Add ability to remove specific features, using primary_tag
[bioperl-live.git] / scripts / Bio-DB-GFF /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use lib '../blib/lib';
6 use Bio::DB::GFF;
7 use Getopt::Long;
9 =head1 NAME
11 - Load a Bio::DB::GFF database from GFF files.
13 =head1 SYNOPSIS
15 % -d testdb -u user -p pw
16 --dsn 'dbi:mysql:database=dmel_r5_1;host=myhost;port=myport'
17 dna1.fa dna2.fa features1.gff features2.gff ...
21 This script loads a Bio::DB::GFF database with the features contained
22 in a list of GFF files and/or FASTA sequence files. You must use the
23 exact variant of GFF described in L<Bio::DB::GFF>. Various
24 command-line options allow you to control which database to load and
25 whether to allow an existing database to be overwritten.
27 This script uses the Bio::DB::GFF interface, and so works with all
28 database adaptors currently supported by that module (MySQL, Oracle,
29 PostgreSQL soon). However, it is slow. For faster loading, see the
30 MySQL-specific L<> and L<> scripts.
32 =head2 NOTES
34 If the filename is given as "-" then the input is taken from standard
35 input. Compressed files (.gz, .Z, .bz2) are automatically
36 uncompressed.
38 FASTA format files are distinguished from GFF files by their filename
39 extensions. Files ending in .fa, .fasta, .fast, .seq, .dna and their
40 uppercase variants are treated as FASTA files. Everything else is
41 treated as a GFF file. If you wish to load -fasta files from STDIN,
42 then use the -f command-line swith with an argument of '-', as in
44 gunzip my_data.fa.gz | -d test -f -
46 On the first load of a database, you will see a number of "unknown
47 table" errors. This is normal.
49 About maxfeature: the default value is 100,000,000 bases. If you have
50 features that are close to or greater that 100Mb in length, then the
51 value of maxfeature should be increased to 1,000,000,000, or another
52 power of 10.
56 Command-line options can be abbreviated to single-letter options.
57 e.g. -d instead of --database.
59 --dsn <dsn> Data source (default dbi:mysql:test)
60 --adaptor <adaptor> Schema adaptor (default dbi::mysqlopt)
61 --user <user> Username for mysql authentication
62 --pass <password> Password for mysql authentication
63 --fasta <path> Fasta file or directory containing fasta files for the DNA
64 --create Force creation and initialization of database
65 --maxfeature Set the value of the maximum feature size (default 100 Mb; must be a power of 10)
66 --group A list of one or more tag names (comma or space separated)
67 to be used for grouping in the 9th column.
68 --upgrade Upgrade existing database to current schema
69 --gff3_munge Activate GFF3 name munging (see Bio::DB::GFF)
70 --quiet No progress reports
71 --summary Generate summary statistics for drawing coverage histograms.
72 This can be run on a previously loaded database or during
73 the load.
75 =head1 SEE ALSO
77 L<Bio::DB::GFF>, L<>, L<>
79 =head1 AUTHOR
81 Lincoln Stein,
83 Copyright (c) 2002 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
85 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
86 it under the same terms as Perl itself. See DISCLAIMER.txt for
87 disclaimers of warranty.
89 =cut
93 GetOptions ('dsn:s' => \$DSN,
94 'adaptor:s' => \$ADAPTOR,
95 'u|user:s' => \$USER,
96 'p|password:s' => \$PASSWORD,
97 'fasta:s' => \$FASTA,
98 'upgrade' => \$UPGRADE,
99 'maxbin|maxfeature:s' => \$MAX_BIN,
100 'group:s' => \$GROUP_TAG,
101 'gff3_munge' => \$MUNGE,
102 'quiet' => \$QUIET,
103 'summary' => \$SUMMARY_STATS,
104 'create' => \$CREATE) or (system('pod2text',$0), exit -1);
106 # some local defaults
107 $DSN ||= 'dbi:mysql:test';
108 $ADAPTOR ||= 'dbi::mysqlopt';
109 $MAX_BIN ||= 1_000_000_000; # to accomodate human-sized chromosomes
111 my @args;
112 push @args,(-user=>$USER) if defined $USER;
113 push @args,(-pass=>$PASSWORD) if defined $PASSWORD;
114 push @args,(-preferred_groups=>[split(/[,\s+]+/,$GROUP_TAG)]) if defined $GROUP_TAG;
115 push @args,(-create=>1) if $CREATE;
116 push @args,(-write=>1);
118 my $db = Bio::DB::GFF->new(-adaptor=>$ADAPTOR,-dsn => $DSN,@args)
119 or die "Can't open database: ",Bio::DB::GFF->error,"\n";
121 $db->gff3_name_munging(1) if $MUNGE;
123 if ($CREATE) {
125 $MAX_BIN ? $db->initialize(-erase=>1,-MAX_BIN=>$MAX_BIN) :
126 $db->initialize(1);
127 } elsif ($UPGRADE) {
128 warn qq(expect to see several "table already exists" messages\n);
129 $db->initialize(0);
130 my $dbi = $db->dbh; # get the raw database handle
131 my ($count) = $dbi->selectrow_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fnote');
132 if (defined($count) && $count > 0) {
133 warn qq(fnote table detected. Translating into fattribute table. This may take a while.\n);
134 $dbi->do("INSERT INTO fattribute VALUES (1,'Note')") or die "failed: ",$dbi->errstr;
135 $dbi->do("INSERT INTO fattribute_to_feature (fid,fattribute_id,fattribute_value) SELECT fnote.fid,1,fnote FROM fnote") or die "failed: ",$dbi->errstr;
136 warn qq(Schema successfully upgraded. You might want to drop the fnote table when you're sure everything's working.\n);
140 my (@gff,@fasta);
141 foreach (@ARGV) {
142 if (/\.(fa|fasta|dna|seq|fast)$/i) {
143 push @fasta,$_;
144 } else {
145 push @gff,$_;
149 for my $file (@gff) {
150 warn "$file: loading...\n";
151 my $loaded = $db->load_gff($file,!$QUIET);
152 warn "$file: $loaded records loaded\n";
155 unshift @fasta,$FASTA if defined $FASTA;
157 for my $file (@fasta) {
158 warn "Loading fasta ",(-d $file?"directory":"file"), " $file\n";
159 my $loaded = $db->load_fasta($file,!$QUIET);
160 warn "$file: $loaded records loaded\n";
163 if ($SUMMARY_STATS) {
164 warn "Building summary statistics for coverage histograms...\n";
165 $db->build_summary_statistics;