Merge pull request #150 from jkeenan/missing_manifest
[bioperl-live.git] / deobfuscator / Deobfuscator / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 #
4 # part of the Deobfuscator package
5 # by Laura Kavanaugh and Dave Messina
7 # cared for by Dave Messina <>
9 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
11 =head1 NAME
13 - extracts BioPerl documentation and indexes it in a database for easy retrieval
15 =head1 VERSION
17 This document describes version 0.0.3
20 =head1 SYNOPSIS
22 <path to BioPerl lib> <output path>
24 =over
26 =item <path to BioPerl lib>
28 a directory path pointing to the root of the BioPerl lib tree. e.g. /export/share/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Bio/
30 =item <output path>
32 where you would like to put its output files.
34 =back
39 goes through the entire BioPerl library tree looking for
40 .pm and .pl files. For each one it finds, it tries to extract module-level
41 POD documentation (e.g. SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION) and store it in a BerkeleyDB.
42 It also tries to extract documentation for each method in the module and
43 store that in a separate BerkeleyDB.
45 Specific parts of the documentation for a module or method may be retrieved
46 individually using the functions available in See that module
47 for details.
49 While going through and trying to parse each module, also
50 reports what pieces of the documentation it can't find. For example, if
51 a method's documentation doesn't describe the data type it returns, this
52 script logs that information to a file. This type of automated documentation-
53 checking could be used to standardize and improve the documentation in
54 BioPerl.
56 creates four files:
58 =over
60 =item C<< package_list.txt >>
62 A plaintext file listing each package found in the BioPerl directory that was
63 searched. Packages are listed by their module names, such as 'Bio::SeqIO'.
64 This file is used by L<deob_interface.cgi>.
66 =item C<< packages.db >>
68 A Berkeley DB, which stores package-level documentation, such as
69 the synopsis and the description. Each key is a package name,
70 e.g. "Bio::SeqIO", and each value string is composed of the
71 individual pieces of the documentation kept separate by
72 unique string record separators. The individual pieces of
73 documentation are pulled out of the string using the
74 get_pkg_docs function in See that package
75 for details.
77 =item C<< methods.db >>
79 Like packages.db, methods.db is also a Berkeley DB, except it
80 stores various pieces of information about individual methods
81 available to a class. Each method might have documentation
82 about its usage, its arguments, its return values, an example,
83 and a description of its function.
85 Each key is the fully-qualified method name, e.g.
86 "Bio::SeqIO::next_seq". Each value is a string containing all
87 of the pieces of documentation concatenated together and
88 separated by unique strings serving as record separators. The
89 extraction of the actual documentation in these strings is
90 handled by the get_method_docs subroutine in the
91 module. See that package for details.
93 Not all methods will have all of these types of documentation,
94 and some methods will not have the different pieces of
95 information clearly labeled and separated. For the latter type,
96 will try to store whatever free-form
97 documentation that does exist, and the get_method_docs function
98 in, if called without arguments, will return
99 that documentation.
101 =item C<< deob_index.log >>
103 This file contains detailed information about errors
104 encountered while trying to extract documentation during
105 the indexing process.
107 Each line in deob_index.log is a key-value pair describing
108 a single parsing error.
110 =back
113 =head1 DIAGNOSTICS
115 These are the parsing error codes reported in 'deob_index.log'.
117 =head2 Package errors
119 =over
121 =item C<< PKG_NAME >>
123 couldn't find the name of the package
125 =item C<< SYNOPSIS >>
127 couldn't find the synopsis
129 =item C<< DESC >>
131 couldn't find the description
133 =item C<< METHODS >>
135 couldn't find any methods
137 =item C<< PKG_DUP >>
139 This package name occurs more than once
141 =back
143 =head2 Method errors
145 =over
147 =item C<< FUNCTION >>
149 couldn't find the function description
151 =item C<< EXAMPLE >>
153 couldn't find the example
155 =item C<< ARGS >>
157 couldn't find the method's arguments
159 =item C<< USAGE >>
161 couldn't find the usage statement
163 =item C<< RETURNS >>
165 couldn't find the return values
167 =item C<< FREEFORM >>
169 This method's documentation doesn't conform to the BioPerl standard of having
170 clearly-labeled fields for title, function, example, args, usage, and returns.
