mv netinstaller to bp_* and change docs accordingly
[bioperl-live.git] / scripts / utilities /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 =head1 NAME
7 =head1 SYNOPSIS
9 -b|--build_param_str BUILD_STRING [options]
11 options:
13 -h|--help Show this message
14 -d|--dev Use the developement version of bioperl from git
15 --build_param_str=<args> Parameters that are passed in at 'perl Build.PL'
16 --install_param_str=<args>
17 Use this string to predefine './Build install'
18 parameters such as 'install_base' for
19 bioperl installation
20 --bioperl_path Path to BioPerl tarball (will not download BioPerl)
21 --skip_start Don't wait for 'Enter' at program start
25 Net-based installer of BioPerl; this is based on the GBrowse netinstaller
26 and hopefully all references to GBrowse have been removed. Let me know if not.
28 Save this to disk as "" and run:
30 [sudo] perl
32 =head1 AUTHOR
34 Scott Cain
36 =head1 COPYRIGHT
38 2010. This script may be distributed under the same license as perl.
40 =cut
44 # Universal Net-based installer
45 # Save this to disk as "" and run:
46 # perl
48 use warnings;
49 use strict;
50 use CPAN '!get';
51 use Config;
52 use Getopt::Long;
53 use Pod::Usage;
54 use File::Copy qw( cp move );
55 use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
56 use LWP::Simple;
57 use Cwd;
59 use constant NMAKE => '';
61 my ( $show_help, $get_from_cvs, $build_param_string, $working_dir,
62 $get_bioperl_svn, $is_cygwin, $windows,
63 $binaries, $make, $tmpdir, $bioperl_path,
64 $skip_start, $install_param_string, $perl_path);
66 BEGIN {
68 GetOptions(
69 'h|help' => \$show_help, # Show help and exit
70 'd|dev' => \$get_from_cvs, # Use the dev svn
71 'build_param_str=s' => \$build_param_string, # Build parameters
72 'bioperl_dev' => \$get_bioperl_svn,
73 'bioperl_path=s' => \$bioperl_path,
74 'install_param_str=s' => \$install_param_string,
75 'skip_start' => \$skip_start,
77 or pod2usage(2);
78 pod2usage(2) if $show_help;
80 $perl_path = $Config{perlpath};
82 print STDERR "\nAbout to install BioPerl and all its prerequisites.\n";
83 print STDERR "\nYou will be asked various questions during this process. You can almost always";
84 print STDERR "\naccept the default answer.\n";
85 print STDERR "The whole process will take several minutes and will generate lots of messages.\n";
86 print STDERR "\nPress return when you are ready to start!\n";
87 my $h = <> unless $skip_start;
88 print STDERR "*** Installing Perl files needed for a net-based install ***\n";
90 $windows = $Config{osname} =~ /mswin/i;
93 # MAY not be necessary--we'll have to see.
94 # if ($windows and $] == 5.010) {
95 # print STDERR "\n\nActiveState Perl 5.10 is not compatible with GBrowse due to problems\n";
96 # print STDERR "with the AS implementation. Please remove it and install Perl 5.8 instead.\n\n\n";
97 # exit(0);
98 # }
100 # Also MAY not be necessary
101 # if ($windows) {
102 # print STDERR "\n\nInstalling Win32 perl module\n\n";
103 # system("ppm install Win32");
106 eval "CPAN::Config->load";
107 eval "CPAN::Config->commit";
109 $working_dir = getcwd;
111 $tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP=>1)
112 or die "Could not create temporary directory: $!";
114 $binaries = $Config{'binexp'};
115 $make = $Config{'make'};
117 if ($windows) {
118 system("ppm install YAML");
120 else {
121 CPAN::Shell->install('YAML');
123 CPAN::Shell->install('Archive::Zip');
124 CPAN::Shell->install('HTML::Tagset');
125 CPAN::Shell->install('LWP::Simple');
126 eval "use Archive::Zip ':ERROR_CODES',':CONSTANTS'";
128 if ($windows && !-e "$binaries/${make}.exe") {
130 print STDERR "Installing make utility...\n";
131 -w $binaries or die "$binaries directory is not writeable. Please re-login as Admin.\n";
132 chdir $tmpdir;
134 my $rc = mirror(NMAKE,"");
135 die "Could not download nmake executable from Microsoft web site."
