bug 2549; fixed small bug in Bio::Taxon which doesn't catch -common_name
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / SearchIO / exonerate.pm
1 # $Id$
3 # BioPerl module for Bio::SearchIO::exonerate
5 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <jason-at-bioperl.org>
7 # Copyright Jason Stajich
9 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
11 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
13 =head1 NAME
15 Bio::SearchIO::exonerate - parser for Exonerate
17 =head1 SYNOPSIS
19 # do not use this module directly, it is a driver for SearchIO
21 use Bio::SearchIO;
22 my $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-file => 'file.exonerate',
23 -format => 'exonerate');
26 while( my $r = $searchio->next_result ) {
27 print $r->query_name, "\n";
32 This is a driver for the SearchIO system for parsing Exonerate (Guy
33 Slater) output. You can get Exonerate at
34 http://cvsweb.sanger.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/exonerate/?cvsroot=Ensembl
35 [until Guy puts up a Web reference,publication for it.]).
37 An optional parameter -min_intron is supported by the L<new>
38 initialization method. This is if you run Exonerate with a different
39 minimum intron length (default is 30) the parser will be able to
40 detect the difference between standard deletions and an intron. Still
41 some room to play with there that might cause this to get
42 misinterpreted that has not been fully tested or explored.
44 The VULGAR and CIGAR formats should be parsed okay now creating HSPs
45 where appropriate (so merging match states where appropriate rather
46 than breaking an HSP at each indel as it may have done in the past).
47 The GFF that comes from exonerate is still probably a better way to go
48 if you are doing protein2genome or est2genome mapping.
49 For example you can see this script:
51 http://fungal.genome.duke.edu/~jes12/software/scripts/process_exonerate_gff3.perl.txt
53 If your report contains both CIGAR and VULGAR lines only the first one
54 will processed for a given Query/Target pair. If you preferentially
55 want to use VULGAR or CIGAR add one of these options when initializing
56 the SearchIO object.
58 -cigar => 1
60 -vulgar => 1
62 Or set them via these methods.
64 $parser->cigar(1)
66 $parser->vulgar(1)
70 =head1 FEEDBACK
72 =head2 Mailing Lists
74 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
75 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
76 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
78 bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
79 http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
81 =head2 Reporting Bugs
83 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
84 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
85 web:
87 http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/
89 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
91 Email jason-at-bioperl.org
93 =head1 APPENDIX
95 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
96 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
98 =cut
101 # Let the code begin...
104 package Bio::SearchIO::exonerate;
105 use strict;
108 use base qw(Bio::SearchIO);
110 %MODEMAP = ( 'ExonerateOutput' => 'result',
111 'Hit' => 'hit',
112 'Hsp' => 'hsp'
115 %MAPPING =
117 'Hsp_query-from'=> 'HSP-query_start',
118 'Hsp_query-to' => 'HSP-query_end',
119 'Hsp_hit-from' => 'HSP-hit_start',
120 'Hsp_hit-to' => 'HSP-hit_end',
121 'Hsp_qseq' => 'HSP-query_seq',
122 'Hsp_hseq' => 'HSP-hit_seq',
123 'Hsp_midline' => 'HSP-homology_seq',
124 'Hsp_score' => 'HSP-score',
125 'Hsp_qlength' => 'HSP-query_length',
126 'Hsp_hlength' => 'HSP-hit_length',
127 'Hsp_align-len' => 'HSP-hsp_length',
128 'Hsp_identity' => 'HSP-identical',
129 'Hsp_gaps' => 'HSP-hsp_gaps',
130 'Hsp_hitgaps' => 'HSP-hit_gaps',
131 'Hsp_querygaps' => 'HSP-query_gaps',
133 'Hit_id' => 'HIT-name',
134 'Hit_desc' => 'HIT-description',
135 'Hit_len' => 'HIT-length',
136 'Hit_score' => 'HIT-score',
138 'ExonerateOutput_program' => 'RESULT-algorithm_name',
139 'ExonerateOutput_query-def' => 'RESULT-query_name',
140 'ExonerateOutput_query-desc'=> 'RESULT-query_description',
141 'ExonerateOutput_query-len' => 'RESULT-query_length',
144 $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS = 'Bio::Search::Writer::HitTableWriter';
146 $MIN_INTRON=30; # This is the minimum intron size
148 =head2 new
150 Title : new
151 Usage : my $obj = Bio::SearchIO::exonerate->new();
152 Function: Builds a new Bio::SearchIO::exonerate object
153 Returns : an instance of Bio::SearchIO::exonerate
154 Args : -min_intron => somewhat obselete option, how to determine if a
155 an indel is an intron or a local gap. Use VULGAR
156 rather than CIGAR to avoid this heuristic,default 30.
