Add Root back, plus some test and doc fixes
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Root /
1 package Bio::Root::IO;
3 use strict;
4 use Symbol;
5 use IO::Handle;
6 use File::Copy;
7 use Fcntl;
8 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root);
10 =head1 SYNOPSIS
12 # Use stream I/O in your module
13 $self->{'io'} = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file => "myfile");
14 $self->{'io'}->_print("some stuff");
15 my $line = $self->{'io'}->_readline();
16 $self->{'io'}->_pushback($line);
17 $self->{'io'}->close();
19 # obtain platform-compatible filenames
20 $path = Bio::Root::IO->catfile($dir, $subdir, $filename);
21 # obtain a temporary file (created in $TEMPDIR)
22 ($handle) = $io->tempfile();
26 This module provides methods that will usually be needed for any sort
27 of file- or stream-related input/output, e.g., keeping track of a file
28 handle, transient printing and reading from the file handle, a close
29 method, automatically closing the handle on garbage collection, etc.
31 To use this for your own code you will either want to inherit from
32 this module, or instantiate an object for every file or stream you are
33 dealing with. In the first case this module will most likely not be
34 the first class off which your class inherits; therefore you need to
35 call _initialize_io() with the named parameters in order to set file
36 handle, open file, etc automatically.
38 Most methods start with an underscore, indicating they are private. In
39 OO speak, they are not private but protected, that is, use them in
40 your module code, but a client code of your module will usually not
41 want to call them (except those not starting with an underscore).
43 In addition this module contains a couple of convenience methods for
44 cross-platform safe tempfile creation and similar tasks. There are
45 some CPAN modules related that may not be available on all
46 platforms. At present, File::Spec and File::Temp are attempted. This
47 module defines $PATHSEP, $TEMPDIR, and $ROOTDIR, which will always be set,
48 and $OPENFLAGS, which will be set if either of File::Spec or File::Temp fails.
50 The -noclose boolean (accessed via the noclose method) prevents a
51 filehandle from being closed when the IO object is cleaned up. This
52 is special behavior when a object like a parser might share a
53 filehandle with an object like an indexer where it is not proper to
54 close the filehandle as it will continue to be reused until the end of the
55 stream is reached. In general you won't want to play with this flag.
57 =head1 AUTHOR Hilmar Lapp
59 =cut
65 $ONMAC, $HAS_EOL, );
68 my $HAS_WIN32 = 0;
70 BEGIN {
75 $VERBOSE = 0;
77 # try to load those modules that may cause trouble on some systems
78 eval {
79 require File::Path;
82 if( $@ ) {
83 print STDERR "Cannot load File::Path: $@" if( $VERBOSE > 0 );
84 # do nothing
87 # If on Win32, attempt to find Win32 package
88 if($^O =~ /mswin/i) {
89 eval {
90 require Win32;
91 $HAS_WIN32 = 1;
95 # Try to provide a path separator. Why doesn't File::Spec export this,
96 # or did I miss it?
97 if ($^O =~ /mswin/i) {
98 $PATHSEP = "\\";
99 } elsif($^O =~ /macos/i) {
100 $PATHSEP = ":";
101 } else { # unix
102 $PATHSEP = "/";
104 eval {
105 require File::Spec;
107 $TEMPDIR = File::Spec->tmpdir();
108 $ROOTDIR = File::Spec->rootdir();
109 require File::Temp; # tempfile creation
112 if( $@ ) {
113 if(! defined($TEMPDIR)) { # File::Spec failed
114 # determine tempdir
115 if (defined $ENV{'TEMPDIR'} && -d $ENV{'TEMPDIR'} ) {
117 } elsif( defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'} && -d $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) {
120 if($^O =~ /mswin/i) {
121 $TEMPDIR = 'C:\TEMP' unless $TEMPDIR;
122 $ROOTDIR = 'C:';
123 } elsif($^O =~ /macos/i) {
124 $TEMPDIR = "" unless $TEMPDIR; # what is a reasonable default on Macs?
125 $ROOTDIR = ""; # what is reasonable??
