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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Matrix / PSM /
1 #---------------------------------------------------------
2 # $Id$
4 #ISA SiteMatrix, HAS InstanceSite
6 =head1 NAME
8 Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm - handle combination of site matricies
10 =head1 SYNOPSIS
12 use Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO;
14 #To get a Psm object from a file use the Psm parser:
15 my $psmIO = Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO->new(-format=>'meme', -file=>$file);
17 # Now go through all entities in the file with next_psm, which
18 # returns a Psm object see Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO for detailed
19 # documentation (matrix predictions or matrix sequence matches or
20 # both):
22 while (my $psm=$psmIO->next_psm) {
23 my %psm_header=$psm->header;
24 my $ic=$psm_header{IC};
25 my $sites=$psm_header{sites};
26 my $width=$psm_header{width};
27 my $score=$psm_header{e_val};
28 my $IUPAC=$psm->IUPAC;
29 my $instances=$psm->instances;
30 foreach my $instance (@{$instances}) {
31 my $id=$instance->primary_id;
32 #Do something with the id
36 #or create from memmory:
37 my $psm= Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm->new( -pA=>\@pA,-pC=>\@pC,-pG=>\@pG,-pT=>\@pT,
38 -id=>$id,
39 -instances=>$instances, -e_val=>$e_val,
40 -IC=>$ic, -width=>$width, -sites=>$sites)
42 # where pA through pG are the respective frequencies of the matrix (see also
43 # Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix), and everything else is self-explenatory,
44 # except for -instances (reference to an array of
45 # Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSite objects) which is documented bellow.
49 To handle a combination of site matrices and/or their corresponding
50 sequence matches (instances). This object inherits from
51 Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix, so you can use the respective
52 methods. It may hold also an array of Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSite
53 object, but you will have to retrieve these through
54 Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm-E<gt>instances method (see below). To some extent
55 this is an expanded SiteMatrix object, holding data from analysis that
56 also deal with sequence matches of a particular matrix.
61 This does not make too much sense to me I am mixing PSM with PSM
62 sequence matches Though they are very closely related, I am not
63 satisfied by the way this is implemented here. Heikki suggested
64 different objects when one has something like meme But does this mean
65 we have to write a different objects for mast, meme, transfac,
66 theiresias, etc.? To me the best way is to return SiteMatrix object +
67 arrray of InstanceSite objects and then mast will return undef for
68 SiteMatrix and transfac will return undef for InstanceSite. Probably I
69 cannot see some other design issues that might arise from such
70 approach, but it seems more straightforward. Hilmar does not like
71 this beacause it is an exception from the general BioPerl rules Should
72 I leave this as an option? Also the header rightfully belongs the
73 driver object, and could be retrieved as hashes. I do not think it
74 can be done any other way, unless we want to create even one more
75 object with very unclear content.
77 =head1 FEEDBACK
79 =head2 Mailing Lists
81 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this
82 and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably
83 to one of the Bioperl mailing lists.
84 Your participation is much appreciated.
86 - General discussion
87 - About the mailing lists
89 =head2 Support
91 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
93 L<>
95 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
96 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
97 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
98 with code and data examples if at all possible.
100 =head2 Reporting Bugs
102 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
103 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
104 web:
108 =head1 AUTHOR - Stefan Kirov
110 Email
113 =head1 DISCLAIMER
115 This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
117 =head1 SEE ALSO
119 SiteMatrix, meme, transfac, InstanceSite
121 =head1 APPENDIX
123 =cut
126 # Let the code begin...
127 package Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm;
128 use Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSite;
129 use strict;
131 use base qw(Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmI Bio::Annotation::Collection);
133 @Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm::HEADER = qw(e_val sites IC width);
135 =head2 new
137 Title : new
138 Usage : my $psm= Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm->new( -pA=>\@pA,-pC=>\@pC,
139 -pG=>\@pG,-pT=>\@pT,-id=>$id,
140 -instances=>$instances,
141 -e_val=>$e_val,
142 -IC=>$ic, -width=>$width,
143 -sites=>$sites)
144 Function: Creates a new Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm object
145 Throws :
146 Example :
147 Returns : Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm object
148 Args : hash
151 =cut
153 sub new {
154 my ($caller,@args) = @_;
155 my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
156 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
157 $self->{'_annotation'} = {}; #Init from Annotation::Collection
158 $self->_typemap(Bio::Annotation::TypeManager->new()); #same
159 ($self->{instances})=$self->_rearrange(['INSTANCES'], @args);
160 return $self;
164 =head2 instances
166 Title : instances
167 Usage : my @instances=@{$psm->instances};
168 Function: Gets/sets the instances (Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSite objects)
169 associated with the Psm object
170 Throws :
171 Example :
172 Returns : array reference (Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSite objects)
173 Args : array reference (Bio::Matrix::PSM::InstanceSite objects)
175 =cut
177 sub instances {
178 my $self = shift;
179 my $prev = $self->{instances};
180 if (@_) { $self->{instances} = shift; }
181 return $prev;
185 =head2 header
187 Title : header
188 Usage : my %header=$psm->header;
189 my $ic=$psm->header('IC');
190 Function: Gets the general information, common for most files,
191 dealing with PSM such as information content (IC), score
192 (e-value, etc.), number of sites (sites) and width. This
193 list may expand. The current list should be in
194 @Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm::HEADER. Returns undef if an
195 argument is supplied that is not in
196 @Bio::Matrix::PSM::meme::HEADER.
197 Throws :
198 Example :
199 Returns : hash or string
200 Args : string (IC, e_val...)
202 =cut
204 sub header {
205 my $self = shift;
206 return if ($self->{end});
207 my %header;
208 if (@_) {my $key=shift; return $self->{$key}; }
209 foreach my $key (@Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm::HEADER) {
210 $header{$key}=$self->{$key};
212 return %header;
216 =head2 matrix
218 Title : matrix
219 Usage : my $matrix=$psm->matrix;
220 Function: Gets/sets the SiteMatrix related information
221 Throws :
222 Example :
223 Returns : Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix objects
224 Args : Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix objects
226 =cut
229 sub matrix {
230 my $self = shift;
231 my $prev = Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix->new(-pA=>$self->{probA},
232 -pC=>$self->{probC},
233 -pG=>$self->{probG},
234 -pT=>$self->{probT},
235 -lA=>$self->{logA},
236 -lC=>$self->{logC},
237 -lG=>$self->{logG},
238 -lT=>$self->{logT},
239 -IC=>$self->{IC},
240 -e_val=>$self->{e_val},
241 -id=>$self->{id});
242 if (@_) {
243 my $matrix=shift;
244 $self->{IC} = $matrix->IC;
245 $self->{probA}=$matrix->{probA};
246 $self->{probC}=$matrix->{probC};
247 $self->{probG}=$matrix->{probG};
248 $self->{probT}=$matrix->{probT};
249 $self->{e_val}=$matrix->e_val;
250 $self->{id}=$matrix->id;
252 return $prev;