157 -cigar => 1 set this to 1 if you want to parse
158 CIGAR exclusively.
159 -vulgar => 1 set this to 1 if you want to parse VULGAR
160 exclusively, setting both to 1 will revert
161 to the default behavior of just parsing the
162 first line that it sees.
164 =cut
166 sub new {
167 my ($class) = shift;
168 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
170 my ($min_intron,$cigar,
171 $vulgar) = $self->_rearrange([qw(MIN_INTRON
173 VULGAR)], @_);
174 if( $min_intron ) {
175 $MIN_INTRON = $min_intron;
177 if( $cigar && $vulgar ) {
178 $self->warn("cannot get HSPs from both CIGAR and VULGAR lines, will just choose whichever comes first (same as if you had chosen neither");
179 $cigar = 0; $vulgar=0;
181 $self->cigar($cigar);
182 $self->vulgar($vulgar);
183 $self;
186 =head2 next_result
188 Title : next_result
189 Usage : my $hit = $searchio->next_result;
190 Function: Returns the next Result from a search
191 Returns : Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object
192 Args : none
194 =cut
196 sub next_result{
197 my ($self) = @_;
198 local $/ = "\n";
199 local $_;
201 $self->{'_last_data'} = '';
202 my ($reporttype,$seenquery,$reportline);
203 $self->start_document();
204 my @hit_signifs;
205 my $seentop;
206 my (@q_ex, @m_ex, @h_ex); ## gc addition
207 while( defined($_ = $self->_readline) ) {
208 # warn( "Reading $_");
209 if( /^Query:\s+(\S+)\s*(.+)?/ ) {
210 if( $seentop ) {
211 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
212 $self->_pushback($_);
213 return $self->end_document();
215 $seentop = 1;
216 my ($nm,$desc) = ($1,$2);
217 chomp($desc) if defined $desc;
218 $self->{'_result_count'}++;
219 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
220 $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-def',
221 'Data' => $nm });
222 $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-desc',
223 'Data' => $desc });
224 $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_program',
225 'Data' => 'Exonerate' });
226 $self->{'_seencigar'} = 0;
227 $self->{'_vulgar'} = 0;
229 } elsif ( /^Target:\s+(\S+)\s*(.+)?/ ) {
230 my ($nm,$desc) = ($1,$2);
231 chomp($desc) if defined $desc;
232 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
233 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_id',
234 'Data' => $nm});
235 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_desc',
236 'Data' => $desc});
237 $self->{'_seencigar'} = 0;
238 $self->{'_vulgar'} = 0;
239 } elsif( s/^vulgar:\s+(\S+)\s+ # query sequence id
240 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+ # query start-end-strand
241 (\S+)\s+ # target sequence id
242 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+ # target start-end-strand
243 (\d+)\s+ # score
244 //ox ) {
245 next if( $self->cigar || $self->{'_seencigar'});
246 $self->{'_vulgar'}++;
248 # Note from Ewan. This is ugly - copy and paste from
249 # cigar line parsing. Should unify somehow...