126 } else { # unix
127 $TEMPDIR = "/tmp" unless $TEMPDIR;
128 $ROOTDIR = "/";
130 if (!( -d $TEMPDIR && -w $TEMPDIR )) {
131 $TEMPDIR = '.'; # last resort
134 # File::Temp failed (alone, or File::Spec already failed)
135 # determine open flags for tempfile creation using Fcntl
138 my ($bit, $func) = (0, "Fcntl::O_" . $oflag);
139 no strict 'refs';
140 $OPENFLAGS |= $bit if eval { $bit = &$func(); 1 };
143 $ONMAC = "\015" eq "\n";
147 =head2 new
149 Title : new
150 Usage : my $io = Bio::Root::IO->new( -file => 'data.txt' );
151 Function: Create new class instance. It automatically calls C<_initialize_io>.
152 Args : Same named parameters as C<_initialize_io>.
153 Returns : A Bio::Root::IO object
155 =cut
157 sub new {
158 my ($caller, @args) = @_;
159 my $self = $caller->SUPER::new(@args);
160 $self->_initialize_io(@args);
161 return $self;
165 =head2 _initialize_io
167 Title : _initialize_io
168 Usage : $io->_initialize_io(@params);
169 Function: Initializes filehandle and other properties from the parameters.
170 Args : The following named parameters are currently recognized:
171 -file name of file to read or write to
172 -fh file handle to read or write to (mutually exclusive
173 with -file and -string)
174 -input name of file, or filehandle (GLOB or IO::Handle object)
175 to read of write to
176 -string string to read from (will be converted to filehandle)
177 -url name of URL to open
178 -flush boolean flag to autoflush after each write
179 -noclose boolean flag, when set to true will not close a
180 filehandle (must explicitly call close($io->_fh)
181 -retries number of times to try a web fetch before failure
182 -ua_parms when using -url, hashref of key => value parameters
183 to pass to LWP::UserAgent->new(). A useful value might
184 be, for example, {timeout => 60 } (ua defaults to 180s)
185 Returns : True
187 =cut
189 sub _initialize_io {
190 my($self, @args) = @_;
192 $self->_register_for_cleanup(\&_io_cleanup);
194 my ($input, $noclose, $file, $fh, $string,
195 $flush, $url, $retries, $ua_parms) =
197 @args);
199 my $mode;
201 if ($url) {
202 $retries ||= 5;
204 require LWP::UserAgent;
205 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%$ua_parms);
206 my $http_result;
207 my ($handle, $tempfile) = $self->tempfile();
208 CORE::close($handle);
210 for (my $try = 1 ; $try <= $retries ; $try++) {
211 $http_result = $ua->get($url, ':content_file' => $tempfile);
212 $self->warn("[$try/$retries] tried to fetch $url, but server ".
213 "threw ". $http_result->code . ". retrying...")
214 if !$http_result->is_success;
215 last if $http_result->is_success;
217 $self->throw("Failed to fetch $url, server threw ".$http_result->code)
218 if !$http_result->is_success;
220 $file = $tempfile;
221 $mode = '>';
224 delete $self->{'_readbuffer'};
225 delete $self->{'_filehandle'};
226 $self->noclose( $noclose) if defined $noclose;
227 # determine whether the input is a file(name) or a stream
228 if ($input) {
229 if (ref(\$input) eq 'SCALAR') {
230 # we assume that a scalar is a filename
231 if ($file && ($file ne $input)) {
232 $self->throw("Input file given twice: '$file' and '$input' disagree");
234 $file = $input;
235 } elsif (ref($input) &&
236 ((ref($input) eq 'GLOB') || $input->isa('IO::Handle'))) {
237 # input is a stream
238 $fh = $input;
239 } else {
240 # let's be strict for now
241 $self->throw("Unable to determine type of input $input: ".
242 "not string and not GLOB");
246 if (defined($file) && defined($fh)) {
247 $self->throw("Providing both a file and a filehandle for reading - ".
248 "only one please!");
251 if ($string) {
252 if (defined($file) || defined($fh)) {
253 $self->throw("File or filehandle provided with -string, ".
254 "please unset if you are using -string as a file");
256 open $fh, '<', \$string or $self->throw("Could not read string: $!");
259 if (defined($file) && ($file ne '')) {
260 $self->file($file);
261 ($mode, $file) = $self->cleanfile;
262 $mode ||= '<';
263 my $action = ($mode =~ m/>/) ? 'write' : 'read';
264 $fh = Symbol::gensym();
265 open $fh, $mode, $file or $self->throw("Could not $action file '$file': $!");
268 if (defined $fh) {
269 # check filehandle to ensure it's one of:
270 # a GLOB reference, as in: open(my $fh, "myfile");
271 # an IO::Handle or IO::String object
272 # the UNIVERSAL::can added to fix Bug2863
273 unless ( ( ref $fh and ( ref $fh eq 'GLOB' ) )
274 or ( ref $fh and ( UNIVERSAL::can( $fh, 'can' ) )
275 and ( $fh->isa('IO::Handle')
276 or $fh->isa('IO::String') ) )
278 $self->throw("Object $fh does not appear to be a file handle");
280 if ($HAS_EOL) {
281 binmode $fh, ':raw:eol(LF-Native)';
283 $self->_fh($fh); # if $fh not provided, defaults to STDIN and STDOUT
286 $self->_flush_on_write(defined $flush ? $flush : 1);
288 return 1;