172 =item C<< METH_DUP >>
174 This method name occurs more than once
176 =back
181 This software requires:
183 =over
185 =item A working installation of the Berkeley DB
187 The Berkeley DB comes standard with most UNIX distributions, so you may
188 already have it installed. See L<> for more information.
190 =item BioPerl
192 recursively navigates a directory of BioPerl modules. Note
193 that the BioPerl module directory need not be "installed"; any old location
194 will do. See L<> for the latest version.
196 =back
201 L<version>, L<File::Find>, L<DB_File>
206 None reported.
211 No bugs have been reported.
213 currently expects the sections of POD in a BioPerl module to
214 be in a particular order, namely: NAME, SYNOPSIS, DESCRIPTION, CONSTRUCTORS,
215 ... , APPENDIX. Those sections are expected to be marked with =head1 POD tags,
216 and the documentation for each method is expected to be in =head2 sections
217 in the APPENDIX. The order of SYNOPSIS and DESCRIPTION can be flipped, but
218 this behavior should not be taken as encouragement to do so.
220 Most, but not all BioPerl modules conform to this standard. Those that do not
221 will cause to report them as errors. Although the consistency
222 of this standard is desirable for end-users of the documentation, this code
223 probably needs to be a little bit more flexible (patches welcome!).
225 This software has only been tested in a UNIX environment.
228 =head1 FEEDBACK
230 =head2 Mailing Lists
232 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
233 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
234 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
236 - General discussion
237 - About the mailing lists
239 =head2 Reporting Bugs
241 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
242 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
243 web:
248 =head1 SEE ALSO
250 L<Deobfuscator>, L<deob_interface.cgi>, L<deob_detail.cgi>
253 =head1 AUTHOR
255 Dave Messina C<< <> >>
260 =over
262 =item Laura Kavanaugh
264 =item David Curiel
266 =back
271 This software was developed originally at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory's
272 Advanced Bioinformatics Course between Oct 12-25, 2005. Many thanks to David
273 Curiel, who provided much-needed guidance and assistance on this project.
278 Copyright (C) 2005-6 Laura Kavanaugh and Dave Messina. All Rights Reserved.
280 This module is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
281 same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.
284 =head1 DISCLAIMER
286 This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
288 =cut
290 use version; $VERSION = qv('0.0.2');
291 use warnings;
292 use strict;
293 use File::Find;
294 use DB_File;
295 use IO::File;
296 use Getopt::Std;
297 use File::Spec;
299 # GetOpt::Std-related settings
300 $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1;
301 getopts('s:x:');
303 my $DEBUG = 0;
305 my $usage = "
306 - extracts and parses BioPerl POD
307 and stores the info in a database.
309 USAGE: [-s bioperl-version] [-x exclude_file] <BioPerl lib dir> <output dir>
311 where
313 <BioPerl lib dir> is the BioPerl distribution you'd like to index
315 e.g. /export/share/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/Bio/
319 <output dir> is where the output files should be placed
322 -s user-supplied string to declare BioPerl's version
323 (which will be displayed by deob_interface.cgi)
324 -x excluded modules file (a module paths to skip; see POD for details)
327 unless ( @ARGV == 2 ) { die $usage; }
329 my ( $source_dir, $dest_dir ) = @ARGV;
331 # check source_dir for full path and repair if it's a relative path
332 unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $source_dir ) ) {
333 $source_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs( $source_dir ) ;
336 # check dest_dir for full path and repair if it's a relative path
337 unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $dest_dir ) ) {
338 $dest_dir = File::Spec->rel2abs( $dest_dir ) ;
341 # NOTE: we're allowing only one source directory, but File::Find supports
342 # passing an array of dirs.
