1 # -*-Perl-*- Test Harness script for Bioperl
10 test_begin(-tests => 4,
11 -requires_module => 'DB_File');
13 use_ok('Bio::Assembly::IO');
16 my $aio = Bio::Assembly::IO->new(-file=>test_input_file(qw(consed_project edit_dir test_project.fasta.screen.ace.1)),
19 my $assembly = $aio->next_assembly();
20 my @contigs = $assembly->all_contigs();
21 my @singlets = $assembly->all_singlets();
23 isa_ok $contigs[0], "Bio::Assembly::Contig",'Testing to see if the first contig is a Contig';
25 isa_ok $singlets[0], "Bio::Assembly::Singlet",'Testing to see if the first singlet is a Singlet';
27 isa_ok $singlets[0], 'Bio::Assembly::Contig', 'Testing to see if the Singlet ISA Contig';
29 # commented out entirely, no testing functionality - spiros denaxas
30 # this is what i really want to do:
32 # print("There were this many contigs: (".scalar(@contigs).")\n");
33 # print("There were this many singlets: (".scalar(@singlets).")\n");
34 # push @contigs,@singlets;
35 # print("This is a list of the ".scalar(@contigs)." contigs:\n");
36 # foreach my $contig (@contigs) {
37 # # print &contig_dump($contig);
40 ###############################################
46 my $prefix .= ("Contig: name(".$contig->id().") ");
47 my @members = $contig->each_seq();
48 if (!@members) { return $prefix." No Members\n"; }
50 foreach my $member (@members) {
51 print("$prefix Member $count chromatfilename(".$member->{chromatfilename}.") phdfilenamename(".$member->{phdfilename}.") start(".$member->start().")\n");