First version of perl wrapper to run all performance tests and insert
[beedb.git] / perf /
1 #! /usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use DBI;
8 use Sys::Hostname();
10 sub parse_output {
11 my ($fh, $callback)= @_;
13 my $current;
14 my $state= undef;
15 my ($run_index, $counter_index, $fixed_count);
17 while(<$fh>)
19 print;
20 if (/^T: (.*?)( \{(.*?)\})?( \[(.*?)(;.*?)?\])? I=([0-9]+)( U=([0-9]+))?$/) {
21 $callback->($current) if defined($current);
22 $current= { MINOR => $1,
23 ITERATIONS => $7,
24 LIST => []
26 $current->{VARIANT}= $3 if defined($3);
27 if (defined($5)) {
28 $current->{PARAM1}= $5;
29 $current->{PARAM2}= substr($6, 1) if defined($6);
31 $current->{WORKUNITS}= $9 if defined($9);
32 $run_index= undef;
33 $counter_index= 0;
35 elsif (/^ Seconds: ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(( [-+][0-9]+\.[0-9]+)*)$/)
37 $current->{ELAPSED}= [$1];
38 push @{$current->{ELAPSED}}, $1 + $_ for (split(" ", $2));
40 elsif (/^ (F: |V[0-9]:| ) ([^ ]+)\s+([0-9]+)((\s+[-+][0-9]+)*)$/)
42 my ($hdr, $name, $count, $deltas)= ($1, $2, $3, $4);
43 if ($hdr eq 'F: ' || ($hdr eq ' ' && !defined($run_index)))
45 my $idx= 0;
46 $current->{LIST}[$idx][$counter_index]= {NAME => $name,
47 COUNT => $count };
48 for (split(" ", $deltas))
50 $idx++;
51 $current->{LIST}[$idx][$counter_index]= {NAME => $name,
52 COUNT => $count + $_ };
54 $counter_index++;
55 $fixed_count= $counter_index;
57 else
59 if ($hdr =~ /^V([0-9]):$/)
61 $run_index= $1 - 1;
62 $counter_index= $fixed_count;
65 $current->{LIST}[$run_index][$counter_index]= { NAME => $name,
66 COUNT => $count };
67 $counter_index++;
72 $callback->($current) if defined($current);
75 sub insert_in_db {
76 my ($dbh, $e, $suite_id, $major)= @_;
78 $dbh->begin_work();
80 my $sql= <<SQL;
81 INSERT INTO perf_test_run(suite_run_id, test_major, test_minor, param1, param2,
82 variant, iterations, workunits)
83 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
84 SQL
85 $dbh->do($sql, undef, $suite_id, $major, $e->{MINOR}, $e->{PARAM1}, $e->{PARAM2},
86 $e->{VARIANT}, $e->{ITERATIONS}, $e->{WORKUNITS});
87 # my $test_run_id= $dbh->{mysql_inserid};
88 my $test_run_id= $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()")->[0][0];
90 $sql= "INSERT INTO perf_wallclock(test_run_id, instance_idx, secs) VALUES";
91 my $sep= "";
92 my @values= ();
93 for (my $idx= 0; $idx < @{$e->{ELAPSED}}; $idx++)
95 $sql.= $sep ." (?, ?, ?)";
96 $sep= ",";
97 push @values, $test_run_id, $idx, $e->{ELAPSED}[$idx];
99 $dbh->do($sql, undef, @values);
101 $sql= "INSERT INTO perf_counts(test_run_id, instance_idx, counter_idx, counter_name, counter_value) VALUES";
102 $sep= "";
103 @values= ();
104 for (my $run_idx= 0; $run_idx < @{$e->{LIST}}; $run_idx++)
106 for (my $counter_idx= 0; $counter_idx < @{$e->{LIST}[$run_idx]}; $counter_idx++)
108 $sql.= $sep ." (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
109 $sep= ",";
110 push @values, $test_run_id, $run_idx, $counter_idx,
111 $e->{LIST}[$run_idx][$counter_idx]{NAME},
112 $e->{LIST}[$run_idx][$counter_idx]{COUNT};
115 $dbh->do($sql, undef, @values);
117 $dbh->commit();
120 sub get_host_id {
121 my ($dbh)= @_;
123 my $hostname= Sys::Hostname::hostname();
125 my $os= qx{uname -o};
126 chomp($os);
127 my $kernel= qx{uname -r};
128 chomp($kernel);
129 my $arch= qx{uname -m};
130 chomp($arch);
131 my $cpu_name= "<unknown>";
132 my $cpu_mhz= "<unknown>";
133 if (open(FH, '<', '/proc/cpuinfo'))
135 while (<FH>)
137 $cpu_name= $1 if /^model name\s* : (.*)$/;
138 $cpu_mhz= $1 if /^cpu MHz\s* : (.*)$/;
139 # For multicore we will get multiple hits, but it doesn't really matter.
141 close FH;
144 my $sql= <<SQL;
145 SELECT id
146 FROM perf_host
147 WHERE hostname = ? AND os = ? AND kernel = ? AND arch = ? AND cpu_name = ? AND cpu_mhz = ?
149 my $res= $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, undef,
150 $hostname, $os, $kernel, $arch, $cpu_name, $cpu_mhz);
151 return $res->[0][0] if ($res && @$res);
153 # Not there already, so need to insert a new one.
154 $sql= <<SQL;
155 INSERT INTO perf_host (hostname, os, kernel, arch, cpu_name, cpu_mhz)
156 VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
158 $dbh->do($sql, undef, $hostname, $os, $kernel, $arch, $cpu_name, $cpu_mhz);
159 #my $shost_id= $dbh->{mysql_inserid};
160 my $host_id= $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()")->[0][0];
161 return $host_id;
164 sub get_git_rev {
165 my $rev= qx{git-rev-list HEAD^..HEAD};
166 if ($rev)
168 chomp($rev);
170 # Check for local uncommitted modifications.
171 system("git-diff", "--quiet");
172 $rev= "* ". $rev if $?;
174 return $rev;
176 else
178 return "<Unknown>";
182 sub get_suite_run_id {
183 my ($dbh)= @_;
185 my $host_id= get_host_id($dbh);
186 my $git_rev= get_git_rev();
187 $dbh->do("INSERT INTO perf_suite_run(dt, code_rev, host_id) VALUES (NOW(), ?, ?)",
188 undef, $git_rev, $host_id);
189 #my $suite_run_id= $dbh->{mysql_inserid};
190 my $suite_run_id= $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()")->[0][0];
191 return $suite_run_id;
195 my ($host, $user, $pass)= @ARGV;
197 my $dbh= DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=beedb;host=$host", $user, $pass,
198 { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 });
200 my $test_list= [glob('*.t')];
202 exit 0 unless @$test_list;
204 my $suite_run_id= get_suite_run_id($dbh);
206 for my $test (@$test_list)
208 my $test_major= substr($test, 0, -2);
210 open CHILD, "./$test|"
211 or die "Failed to spawn child '$test': $!\n";
212 print "Running test '$test'...\n";
213 parse_output(\*CHILD, sub { insert_in_db($dbh, $_[0], $suite_run_id, 'bitcopy'); });
214 close CHILD;
217 $dbh->disconnect();