attribute spam in editor
[bioacid.git] / tkmain.d
1 /* coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector <>
2 * Understanding is not required. Only obedience.
4 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
8 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
16 module tkmain is aliced;
18 import std.datetime;
20 import arsd.color;
21 import arsd.image;
22 import arsd.simpledisplay;
24 import iv.cmdcon;
25 import;
26 import iv.gxx;
27 import iv.meta;
28 import iv.nanovega;
29 import iv.nanovega.blendish;
30 import iv.nanovega.textlayouter;
31 import iv.strex;
32 import iv.tox;
33 import iv.sdpyutil;
34 import iv.unarray;
35 import iv.utfutil;
36 import;
38 version(sfnt_test) import iv.nanovega.simplefont;
40 import accdb;
41 import accobj;
42 import fonts;
43 import icondata;
44 import notifyicon;
45 import toxproto;
47 import tkclist;
48 import tklog;
51 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
52 __gshared bool mainWindowActive = false;
53 __gshared bool mainWindowVisible = false;
54 __gshared SimpleWindow sdmain;
55 __gshared CList clist;
58 void setupToxCoreSender () {
59 toxCoreSendEvent = delegate (Object msg) {
60 if (msg is null) return; // just in case
61 try {
62 if (glconCtlWindow is null || glconCtlWindow.closed) return;
63 glconCtlWindow.postEvent(msg);
64 } catch (Exception e) {}
69 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
70 string getBrowserCommand (bool forceOpera=false) {
71 __gshared string browser;
72 if (forceOpera) return "opera";
73 if (browser.length == 0) {
74 import core.stdc.stdlib : getenv;
75 const(char)* evar = getenv("BROWSER");
76 if (evar !is null && evar[0]) {
77 import std.string : fromStringz;
78 browser = evar.fromStringz.idup;
79 } else {
80 browser = "opera";
83 return browser;
87 void openUrl (ConString url, bool forceOpera=false) {
88 if (url.length) {
89 import std.stdio : File;
90 import std.process;
91 try {
92 auto frd = File("/dev/null");
93 auto fwr = File("/dev/null", "w");
94 spawnProcess([getBrowserCommand(forceOpera), url.idup], frd, fwr, fwr, null, Config.detached);
95 } catch (Exception e) {
96 conwriteln("ERROR executing URL viewer (", e.msg, ")");
102 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
103 struct UrlInfo {
104 int pos = -1, len = 0;
106 @property bool valid () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc => (pos >= 0 && len > 0);
107 @property int end () const pure nothrow @safe @nogc => (pos >= 0 && len > 0 ? pos+len : 0);
109 static UrlInfo Invalid () pure nothrow @safe @nogc => UrlInfo.init;
113 UrlInfo urlDetect (const(char)[] text) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
114 import iv.strex;
115 UrlInfo res;
116 auto dlpos = text.indexOf("://");
117 if (dlpos < 3) return res;
119 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("det: <%.*s>\n", cast(uint)text.length, text.ptr); }
121 bool isProto (const(char)[] prt) nothrow @trusted @nogc {
122 if (dlpos < prt.length) return false;
123 if (!strEquCI(prt, text[dlpos-prt.length..dlpos])) return false;
124 // check word boundary
125 if (dlpos == prt.length) return true;
126 return !isalpha(text[dlpos-prt.length-1]);
129 if (isProto("ftp")) res.pos = cast(int)(dlpos-3);
130 else if (isProto("http")) res.pos = cast(int)(dlpos-4);
131 else if (isProto("https")) res.pos = cast(int)(dlpos-5);
132 else return res;
134 dlpos += 3; // skip "://"
136 // skip host name
137 for (; dlpos < text.length; ++dlpos) {
138 char ch = text[dlpos];
139 if (ch == '/') break;
140 if (!(isalnum(ch) || ch == '.' || ch == '-' || ch == ':' || ch == '@')) break;
143 // skip path
144 char[64] brcStack;
145 int brcSP = 0;
146 bool wasSharp = false;
148 for (; dlpos < text.length; ++dlpos) {
149 char ch = text[dlpos];
150 // hash
151 if (ch == '#') {
152 if (wasSharp) break;
153 wasSharp = true;
154 brcSP = 0;
155 continue;
157 // opening bracket
158 if (ch == '(' || ch == '[' || ch == '{') {
159 final switch (ch) {
160 case '(': ch = ')'; break;
161 case '[': ch = ']'; break;
162 case '{': ch = '}'; break;
164 if (brcSP < brcStack.length) brcStack[brcSP++] = ch;
165 continue;
167 // closing bracket
168 if (ch == ')' || ch == ']' || ch == '}') {
169 if (brcSP == 0 || brcStack[brcSP-1] != ch) break;