292 =head2 _fh
294 Title : _fh
295 Usage : $io->_fh($newval);
296 Function: Get or set the file handle for the stream encapsulated.
297 Args : Optional filehandle to use
298 Returns : Filehandle for the stream
300 =cut
302 sub _fh {
303 my ($self, $value) = @_;
304 if ( defined $value) {
305 $self->{'_filehandle'} = $value;
307 return $self->{'_filehandle'};
311 =head2 mode
313 Title : mode
314 Usage : $io->mode();
315 $io->mode(-force => 1);
316 Function: Determine if the object was opened for reading or writing
317 Args : -force: Boolean. Once mode() has been called, the mode is cached for
318 further calls to mode(). Use this argument to override this
319 behavior and re-check the object's mode.
320 Returns : Mode of the object:
321 'r' for readable
322 'w' for writable
323 'rw' for readable and writable
324 '?' if mode could not be determined (e.g. for a -url)
326 =cut
328 sub mode {
329 my ($self, %arg) = @_;
331 # Method 1: IO::Handle::fdopen
332 # my $iotest = new IO::Handle;
333 # $iotest->fdopen( dup(fileno($fh)) , 'r' );
334 # if ($iotest->error == 0) { ... }
335 # It did not actually seem to work under any platform, since there would no
336 # error if the filehandle had been opened writable only. It could not be
337 # hacked around when dealing with unseekable (piped) filehandles.
339 # Method 2: readline, a.k.a. the <> operator
340 # no warnings "io";
341 # my $line = <$fh>;
342 # if (defined $line) {
343 # $self->{'_mode'} = 'r';
344 # ...
345 # It did not work well either because <> returns undef, i.e. querying the
346 # mode() after having read an entire file returned 'w'.
348 if ( $arg{-force} || not exists $self->{'_mode'} ) {
349 # Determine stream mode
350 my $mode;
351 my $fh = $self->_fh;
352 if (defined $fh) {
353 # Determine read/write status of filehandle
354 no warnings 'io';
355 if ( defined( read $fh, my $content, 0 ) ) {
356 # Successfully read 0 bytes
357 $mode = 'r'
359 if ( defined( syswrite $fh, '') ) {
360 # Successfully wrote 0 bytes
361 $mode ||= '';
362 $mode .= 'w';
364 } else {
365 # Stream does not have a filehandle... cannot determine mode
366 $mode = '?';
368 # Save mode for future use
369 $self->{'_mode'} = $mode;
371 return $self->{'_mode'};
375 =head2 file
377 Title : file
378 Usage : $io->file('>'.$file);
379 my $file = $io->file;
380 Function: Get or set the name of the file to read or write.
381 Args : Optional file name (including its mode, e.g. '<' for reading or '>'
382 for writing)
383 Returns : A string representing the filename and its mode.
385 =cut
387 sub file {
388 my ($self, $value) = @_;
389 if ( defined $value) {
390 $self->{'_file'} = $value;
392 return $self->{'_file'};
396 =head2 cleanfile
398 Title : cleanfile
399 Usage : my ($mode, $file) = $io->cleanfile;
400 Function: Get the name of the file to read or write, stripped of its mode
401 ('>', '<', '+>', '>>', etc).
402 Args : None
403 Returns : In array context, an array of the mode and the clean filename.
405 =cut
407 sub cleanfile {
408 my ($self) = @_;
409 return ($self->{'_file'} =~ m/^ (\+?[><]{1,2})?\s*(.*) $/x);
413 =head2 format
415 Title : format
416 Usage : $io->format($newval)
417 Function: Get the format of a Bio::Root::IO sequence file or filehandle. Every
418 object inheriting Bio::Root::IO is guaranteed to have a format.
