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[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Tools / Phylo / PAML /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <>
8 # Copyright Jason Stajich
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
14 =head1 NAME
16 Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult - A container for NSSite Model Result from PAML
18 =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 # get a ModelResult from a PAML::Result object
21 use Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML;
22 my $paml = Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML->new(-file => 'mlc');
23 my $result = $paml->next_result;
24 foreach my $model ( $result->get_NSSite_results ) {
25 print $model->model_num, " ", $model->model_description, "\n";
26 print $model->kappa, "\n";
27 print $model->run_time, "\n";
28 # if you are using PAML < 3.15 then only one place for POS sites
29 for my $sites ( $model->get_pos_selected_sites ) {
30 print join("\t",@$sites),"\n";
32 # otherwise query NEB and BEB slots
33 for my $sites ( $model->get_NEB_pos_selected_sites ) {
34 print join("\t",@$sites),"\n";
37 for my $sites ( $model->get_BEB_pos_selected_sites ) {
38 print join("\t",@$sites),"\n";
45 Describe the object here
47 =head1 FEEDBACK
49 =head2 Mailing Lists
51 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
52 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
53 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
55 - General discussion
56 - About the mailing lists
58 =head2 Support
60 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
62 I<>
64 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
65 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
66 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
67 with code and data examples if at all possible.
69 =head2 Reporting Bugs
71 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
72 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
73 email or the web:
77 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
79 Email
81 =head1 APPENDIX
83 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
84 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
86 =cut
89 # Let the code begin...
92 package Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult;
93 use strict;
95 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
98 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root);
100 =head2 new
102 Title : new
103 Usage : my $obj = Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult->new();
104 Function: Builds a new Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult object
105 Returns : an instance of Bio::Tools::Phylo::PAML::ModelResult
106 Args : -model_num => model number
107 -model_description => model description
108 -kappa => value of kappa
109 -time_used => amount of time
110 -pos_sites => arrayref of sites under positive selection
111 -neb_sites => arrayref of sites under positive selection (by NEB analysis)
112 -beb_sites => arrayref of sites under positive selection (by BEB analysis)
113 -trees => arrayref of tree(s) data for this model
114 -shape_params => hashref of parameters
115 ('shape' => 'alpha',
116 'gamma' => $g,
117 'r' => $r,
118 'f' => $f
121 ( 'shape' => 'beta',
122 'p' => $p,
123 'q' => $q
125 -likelihood => likelihood
126 -num_site_classes => number of site classes
127 -dnds_site_classes => hashref with two keys, 'p' and 'w'
128 which each point to an array, each
129 slot is for a different site class.
130 'w' is for dN/dS and 'p' is probability
132 =cut
134 sub new {
135 my($class,@args) = @_;
137 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
138 my ($modelnum,$modeldesc,$kappa,
139 $timeused,$trees,
140 $pos_sites,$neb_sites,$beb_sites,
141 $num_site_classes, $shape_params,
142 $dnds_classes,
143 $likelihood) = $self->_rearrange([qw(MODEL_NUM
154 @args);
155 if( $trees ) {
156 if(ref($trees) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
157 $self->warn("Must provide a valid array reference to initialize trees");
158 } else {
159 foreach my $t ( @$trees ) {
160 $self->add_tree($t);
164 $self->{'_treeiterator'} = 0;
165 if( $pos_sites ) {
166 if(ref($pos_sites) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
167 $self->warn("Must provide a valid array reference to initialize pos_sites");
168 } else {
169 foreach my $s ( @$pos_sites ) {
170 if( ref($s) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
171 $self->warn("Need an array reference for each entry in the pos_sites object");
172 next;
174 $self->add_pos_selected_site(@$s);
178 if( $beb_sites ) {
179 if(ref($beb_sites) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
180 $self->warn("Must provide a valid array reference to initialize beb_sites");
181 } else {
182 foreach my $s ( @$beb_sites ) {
183 if( ref($s) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
184 $self->warn("need an array ref for each entry in the beb_sites object");
185 next;
187 $self->add_BEB_pos_selected_site(@$s);
191 if( $neb_sites ) {
192 if(ref($neb_sites) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
193 $self->warn("Must provide a valid array reference to initialize neb_sites");
194 } else {
195 foreach my $s ( @$neb_sites ) {
196 if( ref($s) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
197 $self->warn("need an array ref for each entry in the neb_sites object");
198 next;
200 $self->add_NEB_pos_selected_site(@$s);
205 defined $modelnum && $self->model_num($modelnum);
206 defined $modeldesc && $self->model_description($modeldesc);
207 defined $kappa && $self->kappa($kappa);
208 defined $timeused && $self->time_used($timeused);
209 defined $likelihood && $self->likelihood($likelihood);
211 $self->num_site_classes($num_site_classes || 0);
212 if( defined $dnds_classes ) {
213 if( ref($dnds_classes) !~ /HASH/i ||
214 ! defined $dnds_classes->{'p'} ||
215 ! defined $dnds_classes->{'w'} ) {
216 $self->warn("-dnds_site_classes expects a hashref with keys p and w");
217 } else {
218 $self->dnds_site_classes($dnds_classes);
221 if( defined $shape_params ) {
222 if( ref($shape_params) !~ /HASH/i ) {
223 $self->warn("-shape_params expects a hashref not $shape_params\n");
224 } else {
225 $self->shape_params($shape_params);
228 return $self;
