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2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Assembly::IO::sam
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Mark A. Jensen <maj -at- fortinbras -dot- us>
8 # Copyright Mark A. Jensen
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
14 =head1 NAME
16 Bio::Assembly::IO::sam - An IO module for assemblies in Sam format *BETA*
18 =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 $aio = Bio::Assembly::IO( -file => "mysam.bam",
21 -refdb => "myrefseqs.fas");
22 $assy = $aio->next_assembly;
26 This is a (currently) read-only IO module designed to convert
27 Sequence/Alignment Map (SAM; L<>)
28 formatted alignments to L<Bio::Assembly::Scaffold> representations,
29 containing .L<Bio::Assembly::Contig> and L<Bio::Assembly::Singlet>
30 objects. It uses lstein's L<Bio::DB::Sam> to parse binary formatted SAM
31 (.bam) files guided by a reference sequence fasta database.
33 B<NB>: C<Bio::DB::Sam> is not a BioPerl module; it can be obtained via
34 CPAN. It in turn requires the C<libbam> library; source can be
35 downloaded at L<>.
37 =head1 DETAILS
39 =over
41 =item * Required files
43 A binary SAM (C<.bam>) alignment and a reference sequence database in
44 FASTA format are required. Various required indexes (C<.fai>, C<.bai>)
45 will be created as necessary (via L<Bio::DB::Sam>).
47 =item * Compressed files
49 ...can be specified directly , if L<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip> is
50 installed. Get it from your local CPAN mirror.
52 =item * BAM vs. SAM
54 The input alignment should be in (possibly gzipped) binary SAM
55 (C<.bam>) format. If it isn't, you will get a message explaining how
56 to convert it, viz.:
58 $ samtools view -Sb mysam.sam > mysam.bam
60 The bam file must also be sorted on coordinates: do
62 $ samtools sort mysam.unsorted.bam > mysam.bam
64 =item * Contigs
66 Contigs are calculated by this module, using the 'coverage' feature of
67 the L<Bio::DB::Sam> object. A contig represents a contiguous portion
68 of a reference sequence having non-zero coverage at each base.
70 The bwa assembler (L<>) can assign read
71 sequences to multiple reference sequence locations. The present
72 implementation currently assigns such reads only to the first contig
73 in which they appear.
75 =item * Consensus sequences
77 Consensus sequence and quality objects are calculated by this module,
78 using the C<pileup> callback feature of C<Bio::DB::Sam>. The consensus
79 is (currently) simply the residue at a position that has the maximum
80 sum of quality values. The consensus quality is the integer portion of
81 the simple average of quality values for the consensus residue.
83 =item * SeqFeatures
85 Read sequences stored in contigs are accompanied by the following
86 features:
88 contig : name of associated contig
89 cigar : CIGAR string for this read
91 If the read is paired with a successfully mapped mate, these features
92 will also be available:
94 mate_start : coordinate of to which the mate was aligned
95 mate_len : length of mate read
96 mate_strand : strand of mate (-1 or 1)
97 insert_size : size of insert spanned by the mate pair
99 These features are obtained as follows:
101 @ids = $contig->get_seq_ids;
102 $an_id = $id[0]; # or whatever
103 $seq = $contig->get_seq_by_name($an_id);
104 # Bio::LocatableSeq's aren't SeqFeature containers, so...
105 $feat = $contig->get_seq_feat_by_tag(
106 $seq, "_aligned_coord:".$s->id
108 ($cigar) = $feat->get_tag_values('cigar');
109 # etc.
111 =back
113 =head1 TODO
115 =over
117 =item * Supporting both text SAM (TAM) and binary SAM (BAM)
119 =back
121 =head1 FEEDBACK
123 =head2 Mailing Lists
125 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
126 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
127 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
129 - General discussion
130 - About the mailing lists
132 =head2 Support
134 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
136 L<>
138 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
139 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
140 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
141 with code and data examples if at all possible.