419 Args : None
420 Returns : Format of the file or filehandle, e.g. fasta, fastq, genbank, embl.
422 =cut
424 sub format {
425 my ($self) = @_;
426 my $format = (split '::', ref($self))[-1];
427 return $format;
431 =head2 variant
433 Title : format
434 Usage : $io->format($newval)
435 Function: Get the variant of a Bio::Root::IO sequence file or filehandle.
436 The format variant depends on the specific format used. Note that
437 not all formats have variants. Also, the Bio::Root::IO-implementing
438 modules that require access to variants need to define a global hash
439 that has the allowed variants as its keys.
440 Args : None
441 Returns : Variant of the file or filehandle, e.g. sanger, solexa or illumina for
442 the fastq format, or undef for formats that do not have variants.
444 =cut
446 sub variant {
447 my ($self, $variant) = @_;
448 if (defined $variant) {
449 $variant = lc $variant;
450 my $var_name = '%'.ref($self).'::variant';
451 my %ok_variants = eval $var_name; # e.g. %Bio::Assembly::IO::ace::variant
452 if (scalar keys %ok_variants == 0) {
453 $self->throw("Could not validate variant because global variant ".
454 "$var_name was not set or was empty\n");
456 if (not exists $ok_variants{$variant}) {
457 $self->throw("$variant is not a valid variant of the " .
458 $self->format . ' format');
460 $self->{variant} = $variant;
462 return $self->{variant};
466 =head2 _print
468 Title : _print
469 Usage : $io->_print(@lines)
470 Function: Print lines of text to the IO stream object.
471 Args : List of strings to print
472 Returns : True on success, undef on failure
474 =cut
476 sub _print {
477 my $self = shift;
478 my $fh = $self->_fh() || \*STDOUT;
479 my $ret = print $fh @_;
480 return $ret;
484 =head2 _insert
486 Title : _insert
487 Usage : $io->_insert($string,1)
488 Function: Insert some text in a file at the given line number (1-based).
489 Args : * string to write in file
490 * line number to insert the string at
491 Returns : True
493 =cut
495 sub _insert {
496 my ($self, $string, $line_num) = @_;
497 # Line number check
498 if ($line_num < 1) {
499 $self->throw("Could not insert text at line $line_num: the minimum ".
500 "line number possible is 1.");
502 # File check
503 my ($mode, $file) = $self->cleanfile;
504 if (not defined $file) {
505 $self->throw('Could not insert a line: IO object was initialized with '.
506 'something else than a file.');
508 # Everything that needs to be written is written before we read it
509 $self->flush;
511 # Edit the file line by line (no slurping)
512 $self->close;
513 my $temp_file;
514 my $number = 0;
515 while (-e "$file.$number.temp") {
516 $number++;
518 $temp_file = "$file.$number.temp";
519 copy($file, $temp_file);
520 open my $fh1, '<', $temp_file or $self->throw("Could not read temporary file '$temp_file': $!");
521 open my $fh2, '>', $file or $self->throw("Could not write file '$file': $!");
522 while (my $line = <$fh1>) {
523 if ($. == $line_num) { # right line for new data
524 print $fh2 $string . $line;
526 else {
527 print $fh2 $line;
530 CORE::close $fh1;
531 CORE::close $fh2;
532 unlink $temp_file or $self->throw("Could not delete temporary file '$temp_file': $!");
534 # Line number check (again)
535 if ( $. > 0 && $line_num > $. ) {
536 $self->throw("Could not insert text at line $line_num: there are only ".
537 "$. lines in file '$file'");
539 # Re-open the file in append mode to be ready to add text at the end of it
540 # when the next _print() statement comes
541 open my $new_fh, '>>', $file or $self->throw("Could not append to file '$file': $!");
542 $self->_fh($new_fh);
543 # If file is empty and we're inserting at line 1, simply append text to file
544 if ( $. == 0 && $line_num == 1 ) {
545 $self->_print($string);
547 return 1;
551 =head2 _readline
553 Title : _readline
554 Usage : local $Bio::Root::IO::HAS_EOL = 1;
555 my $io = Bio::Root::IO->new(-file => 'data.txt');
556 my $line = $io->_readline();
557 $io->close;
558 Function: Read a line of input and normalize all end of line characters.
560 End of line characters are typically "\n" on Linux platforms, "\r\n"
561 on Windows and "\r" on older Mac OS. By default, the _readline()
562 method uses the value of $/, Perl's input record separator, to
563 detect the end of each line. This means that you will not get the
564 expected lines if your input has Mac-formatted end of line characters.
565 Also, note that the current implementation does not handle pushed
566 back input correctly unless the pushed back input ends with the
567 value of $/. For each line parsed, its line ending, e.g. "\r\n" is
568 converted to "\n", unless you provide the -raw argument.