344 # read in an optional list of modules to exclude from indexing
345 # - this is aimed at modules with external dependencies that are often not
346 # - present and thus will prevent deob_interface.cgi from loading them
347 our ($opt_s, $opt_x);
348 my %exclude;
349 if (defined $opt_x) {
350 my $exclude_fh = IO::File->new($opt_x, "r")
351 or die "couldn't open $opt_x\n";
352 while (<$exclude_fh>) {
353 chomp;
354 next if ( /^\#/ || /^\s*$/ ); # ignore comments and blank lines
355 $exclude{$_} = 1;
357 print STDERR "Found ", scalar keys %exclude, " modules to be excluded.\n";
361 # save a list of the BioPerl modules to a file
362 my $list; # filehandle
363 my $list_file = $dest_dir . "/package_list.txt";
364 if ( -e $list_file) { unlink($list_file); }
365 open $list, ">$list_file" or die " couldn't open $list_file:$!\n";
366 my @list_holder; # hold all package names so we can sort them before writing.
368 # record misbehaving BioPerl docs to a file
369 my $log; # filehandle
370 my $logfile = $dest_dir . "/deob_index.log";
371 open $log, ">$logfile" or die " couldn't open $logfile:$!\n";
373 # create databases
374 my $meth_file = $dest_dir . '/methods.db';
375 if ( -e $meth_file ) { unlink($meth_file); } # remove for production?
376 my $meth_db = create_db($meth_file) or die " couldn't create $meth_file: $!\n";
377 my $pkg_file = $dest_dir . '/packages.db';
378 if ( -e $pkg_file ) { unlink($pkg_file); } # remove for production?
379 my $pkg_db = create_db($pkg_file) or die " couldn't create $pkg_file: $!\n";
381 # used to make sure we're parsing in the right order
382 my %FLAG;
384 # store version string in packages.db
385 $pkg_db->{'__BioPerl_Version'} = $opt_s ? $opt_s : 'unknown';
387 # keep stats on our indexing
388 my %stats = (
389 'files' => 0,
390 'pkg_name' => 0,
391 'desc' => 0,
392 'synopsis' => 0,
393 'methods' => 0,
396 # wanted points to the subroutine which is run on each found file
397 # ( in this program, that subroutine is &extract_pod )
398 # no_chdir prevents find from chdir'ing into each subsequent directory
399 my %FIND_OPTIONS = ( wanted => \&extract_pod);#, no_chdir => 1 );
401 # This is the important line - Find::File actually doing the
402 # traversal of the directory tree.
403 find( \%FIND_OPTIONS, $source_dir );
405 # sort and write out package list
406 foreach my $sorted_pkg (sort @list_holder) {
407 print $list $sorted_pkg, "\n";
410 # store user-supplied BioPerl version number
412 # output stats
413 print STDOUT "\nThis indexing run found:\n";
414 print $log "\nThis indexing run found:\n";
415 foreach my $stat ( 'files', 'pkg_name', 'desc', 'synopsis', 'methods' ) {
416 printf STDOUT "%5d %s\n", $stats{$stat}, $stat;
417 printf $log "%5d %s\n", $stats{$stat}, $stat;
420 # close files and DBs
421 untie $meth_db or die " couldn't close $meth_file: $!\n";
422 untie $pkg_db or die " couldn't close $pkg_file: $!\n";
423 close $list or die " couldn't close $list: $!\n";
424 close $log or die " couldn't close $log: $!\n";
425 my $mode = 0666;
426 chmod($mode, $pkg_file, $meth_file, $list_file);
428 ### Parsing subroutines ###
429 sub extract_pod {
430 my ($file) = $_;
431 my $long_file = $File::Find::name;
433 # skip if it's on our exclude list
434 foreach my $one (keys %exclude) {
435 if ($File::Find::name =~ /$one$/) {
436 print STDERR "Excluding $file\n";
437 print $log "Excluding $file\n";
438 return;
442 # skip unless it's a perl file that exists
443 return unless ( $file =~ /\.PLS$/ ) or ( $file =~ /\.p[ml]$/ );