143 =head2 Reporting Bugs
145 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
146 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
147 the web:
151 =head1 AUTHOR - Mark A. Jensen
153 Email maj -at- fortinbras -dot- us
155 =head1 APPENDIX
157 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
158 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
160 =cut
162 # Let the code begin...
165 package Bio::Assembly::IO::sam;
166 use strict;
167 use warnings;
169 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
171 use Bio::Seq::Quality;
172 use Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual;
173 use Bio::LocatableSeq;
174 use Bio::Assembly::IO;
175 use Bio::Assembly::Scaffold;
176 use Bio::Assembly::Contig;
177 use Bio::Assembly::Singlet;
178 use Bio::SeqIO;
179 use File::Spec;
180 use File::Basename;
181 use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
182 use Carp;
183 use Bio::Root::Root;
184 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Assembly::IO Bio::Root::IO);
187 BEGIN {
188 # check requirements
189 unless ( eval "require Bio::DB::Sam; 1" ) {
190 Bio::Root::Root->throw(__PACKAGE__.' requires installation of samtools (libbam) and Bio::DB::Sam (available on CPAN; not part of BioPerl)');
192 unless ( eval "require IO::Uncompress::Gunzip; \$HAVE_IO_UNCOMPRESS = 1") {
193 Bio::Root::Root->warn("IO::Uncompress::Gunzip is not available; you'll have to do your decompression by hand.");
197 my $progname = 'sam';
199 sub new {
200 my $class = shift;
201 my @args = @_;
202 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
203 my ($file, $refdb, $format) = $self->_rearrange([qw(FILE REFDB FORMAT)], @args);
204 $self->file($file);
205 $refdb && $self->refdb($refdb);
206 $self->_init_sam() or croak( "Sam initialization failed" );
207 $self->{_assigned} = {};
208 return $self;
212 =head1 Bio::Assembly::IO compliance
214 =head2 next_assembly()
216 Title : next_assembly
217 Usage : my $scaffold = $asmio->next_assembly();
218 Function: return the next assembly in the sam-formatted stream
219 Returns : Bio::Assembly::Scaffold object
220 Args : none
222 =cut
224 sub next_assembly {
225 my $self = shift;
226 my @contig_set;
227 # get Bio::DB::Sam object
228 # could add a refdb or fasfile attribute to contain the reference db name
229 # iterate through seq_ids...
230 my @refseq_ids = $self->sam->seq_ids;
231 my $assembly = Bio::Assembly::Scaffold->new( -progname => $progname );
233 foreach my $id (@refseq_ids) {
234 #### this is choice 1: all refseqs into one assy...###
235 $self->_current_refseq_id( $id );
236 # Load contigs and singlets in the scaffold
237 while ( my $obj = $self->next_contig()) {
238 # Add contig /singlet to assembly
239 if ($obj->isa('Bio::Assembly::Singlet')) { # a singlet
240 $assembly->add_singlet($obj);
241 } else { # a contig
242 $assembly->add_contig($obj);
246 return $assembly;
249 =head2 next_contig()
251 Title : next_contig
252 Usage : my $contig = $asmio->next_contig();
253 Function: return the next contig or singlet from the sam stream
254 Returns : Bio::Assembly::Contig or Bio::Assembly::Singlet
255 Args : none
257 =cut
259 sub next_contig {
260 my $self = shift;
261 if (!defined $self->_current_contig_seg_idx) {
262 $self->_current_contig_seg_idx(0);
264 else {
265 $self->_current_contig_seg_idx( 1+$self->_current_contig_seg_idx );
267 unless ($self->_current_refseq_id) {
268 croak("No current refseq id set");
270 my $contig_segs = $self->_segset($self->_current_refseq_id);
271 unless ($contig_segs && @$contig_segs) {
272 croak("No contig segset for current id '".$self->_current_refseq_id."'")