170 --brcSP;
171 continue;
173 if (ch == '.') {
174 if (brcSP == 0) {
175 if (dlpos == text.length || (!isalnum(text[dlpos+1]) && text[dlpos+1] != '_')) break;
177 continue;
179 if (ch <= ' ' || ch >= 127) break;
182 res.len = cast(int)(dlpos-res.pos);
184 return res;
188 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
189 __gshared NVGContext nvg = null;
190 __gshared NVGImage nvgSkullsImg;
191 __gshared NVGImage kittyOut, kittyMsg, kittyFish;
192 __gshared NVGImage[5] statusImgId;
194 __gshared int lastWindowWidth = -1;
197 shared static ~this () {
198 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("******************************\n"); }
199 nvgSkullsImg.clear();
200 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("---\n"); }
201 foreach (ref img; statusImgId[]) img.clear();
202 kittyOut.clear();
203 kittyMsg.clear();
204 kittyFish.clear();
208 void buildStatusImages () {
209 version(none) {
210 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Offline] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, ctiOffline[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
211 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Online] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, ctiOnline[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
212 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Away] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, ctiAway[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
213 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Connecting] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, ctiOffline[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
214 } else {
215 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("creating status image: Offline\n"); }
216 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Offline] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, baph16Gray[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
217 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("creating status image: Online\n"); }
218 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Online] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, baph16Online[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
219 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("creating status image: Away\n"); }
220 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Away] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, baph16Away[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
221 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("creating status image: Busy\n"); }
222 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Busy] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, baph16Busy[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
223 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("creating status image: Connecting\n"); }
224 statusImgId[ContactStatus.Connecting] = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, baph16Orange[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
225 //{ import core.stdc.stdio; printf("+++ creatied status images...\n"); }
226 kittyOut = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, kittyOutgoing[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
227 kittyMsg = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, kittyMessage[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
228 kittyFish = nvg.createImageRGBA(16, 16, kittyFish16[], NVGImageFlags.NoFiltering);
233 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
234 void loadFonts () {
235 nvg.fonsContext.addFontsFrom(fstash);
236 bndSetFont(nvg.findFont("ui"));
240 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
241 void loadAccount (string nick, bool allowCreate) {
242 if (nick.length == 0) assert(0, "wtf?!");
244 Account acc;
245 bool newAcc = false;
247 try {
248 acc = new Account(nick);
249 } catch (Exception e) {
250 conwriteln("error opening account... (error: ", e.msg, ")");
251 if (!allowCreate) throw e;
252 acc = Account.CreateNew(nick, nick);
253 newAcc = true;
256 // create fake contact
257 if (newAcc && acc.contacts.length == 0 && nick == "_fakeacc") {
258 conwriteln("creating fake contact...");