444 return unless -e $file;
446 $stats{'files'}++;
448 open my $fh, '<', $File::Find::name or die " could not read file '$file': $!\n";
450 # these have to be done in order
451 my ( $pkg_name, $short_desc ) = get_pkg_name($fh);
452 my ($synopsis, $desc);
453 LOOP: while (my ($type, $section) = get_generic($fh) ) {
454 if ($type eq 'synopsis') { $synopsis = $section; }
455 elsif ($type eq 'description') { $desc = $section; }
456 else { last LOOP; }
459 my $constructors = get_constructors($fh);
460 my $methods = get_methods($fh);
462 # record package name to our package list file
463 if ($pkg_name) { push @list_holder, $pkg_name; }
465 # store valid package data here
466 my @pkg_data;
468 # error reporting
469 if ($pkg_name) {
470 $stats{'pkg_name'}++;
471 print $pkg_name, "\n" if $DEBUG == 1;
473 else {
474 print $log " PKG_NAME: $long_file\n";
476 if ($short_desc) {
477 $stats{'short_desc'}++;
478 push @pkg_data, $short_desc;
479 print $short_desc, "\n" if $DEBUG == 1;
481 else {
482 push @pkg_data, 'no short description available'; # store something
483 print $log "SHORT_DESC: $long_file\n";
485 if ($synopsis) {
486 $stats{'synopsis'}++;
487 print $synopsis, "\n" if $DEBUG == 1;
488 push @pkg_data, $synopsis;
490 else {
491 push @pkg_data, 'no synopsis available'; # store something
492 print $log " SYNOPSIS: $long_file\n";
494 if ($desc) {
495 $stats{'desc'}++;
496 print $desc, "\n" if $DEBUG == 1;
497 push @pkg_data, $desc;
499 else {
500 push @pkg_data, 'no description available'; # store something
501 print $log " DESC: $long_file\n";
503 if ($methods) {
504 my $method_count = scalar keys %$methods;
505 print "**** Found $method_count methods in $pkg_name\n"
506 if $DEBUG == 2;
507 foreach my $method ( keys %$methods ) {
508 $stats{'methods'}++;
509 print $method, "\n//\n" if $DEBUG == 2;
512 else {
513 print $log " METHODS: $long_file\n";
516 # prepare data for databases
517 my $pkg_record = pkg_prep(@pkg_data);
518 my $meth_records = meth_prep( $pkg_name, $methods );
520 # load data in databases
521 if ($pkg_name) {
522 pkg_load( $pkg_db, $pkg_name, $pkg_record );
523 meth_load( $meth_db, $meth_records );
527 sub slurp_until_next {
528 my ($fh) = @_;
530 my @lines;
531 my $prev_line = $_;
534 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
535 next LINE if $_ eq $prev_line;
537 # if it's a POD directive
538 if (/^\=/) {
540 # reset our position to the beginning of the line
541 # so it is seen as part of the next POD section
542 seek $fh, -length($_), 1;
543 last LINE;
545 else {
546 push @lines, $_;
549 return join q{}, @lines;
552 sub get_pkg_name {
553 my ($fh) = @_;
555 my $pkg_name;
556 my $short_desc;
558 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
559 chomp;
560 print "**", $_, "\n" if $DEBUG == 2;
562 # grab package name
563 # - "short desc" is the one-line description of the package
564 if ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+NAME/ ) {
565 <$fh>;
566 my $next_line = <$fh>;
567 ( $pkg_name, $short_desc ) = split /\s+/, $next_line, 2;
568 $short_desc .= slurp_until_next($fh);
570 # strip off leading dash
571 $short_desc =~ s/^(\-)+\s+//;
573 # strip off trailing spaces
574 $short_desc =~ s/\s+$//;
576 # strip any newlines
577 $short_desc =~ s/\n/ /;
579 print $pkg_name, "\n" if $DEBUG == 1;
581 last LINE;
584 # we've hit a =head1, but it's the wrong one
585 elsif ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+/ ) {
586 last LINE;
589 if ($pkg_name) {
590 $FLAG{'pkg_name'} = 1;