274 # each segment in @$contig_segs represents a contig within the
275 # current refseq
276 my $contig_seg = $$contig_segs[$self->_current_contig_seg_idx];
277 return if (!defined $contig_seg); # iterator finished
278 # each 'feature' in $contig_seg represents a read;
279 # $seqio lets us iterate efficiently over the reads:
280 my $seqio = $contig_seg->features(-iterator => 1);
283 # Contig and read related
284 my $contigobj = $self->_store_contig($contig_seg);
285 my $numseq = 0;
287 while ( my $read = $seqio->next_seq ) {
288 if ($self->{_assigned}->{$read->name}) {
289 next;
291 $self->{_assigned}->{$read->name}=1;
292 $self->_store_read($read, $contigobj);
293 $numseq++;
295 if ($numseq == 1) { # ooh! a singlet!
296 $contigobj = $self->_store_singlet($contigobj);
298 return $contigobj;
301 =head2 write_assembly()
303 Title : write_assembly
304 Usage :
305 Function: not implemented (module currrently read-only)
306 Returns :
307 Args :
309 =cut
311 sub write_assembly {
312 my $self = shift;
313 $self->throw( "This module is currently read-only" );
316 =head1 Internal
318 =head2 _store_contig()
320 Title : _store_contig
321 Usage : my $contigobj = $self->_store_contig(\%contiginfo);
322 Function: create and load a contig object
323 Returns : Bio::Assembly::Contig object
324 Args : Bio::DB::Sam::Segment object
326 =cut
328 sub _store_contig {
329 my ($self, $contig_seg) = @_;
331 # Create a contig
332 my $contigobj = Bio::Assembly::Contig->new(
333 -id => 'sam_assy['.$self->_basename.':'.$self->_current_refseq_id.']/'.$contig_seg->start.'-'.$contig_seg->end,
334 -source => $progname,
335 -strand => 1
337 my $consobj = $self->_calc_consensus($contig_seg);
338 my $consensus_seq = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(
339 -id => $contigobj->id,
340 -seq => $consobj->seq,
341 -start => 1,
343 $contigobj->set_consensus_sequence($consensus_seq);
344 my $consensus_qual = Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual->new(
345 -id => $contigobj->id,
346 -qual => $consobj->qual,
347 -start => 1,
349 $contigobj->set_consensus_quality($consensus_qual);
351 # Add other misc contig information as subsequence feature
352 #my @other = grep !/asmbl_id|end|qualobj|start/, keys %$contiginfo;
353 #my %other;
354 #@other{@other} = @$contiginfo{@other};
355 #my $contigtags = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(
356 # -primary => '_main_contig_feature',
357 # -source => $$contiginfo{'asmbl_id'},
358 # -start => 1,
359 # -end => $contig_seg->length,
360 # -strand => 1,
361 # # dumping ground:
362 # -tag => \%other
364 #$contigobj->add_features([ $contigtags ], 1);
366 return $contigobj;
369 =head2 _store_read()
371 Title : _store_read
372 Usage : my $readobj = $self->_store_read($readobj, $contigobj);
373 Function: store information of a read belonging to a contig in a contig object
374 Returns : Bio::LocatableSeq
375 Args : Bio::DB::Bam::AlignWrapper, Bio::Assembly::Contig
377 =cut
379 sub _store_read {
380 my $self = shift;
381 my ($read, $contigobj) = @_;
382 my $readseq = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(
383 -display_id => $read->name,
384 -primary_id => $read->name,
385 -seq => $read->dna,
386 -start => 1,
387 -strand => $read->strand,
388 -alphabet => 'dna'
390 my $qual = Bio::Seq::PrimaryQual->new(
391 -id => $read->name."_qual",
392 -qual => [$read->qscore]
395 # add pair information
396 my @pair_info;
397 if ($read->proper_pair) { # mate also aligned
398 @pair_info = (
399 mate_start => $read->mate_start,
400 mate_len => $read->mate_len,
401 mate_strand => $read->mstrand,
402 insert_size => $read->isize
406 my $alncoord = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(
407 -primary => $read->name,
408 -start => $read->start,
409 -end => $read->end,
410 -strand => $read->strand,
411 -qual => join(' ',$read->qscore),
412 -tag => { 'contig' => $contigobj->id,
413 'cigar' => $read->cigar_str,
414 @pair_info }