259 auto c = acc.createEmptyContact();
260 = "test contact";
261[] = 0x55;
265 clist.buildAccount(acc);
269 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
270 // null: deactivate
271 void doActivateContact (Contact ct) {
272 if (sdmain is null || sdmain.closed) return;
273 if (activeContact is ct) return;
275 activeContact = ct;
276 wipeLog();
277 if (ct is null) {
278 //conwriteln("clear log");
279 if (clist !is null) clist.resetActiveItem();
280 sdmain.title = "BioAcid";
281 glconPostScreenRepaint();
282 } else if (ct.acceptPending) {
283 addTextToLog(ct.acc, ct, LogFile.Msg.Kind.Notification, false, (ct.statusmsg.length ? ct.statusmsg : "I brought you a tasty fish!"), systimeNow);
284 } else {
285 import std.format : format;
286 sdmain.title = "%s [%s] -- BioAcid".format(, tox_hex(;
287 LogFile log;
288 ct.loadLogInto(log);
289 auto mcount = cast(int)log.messages.length;
290 int left = ct.hmcOnOpen;
291 if (left < ct.unreadCount) left = ct.unreadCount;
292 if (left > mcount) left = mcount;
293 if (mcount > left) mcount = left;
294 if (mcount > 0) {
295 foreach (const ref msg; log.messages[$-mcount..$]) {
296 if (left == ct.unreadCount) addDividerLine();
297 addTextToLog(ct.acc, ct, msg);
298 --left;
301 if (ct.unreadCount != 0) { ct.unreadCount = 0; ct.saveUnreadCount(); }
304 fixTrayIcon();
308 //FIXME: scan all accounts
309 void fixTrayIcon () {
310 if (clist is null) return;
311 auto acc = clist.mainAccount;
312 if (acc is null) return;
313 int unc = 0;
314 foreach (Contact ct; acc) unc += ct.unreadCount;
315 if (unc) {
316 import std.format : format;
317 setTrayUnread();
318 setHint("unread: %d".format(unc));
319 } else {
320 setTrayStatus(acc.status);
321 final switch (acc.status) {
322 case ContactStatus.Connecting: setHint("connecting..."); break;
323 case ContactStatus.Offline: setHint("offline"); break;
324 case ContactStatus.Online: setHint("online"); break;
325 case ContactStatus.Away: setHint("away"); break;
326 case ContactStatus.Busy: setHint("busy"); break;
332 void fixUnreadIndicators () {
333 if (!mainWindowVisible || !mainWindowActive) return; // nothing to do
334 if (activeContact is null || activeContact.unreadCount == 0) return; // nothing to do
335 activeContact.unreadCount = 0;
336 activeContact.unreadCount = 0;
337 activeContact.saveUnreadCount();
338 fixTrayIcon();
342 // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
343 void addContactCommands () {
344 conRegFunc!((ConString grpname) {
345 if (clist is null || sdmain is null || sdmain.closed) return;
346 auto acc = clist.mainAccount;
347 if (acc is null) return;
348 if (grpname.length == 0) { conwriteln("group name?"); return; }
349 if (acc.findGroupByName(grpname) != uint.max) { conwriteln("group <", grpname, "> already exists"); return; }
350 auto gid = acc.createGroup(grpname);
351 if (gid == uint.max) { conwriteln("cannot create group <", grpname, ">"); return; }
352 clist.buildAccount(acc);
353 glconPostScreenRepaint();
354 })("group_create", "create group");
357 conRegFunc!((ConString grpname) {
358 if (clist is null || sdmain is null || sdmain.closed) return;
359 if (activeContact is null) { conwriteln("please, select contact first"); return; }
360 if (grpname.length == 0) { conwriteln("group name?"); return; }
361 auto gid = activeContact.acc.createGroup(grpname);
362 if (gid == uint.max) { conwriteln("cannot create group <", grpname, ">"); return; }
363 if (activeContact.acc.moveContactToGroup(activeContact, gid)) {
364 clist.buildAccount(activeContact.acc);
365 glconPostScreenRepaint();
366 } else {
367 conwriteln("cannot move contact to new group");
369 })("move_to_group", "move current contact to named group");
372 conRegFunc!(() {
373 if (clist is null || sdmain is null || sdmain.closed) return;
374 if (activeContact is null) { conwriteln("please, select contact first"); return; }
375 auto acc = activeContact.acc;
376 if (!acc.isOnline) { conwriteln("you must be online to remove contacts"); return; }
377 if (!acc.removeContact(activeContact)) { conwriteln("cannot remove current contact"); return; }
378 wipeLog();
379 activeContact = null;
380 clist.buildAccount(acc);
381 glconPostScreenRepaint();
382 })("contact_remove", "unfriend and remove current contact");