251 if( ! $self->within_element('result') ) {
252 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
253 $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-def',
254 'Data' => $1 });
256 if( ! $self->within_element('hit') ) {
257 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
258 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_id',
259 'Data' => $5});
262 ## gc note:
263 ## $qe and $he are no longer used for calculating the ends,
264 ## just the $qs and $hs values and the alignment and insert lenghts
265 my ($qs,$qe,$qstrand) = ($2,$3,$4);
266 my ($hs,$he,$hstrand) = ($6,$7,$8);
267 my $score = $9;
268 # $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-len',
269 # 'Data' => $qe});
270 # $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_len',
271 # 'Data' => $he});
273 ## gc note:
274 ## add one because these values are zero-based
275 ## this calculation was originally done lower in the code,
276 ## but it's clearer to do it just once at the start
277 my @rest = split;
278 my ($qbegin,$qend) = ('query-from', 'query-to');
280 if( $qstrand eq '-' ) {
281 $qstrand = -1; $qe++;
282 } else {
283 $qstrand = 1;
284 $qs++;
286 my ($hbegin,$hend) = ('hit-from', 'hit-to');
288 if( $hstrand eq '-' ) {
289 $hstrand = -1;
290 $he++;
291 } else {
292 $hstrand = 1;
293 $hs++;
295 # okay let's do this right and generate a set of HSPs
296 # from the cigar line/home/bio1/jes12/bin/exonerate --model est2genome --bestn 1 t/data/exonerate_cdna.fa t/data/exonerate_genomic_rev.fa
298 my ($aln_len,$inserts,$deletes) = (0,0,0);
299 my ($laststate,@events,$gaps) =( '' );
300 while( @rest >= 3 ) {
301 my ($state,$len1,$len2) = (shift @rest, shift @rest, shift @rest);
303 # HSPs are only the Match cases; otherwise we just
304 # move the coordinates on by the correct amount
307 if( $state eq 'M' ) {
308 if( $laststate eq 'G' ) {
309 # merge gaps across Match states so the HSP
310 # goes across
311 $events[-1]->{$qend} = $qs + $len1*$qstrand - $qstrand;
312 $events[-1]->{$hend} = $hs + $len2*$hstrand - $hstrand;
313 $events[-1]->{'gaps'} = $gaps;
314 } else {
315 push @events,
316 { 'score' => $score,
317 'align-len' => $len1,
318 $qbegin => $qs,
319 $qend => ($qs + $len1*$qstrand - $qstrand),
320 $hbegin => $hs,
321 $hend => ($hs + $len2*$hstrand - $hstrand),
324 $gaps = 0;
325 } else {
326 $gaps = $len1 + $len2 if $state eq 'G';
328 $qs += $len1*$qstrand;
329 $hs += $len2*$hstrand;
330 $laststate= $state;
332 for my $event ( @events ) {
333 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
334 while( my ($key,$val) = each %$event ) {
335 $self->element({'Name' => "Hsp_$key",
336 'Data' => $val});
338 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity',
339 'Data' => 0});
340 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
343 # end of hit
344 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_score',
345 'Data' => $score});
346 # issued end...
347 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
348 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
350 return $self->end_document();
352 } elsif( s/^cigar:\s+(\S+)\s+ # query sequence id
353 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+ # query start-end-strand
354 (\S+)\s+ # target sequence id
355 (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+([\-\+])\s+ # target start-end-strand
356 (\d+)\s+ # score
357 //ox ) {
358 next if( $self->vulgar || $self->{'_seenvulgar'});
359 $self->{'_cigar'}++;
361 if( ! $self->within_element('result') ) {
362 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
363 $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-def',
364 'Data' => $1 });
366 if( ! $self->within_element('hit') ) {
367 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
368 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_id',
369 'Data' => $5});
371 ## gc note:
372 ## $qe and $he are no longer used for calculating the ends,
373 ## just the $qs and $hs values and the alignment and insert lenghts
374 my ($qs,$qe,$qstrand) = ($2,$3,$4);
375 my ($hs,$he,$hstrand) = ($6,$7,$8);
376 my $score = $9;
377 # $self->element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput_query-len',
378 # 'Data' => $qe});
379 # $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_len',
380 # 'Data' => $he});
382 my @rest = split;
383 if( $qstrand eq '-' ) {
384 $qstrand = -1;
385 ($qs,$qe) = ($qe,$qs); # flip-flop if we're on opp strand
386 $qs--; $qe++;
387 } else { $qstrand = 1; }
388 if( $hstrand eq '-' ) {
389 $hstrand = -1;
390 ($hs,$he) = ($he,$hs); # flip-flop if we're on opp strand
391 $hs--; $he++;
392 } else { $hstrand = 1; }
393 # okay let's do this right and generate a set of HSPs
394 # from the cigar line
396 ## gc note:
397 ## add one because these values are zero-based
398 ## this calculation was originally done lower in the code,
399 ## but it's clearer to do it just once at the start
400 $qs++; $hs++;
402 my ($aln_len,$inserts,$deletes) = (0,0,0);
403 while( @rest >= 2 ) {
404 my ($state,$len) = (shift @rest, shift @rest);
405 if( $state eq 'I' ) {
406 $inserts+=$len;
407 } elsif( $state eq 'D' ) {
408 if( $len >= $MIN_INTRON ) {
409 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
411 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_score',
412 'Data' => $score});
413 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_align-len',
414 'Data' => $aln_len});
415 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity',
416 'Data' => $aln_len -
417 ($inserts + $deletes)});
419 # HSP ends where the other begins
420 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-from',
421 'Data' => $qs});
422 ## gc note:
423 ## $qs is now the start of the next hsp
424 ## the end of this hsp is 1 before this position
425 ## (or 1 after in case of reverse strand)
426 $qs += $aln_len*$qstrand;
427 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-to',
