create sql module.
[biolisp.git] / cluster / distance.lisp
1 (in-package :cluster)
3 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0)))
5 (declaim (inline diff-of-squares))
6 (declaim (ftype (function (number number) float) square-of-difference))
7 (defun square-of-difference (a b)
8 (sq (- a b)))
11 (declaim (inline diff-of-squares))
12 (declaim (ftype (function (number number) float) absolute-difference))
13 (defun absolute-difference (a b)
14 (abs (- a b)))
16 (defmacro def-vec2fun ((name) documentation &body body)
17 "Declare a function 'name' of two vectors, a and b.
18 Add the optiomization declare and array dimension verification"
19 `(declaim (ftype (function (simple-array simple-array) float) ,name))
20 `(defun ,name (a b)
21 ,documentation
22 (assert (= (array-dimension a 0)
23 (array-dimension b 0)))
24 ,@body))
28 ;;; Simple Distances
30 (def-vec2fun (euclidean-distance)
31 "Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors"
32 (sqrt (reduce '+ (map 'vector #'square-of-difference a b))))
34 (def-vec2fun (manhatan-distance)
35 "Manhatan, or city block, or norm-1 distance"
36 (reduce '+ (map 'vector #'absolute-difference a b)))
39 ;; Pearson distance
41 (defun vectors-statistics (a b)
42 (loop for i from 0 to (1- (array-dimension a 0))
43 for x = (aref a i)
44 for y = (aref b i)
45 summing x into Sx
46 summing y into Sy
47 summing (sq x) into Sx2
48 summing (sq y) into Sy2
49 summing (* x y) into Sxy
50 finally (return (values Sx Sy Sx2 Sy2 Sxy))))
53 (def-vec2fun (pearson-correlation)
54 "Pearson correlation"
55 (let ((N (array-dimension a 0)))
56 (mvbind (Sx Sy Sx2 Sy2 Sxy) (vectors-statistics a b)
57 (/ (- Sxy (/ (* Sx Sy) N))
58 (sqrt (* (- Sx2 (/ (sq Sx) N))
59 (- Sy2 (/ (sq Sy) N))))))))
61 (def-vec2fun (pearson-distance)
62 "Pearson distance"
63 (- 1.0 (pearson-correlation a b)))
65 (def-vec2fun (absolute-pearson-distance)
66 "Absolute Pearson distance"
67 (- 1.0 (abs (pearson-correlation a b))))
69 (def-vec2fun (square-pearson-distance)
70 "Square Pearson distance"
71 (- 1.0 (sq (pearson-correlation a b))))