1 # -*-Perl-*- Test Harness script for Bioperl
10 test_begin(-tests => 45);
12 use_ok('Bio::Align::DNAStatistics');
13 use_ok('Bio::Align::ProteinStatistics');
14 use_ok('Bio::AlignIO');
17 my $debug = test_debug();
19 my $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-format => 'emboss',
20 -file => test_input_file('insulin.water'));
21 my $aln = $in->next_aln();
22 isa_ok($aln, 'Bio::Align::AlignI');
23 my $stats = Bio::Align::DNAStatistics->new(-verbose => $debug);
24 is( $stats->transversions($aln),4);
25 is( $stats->transitions($aln),9);
26 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->number_of_gaps($aln),21);
27 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->number_of_comparable_bases($aln),173);
28 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->number_of_differences($aln),13);
29 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->score_nuc($aln), 224);
30 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->score_nuc( -aln => $aln, -match => 1,
31 -mismatch => -1, -gap_open => -1, -gap_ext => -1), 126);
33 my $d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln,
35 is( $d->get_entry('hs_insulin','seq2'), '0.07918');
37 $d = $stats->distance(-align=> $aln,
39 is( $d->get_entry('hs_insulin','seq2'), '0.07918');
41 $d = $stats->distance(-align=> $aln,
43 is( $d->get_entry('hs_insulin','seq2'), '0.07984');
45 $d = $stats->distance(-align=> $aln,
46 -method => 'TajimaNei');
47 is( $d->get_entry('seq2','hs_insulin'), '0.08106');
49 $d = $stats->distance(-align=> $aln,
51 is( $d->get_entry('seq2','hs_insulin'), '0.08037');
53 #$d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln,
54 # -method => 'JinNei');
55 #is( $d->get_entry('seq2','hs_insulin'), 0.0850);
57 $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-format => 'clustalw',
58 -file => test_input_file('hs_owlmonkey.aln'));
60 $aln = $in->next_aln();
61 isa_ok($aln,'Bio::Align::AlignI');
63 is( $stats->transversions($aln),10);
64 is( $stats->transitions($aln),17);
65 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->number_of_gaps($aln),19);
66 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->number_of_comparable_bases($aln),170);
67 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->number_of_differences($aln),27);
68 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->score_nuc($aln), 134);
69 is( $stats->pairwise_stats->score_nuc( -aln => $aln, -match => 1,
70 -mismatch => -1, -gap_open => -1, -gap_ext => -1), 97);
72 # now test the distance calculations
73 $d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln, -method => 'jc');
74 is( $d->get_entry('human','owlmonkey'), 0.17847);
76 $d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln,
78 is( $d->get_entry('human','owlmonkey'), '0.17847');
80 $d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln, -method => 'uncorrected');
81 is( $d->get_entry('human','owlmonkey'), 0.15882);
83 $d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln, -method => 'Kimura');
84 is( $d->get_entry('human','owlmonkey'), 0.18105);
86 $d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln, -method => 'TajimaNei');
87 is( $d->get_entry('human','owlmonkey'), 0.18489);
89 $d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln,
92 is( $d->get_entry('human','owlmonkey'), 0.18333);
93 #$d = $stats->distance(-align => $aln,
94 # -method => 'JinNei');
95 #is( $d->get_entry('human','owlmonkey'), 0.2079);
97 ### now test Nei_gojobori methods, hiding the expected warnings so we can
98 # avoid printing them ###
99 $stats->verbose($debug ? $debug : -1);
100 my ($alnobj, $result);
101 $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-format => 'fasta',
102 -file => test_input_file('nei_gojobori_test.aln'));
103 $alnobj = $in->next_aln();
104 isa_ok($alnobj,'Bio::Align::AlignI');
105 $result = $stats->calc_KaKs_pair($alnobj, 'seq1', 'seq2');
106 is (sprintf ("%.1f", $result->[0]{'S'}), 40.5);
107 is (sprintf ("%.1f", $result->[0]{'z_score'}), '4.5');
108 $result = $stats->calc_all_KaKs_pairs($alnobj);
109 is (int( $result->[1]{'S'}), 41);
110 is (int( $result->[1]{'z_score'}), 4);
111 $result = $stats->calc_average_KaKs($alnobj, 100);
112 is (sprintf ("%.4f", $result->{'D_n'}), 0.1628);
113 $stats->verbose($debug);
115 # now test Protein Distances
116 my $pstats = Bio::Align::ProteinStatistics->new();
117 $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-format => 'clustalw',
118 -file => test_input_file('testaln.clustalw'));
119 $alnobj = $in->next_aln();
120 isa_ok($alnobj,'Bio::Align::AlignI');
121 $result = $pstats->distance(-method => 'Kimura',
123 isa_ok($result, 'Bio::Matrix::PhylipDist');
125 is ($result->get_entry('P84139','P814153'), '0.01443');
126 is ($result->get_entry('P841414','P851414'), '0.01686');
127 is ($result->get_entry('P84139','P851414'), '3.58352');
129 my $seq = Bio::Seq->new(-id=>'NOT3MUL', -seq=>'gatac');
130 isa_ok($seq, 'Bio::PrimarySeqI');
132 Bio::Align::DNAStatistics->count_syn_sites($seq);
134 like($@, qr/not integral number of codons/);
137 $in = Bio::AlignIO->new(-file => test_input_file('bug2901.fa'),
140 $stats = Bio::Align::DNAStatistics->new(-verbose => 2);
141 $aln = $in->next_aln();
144 $matrix = $stats->distance(-align=>$aln,-method=>'Uncorrected');
145 } qr/No distance calculated between seq3 and seq4/, "Warn if seqs don't overlap";
147 $matrix = $stats->distance(-align=>$aln,-method=>'Uncorrected');
148 like($matrix->print_matrix, qr/-1/);