591 return $pkg_name, $short_desc;
595 sub get_generic {
596 my ($fh) = @_;
598 my $section;
600 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
601 chomp;
602 print "**", $_, "\n" if $DEBUG == 2;
604 if ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+SYNOPSIS/ ) {
605 $section = slurp_until_next($fh);
606 if ($section) {
607 $FLAG{'synopsis'} = 1;
608 return ('synopsis', $section);
610 else { last LINE; }
612 elsif ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+DESCRIPTION/ ) {
613 $section = slurp_until_next($fh);
614 if ($section) {
615 $FLAG{'description'} = 1;
616 return ('description', $section);
618 else { last LINE; }
621 # if we hit the APPENDIX, time to stop
622 elsif (/^\=head1\s+APPENDIX/) {
624 # reset our position to the beginning of the line
625 # so it is seen by the next parser
626 seek $fh, -length($_)*2, 1;
627 last LINE;
632 sub get_synopsis {
633 my ($fh) = @_;
635 my $synopsis;
637 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
638 chomp;
639 print "**", $_, "\n" if $DEBUG == 2;
641 if ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+SYNOPSIS/ ) {
642 $synopsis = slurp_until_next($fh);
643 last LINE;
646 # we've hit a =head1, but it's the wrong one
647 elsif ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+/ ) {
648 last LINE;
651 if ($synopsis) {
652 $FLAG{'synopsis'} = 1;
653 return $synopsis;
657 sub get_desc {
658 my ($fh) = @_;
660 my $desc;
662 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
663 chomp;
664 print "**", $_, "\n" if $DEBUG == 2;
666 if ($_ =~ /^=head1\s+VERSION/ ) {
667 slurp_until_next($fh);
670 if ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+DESCRIPTION/ ) {
671 $desc = slurp_until_next($fh);
672 last LINE;
675 # we've hit a =head1, but it's the wrong one
676 elsif ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+/ ) {
677 last LINE;
680 if ($desc) {
681 $FLAG{'description'} = 1;
682 return $desc;
686 sub get_constructors {
688 # not implemented
690 # should return a hashref
693 sub get_methods {
694 my ($fh) = @_;
695 my %methods;
697 # we shouldn't see any methods until after the APPENDIX
698 my $seen_appendix = 0;
700 # there's an '=cut' after we enter the APPENDIX
701 # we know the method '=head2' tags will come after it
702 my $seen_first_cut = 0;
704 LINE: while (<$fh>) {
705 if ( $_ =~ /^\=head1\s+APPENDIX/ ) {
706 $seen_appendix = 1;
709 # this should be the first tag after the APPENDIX
710 if ( $seen_appendix && $_ =~ /^\=cut/ ) {
711 $seen_first_cut = 1;
714 # this should be a method
715 if ( $seen_first_cut && $_ =~ /^\=head2\s+(\S+)/ ) {
716 $methods{$1} = slurp_until_next($fh);
720 # returns a hashref
721 return \%methods;
724 ### Database subroutines ###
725 sub create_db {
726 my ($filename) = @_;
728 my %hash;
729 my $hashref = \%hash;
731 tie %hash, "DB_File", $filename
732 or die "ERROR: couldn't open $filename:$!\n";
734 return $hashref;
737 sub pkg_prep {
739 # unique string on which to split our sub-records
740 my $rec_sep = 'DaVe-ReC-sEp';
742 my $record = join $rec_sep, @_;
744 return $record;
747 sub meth_prep {
748 my ( $pkg_name, $methods ) = @_;
749 my %records;
751 foreach my $entry ( keys %$methods ) {
752 my $key = $pkg_name . '::' . $entry;
753 my $record; # what will be stored in the db
754 my $rec_sep = 'DaVe-ReC-sEp';
756 # if the method conforms to the BioPerl doc spec,
757 # we will split it into constituent pieces before storing
758 # it in the db. If not, we store the whole thing as one lump.
