1 # -*-Perl-*- Test Harness script for Bioperl
10 test_begin(-tests => 53);
12 use_ok('Bio::PrimarySeq');
13 use_ok('Bio::Location::Simple');
14 use_ok('Bio::Location::Fuzzy');
15 use_ok('Bio::Location::Split');
18 my $seq = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(
19 '-seq' => 'TTGGTGGCGTCAACT',
20 '-display_id' => 'new-id',
22 '-accession_number' => 'X677667',
23 '-desc' => 'Sample Bio::Seq object');
25 isa_ok $seq,'Bio::PrimarySeqI';
26 is $seq->accession_number(), 'X677667';
27 is $seq->seq(), 'TTGGTGGCGTCAACT';
28 is $seq->display_id(), 'new-id';
29 is $seq->alphabet(), 'dna';
30 is $seq->is_circular(), undef;
31 ok $seq->is_circular(1);
32 is $seq->is_circular(0), 0;
34 # check IdentifiableI and DescribableI interfaces
35 isa_ok $seq,'Bio::IdentifiableI';
36 isa_ok $seq,'Bio::DescribableI';
37 # make sure all methods are implemented
38 is $seq->authority("bioperl.org"), "bioperl.org";
39 is $seq->namespace("t"), "t";
40 is $seq->version(0), 0;
41 is $seq->lsid_string(), "bioperl.org:t:X677667";
42 is $seq->namespace_string(), "t:X677667.0";
43 is $seq->description(), 'Sample Bio::Seq object';
44 is $seq->display_name(), "new-id";
46 my $location = Bio::Location::Simple->new('-start' => 2,
49 is ($seq->subseq($location), 'ACCA');
51 my $splitlocation = Bio::Location::Split->new();
52 $splitlocation->add_sub_Location( Bio::Location::Simple->new(
57 $splitlocation->add_sub_Location( Bio::Location::Simple->new(
62 is( $seq->subseq($splitlocation), 'TTGGTGACGC');
64 my $fuzzy = Bio::Location::Fuzzy->new(-start => '<3',
68 is( $seq->subseq($fuzzy), 'GGTGGC');
70 my $trunc = $seq->trunc(1,4);
71 isa_ok $trunc, 'Bio::PrimarySeqI';
72 is $trunc->seq(), 'TTGG' or diag("Expecting TTGG. Got ".$trunc->seq());
74 $trunc = $seq->trunc($splitlocation);
75 isa_ok($trunc, 'Bio::PrimarySeqI');
76 is( $trunc->seq(), 'TTGGTGACGC');
78 $trunc = $seq->trunc($fuzzy);
79 isa_ok($trunc, 'Bio::PrimarySeqI');
80 is( $trunc->seq(), 'GGTGGC');
82 my $rev = $seq->revcom();
83 isa_ok($rev, 'Bio::PrimarySeqI');
85 is $rev->seq(), 'AGTTGACGCCACCAA' or diag('revcom() failed, was ' . $rev->seq());
91 my $aa = $seq->translate(); # TTG GTG GCG TCA ACT
92 is $aa->seq, 'LVAST', "Translation: ". $aa->seq;
94 # tests for non-standard initiator codon coding for
95 # M by making translate() look for an initiator codon and
96 # terminator codon ("complete", the 5th argument below)
98 $aa = $seq->translate(undef, undef, undef, undef, 1);
99 is $aa->seq, 'MVAST', "Translation: ". $aa->seq;
101 # same test as previous, but using named parameter
102 $aa = $seq->translate(-complete => 1);
103 is $aa->seq, 'MVAST', "Translation: ". $aa->seq;
105 # find ORF, ignore codons outside the ORF or CDS
107 $aa = $seq->translate(-orf => 1);
108 is $aa->seq, 'MVAST*', "Translation: ". $aa->seq;
110 # smallest possible ORF
111 $seq->seq("ggggggatgtagcccc"); # atg tga
112 $aa = $seq->translate(-orf => 1);
113 is $aa->seq, 'M*', "Translation: ". $aa->seq;
115 # same as previous but complete, so * is removed
116 $aa = $seq->translate(-orf => 1,
118 is $aa->seq, 'M', "Translation: ". $aa->seq;
120 # ORF without termination codon
121 # should warn, let's change it into throw for testing
123 $seq->seq("ggggggatgtggcccc"); # atg tgg ccc
124 eval { $seq->translate(-orf => 1); };
126 like( $@, qr/atgtggcccc\n/);
128 $aa = $seq->translate(-orf => 1);
129 is $aa->seq, 'MWP', "Translation: ". $aa->seq;
133 # use non-standard codon table where terminator is read as Q
135 $aa = $seq->translate(-codontable_id => 6);
136 is $aa->seq, 'MVASTQ' or diag("Translation: ". $aa->seq);
138 # insert an odd character instead of terminating with *
139 $aa = $seq->translate(-terminator => 'X');
140 is $aa->seq, 'MVASTX' or diag("Translation: ". $aa->seq);
142 # change frame from default
143 $aa = $seq->translate(-frame => 1); # TGG TGG CGT CAA CTT AG
144 is $aa->seq, 'WWRQL' or diag("Translation: ". $aa->seq);
146 $aa = $seq->translate(-frame => 2); # GGT GGC GTC AAC TTA G
147 is $aa->seq, 'GGVNL' or diag("Translation: ". $aa->seq);
149 # TTG is initiator in Standard codon table? Afraid so.
150 $seq->seq("ggggggttgtagcccc"); # ttg tag
151 $aa = $seq->translate(-orf => 1);
152 is $aa->seq, 'L*' or diag("Translation: ". $aa->seq);
154 # Replace L at 1st position with M by setting complete to 1
155 $seq->seq("ggggggttgtagcccc"); # ttg tag
156 $aa = $seq->translate(-orf => 1,
158 is $aa->seq, 'M' or diag("Translation: ". $aa->seq);
160 # Ignore non-ATG initiators (e.g. TTG) in codon table
161 $seq->seq("ggggggttgatgtagcccc"); # atg tag
162 $aa = $seq->translate(-orf => 1,
165 is $aa->seq, 'M' or diag("Translation: ". $aa->seq);
168 # test for character '?' in the sequence string
171 # test for some aliases
172 $seq = Bio::PrimarySeq->new(-id => 'aliasid',
173 -description => 'Alias desc');
174 is($seq->description, 'Alias desc');
175 is($seq->display_id, 'aliasid');
177 # test that x's are ignored and n's are assumed to be 'dna' no longer true!
178 # See Bug 2438. There are protein sequences floating about which are all 'X'
181 $seq->seq('atgxxxxxx');
182 is($seq->alphabet,'protein');
183 $seq->seq('atgnnnnnn');
184 is($seq->alphabet,'dna');