570 Altogether it is easier to let the PerlIO::eol module automatically
571 detect the proper end of line character and normalize it to "\n". Do
572 so by setting $Bio::Root::IO::HAS_EOL to 1.
574 Args : -raw : Avoid converting end of line characters to "\n" This option
575 has no effect when using $Bio::Root::IO::HAS_EOL = 1.
576 Returns : Line of input, or undef when there is nothing to read anymore
578 =cut
580 sub _readline {
581 my ($self, %param) = @_;
582 my $fh = $self->_fh or return;
583 my $line;
585 # if the buffer been filled by _pushback then return the buffer
586 # contents, rather than read from the filehandle
587 if( @{$self->{'_readbuffer'} || [] } ) {
588 $line = shift @{$self->{'_readbuffer'}};
589 } else {
590 $line = <$fh>;
593 # Note: In Windows the "-raw" parameter has no effect, because Perl already discards
594 # the '\r' from the line when reading in text mode from the filehandle
595 # ($line = <$fh>), and put it back automatically when printing
596 if( !$HAS_EOL && !$param{-raw} && (defined $line) ) {
597 # don't strip line endings if -raw or $HAS_EOL is specified
598 $line =~ s/\015\012/\012/g; # Change all CR/LF pairs to LF
599 $line =~ tr/\015/\n/ unless $ONMAC; # Change all single CRs to NEWLINE
601 return $line;
605 =head2 _pushback
607 Title : _pushback
608 Usage : $io->_pushback($newvalue)
609 Function: Puts a line previously read with _readline back into a buffer.
610 buffer can hold as many lines as system memory permits.
612 Note that this is only supported for pushing back data ending with
613 the current, localized value of $/. Using this method to push
614 modified data back onto the buffer stack is not supported; see bug
615 843.
617 Args : newvalue
618 Returns : True
620 =cut
622 # fix for bug 843, this reveals some unsupported behavior
624 #sub _pushback {
625 # my ($self, $value) = @_;
626 # if (index($value, $/) >= 0) {
627 # push @{$self->{'_readbuffer'}}, $value;
628 # } else {
629 # $self->throw("Pushing modifed data back not supported: $value");
633 sub _pushback {
634 my ($self, $value) = @_;
635 return unless $value;
636 unshift @{$self->{'_readbuffer'}}, $value;
637 return 1;
641 =head2 close
643 Title : close
644 Usage : $io->close()
645 Function: Closes the file handle associated with this IO instance,
646 excepted if -noclose was specified.
647 Args : None
648 Returns : True
650 =cut
652 sub close {
653 my ($self) = @_;
655 # do not close if we explicitly asked not to
656 return if $self->noclose;
658 if( defined( my $fh = $self->{'_filehandle'} )) {
659 $self->flush;
660 return if ref $fh eq 'GLOB' && (
661 \*STDOUT == $fh || \*STDERR == $fh || \*STDIN == $fh
664 # don't close IO::Strings
665 CORE::close $fh unless ref $fh && $fh->isa('IO::String');
667 $self->{'_filehandle'} = undef;
668 delete $self->{'_readbuffer'};
669 return 1;
673 =head2 flush
675 Title : flush
676 Usage : $io->flush()
677 Function: Flushes the filehandle
678 Args : None
679 Returns : True
681 =cut
683 sub flush {
684 my ($self) = shift;
686 if( !defined $self->{'_filehandle'} ) {
687 $self->throw("Flush failed: no filehandle was active");
690 if( ref($self->{'_filehandle'}) =~ /GLOB/ ) {
691 my $oldh = select($self->{'_filehandle'});
692 $| = 1;
693 select($oldh);
694 } else {
695 $self->{'_filehandle'}->flush();
697 return 1;
701 =head2 noclose
703 Title : noclose
704 Usage : $io->noclose($newval)
705 Function: Get or set the NOCLOSE flag - setting this to true will prevent a
706 filehandle from being closed when an object is cleaned up or
707 explicitly closed.