232 =head2 model_num
234 Title : model_num
235 Usage : $obj->model_num($newval)
236 Function: Get/Set the Model number (0,1,2,3...)
237 Returns : value of model_num (a scalar)
238 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
241 =cut
243 sub model_num {
244 my $self = shift;
245 return $self->{'_num'} = shift if @_;
246 return $self->{'_num'};
249 =head2 model_description
251 Title : model_description
252 Usage : $obj->model_description($newval)
253 Function: Get/Set the model description
254 This is something like 'one-ratio', 'neutral', 'selection'
255 Returns : value of description (a scalar)
256 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
259 =cut
261 sub model_description{
262 my $self = shift;
263 return $self->{'_model_description'} = shift if @_;
264 return $self->{'_model_description'};
267 =head2 time_used
269 Title : time_used
270 Usage : $obj->time_used($newval)
271 Function: Get/Set the time it took to run this analysis
272 Returns : value of time_used (a scalar)
273 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
276 =cut
278 sub time_used{
279 my $self = shift;
280 return $self->{'_time_used'} = shift if @_;
281 return $self->{'_time_used'};
284 =head2 kappa
286 Title : kappa
287 Usage : $obj->kappa($newval)
288 Function: Get/Set kappa (ts/tv)
289 Returns : value of kappa (a scalar)
290 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
293 =cut
295 sub kappa{
296 my $self = shift;
297 return $self->{'_kappa'} = shift if @_;
298 return $self->{'_kappa'};
301 =head2 num_site_classes
303 Title : num_site_classes
304 Usage : $obj->num_site_classes($newval)
305 Function: Get/Set the number of site classes for this model
306 Returns : value of num_site_classes (a scalar)
307 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
310 =cut
312 sub num_site_classes{
313 my $self = shift;
314 return $self->{'_num_site_classes'} = shift if @_;
315 return $self->{'_num_site_classes'};
318 =head2 dnds_site_classes
320 Title : dnds_site_classes
321 Usage : $obj->dnds_site_classes($newval)
322 Function: Get/Set dN/dS site classes, a hashref
323 with 2 keys, 'p' and 'w' which point to arrays
324 one slot for each site class.
325 Returns : value of dnds_site_classes (a hashref)
326 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
329 =cut
331 sub dnds_site_classes{
332 my $self = shift;
333 return $self->{'_dnds_site_classes'} = shift if @_;
334 return $self->{'_dnds_site_classes'};
337 =head2 get_pos_selected_sites
339 Title : get_pos_selected_sites
340 Usage : my @sites = $modelresult->get_pos_selected_sites();
341 Function: Get the sites which PAML has identified as under positive
342 selection (w > 1). This returns an array with each slot
343 being a site, 4 values,
344 site location (in the original alignment)
345 Amino acid (I *think* in the first sequence)
346 P (P value)
347 Significance (** indicated > 99%, * indicates >=95%)
348 Returns : Array
349 Args : none
352 =cut
354 sub get_pos_selected_sites{
355 return @{$_[0]->{'_posselsites'} || []};
358 =head2 add_pos_selected_site
360 Title : add_pos_selected_site
361 Usage : $result->add_pos_selected_site($site,$aa,$pvalue,$signif);
362 Function: Add a site to the list of positively selected sites
363 Returns : count of the number of sites stored
364 Args : $site - site number (in the alignment)
365 $aa - amino acid under selection
366 $pvalue - float from 0->1 represent probability site is under selection according to this model
367 $signif - significance (coded as either empty, '*', or '**'
369 =cut
371 sub add_pos_selected_site{
372 my ($self,$site,$aa,$pvalue,$signif) = @_;
373 push @{$self->{'_posselsites'}}, [ $site,$aa,$pvalue,$signif ];
374 return scalar @{$self->{'_posselsites'}};
377 =head2 get_NEB_pos_selected_sites
379 Title : get_NEB_pos_selected_sites
380 Usage : my @sites = $modelresult->get_NEB_pos_selected_sites();
381 Function: Get the sites which PAML has identified as under positive
382 selection (w > 1) using Naive Empirical Bayes.