417 $contigobj->set_seq_coord($alncoord, $readseq);
418 $contigobj->set_seq_qual( $readseq, $qual );
420 #add other misc read info as subsequence feature:
421 #my @other = grep !/aln_(?:end|start)|seq(?:str)?|strand/, keys %$readinfo;
422 #my %other;
423 #@other{@other} = @$readinfo{@other};
424 #my $readtags = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(
425 # -primary => '_main_read_feature',
426 # -source => $readobj->id,
427 # -start => $$readinfo{'aln_start'},
428 # -end => $$readinfo{'aln_end'},
429 # -strand => $$readinfo{'strand'},
430 # # dumping ground:
431 # -tag => \%other
433 #$contigobj->get_features_collection->add_features([$readtags]);
434 #$contigobj->get_features_collection->add_SeqFeature($alncoord, $readtags);
436 return $readseq;
439 =head2 _store_singlet()
441 Title : _store_singlet
442 Usage : my $singletobj = $self->_store_singlet($contigobj);
443 Function: convert a contig object containing a single read into
444 a singlet object
445 Returns : Bio::Assembly::Singlet
446 Args : Bio::Assembly::Contig (previously loaded with only one seq)
448 =cut
450 sub _store_singlet {
451 my $self = shift;
452 my ($contigobj) = @_;
454 my ($readseq) = $contigobj->each_seq;
456 my $singletobj = Bio::Assembly::Singlet->new( -id => $contigobj->id,
457 -seqref => $readseq );
459 # may want to attach this someday
460 # my $qual = $contigobj->get_qual_by_name($readseq->id);
462 return $singletobj;
465 =head1 REALLY Internal
467 =head2 _init_sam()
469 Title : _init_sam
470 Usage : $self->_init_sam($fasfile)
471 Function: obtain a Bio::DB::Sam parsing of the associated sam file
472 Returns : true on success
473 Args : [optional] name of the fasta reference db (scalar string)
474 Note : The associated file can be plain text (.sam) or binary (.bam);
475 If the fasta file is not specified, and no file is contained in
476 the refdb() attribute, a .fas file with the same
477 basename as the sam file will be searched for.
479 =cut
481 sub _init_sam {
482 my $self = shift;
483 my $fasfile = shift;
484 my $file = $self->file;
485 my $sam;
486 $fasfile ||= $self->refdb;
487 $file =~ s/^[<>+]*//; # byebye parasitic mode chars
488 my ($fname, $dir, $suf) = fileparse($file, ".sam", ".bam");
489 $self->_set_from_args({ '_basename' => $fname },
490 -methods => [qw( _basename)],
491 -create => 1);
492 if (!defined $fasfile) {
493 for (qw( fas fa fasta fas.gz fa.gz fasta.gz )) {
494 $fasfile = File::Spec->catdir($dir, $self->_basename.$_);
495 last if -e $fasfile;
496 undef $fasfile;
499 unless (-e $fasfile) {
500 croak( "Can't find associated reference fasta db" );
502 !$self->refdb && $self->refdb($fasfile);
503 # compression
504 if ($fasfile =~ /\.gz[^.]*$/) {
505 unless ($HAVE_IO_UNCOMPRESS) {
506 croak( "IO::Uncompress::Gunzip not available; can't decompress on the fly");
508 my ($tfh, $tf) = tempfile( UNLINK => 1);
509 my $z = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($fasfile) or croak("Can't expand: $@");
510 while (<$z>) { print $tfh $_ }
511 close $tfh;
512 $fasfile = $tf;
514 if ($file =~ /\.gz[^.]*$/) {
515 unless ($HAVE_IO_UNCOMPRESS) {
516 croak( "IO::Uncompress::Gunzip not available; can't decompress on the fly");
518 my ($tfh, $tf) = tempfile( UNLINK => 1);
519 my $z = IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new($file) or croak("Can't expand: $@");
520 while (<$z>) {
521 print $tfh $_;
523 close $tfh;
524 $file = $tf;
526 # sam conversion : just barf for now
527 if (-T $file) {
528 my $bam = $file;
529 $bam =~ s/\.sam/\.bam/;
530 croak( "'$file' looks like a text file.\n\tTo convert to the required .bam (binary SAM) format, run\n\t\$ samtools view -Sb $file > $bam\n");
533 $sam = Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $file,
534 -fasta => $fasfile,
535 -autoindex => 1,
536 -expand_flags => 1);
537 unless (defined $sam) {
538 croak( "Couldn't create the Bio::DB::Sam object" );
540 $self->{sam} = $sam;
541 # now produce the contig segments for each seq_id...
