fix for bug when getting cached response with filename or callback (prevents resubing...
[bioperl-live.git] / DEPENDENCIES
1 # $Id: DEPENDENCIES,v 1.4 2006-12-06 18:18:30 sendu Exp $
3 BioPerl Dependencies
5 The following packages are used by BioPerl. Not all are required for
6 BioPerl to operate properly, however some functionality will be missing
7 without them. You can easily choose to install all of these during the
8 normal installation process. Note that the PPM version of the BioPerl
9 packages always tries to install all dependencies.
11 The DBD::mysql, DB_File and XML::Parser modules require other applications
12 or databases: MySQL, Berkeley DB, and expat respectively.
14 NB: This list of packages is not authoritative. See the 'requires',
15 'build_requires' and 'recommends' sections of Build.PL instead.
17 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
18 |        Module        |    Where it is Used   |   Bio* Modules Affected      |
19 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------+
20 |                      |GenPept                |                              |
21 |HTTP::Request::Common |sequence retrieval,    |Bio::DB::*                    |
22 |                      |remote http BLAST jobs |Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast  |
23 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
24 |                      |GenBank, GenPept       |                              |
25 |LWP::UserAgent        |sequence retrieval,    |Bio::DB::*,                   |
26 |                      |remote http BLAST jobs |Bio::Tools::Run::RemoteBlast  |
27 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
28 |Ace [1]               |Access to AceDB        |Bio::DB::Ace                  |
29 |                      |databases              |                              |
30 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
31 |                      |                       |Bio::SeqIO, Bio::Variation::*,|
32 |IO::String            |handle to read or      |Bio::DB::*, Bio::Index::Blast,|
33 |                      |write to a string      |Bio::Tools::*, Bio::Biblio::IO|
34 |                      |                       |Bio::Structure::IO            |
35 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
36 |XML::Parser [2]       |Parsing of XML         |Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml   |
37 |                      |documents              |                              |
38 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
39 |XML::Writer           |Parsing + writing of   |Bio::SeqIO::game,             |
40 |                      |XML documents          |Bio::Variation::*             |
41 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
42 |XML::Parser::PerlSAX  |Parsing of XML         |Bio::SeqIO::game,             |
43 |                      |documents              |Bio::Variation::*,            |
44 |                      |                       |Bio::Biblio::IO::medlinexml   |
45 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
46 |                      |Parsing of XML         |Bio::Variation::IO::xml,      |
47 |XML::Twig             |documents              |Bio::DB::Biblio::eutils,      |
48 |                      |                       |Bio::Graph::IO::psi_xml       |
49 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
50 |File::Temp            |Temporary File         |Bio::DB::FileCache,           |
51 |                      |creation               |Bio::DB::XEMBL                |
52 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
53 |SOAP::Lite            |SOAP protocol,         |Bio::Biblio::*,               |
54 |                      |XEMBL Services         |Bio::DB::XEMBLService         |
55 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
56 |HTML::Parser          |HTML parsing of        |Bio::DB::GDB                  |
57 |                      |GDB page               |                              |
58 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
59 |                      |MySQL API for loading  |                              |
60 |DBD::mysql [3]        |and querying of MySQL- |Bio::DB::GFF, bioperl-db      |
61 |                      |based GFF feature      |bioperl-pipeline              |
62 |                      |and BioSQL databases   |                              |
63 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
64 |GD [4][5]             |GD graphical drawing   |Bio::Graphics                 |
65 |                      |library                |                              |
66 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
67 |Storable              |Persistent object      |Bio::DB::FileCache            |
68 |                      |storage & retrieval    |                              |
69 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
70 |Text::Shellwords      |Text parser            |Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile    |
71 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
72 |XML::DOM              |XML parser             |Bio::SeqIO::bsml,             |
73 |                      |                       |Bio::SeqIO::interpro          |
74 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
75 |                      |Perl access to         |Bio::DB::Flat, Bio::DB::Fasta,|
76 |DB_File [6]           |Berkeley DB            |Bio::SeqFeature::Collection,  |
77 |                      |                       |Bio::Index::*                 |
78 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
79 |Graph::Directed       |Generic graph data and |Bio::Ontology::               |
80 |                      |algorithms             |     SimpleOntologyEngine     |
81 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
82 |Data::Stag::          |Structured Tags,       |Bio::SeqIO::chadoitext [7]    |
83 |    ITextWriter       |datastructures         |                              |
84 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
85 |Data::Stag::          |Structured Tags,       |Bio::SeqIO::chadosxpr [7]     |
86 |    SxprWriter        |datastructures         |                              |
87 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
88 |Data::Stag::XMLWriter |Structured Tags,       |Bio::SeqIO::chadoxml          |
89 |                      |datastructures         |                              |
90 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
91 |Text::Wrap            |Very optional          |Bio::SearchIO::Writer::       |
92 |                      |                       |      TextResultWriter        |
93 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
94 |HTML::Entities        |Parse BLAST results in |Bio::SearchIO::blastxml       |
95 |                      |XML                    |                              |
96 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
97 |Class::AutoClass [8]  |Used to create objects |Bio::Graph::SimpleGraph*      |
98 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
99 |Clone                 |Used to clone objects  |Bio::Graph::ProteinGraph      |
100 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
101 |                      |                       |Bio::SeqIO::bsml_sax,         |
102 |XML::SAX              |New style SAX parser   |Bio::SeqIO::tigrxml,          |
103 |                      |                       |Bio::SearchIO::blastxml       |
104 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
105 |XML::SAX::Base        |New style SAX parser   |Bio::SeqIO::tigrxml           |
106 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
107 |XML::SAX::Writer      |                       |                              |
108 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
109 |XML::SAX::ExpatXS     |New style SAX parser   |Bio::SearchIO::blastxml       |
110 |[2][9]                |                       |                              |
111 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
112 |XML::Simple [2]       |Simple XML parsing     |Bio::DB::EUtilities           |
113 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
114 |Convert::Binary::C    |Parsing of DNA strider |Bio::SeqIO::strider           |
115 |                      |documents              |                              |
116 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
117 |Spreadsheet::         |Read Microsoft Excel   |Bio::SeqIO::excel             |
118 |    ParseExcel        |files                  |                              |
119 |----------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------|
120 |Bio::ASN1::EntrezGene |Parses ASN1 format     |Bio::SeqIO::entrezgene,       |
121 |                      |                       |Bio::DB::EntrezGene           |
122 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
124 Notes
126     1. Available at 
127     2. Requires expat, at
128     3. Requires MySQL, from 
129     4. Requires GD library (libgd) from 
130     5. Installing the GD library - libgd - is somewhat non-trivial since
131        there are a number of dependencies to consider. Matias Giovannini has
132        posted an excellent walkthrough for Mac OS X 10.4. 
133     6. Requires Berkeley DB, from Linux RPM or from
135     7. These modules may be present in older distributions but are considered
136        redundant; use Bio::SeqIO::chadoxml instead. 
137     8. Bio::Graph::SimpleGraph requires Class::AutoClass v. 1.01;
138        earlier versions give very different results. 
139     9. This module is optional but recommended for speeding up parsing over
140        the default XML::SAX::PurePerl. If installed, XML::SAX::Expat currently
141        does not work correctly due to DTD problems.