708 Args : Optional new value (a scalar or undef)
709 Returns : Value of noclose (a scalar)
711 =cut
713 sub noclose {
714 my $self = shift;
715 return $self->{'_noclose'} = shift if @_;
716 return $self->{'_noclose'};
720 =head2 _io_cleanup
722 =cut
724 sub _io_cleanup {
725 my ($self) = @_;
726 $self->close();
727 my $v = $self->verbose;
729 # we are planning to cleanup temp files no matter what
730 if ( exists($self->{'_rootio_tempfiles'})
731 and ref($self->{'_rootio_tempfiles'}) =~ /array/i
732 and not $self->save_tempfiles
734 if( $v > 0 ) {
735 warn( "going to remove files ",
736 join(",", @{$self->{'_rootio_tempfiles'}}),
737 "\n");
739 unlink (@{$self->{'_rootio_tempfiles'}} );
741 # cleanup if we are not using File::Temp
742 if ( $self->{'_cleanuptempdir'}
743 and exists($self->{'_rootio_tempdirs'})
744 and ref($self->{'_rootio_tempdirs'}) =~ /array/i
745 and not $self->save_tempfiles
747 if( $v > 0 ) {
748 warn( "going to remove dirs ",
749 join(",", @{$self->{'_rootio_tempdirs'}}),
750 "\n");
752 $self->rmtree( $self->{'_rootio_tempdirs'});
757 =head2 exists_exe
759 Title : exists_exe
760 Usage : $exists = $io->exists_exe('clustalw');
761 $exists = Bio::Root::IO->exists_exe('clustalw')
762 $exists = Bio::Root::IO::exists_exe('clustalw')
763 Function: Determines whether the given executable exists either as file
764 or within the path environment. The latter requires File::Spec
765 to be installed.
766 On Win32-based system, .exe is automatically appended to the program
767 name unless the program name already ends in .exe.
768 Args : Name of the executable
769 Returns : 1 if the given program is callable as an executable, and 0 otherwise
771 =cut
773 sub exists_exe {
774 my ($self, $exe) = @_;
775 $self->throw("Must pass a defined value to exists_exe") unless defined $exe;
776 $exe = $self if (!(ref($self) || $exe));
777 $exe .= '.exe' if(($^O =~ /mswin/i) && ($exe !~ /\.(exe|com|bat|cmd)$/i));
778 return $exe if ( -f $exe && -x $exe ); # full path and exists
780 # Ewan's comment. I don't think we need this. People should not be
781 # asking for a program with a pathseparator starting it
782 # $exe =~ s/^$PATHSEP//;
784 # Not a full path, or does not exist. Let's see whether it's in the path.
786 for my $dir (File::Spec->path()) {
787 my $f = Bio::Root::IO->catfile($dir, $exe);
788 return $f if( -f $f && -x $f );
791 return 0;
795 =head2 tempfile
797 Title : tempfile
798 Usage : my ($handle,$tempfile) = $io->tempfile();
799 Function: Create a temporary filename and a handle opened for reading and
800 writing.
801 Caveats: If you do not have File::Temp on your system you should
802 avoid specifying TEMPLATE and SUFFIX.
803 Args : Named parameters compatible with File::Temp: DIR (defaults to
805 Returns : A 2-element array, consisting of temporary handle and temporary
806 file name.
808 =cut
810 sub tempfile {
811 my ($self, @args) = @_;
812 my ($tfh, $file);
813 my %params = @args;
815 # map between naming with and without dash
816 for my $key (keys(%params)) {
817 if( $key =~ /^-/ ) {
818 my $v = $params{$key};
819 delete $params{$key};
820 $params{uc(substr($key,1))} = $v;
821 } else {
822 # this is to upper case
823 my $v = $params{$key};
824 delete $params{$key};
825 $params{uc($key)} = $v;
828 $params{'DIR'} = $TEMPDIR if(! exists($params{'DIR'}));
829 unless (exists $params{'UNLINK'} &&
830 defined $params{'UNLINK'} &&
831 ! $params{'UNLINK'} ) {
832 $params{'UNLINK'} = 1;
833 } else {
834 $params{'UNLINK'} = 0;
838 if(exists($params{'TEMPLATE'})) {
839 my $template = $params{'TEMPLATE'};
840 delete $params{'TEMPLATE'};
841 ($tfh, $file) = File::Temp::tempfile($template, %params);
842 } else {
843 ($tfh, $file) = File::Temp::tempfile(%params);
845 } else {
846 my $dir = $params{'DIR'};
847 $file = $self->catfile(
848 $dir,
849 (exists($params{'TEMPLATE'}) ?
850 $params{'TEMPLATE'} :
851 sprintf( "%s.%s.%s", $ENV{USER} || 'unknown', $$, $TEMPCOUNTER++))
854 # sneakiness for getting around long filenames on Win32?
