466 $self->{'_values'}->{$key}->{$MAPPING{$nm}->{$key}} = $self->{'_last_data'};
467 } else {
468 $self->{'_values'}->{$MAPPING{$nm}} = $self->{'_last_data'};
470 } else {
471 $self->debug( "unknown nm $nm, ignoring\n");
473 $self->{'_last_data'} = ''; # remove read data if we are at
474 # end of an element
475 $self->{'_result'} = $rc if( defined $type && $type eq 'result' );
476 return $rc;
479 =head2 element
481 Title : element
482 Usage : $eventhandler->element({'Name' => $name, 'Data' => $str});
483 Function: Convience method that calls start_element, characters, end_element
484 Returns : none
485 Args : Hash ref with the keys 'Name' and 'Data'
488 =cut
490 sub element{
491 my ($self,$data) = @_;
492 $self->start_element($data);
493 $self->characters($data);
494 $self->end_element($data);
497 =head2 characters
499 Title : characters
500 Usage : $eventgenerator->characters($str)
501 Function: Send a character events
502 Returns : none
503 Args : string
506 =cut
508 sub characters{
509 my ($self,$data) = @_;
510 return unless ( defined $data->{'Data'} && $data->{'Data'} !~ /^\s+$/ );
512 if( $self->in_element('hsp') &&
513 $data->{'Name'} =~ /Hsp\_(qseq|hseq|midline)/ ) {
514 $self->{'_last_hspdata'}->{$data->{'Name'}} .= $data->{'Data'};
517 $self->{'_last_data'} = $data->{'Data'};
520 =head2 within_element
522 Title : within_element
523 Usage : if( $eventgenerator->within_element($element) ) {}
524 Function: Test if we are within a particular element
525 This is different than 'in' because within can be tested
526 for a whole block.
527 Returns : boolean
528 Args : string element name
531 =cut
533 sub within_element{
534 my ($self,$name) = @_;
535 return 0 if ( ! defined $name &&
536 ! defined $self->{'_elements'} ||
537 scalar @{$self->{'_elements'}} == 0) ;
538 foreach ( @{$self->{'_elements'}} ) {
539 if( $_ eq $name ) {
540 return 1;
543 return 0;
547 =head2 in_element
549 Title : in_element
550 Usage : if( $eventgenerator->in_element($element) ) {}
551 Function: Test if we are in a particular element
552 This is different than 'in' because within can be tested
553 for a whole block.
554 Returns : boolean
555 Args : string element name
558 =cut
560 sub in_element{
561 my ($self,$name) = @_;
562 return 0 if ! defined $self->{'_elements'}->[0];
563 return ( $self->{'_elements'}->[0] eq $name)
566 =head2 start_document
568 Title : start_document
569 Usage : $eventgenerator->start_document
570 Function: Handle a start document event
571 Returns : none
572 Args : none
575 =cut
577 sub start_document{
578 my ($self) = @_;
579 $self->{'_lasttype'} = '';
580 $self->{'_values'} = {};
581 $self->{'_result'}= undef;
582 $self->{'_elements'} = [];
583 $self->{'_reporttype'} = $DEFAULTFORMAT;
587 =head2 end_document
589 Title : end_document
590 Usage : $eventgenerator->end_document
591 Function: Handles an end document event
592 Returns : Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object
593 Args : none
596 =cut
598 sub end_document{
599 my ($self,@args) = @_;
600 return $self->{'_result'};
604 sub write_result {
605 my ($self, $blast, @args) = @_;
607 if( not defined($self->writer) ) {
608 $self->warn("Writer not defined. Using a $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS");
609 $self->writer( $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS->new() );
611 $self->SUPER::write_result( $blast, @args );
614 sub result_count {
615 return 1; # can a sim4 report contain more than one result?
618 sub report_count { shift->result_count }
620 =head2 _will_handle
622 Title : _will_handle
623 Usage : Private method. For internal use only.
624 if( $self->_will_handle($type) ) { ... }
625 Function: Provides an optimized way to check whether or not an element of a
626 given type is to be handled.
627 Returns : Reference to EventHandler object if the element type is to be handled.
628 undef if the element type is not to be handled.
629 Args : string containing type of element.
631 Optimizations:
633 1. Using the cached pointer to the EventHandler to minimize repeated lookups.
634 2. Caching the will_handle status for each type that is encountered
635 so that it only need be checked by calling handler->will_handle($type) once.
637 This does not lead to a major savings by itself (only 5-10%).
638 In combination with other optimizations, or for large parse jobs, the
639 savings good be significant.
641 To test against the unoptimized version, remove the parentheses from
642 around the third term in the ternary " ? : " operator and add two
643 calls to $self-E<gt>_eventHandler().
645 =cut
647 sub _will_handle {
648 my ($self,$type) = @_;
649 my $handler = $self->{'_handler_cache'} ||= $self->_eventHandler;
651 my $will_handle = defined($self->{'_will_handle_cache'}->{$type})
652 ? $self->{'_will_handle_cache'}->{$type}
653 : ($self->{'_will_handle_cache'}->{$type} =
654 $handler->will_handle($type));
656 return $will_handle ? $handler : undef;