Updated google plusone and facebook like buttons
[beagleboard.org.git] / install.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
2 # Invoke as beagleboard.org/install.sh (from one directory up).
3 # It is assumed you have already run the following command to fetch code:
4 # git clone http://www.beagleboard.org/beagleboard.org.git/ beagleboard.org
5 #
6 [ -d beagleboard.org ] || (echo "Run one directory above beagleboard.org" && exit -1)
7 [ -e helma-1.6.1.tar.gz ] || wget http://adele.helma.org/download/helma/1.6.1/helma-1.6.1.tar.gz
8 [ -e helma-1.6.1 ] || tar xvzf helma-1.6.1.tar.gz
9 cd helma-1.6.1
10 cd apps
11 [ -e beagle ] || ln -s ../../beagleboard.org beagle
12 cd ..
13 [ -f apps.properties ] && mv apps.properties apps.properties.original
14 [ -L apps.properties ] || ln -s apps/beagle/config/apps.properties
15 cd lib
16 mv ext ext.original
17 [ -e rhino.jar ] && mv rhino.jar rhino.jar.original
18 [ -L ext ] || ln -s ../apps/beagle/lib ext
19 cd ..
20 [ -d db ] || mkdir db
21 cd db
22 [ -L beagle ] || ln -s ../apps/beagle/db beagle
23 cd ..
24 cd scripts
25 [ -L beagle ] || ln -s ../apps/beagle/scripts beagle
26 cd ..
27 cd ..