855 if( $HAS_WIN32 ) {
856 $file = Win32::GetShortPathName($file);
859 # Try to make sure this will be marked close-on-exec
860 # XXX: Win32 doesn't respect this, nor the proper fcntl,
861 # but may have O_NOINHERIT. This may or may not be in Fcntl.
862 local $^F = 2;
863 # Store callers umask
864 my $umask = umask();
865 # Set a known umaskr
866 umask(066);
867 # Attempt to open the file
868 if ( sysopen($tfh, $file, $OPENFLAGS, 0600) ) {
869 # Reset umask
870 umask($umask);
871 } else {
872 $self->throw("Could not write temporary file '$file': $!");
876 if( $params{'UNLINK'} ) {
877 push @{$self->{'_rootio_tempfiles'}}, $file;
880 return wantarray ? ($tfh,$file) : $tfh;
884 =head2 tempdir
886 Title : tempdir
887 Usage : my ($tempdir) = $io->tempdir(CLEANUP=>1);
888 Function: Creates and returns the name of a new temporary directory.
890 Note that you should not use this function for obtaining "the"
891 temp directory. Use $Bio::Root::IO::TEMPDIR for that. Calling this
892 method will in fact create a new directory.
894 Args : args - ( key CLEANUP ) indicates whether or not to cleanup
895 dir on object destruction, other keys as specified by File::Temp
896 Returns : The name of a new temporary directory.
898 =cut
900 sub tempdir {
901 my ($self, @args) = @_;
902 if ($FILETEMPLOADED && File::Temp->can('tempdir')) {
903 return File::Temp::tempdir(@args);
906 # we have to do this ourselves, not good
907 # we are planning to cleanup temp files no matter what
908 my %params = @args;
909 print "cleanup is " . $params{CLEANUP} . "\n";
910 $self->{'_cleanuptempdir'} = ( defined $params{CLEANUP} &&
911 $params{CLEANUP} == 1);
912 my $tdir = $self->catfile( $TEMPDIR,
913 sprintf("dir_%s-%s-%s",
914 $ENV{USER} || 'unknown',
917 mkdir($tdir, 0755);
918 push @{$self->{'_rootio_tempdirs'}}, $tdir;
919 return $tdir;
923 =head2 catfile
925 Title : catfile
926 Usage : $path = Bio::Root::IO->catfile(@dirs, $filename);
927 Function: Constructs a full pathname in a cross-platform safe way.
929 If File::Spec exists on your system, this routine will merely
930 delegate to it. Otherwise it tries to make a good guess.
932 You should use this method whenever you construct a path name
933 from directory and filename. Otherwise you risk cross-platform
934 compatibility of your code.
936 You can call this method both as a class and an instance method.
938 Args : components of the pathname (directories and filename, NOT an
939 extension)
940 Returns : a string
942 =cut
944 sub catfile {
945 my ($self, @args) = @_;
947 return File::Spec->catfile(@args) if $FILESPECLOADED;
948 # this is clumsy and not very appealing, but how do we specify the
949 # root directory?
950 if($args[0] eq '/') {
951 $args[0] = $ROOTDIR;
953 return join($PATHSEP, @args);
957 =head2 rmtree
959 Title : rmtree
960 Usage : Bio::Root::IO->rmtree($dirname );
961 Function: Remove a full directory tree
963 If File::Path exists on your system, this routine will merely
964 delegate to it. Otherwise it runs a local version of that code.
966 You should use this method to remove directories which contain
967 files.
