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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Tools / Sim4 /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Ewan Birney <>
7 # and Hilmar Lapp <>
9 # Copyright Ewan Birney and Hilmar Lapp
11 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
13 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
15 =head1 NAME
17 Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results - Results of one Sim4 run
19 =head1 SYNOPSIS
21 # to preset the order of EST and genomic file as given on the sim4
22 # command line:
23 my $sim4 = Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results->new(-file => 'result.sim4',
24 -estfirst => 1);
25 # to let the order be determined automatically (by length comparison):
26 $sim4 = Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results->new( -file => 'sim4.results' );
27 # filehandle:
28 $sim4 = Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results->new( -fh => \*INPUT );
30 # parse the results
31 while(my $exonset = $sim4->next_exonset()) {
32 # $exonset is-a Bio::SeqFeature::Generic with Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exons
33 # as sub features
34 print "Delimited on sequence ", $exonset->seq_id(),
35 "from ", $exonset->start(), " to ", $exonset->end(), "\n";
36 foreach my $exon ( $exonset->sub_SeqFeature() ) {
37 # $exon is-a Bio::SeqFeature::FeaturePair
38 print "Exon from ", $exon->start, " to ", $exon->end,
39 " on strand ", $exon->strand(), "\n";
40 # you can get out what it matched using the est_hit attribute
41 my $homol = $exon->est_hit();
42 print "Matched to sequence ", $homol->seq_id,
43 " at ", $homol->start," to ", $homol->end, "\n";
47 # essential if you gave a filename at initialization (otherwise the file
48 # stays open)
49 $sim4->close();
53 The sim4 module provides a parser and results object for sim4 output. The
54 sim4 results are specialised types of SeqFeatures, meaning you can add them
55 to AnnSeq objects fine, and manipulate them in the "normal" seqfeature manner.
57 The sim4 Exon objects are Bio::SeqFeature::FeaturePair inherited objects. The
58 $esthit = $exon-E<gt>est_hit() is the alignment as a feature on the matching
59 object (normally, an EST), in which the start/end points are where the hit
60 lies.
62 To make this module work sensibly you need to run
64 sim4 genomic.fasta est.database.fasta
66 sim4 est.fasta genomic.database.fasta
68 To get the sequence identifiers recorded for the first sequence, too, use
69 A=4 as output option for sim4.
71 One fiddle here is that there are only two real possibilities to the matching
72 criteria: either one sequence needs reversing or not. Because of this, it
73 is impossible to tell whether the match is in the forward or reverse strand
74 of the genomic DNA. We solve this here by assuming that the genomic DNA is
75 always forward. As a consequence, the strand attribute of the matching EST is
76 unknown, and the strand attribute of the genomic DNA (i.e., the Exon object)
77 will reflect the direction of the hit.
79 See the documentation of parse_next_alignment() for abilities of the parser
80 to deal with the different output format options of sim4.
82 =head1 FEEDBACK
84 =head2 Mailing Lists
86 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
87 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
88 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
90 - General discussion
91 - About the mailing lists
93 =head2 Support
95 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
97 I<>
99 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
100 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
101 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
102 with code and data examples if at all possible.
104 =head2 Reporting Bugs
106 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
107 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
108 web:
112 =head1 AUTHOR - Ewan Birney, Hilmar Lapp
114 Ewan Birney E<lt><gt>
115 Hilmar Lapp E<lt>hlapp-at-gmx.netE<gt> or E<lt>hilmar.lapp-at-pharma.novartis.comE<gt>.
117 =head1 APPENDIX
119 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
121 =cut
124 # Let the code begin...
127 package Bio::Tools::Sim4::Results;
128 use strict;
131 use File::Basename;
132 use Bio::Root::Root;
133 use Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon;
135 use base qw(Bio::Tools::AnalysisResult);
138 sub _initialize_state {
139 my($self,@args) = @_;
141 # call the inherited method first
142 my $make = $self->SUPER::_initialize_state(@args);
144 my ($est_is_first) = $self->_rearrange([qw(ESTFIRST)], @args);
146 delete($self->{'_est_is_first'});
147 $self->{'_est_is_first'} = $est_is_first if(defined($est_is_first));
148 $self->analysis_method("Sim4");
151 =head2 analysis_method
153 Usage : $sim4->analysis_method();
154 Purpose : Inherited method. Overridden to ensure that the name matches
155 /sim4/i.
156 Returns : String
157 Argument : n/a
159 =cut
161 #-------------
162 sub analysis_method {
163 #-------------
164 my ($self, $method) = @_;
165 if($method && ($method !~ /sim4/i)) {
166 $self->throw("method $method not supported in " . ref($self));
168 return $self->SUPER::analysis_method($method);
171 =head2 parse_next_alignment
173 Title : parse_next_alignment
174 Usage : @exons = $sim4_result->parse_next_alignment;
175 foreach $exon (@exons) {
176 # do something
178 Function: Parses the next alignment of the Sim4 result file and returns the
179 found exons as an array of Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon objects. Call
180 this method repeatedly until an empty array is returned to get the
181 results for all alignments.
