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7 <updatetime type="date">23.02.2014 20:37:04 CST</updatetime>
9 <time type="date">23.02.2014 20:37:04 CST</time>
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11 <registrant>ybeagle@rehut.com</registrant>
12 <pname>Wearable device using the Beagle Bone boards</pname>
13 <user>ybeagle@rehut.com</user>
14 <pvcount type="float">7.0</pvcount>
15 <categories>cape,case,demo</categories>
16 <body><p>A wearable computer based around the Beagle Bone with built in inertial navigation sensor with a integrated display and a self contained power source. Targeted capability include a voice command, location awareness, optional internet connectivity, video/image capture, and wireless sensor interfacing. Features will leverage as much of the SoC on the Beagle Bone as possible using a minimal hardware addition.</p>
17 <p>This project will encompass both hardware additions and software.</p></body>
19 <homepage>http://www.hy-research.com/be-wear.html</homepage>
20 <render_skin>project</render_skin>
21 <shortdesc>Wearable computer based on the Beagle Bone.</shortdesc>