136 unless $rc == RC_OK() or $rc == RC_NOT_MODIFIED();
138 my $zip = Archive::Zip->new('') or die "Couldn't open nmake zip file for decompression: $!";
139 $zip->extractTree == AZ_OK() or die "Couldn't unzip file: $!";
140 -e 'NMAKE.EXE' or die "Couldn't extract nmake.exe";
142 cp('NMAKE.EXE',"$binaries/${make}.EXE") or die "Couldn't install nmake.exe: $!";
143 cp('NMAKE.ERR',"$binaries/${make}.ERR"); # or die "Couldn't install nmake.err: $!"; # not fatal
146 CPAN::Shell->install('Archive::Tar');
147 #print STDERR $@;
148 #print STDERR "at end of BEGIN{}\n";
152 #print STDERR "here i am\n";
153 #print STDERR $@;
155 use Archive::Tar;
156 #use CPAN '!get';
158 $is_cygwin = 1 if ( $^O eq 'cygwin' );
160 if ($get_from_cvs) {
161 $get_bioperl_svn = 1;
164 #if ($wincvs or ($windows and $get_from_cvs)) {
165 # die "\n\nGBrowse is now in svn and fetching from svn on Windows\nis not currently supported\n ";
168 #if ($windows and !$wincvs and $get_gbrowse_cvs ) {
169 # die "\n\nThe development/cvs tags are not supported on Windows when\n"
170 # ."WinCVS is not installed; exiting...\n";
173 $build_param_string ||="";
174 $install_param_string ||="";
176 use constant BIOPERL_VERSION => 'BioPerl-1.6.1';
177 use constant BIOPERL_REQUIRES => '1.006001'; # sorry for the redundancy
178 use constant BIOPERL_LIVE_URL => '';
179 use constant BIOPERL => ''.BIOPERL_VERSION.'.tar.gz';
181 my %REPOSITORIES = (
182 #'BioPerl-Release-Candidates' => '',
183 'BioPerl-Regular-Releases' => '',
184 'Kobes' => '',
185 'Bribes' => '',
186 'tcool' => '',
190 # this is so that ppm can be called in a pipe
191 $ENV{COLUMNS} = 80; # why do we have to do this?
192 $ENV{LINES} = 24;
194 setup_ppm() if $windows;
196 unless ( eval "use GD 2.31; 1" ) {
197 if ($windows) {
198 print STDERR "Installing GD via ppm.\n";
199 print STDERR "(This may take a while...\n";
200 system("ppm install GD");
202 else {
203 print STDERR "Installing GD via CPAN...\n";
204 CPAN::Shell->install('GD') unless eval "use GD 2.31; 1";
208 print STDERR "\n*** Installing prerequisites for BioPerl ***\n";
210 if ($windows and !eval "use DB_File; 1") {
211 print STDERR "Installing DB_File for BioPerl.\n";
213 # GBrowse doesn't like DB_File 1.820, so we explicitly get DB_File by url
214 system("ppm install");
216 #system("ppm install SVG") if $windows;
217 #CPAN::Shell->install('GD::SVG');
219 #needed?
220 CPAN::Shell->install('IO::String');
221 #CPAN::Shell->install('Text::Shellwords');
222 #if ($windows) {
223 # #CGI::Session and Digest::MD5 both fail to install via cpan on windows
224 # system("ppm install CGI-Session");
225 # system("ppm install Digest-MD5");
227 #else {
228 # CPAN::Shell->install('CGI::Session');
229 # CPAN::Shell->install('Digest::MD5');
231 #CPAN::Shell->install('File::Temp');
232 #CPAN::Shell->install('Class::Base');
233 #CPAN::Shell->install('Statistics::Descriptive');
234 #CPAN::Shell->install('Data::Stag');
236 my $version = BIOPERL_REQUIRES;
237 if (!(eval "use Bio::Perl $version; 1") or $get_bioperl_svn or $bioperl_path) {
238 print STDERR "\n*** Installing BioPerl ***\n";
240 #would like to use ppm, but ppm won't install 1.6
241 #if ($windows and !$get_bioperl_svn and !$bioperl_path) {
242 # my $bioperl_index = find_bioperl_ppm();
243 # system("ppm install --force $bioperl_index");
244 #} else {
245 # recent versions of Module::Build fail to install without force!
246 CPAN::Shell->force('Module::Build') unless eval "require Module::Build; 1";
247 do_install(BIOPERL,
248 'bioperl.tgz',
250 'Build',
251 $get_bioperl_svn ? 'svn' : '',
252 $build_param_string,
253 $bioperl_path,
254 $install_param_string,
255 $perl_path);
258 else {
259 print STDERR "BioPerl is up to date.\n";
262 print STDERR "\n *** Installing Bio::Graphics ***\n";
265 #install biographics?