383 This returns an array with each slot being a site, 4 values,
384 site location (in the original alignment)
385 Amino acid (I *think* in the first sequence)
386 P (P value)
387 Significance (** indicated > 99%, * indicates > 95%)
388 post mean for w
389 Returns : Array
390 Args : none
393 =cut
395 sub get_NEB_pos_selected_sites{
396 return @{$_[0]->{'_NEBposselsites'} || []};
399 =head2 add_NEB_pos_selected_site
401 Title : add_NEB_pos_selected_site
402 Usage : $result->add_NEB_pos_selected_site($site,$aa,$pvalue,$signif);
403 Function: Add a site to the list of positively selected sites
404 Returns : count of the number of sites stored
405 Args : $site - site number (in the alignment)
406 $aa - amino acid under selection
407 $pvalue - float from 0->1 represent probability site is under selection according to this model
408 $signif - significance (coded as either empty, '*', or '**'
409 $postmean - post mean for w
411 =cut
413 sub add_NEB_pos_selected_site{
414 my ($self,@args) = @_;
415 push @{$self->{'_NEBposselsites'}}, [ @args ];
416 return scalar @{$self->{'_NEBposselsites'}};
421 =head2 get_BEB_pos_selected_sites
423 Title : get_BEB_pos_selected_sites
424 Usage : my @sites = $modelresult->get_BEB_pos_selected_sites();
425 Function: Get the sites which PAML has identified as under positive
426 selection (w > 1) using Bayes Empirical Bayes.
427 This returns an array with each slot being a site, 6 values,
428 site location (in the original alignment)
429 Amino acid (I *think* in the first sequence)
430 P (P value)
431 Significance (** indicated > 99%, * indicates > 95%)
432 post mean for w (mean)
433 Standard Error for w (SE)
434 Returns : Array
435 Args : none
437 =cut
439 sub get_BEB_pos_selected_sites{
440 return @{$_[0]->{'_BEBposselsites'} || []};
443 =head2 add_BEB_pos_selected_site
445 Title : add_BEB_pos_selected_site
446 Usage : $result->add_BEB_pos_selected_site($site,$aa,$pvalue,$signif);
447 Function: Add a site to the list of positively selected sites
448 Returns : count of the number of sites stored
449 Args : $site - site number (in the alignment)
450 $aa - amino acid under selection
451 $pvalue - float from 0->1 represent probability site is under selection according to this model
452 $signif - significance (coded as either empty, '*', or '**'
453 $postmean - post mean for w
454 $SE - Standard Error for w
456 =cut
458 sub add_BEB_pos_selected_site{
459 my ($self,@args) = @_;
460 push @{$self->{'_BEBposselsites'}}, [ @args ];
461 return scalar @{$self->{'_BEBposselsites'}};
464 =head2 next_tree
466 Title : next_tree
467 Usage : my $tree = $factory->next_tree;
468 Function: Get the next tree from the factory
469 Returns : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>
470 Args : none
472 =cut
474 sub next_tree{
475 my ($self,@args) = @_;
476 return $self->{'_trees'}->[$self->{'_treeiterator'}++] || undef;
479 =head2 get_trees
481 Title : get_trees
482 Usage : my @trees = $result->get_trees;
483 Function: Get all the parsed trees as an array
484 Returns : Array of trees
485 Args : none
488 =cut
490 sub get_trees{
491 my ($self) = @_;
492 return @{$self->{'_trees'} || []};
495 =head2 rewind_tree_iterator
497 Title : rewind_tree_iterator
498 Usage : $result->rewind_tree_iterator()
499 Function: Rewinds the tree iterator so that next_tree can be
500 called again from the beginning
501 Returns : none
502 Args : none
504 =cut
506 sub rewind_tree_iterator {
507 shift->{'_treeiterator'} = 0;
510 =head2 add_tree
512 Title : add_tree
513 Usage : $result->add_tree($tree);
514 Function: Adds a tree
515 Returns : integer which is the number of trees stored
516 Args : L<Bio::Tree::TreeI>
518 =cut
520 sub add_tree{
521 my ($self,$tree) = @_;
522 if( $tree && ref($tree) && $tree->isa('Bio::Tree::TreeI') ) {
523 push @{$self->{'_trees'}},$tree;
525 return scalar @{$self->{'_trees'}};
528 =head2 shape_params
530 Title : shape_params
531 Usage : $obj->shape_params($newval)
532 Function: Get/Set shape params for the distribution, 'alpha', 'beta'
533 which is a hashref
534 with 1 keys, 'p' and 'q'
535 Returns : value of shape_params (a scalar)
536 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
539 =cut
541 sub shape_params{
542 my $self = shift;
543 return $self->{'_shape_params'} = shift if @_;
544 return $self->{'_shape_params'};
547 =head2 likelihood
549 Title : likelihood
550 Usage : $obj->likelihood($newval)
551 Function: log likelihood
552 Returns : value of likelihood (a scalar)
553 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
556 =cut
558 sub likelihood{
559 my $self = shift;
560 return $self->{'likelihood'} = shift if @_;
561 return $self->{'likelihood'};