1 LOCUS DDU63596 310 bp DNA INV 14-MAY-1999
2 DEFINITION Dictyostelium discoideum Tdd-4 transposable element flanking
3 sequence, clone p427/428 right end.
7 SOURCE Dictyostelium discoideum.
8 ORGANISM Dictyostelium discoideum
9 Eukaryota; Dictyosteliida; Dictyostelium.
10 REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 310)
12 TITLE Tdd-4, a DNA transposon of Dictyostelium that encodes proteins
13 similar to LTR retroelement integrases
14 JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 27 (11), 2408-2415 (1999)
15 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 310)
16 AUTHORS Wells,D.J. and Welker,D.L.
17 TITLE Dictyostelium discoideum Tdd-4 transposable element, right end
18 flanking sequence from clone p427/428
20 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 310)
21 AUTHORS Wells,D.J. and Welker,D.L.
22 TITLE Direct Submission
23 JOURNAL Submitted (11-JUL-1996) Biology, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT
25 FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
27 /organism="Dictyostelium discoideum"
29 /db_xref="taxon:44689"
32 /note="Fuzzy location"
34 /note="Fuzzy location2"
36 /note="Fuzzy location3"
38 /note="Fuzzy location4"
40 /note="Fuzzy location5"
42 /note="Fuzzy location6"
44 /note="Fuzzy location7"
46 /note="Fuzzy location8"
48 /note="Fuzzy location9"
50 /note="Fuzzy location10"
51 misc_feature 5.60..<120
52 /note="Fuzzy location11"
53 misc_feature 5^9..>200
54 /note="Fuzzy location12"
55 misc_feature 5.10..12.15
56 /note="Fuzzy location13"
58 /note="Fuzzy location14"
59 misc_feature join(J00194:(100..202),1..245,300..422)
60 /note="Location partly in another entry"
61 misc_feature complement(join(1..30,30.40,4^8,40.30..90))
62 /note="complement of join"
63 misc_feature order(1..30, 31..40)
64 /note="location uses order"
65 misc_feature order(AF183172.1:1..30, 31..40)
66 /note="location uses order in another sequence"
67 misc_feature order(AF183172.1:<1..30, 31..>342)
68 /note="uses order and fuzzy locs in another sequence"
69 mRNA join(complement(83202..83329),84248..84996)
70 BASE COUNT 118 a 46 c 67 g 79 t
72 1 gtgacagttg gctgtcagac atacaatgat tgtttagaag aggagaagat tgatccggag
73 61 taccgtgata gtattttaaa aactatgaaa gcgggaatac ttaatggtaa actagttaga
74 121 ttatgtgacg tgccaagggg tgtagatgta gaaattgaaa caactggtct aaccgattca
75 181 gaaggagaaa gtgaatcaaa agaagaagag tgatgatgaa tagccaccat tactgcatac
76 241 tgtagccctt acccttgtcg caccattagc cattaataaa aataaaaaat tatataaaaa