969 You can call this method both as a class and an instance method.
971 Args : roots - rootdir to delete or reference to list of dirs
973 verbose - a boolean value, which if TRUE will cause
974 C<rmtree> to print a message each time it
975 examines a file, giving the name of the file, and
976 indicating whether it's using C<rmdir> or
977 C<unlink> to remove it, or that it's skipping it.
978 (defaults to FALSE)
980 safe - a boolean value, which if TRUE will cause C<rmtree>
981 to skip any files to which you do not have delete
982 access (if running under VMS) or write access (if
983 running under another OS). This will change in the
984 future when a criterion for 'delete permission'
985 under OSs other than VMS is settled. (defaults to
986 FALSE)
987 Returns : number of files successfully deleted
989 =cut
991 # taken straight from File::Path VERSION = "1.0403"
992 sub rmtree {
993 my ($self, $roots, $verbose, $safe) = @_;
994 if ( $FILEPATHLOADED ) {
995 return File::Path::rmtree ($roots, $verbose, $safe);
998 my $force_writable = ($^O eq 'os2' || $^O eq 'dos' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' ||
999 $^O eq 'amigaos' || $^O eq 'cygwin');
1000 my $Is_VMS = $^O eq 'VMS';
1002 my @files;
1003 my $count = 0;
1004 $verbose ||= 0;
1005 $safe ||= 0;
1006 if ( defined($roots) && length($roots) ) {
1007 $roots = [$roots] unless ref $roots;
1008 } else {
1009 $self->warn("No root path(s) specified\n");
1010 return 0;
1013 my $root;
1014 for $root (@{$roots}) {
1015 $root =~ s#/\z##;
1016 (undef, undef, my $rp) = lstat $root or next;
1017 $rp &= 07777; # don't forget setuid, setgid, sticky bits
1018 if ( -d _ ) {
1019 # notabene: 0777 is for making readable in the first place,
1020 # it's also intended to change it to writable in case we have
1021 # to recurse in which case we are better than rm -rf for
1022 # subtrees with strange permissions
1023 chmod(0777, ($Is_VMS ? VMS::Filespec::fileify($root) : $root))
1024 or $self->warn("Could not make directory '$root' read+writable: $!")
1025 unless $safe;
1026 if (opendir DIR, $root){
1027 @files = readdir DIR;
1028 closedir DIR;
1029 } else {
1030 $self->warn("Could not read directory '$root': $!");
1031 @files = ();
1034 # Deleting large numbers of files from VMS Files-11 filesystems
1035 # is faster if done in reverse ASCIIbetical order
1036 @files = reverse @files if $Is_VMS;
1037 ($root = VMS::Filespec::unixify($root)) =~ s#\.dir\z## if $Is_VMS;
1038 @files = map("$root/$_", grep $_!~/^\.{1,2}\z/s,@files);
1039 $count += $self->rmtree([@files],$verbose,$safe);
1040 if ($safe &&
1041 ($Is_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root) : !-w $root)) {
1042 print "skipped '$root'\n" if $verbose;
1043 next;
1045 chmod 0777, $root
1046 or $self->warn("Could not make directory '$root' writable: $!")
1047 if $force_writable;
1048 print "rmdir '$root'\n" if $verbose;
1049 if (rmdir $root) {
1050 ++$count;
1052 else {
1053 $self->warn("Could not remove directory '$root': $!");
1054 chmod($rp, ($Is_VMS ? VMS::Filespec::fileify($root) : $root))
1055 or $self->warn("and can't restore permissions to "
1056 . sprintf("0%o",$rp) . "\n");
1059 else {
1060 if ( $safe
1061 and ($Is_VMS ? !&VMS::Filespec::candelete($root)
1062 : !(-l $root || -w $root))
1064 print "skipped '$root'\n" if $verbose;
1065 next;
1067 chmod 0666, $root
1068 or $self->warn( "Could not make file '$root' writable: $!")
1069 if $force_writable;
1070 warn "unlink '$root'\n" if $verbose;
1071 # delete all versions under VMS
1072 for (;;) {
1073 unless (unlink $root) {
1074 $self->warn("Could not unlink file '$root': $!");
1075 if ($force_writable) {
1076 chmod $rp, $root
1077 or $self->warn("and can't restore permissions to "
1078 . sprintf("0%o",$rp) . "\n");
1080 last;
1082 ++$count;
1083 last unless $Is_VMS && lstat $root;
1088 return $count;
1092 =head2 _flush_on_write
1094 Title : _flush_on_write
1095 Usage : $io->_flush_on_write($newval)
1096 Function: Boolean flag to indicate whether to flush
1097 the filehandle on writing when the end of
1098 a component is finished (Sequences, Alignments, etc)
1099 Args : Optional new value
1100 Returns : Value of _flush_on_write
1102 =cut
1104 sub _flush_on_write {
1105 my ($self, $value) = @_;
1106 if (defined $value) {
1107 $self->{'_flush_on_write'} = $value;
1109 return $self->{'_flush_on_write'};
1113 =head2 save_tempfiles
1115 Title : save_tempfiles
1116 Usage : $io->save_tempfiles(1)
1117 Function: Boolean flag to indicate whether to retain tempfiles/tempdir
1118 Args : Value evaluating to TRUE or FALSE
1119 Returns : Boolean value : 1 = save tempfiles/tempdirs, 0 = remove (default)
1121 =cut
1123 sub save_tempfiles {
1124 my $self = shift;
1125 if (@_) {
1126 my $value = shift;
1127 $self->{save_tempfiles} = $value ? 1 : 0;
1129 return $self->{save_tempfiles} || 0;