542 for ($sam->seq_ids) {
543 my $seg = $sam->segment(-seq_id=>$_, -start=>1, -end=>$sam->length($_));
544 ${$self->{_segset}}{$_} = [$self->_get_contig_segs_from_coverage($seg)];
547 return 1;
551 =head2 _get_contig_segs_from_coverage()
553 Title : _get_contig_segs_from_coverage
554 Usage :
555 Function: calculates separate contigs using coverage info
556 in the segment
557 Returns : array of Bio::DB::Sam::Segment objects, representing
558 each contig
559 Args : Bio::DB::Sam::Segment object
561 =cut
563 sub _get_contig_segs_from_coverage {
564 my $self = shift;
565 my $segment = shift;
566 unless ($self->sam) {
567 croak("Sam object not yet initialized (call _init_sam)");
569 unless ( ref($segment) =~ /Bio::DB::Sam::Segment/ ) {
570 croak("Requires Bio::DB::Sam::Segment object at arg 1");
572 my ($cov, @covdata, @rngs, @segs);
573 ($cov) = $segment->features('coverage');
574 unless ($cov) {
575 croak("No coverage data!");
577 @covdata = $cov->coverage;
579 # calculate contigs:
580 my $in_contig;
581 my ($lf_end,$rt_end);
582 for (0..$#covdata) {
583 if ($covdata[$_]) {
584 if ($in_contig) {
585 $rt_end = $_+1;
586 next;
588 else {
589 $in_contig = 1;
590 # push previous range
591 if (defined $lf_end && defined $rt_end) {
592 push @rngs, [$lf_end, $rt_end];
594 $lf_end = $_+1;
597 else {
598 $in_contig = 0;
601 # last one
602 push @rngs, [$lf_end, $rt_end] if (defined $lf_end and
603 defined $rt_end and
604 $lf_end <= $rt_end);
605 unless (@rngs) {
606 carp ("No coverage for this segment!");
607 return;
609 for (@rngs) {
610 push @segs, $self->sam->segment(-seq_id=>$segment->seq_id,
611 -start=>$$_[0],
612 -end=>$$_[1]);
614 return @segs;
617 =head2 _calc_consensus_quality()
619 Title : _calc_consensus_quality
620 Usage : @qual = $aio->_calc_consensus_quality( $contig_seg );
621 Function: calculate an average or other data-reduced quality
622 over all sites represented by the features contained
623 in a Bio::DB::Sam::Segment
624 Returns :
625 Args : a Bio::DB::Sam::Segment object
627 =cut
629 sub _calc_consensus_quality {
630 # just an average over sites for now...
631 my $self = shift;
632 my $seg = shift;
634 my @quals;
635 my $region = $seg->seq_id.':'.$seg->start.'..'.$seg->end;
636 my $qual_averager = sub {
637 my ($seqid, $pos, $p) = @_;
638 return unless ($seg->start <= $pos and $pos <= $seg->end);
639 my $acc = 0;
640 my $n = 0;
641 for my $pileup (@$p) {
642 my $b = $pileup->alignment;
643 $acc += $b->qscore->[$pileup->qpos];
644 $n++;
646 push @quals, int($acc/$n);
648 $self->sam->pileup($region, $qual_averager);
649 return @quals;
652 =head2 _calc_consensus()
654 Title : _calc_consensus
655 Usage : @qual = $aio->_calc_consensus( $contig_seg );
656 Function: calculate a simple quality-weighted consensus sequence
657 for the segment
658 Returns : a SeqWithQuality object
659 Args : a Bio::DB::Sam::Segment object
661 =cut
663 sub _calc_consensus {
664 # just an average over sites for now...