266 CPAN::Shell->install('Bio::Graphics');
268 exit 0;
270 END {
271 open STDERR,">/dev/null"; # windows has an annoying message when cleaning up temp file
274 sub do_install {
275 my ($download,$local_name,$distribution,$method,
276 $from_cvs,$build_param_string,$file_path,$install_param_string,
277 $perl_path) = @_;
279 $install_param_string ||= '';
280 chdir $tmpdir;
282 do_get_distro($download,$local_name,$distribution,$from_cvs,$file_path);
284 my $build_str = $windows ? "Build" : "./Build";
286 if ($method eq 'make') {
287 system("$perl_path Makefile.PL $build_param_string") == 0
288 or die "Couldn't run perl Makefile.PL command\n";
289 system("$make install UNINST=1 $install_param_string") == 0 ;
291 elsif ($method eq 'Build') {
292 system("$perl_path $build_str.PL --yes=1 $build_param_string") == 0
293 or die "Couldn't run perl Build.PL command\n";
294 system("$build_str install --uninst 1 $install_param_string") == 0;
298 sub do_get_distro {
299 my ($download,$local_name,$distribution,$distribution_method,$file_path) = @_;
301 if ($file_path) {
302 chdir $working_dir;
303 if (-e $file_path) { #must be an absolute path
304 cp($file_path, "$tmpdir/$local_name");
306 elsif (-e "$working_dir/$file_path") { #assume it's a rel path from the original directory
307 cp("$working_dir/$file_path", "$tmpdir/$local_name");
309 else {
310 print "Couldn't find $file_path; nothing to do so quitting...\n";
311 exit(-1);
313 $distribution = ($local_name =~ /gbrowse/)
314 ? "Generic-Genome-Browser" : "bioperl-live";
315 chdir $tmpdir;
316 extract_tarball($local_name,$distribution);
318 elsif ($distribution_method) {
319 my $distribution_dir;
320 print STDERR "Downloading bioperl-live...\n";
321 $distribution_dir = 'bioperl-live';
323 my $filename = 'bioperl-live.tar.gz'; # =determine_filename();
324 my $url = BIOPERL_LIVE_URL."/$filename";
326 my $rc = mirror($url, $filename);
327 unless ($rc == RC_OK or $rc == RC_NOT_MODIFIED){
328 print STDERR "Failed to get nightly bioperl-live file: $rc\n";
329 return undef;
331 extract_tarball($filename,$distribution_dir);
332 return 1;
333 chdir $distribution_dir
334 or die "Couldn't enter $distribution_dir directory: $@";
336 else {
337 print STDERR "Downloading $download...\n";
338 my $rc = mirror($download,$local_name);
339 die "Could not download $distribution distribution from $download."
340 unless $rc == RC_OK or $rc == RC_NOT_MODIFIED;
342 extract_tarball($local_name,$distribution);
344 return 1;
347 #this is probably not going to be needed again, as the nightly
348 #bioperl build names have been simplified
349 sub determine_filename {
350 my $listing = "dirlisting.html";
351 my $rc = mirror(BIOPERL_LIVE_URL, $listing);
352 die "Could not get directory listing of bioperl nightly build url: $rc\n"
353 unless ($rc == RC_OK or $rc == RC_NOT_MODIFIED);
355 my $filename;
356 open LIST, $listing or die "unable to open $listing: $!\n";
357 while (<LIST>) {
358 if (/href="(bioperl-live.*?\.tar\.gz)"/) {
359 $filename = $1;
360 last;
363 close LIST;
364 unlink $listing;
365 return $filename;
368 sub extract_tarball {
369 my ($local_name,$distribution) = @_;
371 print STDERR "Unpacking $local_name...\n";
372 my $z = Archive::Tar->new($local_name,1)
373 or die "Couldn't open $distribution archive: $@";
374 my @extracted = $z->extract()
375 or die "Couldn't extract $distribution archive: $@";
377 if ($extracted[0]->{'name'} =~ /^(bioperl.*?)\//) {
378 my $bioperl_dir = $1;
379 move($bioperl_dir, $distribution) or die "couldn't move bioperl dir: $@";
382 chdir $distribution
383 or die "Couldn't enter $distribution directory: $@";
384 return;
387 # make sure ppm repositories are correct!
388 sub setup_ppm {
389 open S,"ppm repo list --csv|" or die "Couldn't open ppm for listing: $!";
390 my %repository;
391 while (<S>) {
392 chomp;
393 my($index,$package_count,$name) = split /,/;
394 $repository{$name} = $index;
396 close S;
397 print STDERR "Adding needed PPM repositories. This may take a while....\n";
398 for my $name (keys %REPOSITORIES) {
399 next if $repository{$name};
400 system("ppm rep add $name $REPOSITORIES{$name}");
404 sub find_bioperl_ppm {
405 print STDERR "Finding most recent bioperl...";
406 open S,"ppm search bioperl |" or die "Couldn't open ppm for listing: $!";
407 local $/ = ''; # paragraph mode
408 my ($blessed_one,$blessed_version);
409 my $best = 0;
410 while (<S>) {
411 chomp;
412 my ($number) = /^(\d+): bioperl/m;
413 my ($version) = /^\s+Version: (.+)/m;
414 my ($repository) = /^\s+Repo: (.+)/m;
415 my $multiplier = 10000000;
416 my $magnitude = 0;
417 # this dumb thing converts 1.5.1 into a real number
418 foreach (split /[._]/,$version) {
419 $magnitude += $_ * ($multiplier/=10);
421 ($blessed_one,$best,$blessed_version) = ($number,$magnitude,$version) if $best < $magnitude;
423 close S;
424 print STDERR $blessed_version ? "found $blessed_version\n" : "not found\n";
425 return $blessed_one;