183 The $exon->seq_id() attribute will be set to the identifier of the
184 respective sequence for both sequences if A=4 was used in the sim4
185 run, and otherwise for the second sequence only. If the output does
186 not contain the identifier, the filename stripped of path and
187 extension is used instead. In addition, the full filename
188 will be recorded for both features ($exon inherits off
189 Bio::SeqFeature::SimilarityPair) as tag 'filename'. The length
190 is accessible via the seqlength() attribute of $exon->query() and
191 $exon->est_hit().
193 Note that this method is capable of dealing with outputs generated
194 with format 0,1,3, and 4 (via the A=n option to sim4). It
195 automatically determines which of the two sequences has been
196 reversed, and adjusts the coordinates for that sequence. It will
197 also detect whether the EST sequence(s) were given as first or as
198 second file to sim4, unless this has been specified at creation
199 time of the object.
201 Example :
202 Returns : An array of Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon objects
203 Args :
206 =cut
208 sub parse_next_alignment {
209 my ($self) = @_;
210 my @exons = ();
211 my %seq1props = ();
212 my %seq2props = ();
213 # we refer to the properties of each seq by reference
214 my ($estseq, $genomseq, $to_reverse);
215 my $started = 0;
216 my $hit_direction = 1;
217 my $output_fmt = 3; # same as 0 and 1 (we cannot deal with A=2 produced
218 # output yet)
220 while(defined($_ = $self->_readline())) {
221 #chomp();
223 # bascially, each sim4 'hit' starts with seq1...
225 /^seq1/ && do {
226 if($started) {
227 $self->_pushback($_);
228 last;
230 $started = 1;
232 # filename and length of seq 1
233 /^seq1\s+=\s+(\S+)\,\s+(\d+)/ ||
234 $self->throw("Sim4 parsing error on seq1 [$_] line. Sorry!");
235 $seq1props{'filename'} = $1;
236 $seq1props{'length'} = $2;
237 next;
239 /^seq2/ && do {
240 # the second hit has also the database name in the >name syntax
241 # (in brackets).
242 /^seq2\s+=\s+(\S+)\s+\(>?(\S+)\s*\)\,\s+(\d+)/||
243 $self->throw("Sim4 parsing error on seq2 [$_] line. Sorry!");
244 $seq2props{'filename'} = $1;
245 $seq2props{'seqname'} = $2;
246 $seq2props{'length'} = $3;
247 next;
249 if(/^>(\S+)\s*(.*)$/) {
250 # output option was A=4, which not only gives the complete
251 # description lines, but also causes the longer sequence to be
252 # reversed if the second file contained one (genomic) sequence
253 $seq1props{'seqname'} = $1;
254 $seq1props{'description'} = $2 if $2;
255 $output_fmt = 4;
256 # we handle seq1 and seq2 both here
257 if(defined($_ = $self->_readline()) && (/^>(\S+)\s*(.*)$/)) {
258 $seq2props{'seqname'} = $1; # redundant, since already set above
259 $seq2props{'description'} = $2 if $2;
261 next;
263 /^\(complement\)/ && do {
264 $hit_direction = -1;
265 next;
267 # this matches
268 # start-end (start-end) pctid%
269 if(/(\d+)-(\d+)\s+\((\d+)-(\d+)\)\s+(\d+)%/) {
270 $seq1props{'start'} = $1;
271 $seq1props{'end'} = $2;
272 $seq2props{'start'} = $3;
273 $seq2props{'end'} = $4;
274 my $pctid = $5;
276 if(! defined($estseq)) {
277 # for the first time here: need to set the references referring
278 # to seq1 and seq2
279 if(! exists($self->{'_est_is_first'})) {
280 # detect which one is the EST by looking at the lengths,
281 # and assume that this holds throughout the entire result
282 # file (i.e., when this method is called for the next
283 # alignment, this will not be checked again)
284 if($seq1props{'length'} > $seq2props{'length'}) {
285 $self->{'_est_is_first'} = 0;
286 } else {
287 $self->{'_est_is_first'} = 1;
290 if($self->{'_est_is_first'}) {
291 $estseq = \%seq1props;
292 $genomseq = \%seq2props;
293 # if the EST is given first, A=4 selects the genomic
294 # seq for being reversed (reversing the EST is default)
295 $to_reverse = ($output_fmt == 4) ? $genomseq : $estseq;
296 } else {
297 $estseq = \%seq2props;
298 $genomseq = \%seq1props;
299 # if the EST is the second, A=4 does not change the
300 # seq being reversed (always the EST is reversed)
301 $to_reverse = $estseq;
304 if($hit_direction == -1) {
305 # we have to reverse the coordinates of one of both seqs
306 my $tmp = $to_reverse->{'start'};
307 $to_reverse->{'start'} =
308 $to_reverse->{'length'} - $to_reverse->{'end'} + 1;
309 $to_reverse->{'end'} = $to_reverse->{'length'} - $tmp + 1;
311 # create and initialize the exon object