665 my $self = shift;
666 my $seg = shift;
668 my @quals;
669 my $conseq ='';
670 my $region = $seg->seq_id.':'.$seg->start.'-'.$seg->end;
672 my $weighted_consensus = sub {
673 my ($seqid, $pos, $p) = @_;
674 return unless ($seg->start <= $pos and $pos <= $seg->end);
675 my %wt_tbl;
676 my %n;
677 for my $pileup (@$p) {
678 my $b = $pileup->alignment;
679 my $res = substr($b->qseq,$pileup->qpos,1);
680 $wt_tbl{$res} += $b->qscore->[$pileup->qpos] || 0;
681 $n{$res} ||= 0;
682 $n{$res}++;
684 # really simple
685 my $c = (sort { $wt_tbl{$b}<=>$wt_tbl{$a} } keys %wt_tbl)[0];
686 $conseq .= $c;
687 push @quals, int($wt_tbl{$c}/$n{$c});
690 $self->sam->pileup($region, $weighted_consensus);
691 return Bio::Seq::Quality->new(
692 -qual => join(' ', @quals ),
693 -seq => $conseq,
694 -id => $region
698 =head2 refdb()
700 Title : refdb
701 Usage : $obj->refdb($newval)
702 Function: the name of the reference db fasta file
703 Example :
704 Returns : value of refdb (a scalar)
705 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
707 =cut
709 sub refdb {
710 my $self = shift;
712 return $self->{'refdb'} = shift if @_;
713 return $self->{'refdb'};
716 =head2 _segset()
718 Title : _segset
719 Usage : $segset_hashref = $self->_segset()
720 Function: hash container for the Bio::DB::Sam::Segment objects that
721 represent each set of contigs for each seq_id
722 { $seq_id => [@contig_segments], ... }
723 Example :
724 Returns : value of _segset (a hashref) if no arg,
725 or the arrayref of contig segments, if arg == a seq id
726 Args : [optional] seq id (scalar string)
727 Note : readonly; hash elt set in _init_sam()
729 =cut
731 sub _segset {
732 my $self = shift;
733 return $self->{'_segset'} unless @_;
734 return ${$self->{'_segset'}}{shift()};
737 =head2 _current_refseq_id()
739 Title : _current_refseq_id
740 Usage : $obj->_current_refseq_id($newval)
741 Function: the "current" reference sequence id
742 Example :
743 Returns : value of _current_refseq (a scalar)
744 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
746 =cut
748 sub _current_refseq_id {
749 my $self = shift;
751 return $self->{'_current_refseq_id'} = shift if @_;
752 return $self->{'_current_refseq_id'};
755 =head2 _current_contig_seg_idx()
757 Title : current_contig_seg_idx
758 Usage : $obj->current_contig_seg_idx($newval)
759 Function: the "current" segment index in the "current" refseq
760 Example :
761 Returns : value of current_contig_seg_idx (a scalar)
762 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
764 =cut
766 sub _current_contig_seg_idx {
767 my $self = shift;
769 return $self->{'_current_contig_seg_idx'} = shift if @_;
770 return $self->{'_current_contig_seg_idx'};
774 =head2 sam()
776 Title : sam
777 Usage : $obj->sam($newval)
778 Function: store the associated Bio::DB::Sam object
779 Example :
780 Returns : value of sam (a Bio::DB::Sam object)
781 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
783 =cut
785 sub sam {
786 my $self = shift;
787 return $self->{'sam'};
790 sub DESTROY {
791 my $self = shift;
792 undef $self->{'sam'};
793 delete $self->{_segset}->{$_} foreach (keys %{$self->{_segset}});