move hard-coded FT line length to a global
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Matrix /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Matrix::IO
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <jason-at-bioperl-dot-org>
8 # Copyright Jason Stajich
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
14 =head1 NAME
16 Bio::Matrix::IO - A factory for Matrix parsing
18 =head1 SYNOPSIS
20 use Bio::Matrix::IO;
21 my $parser = Bio::Matrix::IO->new(-format => 'scoring',
22 -file => 'BLOSUMN50');
24 my $matrix = $parser->next_matrix;
28 This is a general factory framework for writing parsers for Matricies.
29 This includes parsing output from distance output like PHYLIP's
30 ProtDist. Additionally it should be possible to fit parsers for PWM
31 and PSSMs once their Matrix objects are written.
33 =head1 FEEDBACK
35 =head2 Mailing Lists
37 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
38 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
39 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
41 - General discussion
42 - About the mailing lists
44 =head2 Support
46 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
48 I<>
50 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
51 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
52 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
53 with code and data examples if at all possible.
55 =head2 Reporting Bugs
57 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
58 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
59 the web:
63 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
65 Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
67 =head1 APPENDIX
69 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
70 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
72 =cut
75 # Let the code begin...
78 package Bio::Matrix::IO;
79 use strict;
82 use base qw(Bio::Root::IO);
84 =head2 new
86 Title : new
87 Usage : my $obj = Bio::Matrix::IO->new();
88 Function: Builds a new Bio::Matrix::IO object
89 Returns : an instance of Bio::Matrix::IO
90 Args :
93 =cut
95 sub new {
96 my($caller,@args) = @_;
97 my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
99 # or do we want to call SUPER on an object if $caller is an
100 # object?
101 if( $class =~ /Bio::Matrix::IO::(\S+)/ ) {
102 my ($self) = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
103 $self->_initialize(@args);
104 return $self;
105 } else {
107 my %param = @args;
108 @param{ map { lc $_ } keys %param } = values %param; # lowercase keys
109 my $format = $param{'-format'} ||
110 $class->_guess_format( $param{'-file'} || $ARGV[0] ) ||
111 'scoring';
112 $format = "\L$format"; # normalize capitalization to lower case
114 # normalize capitalization
115 return unless( $class->_load_format_module($format) );
116 return "Bio::Matrix::IO::$format"->new(@args);
120 =head2 newFh
122 Title : newFh
123 Usage : $fh = Bio::Matrix::IO->newFh(-file=>$filename,-format=>'Format')
124 Function: does a new() followed by an fh()
125 Example : $fh = Bio::Matrix::IO->newFh(-file=>$filename,-format=>'Format')
126 $matrix = <$fh>; # read a matrix object
127 print $fh $matrix; # write a matrix object
128 Returns : filehandle tied to the Bio::SeqIO::Fh class
129 Args :
131 =cut
133 sub newFh {
134 my $class = shift;
135 return unless my $self = $class->new(@_);
136 return $self->fh;
139 =head2 fh
141 Title : fh
142 Usage : $obj->fh
143 Function: Get a filehandle type access to the matrix parser
144 Example : $fh = $obj->fh; # make a tied filehandle
145 $matrix = <$fh>; # read a matrix object
146 print $fh $matrix; # write a matrix object
147 Returns : filehandle tied to Bio::Matrix::IO class
148 Args : none
150 =cut
153 sub fh {
154 my $self = shift;
155 my $class = ref($self) || $self;
156 my $s = Symbol::gensym;
157 tie $$s,$class,$self;
158 return $s;
162 =head2 format
164 Title : format
165 Usage : $format = $obj->format()
166 Function: Get the matrix format
167 Returns : matrix format
168 Args : none
170 =cut
172 # format() method inherited from Bio::Root::IO
175 =head2 next_matrix
177 Title : next_matrix
178 Usage : my $matrix = $matixio->next_matrix;
179 Function: Parse the next matrix from the data stream
180 Returns : L<Bio::Matrix::MatrixI> type object or undef when finished
181 Args : none
184 =cut
186 sub next_matrix{
187 my ($self) = @_;
188 $self->throw_not_implemented();
191 =head2 write_matrix
193 Title : write_matrix
194 Usage : $io->write_matrix($matrix)
195 Function: Writes a matrix out to the data stream
196 Returns : none
197 Args : Array of Bio::Matrix::MatrixI object
198 - note that not all matricies can be converted to
199 each format, beware with mixing matrix types and output formats
201 =cut
203 sub write_matrix{
204 my ($self) = @_;
205 $self->throw_not_implemented();
208 sub _initialize {
209 my ($self,@args) = @_;
210 $self->_initialize_io(@args);
213 =head2 _load_format_module
215 Title : _load_format_module
216 Usage : *INTERNAL Matrix::IO stuff*
217 Function: Loads up (like use) a module at run time on demand
219 =cut
221 sub _load_format_module {
222 my ($self,$format) = @_;
223 my $module = "Bio::Matrix::IO::" . $format;
224 my $ok;
226 eval {
227 $ok = $self->_load_module($module);
229 if ( $@ ) {
230 print STDERR <<END;
231 $self: $format cannot be found
232 Exception $@
233 For more information about the Matrix::IO system please see the
234 Matrix::IO docs. This includes ways of checking for formats at
235 compile time, not run time
239 return $ok;
243 =head2 _guess_format
245 Title : _guess_format
246 Usage : $obj->_guess_format($filename)
247 Returns : guessed format of filename (lower case)
248 Args : filename
250 =cut
252 sub _guess_format {
253 my $class = shift;
254 return unless $_ = shift;
255 return 'scoring' if /BLOSUM|PAM$/i;
256 return 'phylip' if /\.dist$/i;
259 sub DESTROY {
260 my $self = shift;
261 $self->close();
264 sub TIEHANDLE {
265 my $class = shift;
266 return bless {'matrixio' => shift},$class;
269 sub READLINE {
270 my $self = shift;
271 return $self->{'matrixio'}->next_tree() unless wantarray;
272 my (@list,$obj);
273 push @list,$obj while $obj = $self->{'treeio'}->next_tree();
274 return @list;
277 sub PRINT {
278 my $self = shift;
279 $self->{'matrixio'}->write_tree(@_);