312 my $exon = Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon->new(
313 '-start' => $genomseq->{'start'},
314 '-end' => $genomseq->{'end'},
315 '-strand' => $hit_direction);
316 if(exists($genomseq->{'seqname'})) {
317 $exon->seq_id($genomseq->{'seqname'});
318 } else {
319 # take filename stripped of path as fall back
320 my ($basename) = &File::Basename::fileparse($genomseq->{'filename'}, '\..*');
321 $exon->seq_id($basename);
323 $exon->feature1()->add_tag_value('filename',
324 $genomseq->{'filename'});
325 # feature1 is supposed to be initialized to a Similarity object,
326 # but we provide a safety net
327 if($exon->feature1()->can('seqlength')) {
328 $exon->feature1()->seqlength($genomseq->{'length'});
329 } else {
330 $exon->feature1()->add_tag_value('SeqLength',
331 $genomseq->{'length'});
333 # create and initialize the feature wrapping the 'hit' (the EST)
334 my $fea2 = Bio::SeqFeature::Similarity->new(
335 '-start' => $estseq->{'start'},
336 '-end' => $estseq->{'end'},
337 '-strand' => 0,
338 '-primary' => "aligning_EST");
339 if(exists($estseq->{'seqname'})) {
340 $fea2->seq_id($estseq->{'seqname'});
341 } else {
342 # take filename stripped of path as fall back
343 my ($basename) =
344 &File::Basename::fileparse($estseq->{'filename'}, '\..*');
345 $fea2->seq_id($basename);
347 $fea2->add_tag_value('filename', $estseq->{'filename'});
348 $fea2->seqlength($estseq->{'length'});
349 # store
350 $exon->est_hit($fea2);
351 # general properties
352 $exon->source_tag($self->analysis_method());
353 $exon->percentage_id($pctid);
354 $exon->score($exon->percentage_id());
355 # push onto array
356 push(@exons, $exon);
357 next; # back to while loop
360 return @exons;
363 =head2 next_exonset
365 Title : next_exonset
366 Usage : $exonset = $sim4_result->parse_next_exonset;
367 print "Exons start at ", $exonset->start(),
368 "and end at ", $exonset->end(), "\n";
369 foreach $exon ($exonset->sub_SeqFeature()) {
370 # do something
372 Function: Parses the next alignment of the Sim4 result file and returns the
373 set of exons as a container of features. The container is itself
374 a Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object, with the Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon
375 objects as sub features. Start, end, and strand of the container
376 will represent the total region covered by the exons of this set.
378 See the documentation of parse_next_alignment() for further
379 reference about parsing and how the information is stored.
381 Example :
382 Returns : An Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object holding Bio::Tools::Sim4::Exon
383 objects as sub features.
384 Args :
386 =cut
388 sub next_exonset {
389 my $self = shift;
390 my $exonset;
392 # get the next array of exons
393 my @exons = $self->parse_next_alignment();
394 unless( @exons ) {
395 return if eof($self->_fh);
396 return $self->next_exonset;
398 # create the container of exons as a feature object itself, with the
399 # data of the first exon for initialization
400 $exonset = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new('-start' => $exons[0]->start(),
401 '-end' => $exons[0]->end(),
402 '-strand' => $exons[0]->strand(),
403 '-primary' => "ExonSet");
404 $exonset->source_tag($exons[0]->source_tag());
405 $exonset->seq_id($exons[0]->seq_id());
406 # now add all exons as sub features, with enabling EXPANsion of the region
407 # covered in total
408 foreach my $exon (@exons) {
409 $exonset->add_sub_SeqFeature($exon, 'EXPAND');
411 return $exonset;
414 =head2 next_feature
416 Title : next_feature
417 Usage : while($exonset = $sim4->next_feature()) {
418 # do something
420 Function: Does the same as L<next_exonset()>. See there for documentation of
421 the functionality. Call this method repeatedly until FALSE is
422 returned.
424 The returned object is actually a SeqFeatureI implementing object.
425 This method is required for classes implementing the
426 SeqAnalysisParserI interface, and is merely an alias for
427 next_exonset() at present.
429 Example :
430 Returns : A Bio::SeqFeature::Generic object.
431 Args :
433 =cut
435 sub next_feature {
436 my ($self,@args) = @_;
437 # even though next_exonset doesn't expect any args (and this method
438 # does neither), we pass on args in order to be prepared if this changes
439 # ever
440 return $self->next_exonset(@args);