428 'Data' => $qs - ($qstrand*1)});
430 $hs += $deletes*$hstrand;
431 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-from',
432 'Data' => $hs});
433 $hs += $aln_len*$hstrand;
434 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-to',
435 'Data' => $hs-($hstrand*1)});
437 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_align-len',
438 'Data' => $aln_len + $inserts
439 + $deletes});
440 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity',
441 'Data' => $aln_len });
443 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_gaps',
444 'Data' => $inserts + $deletes});
445 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_querygaps',
446 'Data' => $inserts});
447 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hitgaps',
448 'Data' => $deletes});
450 ## gc addition start
452 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_qseq',
453 'Data' => shift @q_ex,
455 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hseq',
456 'Data' => shift @h_ex,
458 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_midline',
459 'Data' => shift @m_ex,
461 ## gc addition end
462 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
464 $aln_len = $inserts = $deletes = 0;
466 $deletes+=$len;
467 } else {
468 $aln_len += $len;
471 $self->start_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
473 ## gc addition start
475 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_qseq',
476 'Data' => shift @q_ex,
478 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hseq',
479 'Data' => shift @h_ex,
481 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_midline',
482 'Data' => shift @m_ex,
484 ## gc addition end
486 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_score',
487 'Data' => $score});
489 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-from',
490 'Data' => $qs});
492 $qs += $aln_len*$qstrand;
493 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_query-to',
494 'Data' => $qs - ($qstrand*1)});
496 $hs += $deletes*$hstrand;
497 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-from',
498 'Data' => $hs});
499 $hs += $aln_len*$hstrand;
500 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hit-to',
501 'Data' => $hs -($hstrand*1)});
503 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_align-len',
504 'Data' => $aln_len});
506 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_identity',
507 'Data' => $aln_len - ($inserts + $deletes)});
509 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_gaps',
510 'Data' => $inserts + $deletes});
512 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_querygaps',
513 'Data' => $inserts});
514 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hsp_hitgaps',
515 'Data' => $deletes});
516 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hsp'});
518 $self->element({'Name' => 'Hit_score',
519 'Data' => $score});
521 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'Hit'});
522 $self->end_element({'Name' => 'ExonerateOutput'});
524 return $self->end_document();
525 } else {
526 # skipping this line
529 return $self->end_document() if( $seentop );
532 =head2 start_element
534 Title : start_element
535 Usage : $eventgenerator->start_element
536 Function: Handles a start element event
537 Returns : none
538 Args : hashref with at least 2 keys 'Data' and 'Name'
541 =cut
543 sub start_element{
544 my ($self,$data) = @_;
545 # we currently don't care about attributes
546 my $nm = $data->{'Name'};
547 my $type = $MODEMAP{$nm};
549 if( $type ) {
550 if( $self->_eventHandler->will_handle($type) ) {
551 my $func = sprintf("start_%s",lc $type);
552 $self->_eventHandler->$func($data->{'Attributes'});
554 unshift @{$self->{'_elements'}}, $type;
555 if($type eq 'result') {
556 $self->{'_values'} = {};
557 $self->{'_result'}= undef;
563 =head2 end_element
565 Title : start_element
566 Usage : $eventgenerator->end_element
567 Function: Handles an end element event
568 Returns : none
569 Args : hashref with at least 2 keys 'Data' and 'Name'
572 =cut
574 sub end_element {
575 my ($self,$data) = @_;
576 my $nm = $data->{'Name'};
577 my $type = $MODEMAP{$nm};
578 my $rc;
580 if( $type = $MODEMAP{$nm} ) {
581 if( $self->_eventHandler->will_handle($type) ) {
582 my $func = sprintf("end_%s",lc $type);
583 $rc = $self->_eventHandler->$func($self->{'_reporttype'},
584 $self->{'_values'});
586 shift @{$self->{'_elements'}};
588 } elsif( $MAPPING{$nm} ) {
590 if ( ref($MAPPING{$nm}) =~ /hash/i ) {
591 my $key = (keys %{$MAPPING{$nm}})[0];
592 $self->{'_values'}->{$key}->{$MAPPING{$nm}->{$key}} = $self->{'_last_data'};
593 } else {
594 $self->{'_values'}->{$MAPPING{$nm}} = $self->{'_last_data'};
596 } else {
597 $self->debug( "unknown nm $nm, ignoring\n");
599 $self->{'_last_data'} = ''; # remove read data if we are at
600 # end of an element
601 $self->{'_result'} = $rc if( defined $type && $type eq 'result' );
602 return $rc;
605 =head2 element
607 Title : element
608 Usage : $eventhandler->element({'Name' => $name, 'Data' => $str});
609 Function: Convience method that calls start_element, characters, end_element
610 Returns : none
611 Args : Hash ref with the keys 'Name' and 'Data'
614 =cut
616 sub element{
617 my ($self,$data) = @_;
618 $self->start_element($data);
619 $self->characters($data);
620 $self->end_element($data);
623 =head2 characters
625 Title : characters
626 Usage : $eventgenerator->characters($str)
627 Function: Send a character events
628 Returns : none
629 Args : string
632 =cut
634 sub characters{
635 my ($self,$data) = @_;
637 return unless ( defined $data->{'Data'} && $data->{'Data'} !~ /^\s+$/ );
639 $self->{'_last_data'} = $data->{'Data'};
642 =head2 within_element
644 Title : within_element
645 Usage : if( $eventgenerator->within_element($element) ) {}
646 Function: Test if we are within a particular element
647 This is different than 'in' because within can be tested
648 for a whole block.
