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7 <updatetime type="date">11.09.2012 17:55:22 CDT</updatetime>
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11 <registrant>blog.hangerhead.com</registrant>
12 <pname>Ninja Blocks</pname>
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15 <body><p>From the home page, "Ninja Blocks is a hardware and web-service platform that lets you control and build apps that talk to connected devices."</p>
16 <p>The about page adds:<br />
17 Ninja Blocks are tiny cloud enabled computers that can sense their environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors & can affect their surroundings by controlling lights, power sockets, and other actuators.
19 At the heart of Ninja Blocks is an Open Hardware philosophy that makes our
20 electronics schematics, case designs and source code available to developers and students so that they can learn from them and submit suggestions and modifications.
23 <homepage>http://ninjablocks.com/</homepage>
24 <render_skin>project</render_skin>
25 <shortdesc>Sense and control your environment with open hardware Ninja Blocks!</shortdesc>
26 <rssfeed>http://ninjablocks.com/feed/</rssfeed>