760 my $last; # for grabbing multi-line entries
761 my %fields = (
762 'title' => '',
763 'usage' => '',
764 'function' => '',
765 'example' => '',
766 'returns' => '',
767 'args' => '',
771 my @lines = split "\n", $methods->{$entry};
772 foreach my $line (@lines) {
773 if ( $line =~ /^\s+Title\s+:(.*)/ ) {
774 next if $1 =~ /^\s+$/;
775 $fields{'title'} = $1;
776 $last = \$fields{'title'};
778 elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+Usage\s+:(.*)/ ) {
779 next if $1 =~ /^\s+$/;
780 $fields{'usage'} = $1;
781 $last = \$fields{'usage'};
783 elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+Function\s?:(.*)/ ) {
784 next if $1 =~ /^\s+$/;
785 $fields{'function'} = $1;
786 $last = \$fields{'function'};
788 elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+Example\s+:(.*)/ ) {
789 next if $1 =~ /^\s+$/;
790 $fields{'example'} = $1;
791 $last = \$fields{'example'};
793 elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+Returns\s+:(.*)/ ) {
794 next if $1 =~ /^\s+$/;
795 $fields{'returns'} = $1;
796 $last = \$fields{'returns'};
798 elsif ( $line =~ /^\s+Args\s+:(.*)/ ) {
799 next if $1 =~ /^\s+$/;
800 $fields{'args'} = $1;
801 $last = \$fields{'args'};
804 # grab multi-line entries
805 elsif ( $line =~ /^\s{8,}(\s.*)/ ) { $$last .= $1; }
808 # debugging
809 if ( $DEBUG == 2 ) {
810 print "** $entry **\n";
811 foreach my $field ( keys %fields ) {
812 print STDOUT $field, "\t", $fields{$field}, "\n";
814 print "\n";
817 # if any of our fields have a value, store subrecords
818 my $filled_fields = grep /\w+/, values %fields;
819 print STDERR $key, "\t", $filled_fields, "\n" if $DEBUG == 3;
820 if ( $filled_fields > 0 ) {
821 if ( !$fields{'title'} ) { print $log ' TITLE: ', $key, "\n"; }
822 if ( !$fields{'usage'} ) { print $log ' USAGE: ', $key, "\n"; }
823 if ( !$fields{'function'} ) {
824 print $log ' FUNCTION: ', $key, "\n";
826 if ( !$fields{'example'} ) {
827 print $log ' EXAMPLE: ', $key, "\n";
829 if ( !$fields{'returns'} ) {
830 print $log ' RETURNS: ', $key, "\n";
832 if ( !$fields{'args'} ) { print $log ' ARGS: ', $key, "\n"; }
834 # create the records to be stored in the db
835 foreach my $field ( keys %fields ) {
836 my $subrecord
837 = $rec_sep . '-' . $field . '|' . $fields{$field};
838 $record .= $subrecord;
841 # store the records
842 $records{$key} = $record;
845 # if no subfields, store whatever docs we do have for the method
846 else {
847 $record = $methods->{$entry};
848 print $log ' FREEFORM: ', $key, "\n";
851 return \%records;
854 sub pkg_load {
855 my ( $pkg_db, $pkg_name, $record ) = @_;
857 if ( exists $pkg_db->{$pkg_name} ) {
858 print $log ' PKG_DUP: ', $pkg_name, "\n";
859 warn(
860 "$pkg_name already exists in package db!\n",
861 "existing record:\n$pkg_db->{$pkg_name}\n",
862 "attempted to add:\n$record\n",
864 if $DEBUG == 2;
866 else {
867 $pkg_db->{$pkg_name} = $record;
871 sub meth_load {
872 my ( $meth_db, $records ) = @_;
874 foreach my $method ( keys %$records ) {
875 if ( exists( $meth_db->{$method} ) ) {
876 print $log ' METH_DUP: ', $method, "\n";
877 warn(
878 "$method already exists in method db!\n",
879 "existing record:\n$meth_db->{$method}\n",
880 "attempted to add:\n$records->{$method}\n",
882 if $DEBUG == 2;
884 else {
885 $meth_db->{$method} = $records->{$method};
890 __END__