649 Returns : boolean
650 Args : string element name
653 =cut
655 sub within_element{
656 my ($self,$name) = @_;
657 return 0 if ( ! defined $name &&
658 ! defined $self->{'_elements'} ||
659 scalar @{$self->{'_elements'}} == 0) ;
660 foreach ( @{$self->{'_elements'}} ) {
661 if( $_ eq $name ) {
662 return 1;
665 return 0;
669 =head2 in_element
671 Title : in_element
672 Usage : if( $eventgenerator->in_element($element) ) {}
673 Function: Test if we are in a particular element
674 This is different than 'in' because within can be tested
675 for a whole block.
676 Returns : boolean
677 Args : string element name
680 =cut
682 sub in_element{
683 my ($self,$name) = @_;
684 return 0 if ! defined $self->{'_elements'}->[0];
685 return ( $self->{'_elements'}->[0] eq $name)
688 =head2 start_document
690 Title : start_document
691 Usage : $eventgenerator->start_document
692 Function: Handle a start document event
693 Returns : none
694 Args : none
697 =cut
699 sub start_document{
700 my ($self) = @_;
701 $self->{'_lasttype'} = '';
702 $self->{'_values'} = {};
703 $self->{'_result'}= undef;
704 $self->{'_elements'} = [];
705 $self->{'_reporttype'} = 'exonerate';
709 =head2 end_document
711 Title : end_document
712 Usage : $eventgenerator->end_document
713 Function: Handles an end document event
714 Returns : Bio::Search::Result::ResultI object
715 Args : none
718 =cut
720 sub end_document{
721 my ($self,@args) = @_;
722 return $self->{'_result'};
726 sub write_result {
727 my ($self, $blast, @args) = @_;
729 if( not defined($self->writer) ) {
730 $self->warn("Writer not defined. Using a $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS");
731 $self->writer( $DEFAULT_WRITER_CLASS->new() );
733 $self->SUPER::write_result( $blast, @args );
736 sub result_count {
737 my $self = shift;
738 return $self->{'_result_count'};
741 sub report_count { shift->result_count }
743 =head2 vulgar
745 Title : vulgar
746 Usage : $obj->vulgar($newval)
747 Function: Get/Set flag, do you want to build HSPs from VULGAR string?
748 Returns : value of vulgar (a scalar)
749 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
752 =cut
754 sub vulgar{
755 my $self = shift;
756 my $x = shift if @_;
757 if( @_ ) {
758 if( $_[0] && $self->{'_cigar'} ) {
759 $self->warn("Trying to set vulgar and cigar both to 1, must be either or");
760 $self->{'_cigar'} = 0;
761 return $self->{'_vulgar'} = 0;
764 return $self->{'_vulgar'};
767 =head2 cigar
769 Title : cigar
770 Usage : $obj->cigar($newval)
771 Function: Get/Set boolean flag do you want to build HSPs from CIGAR strings?
772 Returns : value of cigar (a scalar)
773 Args : on set, new value (a scalar or undef, optional)
776 =cut
778 sub cigar{
779 my $self = shift;
780 my $x = shift if @_;
781 if( @_ ) {
782 if( $_[0] && $self->{'_vulgar'} ) {
783 $self->warn("Trying to set vulgar and cigar both to 1, must be either or");
784 $self->{'_vulgar'} = 0;
785 return $self->{'_cigar'} = 0;
788 return $self->{'_cigar'};