1 # $Id: BUGS,v 1.7 2006-11-16 10:51:50 sendu Exp $
5 Bugs are tracked at this URL:
6 http://bugzilla.bioperl.org/
12 There are no known installation bugs in 1.5.2 per se, but issues with
13 external programs may cause problems. See the following URL for details:
14 http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/Release_1.5.2#Notes
20 * The StandAloneBlast.t test is failing on cygwin installations (and
21 nowhere else). We suspect something to do with temporary file
22 opening. Fixed in 1.4 (set TMPDIR).
28 * Bio::Tools::Blast continues to cause problems for some people. As
29 it is not actively maintained there are a slew of reported bugs for
30 it that have not been fixed.
32 * Bio::Tools::Run::Alignment::TCoffee - t_coffee binary does not get
33 all parameters it needs when aligning (two) two DNA sequences
36 * Bio::Tools::Run::ClustalW and t/ClustalW will report errors for
37 clustalw versions 1.8x due to a bug in clustalw.
39 * Bio::DB::GenBank continues to have intermittent errors. Bio::DB::GDB
40 is also unreliable at times and one can safely ignore errors from
41 these during a make test.
42 Bio::DB::GenBank is unable to download whole contig files as well
43 as NCBI ref seqs like NT_* numbers unless the -format flag is
44 passed in and specified as 'fasta' in the constructor.
45 get_Stream_by_batch() also has intermittent errors which are being
52 * NCBI has changed some of the cgi scripts for retrieving sequences
53 online which as resulted in some of the DB methods from not working
54 consistently. We are addressing these in the 0.9.x and 1.0 series
55 of releases. We recommend using the Bio::DB::EMBL object that is
56 part of the later releases.
58 Additionally RefSeq Contigs are not properly downloaded, please see
59 the bioperl list archives for information about potential
60 workarounds and ongoing development effort to address these.
66 * Bio::Tools::BPlite does not parse and set frame properly for
67 tblastx reports (Jitterbug bug # 978).
69 * Bio::Tools::BPlite interface needs to be updated to fix parsing
70 more than bl2seq report report (Jitterbug bug #940), this has been
71 fixed on the main code trunk and will be part of the next major
74 * If File::Temp is not installed, tempdirs are not cleaned up
75 properly. This is fixed on main code trunk with the introduction
76 of rmtree method in Bio::Root::IO, however, it is best to install
77 File::Temp when running 0.7 branch code.
79 * Bio::Tools::Blast does not allow users to run blast, instead use
80 Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast to run local blasts. To submit
81 jobs to a remote blast server like NCBI a module
82 Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast has been written but is part of the
83 main trunk code and must be obtained through CVS until the next
84 major bioperl release.
90 * Bio::Tools::BPlite doc error lists
92 my $parser = new BPlite(\*FH);
94 my $parser = new Bio::Tools::BPlite(\*FH);