1 # -*-Perl-*- Test Harness script for Bioperl
10 test_begin(-tests => 18);
15 my $DEBUG = test_debug();
17 print("Checking to see if Bio::Seq::Quality objects can be created from a file...\n") if ($DEBUG);
18 my $in_phd = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => test_input_file('phredfile.phd'),
20 '-verbose' => $DEBUG);
21 isa_ok($in_phd,'Bio::SeqIO::phd');
25 my $phd = $in_phd->next_seq();
26 is($phd->quality_levels,'99',"Did you get the 'QUALITY_LEVELS' comment?");
27 isa_ok($phd,"Bio::Seq::Quality");
32 print("I saw these in phredfile.phd:\n\n");
33 print $_->tagname,": ",$_->display_text || 0," \n"
34 for ($phd->annotation->get_Annotations('header'));
36 print("What is the base at position $position (using subseq)?\n");
37 print($phd->subseq($position,$position)."\n");
38 print("What is the base at position $position (using baseat)?\n");
39 print($phd->baseat($position)."\n");
40 print("What is the quality at $position? (using subqual)\n");
42 my @qualsretr = @{$phd->subqual($position,$position)};
43 print($qualsretr[0]."\n");
44 print("What is the quality at $position? (using qualat)\n");
45 print($phd->qualat($position)."\n");
46 print("What is the trace at $position? (using trace_index_at)\n");
47 print($phd->trace_index_at($position)."\n");
48 print("What is the trace at $position? (using subtrace)\n");
49 my @tracesretr = @{$phd->subtrace($position,$position)};
50 print($tracesretr[0]."\n");
53 print("OK. Now testing write_phd...\n") if($DEBUG);
55 my $outfile = test_output_file();
56 my $out_phd = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => ">$outfile",
58 isa_ok($out_phd,"Bio::SeqIO::phd");
60 $out_phd->write_seq($phd);
66 my @qual = q(9 9 12 12 8 8 9 8 8 8 9);
67 my @trace = q(113 121 130 145 153 169 177 203 210 218 234);
69 $in_phd = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => test_input_file('bug2120.phd'),
71 '-verbose' => $DEBUG);
73 my $seq = $in_phd->next_seq;
74 is($seq->subseq(10,20),'gggggccttat','$seq->subseq()');
75 my @seq_qual =$seq->subqual_text(10,20);
76 is_deeply(\@seq_qual,\@qual,'$seq->subqual_tex()');
77 my @seq_trace = $seq->subtrace_text(10,20);
78 is_deeply(\@seq_trace,\@trace,'$seq->subqual_tex()');
81 print "\nDefault header ... \n\n";
82 use Bio::Seq::Quality;
83 my $seq = Bio::Seq::Quality->new('-seq' => 'GAATTC');
84 $out_phd->_fh(\*STDOUT);
85 $out_phd->write_header($seq);
86 print "Complete output\n\n";
87 $out_phd->write_seq($seq);
90 print("Testing the header manipulation\n") if($DEBUG);
91 is($phd->chromat_file(),'ML4924R','$phd->chromat_file()');
92 $phd->chromat_file('ML4924R.esd');
93 is($phd->chromat_file(), 'ML4924R.esd','$phd->chromat_file()');
95 my $localtime = localtime();
96 is($phd->time, "$localtime");
98 print "Testing the sequence ...\n";
99 print ">",$phd->id," ",$phd->desc,"\n",$phd->seq,"\n";
100 my $revcom = $phd->revcom;
101 print ">revcom\n",$revcom->seq,"\n";
102 print ">revcom_qual at 6\n",$revcom->qualat(6),"\n";
103 print ">revcom_trace at 6 !!\n",$revcom->trace_index_at(6),"\n";
104 my $trunc = $phd->trunc(10,20);
105 print ">TRUNC 10,20\n",$trunc->seq,"\n>qual\n@{$trunc->qual}\n>trace\n@{$trunc->trace}\n";
108 # Multiple seqs in one file
110 $in_phd = Bio::SeqIO->new('-file' => test_input_file('multi.phd'),
112 '-verbose' => $DEBUG);
114 @qual = qq(9 9 15 17 17 22 22 25 25 22 22);
115 @trace = qq(98 105 119 128 143 148 162 173 185 197 202);
117 $seq = $in_phd->next_seq;
118 is($seq->subseq(10,20),'tctcgagggta','$seq->subseq()');
119 @seq_qual =$seq->subqual_text(10,20);
120 is_deeply(\@seq_qual,\@qual,'$seq->subqual_tex()');
121 @seq_trace = $seq->subtrace_text(10,20);
122 is_deeply(\@seq_trace,\@trace,'$seq->subqual_tex()');
124 @qual = qq(11 9 6 6 9 19 20 32 34 34 39);
125 @trace = qq(98 104 122 128 140 147 159 167 178 190 200);
127 $seq = $in_phd->next_seq;
128 is($seq->subseq(10,20),'gcctgcaggta','$seq->subseq()');
129 @seq_qual =$seq->subqual_text(10,20);
130 is_deeply(\@seq_qual,\@qual,'$seq->subqual_tex()');
131 @seq_trace = $seq->subtrace_text(10,20);
132 is_deeply(\@seq_trace,\@trace,'$seq->subqual_tex()');
135 # print "\nDefault header ... \n\n";
136 # use Bio::Seq::Quality;
137 # my $seq = Bio::Seq::Quality->new('-seq' => 'GAATTC');
138 # $out_phd->_fh(\*STDOUT);
139 # $out_phd->write_header($seq);
140 # print "Complete output\n\n";
141 # $out_phd->write_seq($seq);
144 ##print("Testing the header manipulation\n") if($DEBUG);
145 #is($phd->chromat_file(),'ML4924R','$phd->chromat_file()');
146 #$phd->chromat_file('ML4924R.esd');
147 #is($phd->chromat_file(), 'ML4924R.esd','$phd->chromat_file()');
149 #my $localtime = localtime();
150 #is($phd->time, "$localtime");
152 # print "Testing the sequence ...\n";
153 # print ">",$phd->id," ",$phd->desc,"\n",$phd->seq,"\n";
154 # my $revcom = $phd->revcom;
155 # print ">revcom\n",$revcom->seq,"\n";
156 # print ">revcom_qual at 6\n",$revcom->qualat(6),"\n";
157 # print ">revcom_trace at 6 !!\n",$revcom->trace_index_at(6),"\n";
158 # my $trunc = $phd->trunc(10,20);
159 # print ">TRUNC 10,20\n",$trunc->seq,"\n>qual\n@{$trunc->qual}\n>trace\n@{$trunc->trace}\n";